the book is huge!, mostly pictures, so i can understand it...
the people live in mud-domes.
some of th customs are so jewish it makes me wonder...
library 967.627 card#79-19232 isbn 0-8109-1303-8 1980 harry n. abrams, inc. printed and bound in japan photos by carol beckwith text by tepilit ole saitoti
Hymn to Isis For I am the first and the last I am the venerated and the despised I am the prostitute and the saint I am the wife and the virgin I am the mother and the daughter I am the arms of my mother I am barren and my children are many I am the married woman and the spinster I am the woman who gives birth and she who never procreated I am the consulation for the pain of birth I am the wife and the husband And it was my man who created me I am the mother of my father I am the sister of my husband And he is my rejected son Always respect me For I am the shameful and the magnificent one
-Hymn to Isis, third or forth BC, discovered in Nag Hammadi
WWJD. Save Christ' Mass? Are you "open" on religious holidays? Wally World is. Those happy Romans really knew what they were doing when they assimilated this hol(y)day. PEACE
about me: my name is pi_ret89 , girl and proud of it. im beautiful, my teeth are wacky, but i can hide that, i carry blades, (incase you males want a short-cut) so yeah, highschool wasnt for nothing.
people can be differrent, they just need a change, thats kind of one reason why im doing this. things are going bad here, even the buss driver told me no drugs and alcohol on board unless i shared it with him. i know people can be differrent, i believe that, i think re-tribe circles in on that.
my target area (for now) is northern areas of lousianna, there is certain other attractions that draw me to this area, but now im pretty RET in my thinking. and plenty of ret-related projects are here, old-fashion or what-ever they want to call it. i see it as somthing more, but thats my buisness.
email me: if you are ever in this area, or, al-ready are.
- comment about 'edible communities' and 'G.R.U.B.'programs, start a chapter in 'your-area'. using? related helpers:flower-shops,seed-savers,garden-clubs,4-Hmembers, any creature that knows how to save seeds and water for winter. (look4such people, be-won.)
svi608pp.txt - - - - v6-23-08 economy-colapse (no-gas) -----All the stored seed, fancy heirloom varieties in the world will not feed your people if you're not educated and experienced in gardening in your area. The spot of your refuge may have a very different microclimate than where you live now. Use that brain; you must absolutely get "Hands on" experience growing that food in sufficient quality/quantity to do the job now, not later. Later is too late. I promise you that growing beans or tomatoes at sea level here in Olympia, Washington. Is very different than at 3,000 feet of elevation in intermountain Idaho. Own hardcopy books on this subject stored at the retreat, the Internet will be down and memory may not serve.
Now to the "must know/must have" list for garden food: Seed; only varieties that your family will eat, that fit your microclimate, degree days, and total growing season. Find out what these terms mean. Opt for open pollinated ["heirloom'], stay away from exotics and hybrids. Learn how to save seed. Prep; new garden soil will rarely produce well without changing its chemistry, adding organic matter, or adding structure. Gardens need a lot of water. Figure how to gravity feed irrigate unless you can store a lot of fuel for the generator. All this must be done ahead of time before the real need arises. Put back extra Dolomite. Find and store manures and other organic materials. Store extra garden tools. Start; Many "bug out" areas have climate challenges for gardeners; consider cold frames and other season extenders. Get these in place ahead of time, plastic row covers, fiberglass panels and the like may be hard to find later. You must get in tune with your local growing season and this takes practice. What would happen to your family if your garden frosted out and you had planted all the seed you had stored? Always hold some seed back. Some areas frost every month so get educated and prepare a defense. Store; Once you've grown it, defended the crop from rabbits, deer, etc. you're not done yet. Eat all you can yes, process the rest. Family food consumption lists are available or you can estimate what each person will eat per week then add it all up. Add some more for charity or refugees. This represents a lot of quart jars, rings, lids, and other supplies for just a small family for a year. What if the situation lasts longer? Consider dehydration for some foodstuffs, pickling or salting for others and of course all this needs practice before need too. The root cellar seems to be a forgotten art but works well as does leaving root crops in the ground to be dug when needed. They must be covered to protect against freezing and rot. Perennials need a mention here also. Berries, rhubarb, sunchokes, and fruit/nut trees can be planted and will just be waiting for you. Plant more than you can use as folk that have been eating groats for the last two months will make amazing trades for fresh fruit. Food growing augments the bulk grains and beans you own and makes for a better all around diet than all those freeze dried packages in the closet the last 10 years. As with any food program just make sure what you grow and store is what your family will eat. If all this seems like too much work, it is; what is the plan "B"? P.S.: We live on the west side of Washington State and just experienced a huge storm, [which resulted in] more than a week without power for many people in the region. Attitudes went downhill fast. Any major disruption would be much worse, so this is a real wake up call. - Bill K.
----If you have any ground that is swampy from spring to fall on your property ("wetlands" in the modern politically correct parlance), consider planting domesticated wild rice in those areas. Technically "wild rice" isn't really rice at all, since it is in the grass genus (Zirzania) rather than the rice genus (Oryza.) Like other grain growing, planting wild rice will also attract waterfowl and other birds, which can be a mixed blessing. So consider a shotgun and beau coup shotgun shells to be part of your assortment grain growing essential tools.
Sprouting: To get the maximum nutrition from the grain that you raise, you should plan to sprout the majority of it. For some details on sprouting, see the article "Wheat Sprouts and Wheatgrass as Survival Foods", by SF in Hawaii. It is one the writing contest winners posted at the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest page. Lay in supplies for sprouting and practice the art of sprouting before the balloon goes up!
Practice, practice, practice!: As with any other newly acquired skill, grain raising, harvesting, storage, milling, and sprouting will take practice. Develop your expertise now, when any mistakes will be merely humorous blunders rather than potentially life-threatening disasters.
---Semi-rural and rural families have the possibility of long term survival with adequate preparedness. 1. Everything starts with planning. The first of every year should be list of what is needed for survival. If you're just starting. Then a list for three to six months is a good starting place. After that long term projects and items are included in subsequent lists. Every year I make a list of at least twenty-five goals in the area of survival to accomplish. Every hour of actual preparedness should be directly related to an equal time in study and planning. A good survival library is a must. 2. Study and research into the field of Survival will become your second job. This is serious study and not just reading internet blogs. Several months ago I was annoyed by a lady that was asking questions on an internet site that revealed that she had only an elementary school level of knowledge of first aid and was totally clueless about nuclear fallout. Yet she had found time to post over 850 entries over the last six months, but not had bothered to do even the most basic reading. 3. Your bug out bag should be in your car and contain what is needed to get home if the roads are gridlocked and you have to walk. Your home should be your survival outpost. The last thing you should become is a fleeing refugee being herded into a government refugee camp. 4. Develop an operation plan that details what each family member is expected for them to do during the first 72 hours of a situation. Different tasks for different situations. This will keep a focus on accomplishing necessary tasks that will make the difference between a family's survival or succumbing to the disaster. 5. Prepare for those that are welcome to hunker-down with you. This is the worse part; you must give a warning in uncompromising language that others must come prepared to your gate. Recently my best friend from childhood observered one of my many storage shelves and exclaimed, "Why should I prepare, I'm coming to stay with you if anything happens". Sadly I had to inform him if he showed at the gate with nothing but his appetite, he would be turned away. He asked if our lifelong friendship didn't mean anything. I simply replied, "Which one of my children goes hungry, so that I can feed you?" 6. Do include those that you know well that are willing to make the commitment to actively contribute and not be a burden to your family's survival. Two other families will join us in their campers and they have already stored their year's supply of dehydrated food in our basement. Besides, you will always need the additional firepower in an unpleasant situation.
Summary: Preparedness is an ongoing lifestyle. Survivors usually survive by hunkering-down in place, well prepared and mentally conditioned. The secret is to maintain a well prepared and strongly defended low profile habitat and keep your wits while other are losing their's.
Product Review - RAD-60 Personal Dosimeter from Finland |Main| Jim's Quote of the Day:
Thursday December 14 2006 Letter Re: Property Owning "Refugees" on Adjoining Property --- JWR Replies: You are correct that most owners of vacation property have the idea kicking around in a dusty corner of their mind that they could use that property as a retreat in the event of an emergency. If we enter an era of deep drama, the legal status of "squatters" versus deeded landholders will be worlds apart: Squatters could and probably will be forced from public or private holdings by your local sheriff's department or by the BLM or US Forest Service. But for those that occupy land that they legally own--regardless of how poorly provisioned they are--there would be no recourse for the sheriff's deputies unless or until the newcomers actually started committing thefts or robberies. This is one of the reasons that I place strong emphasis on A.) Storing extra to dispense in charity, and B.) Getting to know all of your neighbors. The latter includes making the effort to introduce yourself to absentee owners that are only there seasonally. (Or, "deer seasonally"--as is the case of one of ours that that has an undeveloped parcel just three miles away. (That is considered practically "next door" )
my comment:question authority? JWR shows leen toward 'legal'. i hope it holds. but moments of 'free-for-all' happen! tho i need to heed JWR.i still plan-camps by A1:place no-won knows. A2:places for friends. A3:places for new no-location NEEDs to be 'legal' just helps if it were..its a what is..what wont...what always shood-be. and 'be prepared'--
Jarr-608.txt v6-24-08.8am..methods of preserving... in jars? recomends lining a 6-gal. buket with a plastic-bag...then filling it with grain...tapping the buket to settle-out the air-pockets, then seal the bag in the oxygen and moisture abosrbers on top, then sealing the bucket...this will keep for 10 years. ---- oxygen-absorbers:OA.:can be paper-envelopes of powdered-iron...anything that eats oxygen. moisture-absorbers:MA.:one-half--cup of silica-gel granules is enuff to keep the buket dry...OR? one-cup of very-dry dirt..anything that eats moisture. fibers...saw-dust...toilet-paper? ---- silica-gel is obtainable from flower-shops, cat-liter, and piano-stores. ---- about jarr-ring: Jarr-ring: Every Bug can Tell the importance of Jarr-ing. Bees do-it, Wasps the message? Jarr-ing:Lack of oxygen,moisture,no air,no water. ---- basics: any container that can be made air-tite: ceramic jars figurines...pots..pipe..mason-jars..flower-pots...plastic-containers... glass-jars go hi on the survivalist barter-list...not to portable...but... the sun wont crack them... look for 'junk' and chance are you find 'somthing' that wood make a good air-tite container ---- Alas! clay-deposits may-B all one has in the near-future. so stock-up. the idea is to fill-up every-container. with anything you want kept: food...seeds...guns...papers...favorite a fire-proof and people-proof area...or where they wont look:in the ground. ---- patch the holes with if you got an air-tite are some methods to keep that its insides dry...and...low-in-oxygen: ---- desiccant-paks from food-venders, o2-paks remove oxygen...usualy powdered-iron in a paper-paket. h2o-paks: remove moisture: usualy silicon-gel. sources:pill-capsules, cat-liter, piano-stores have it free by the bag...flower-shops sale-it. make your own? silica-qwartz is the most abundant mineral on earth. next to alumina.m. ---- other examples of Jarr-ing: ----archaeology: common items found: clay, in clay, jewels, wood! buried in ash. charcoal.seeds...still sprout.----volcano-eruptions:trees blown into the water, sink into mud or oxygen..sealed.!..preserved...trees not-blown into water...surrounded by thick gas..(no oxygen) and heat...instant petrification, living-things...become stone.----fossils: creatures in tar-pits. tar=charcoal. tar=anything that was-living. now condensed.(settled-state).compost.pete. no-oxygen,gas-making----construction: fence-posts painted with tar...paint...charcoal and linseed-oil (try soy-bean-oil) makes a fine muck-paint for slaping on wood to preseve it underground....books:farm-gides...camping-manuels...homesteading. -- animal. vegetable.mineral....if allowed to settle over time...condense? under water.(no air.) becomes useful-goop! sealant.pete-clay.hi.C+H. above water.(.air!.) becomes compost..charcoal..hi.concentrates of.C. paper. coal for feul. filters for water+air. ---no end- other re-lated ideas:'dis-place' the air with a one scoop of dry-ice and seal the bucket. other ways:flood container with methane-gas..propane...carbonated? breeth-into a plastic milk-jug untill the air is 'spent' now have a container full of carbon-dioxide.(gas?) to flood Jarr-ring containers with..----method2:'remove' the oxygen: place grain in vaccuum-packed bags...----method3:'eat'the oxygen:light a candle oR put a mouse in the bucket and seal-it...soon all oxygen will be 'spent'.
---- why remove oxygen?:worms and no-see-um cant live in a no-oxygen place. exceptions:seeds kept for planting shood HAVE air...but kept and beans! NOT store well if too-dry. difficult to soak. ---- just 'dry dirt' and ash packed over seeds in a bucket works well to! -no end-
dhu6-08.txt from 8-06\8 found on 6-24-08 for print...from dhu7-06a.txt z259 This still can also bring you food! Since water under the plastic will attract snakes and small games which will crawl under the still cone but can not go out. tube-straw Drink from the bottom bucket without having to remove it and stopping the recuperation. OTHER WAYS TO FIND WATER: z260 EXPERIENCE WITH A OIL LAMP -damp power? 1! At night, dig a hole 2 feet deep, cover the bottom with very dry wood and place an oil lamp which has very little oil (just so the wick is imbibed, light it up and place it on the wood floor. Cover up the hole with branches and wait till morning to see if your oil lamp is still burning. If so, then there is water at a certain depth. Dig and you shall find it. Why is that? z261 Because the dampness of the under water sheet increases the air condensation furnishing more oxygen and thus, makes the oil last longer which keeps the flame to your oil lamp. If however it has died, then there is a lack of dampness. The oil alone has not sufficed for the night's duration having burned faster than the air which was too dry. WATER FROM A LANTERN z262 If no other means, any metal container and lighted lantern may be used to obtain water. Remove one end of the container and submerge the closed end in a foot or more of salt water. Place the lighted lantern inside the container on the bottom. Cover the open top, allowing only enough air to enter to keep the lantern burning. The heat will cause moisture to form on the inside container. This can be soaked up with a rag and squeezed into a cup. EXPERIENCE WITH A WOOL BALL z263 do as for the oil lamp but replace it by a wool ball. Put a very dry wool ball on the dry wood and cover the hole. The following morning, look at your ball and press it strongly, the quantity of water will tell you if its worth digging. RAIN WATER z264 Always safe to drink and easy to collect with any tarp, but unfortunately there are three exceptions. A chemical, atomic or bacteriological warfare would render this water unsafe unless filtered and boiled. Man has created its own worst problems.
WATER IN COLD CLIMATE z265 Clean snow can be eaten any time one is thirsty. not to much at once. eating snow when extremely cold has the tendency to dehydrate the body and provoke chill. Let it melt slowly into your mouth in small quantity. wilderness ice cream: milk sugar flavor such as chocolate and stir in light snow till taste and texture are. BODY WATER PRESERVATION z281 on the other side. make what you drink last. You must not sweat. Your body exits heat either by evaporation or sweating. As soon as the body fluid volume lowers, sweating diminishes, the body temperature rises and you exhaust quickly. 6 degrees increase in your normal body temperature is of lethal consequences. Even though you seem to be less hot when you remove clothing; you also quickly lose your organic fluid that way. If you stay clothed; you will prevent the heat to penetrate and this will also slow down the evaporation. z282 YOU MUST BOTH DRINK AND AVOID SWEATING TO AVOID DEHYDRATION. a man spends 3,000 calories a day and suvvive on 500 calories per day without bad effects on his organism. z283 in condition of great fatigue or cold exposure, one has to eat more to maintain his body temperature. Water is more than food. (2 cups per day minimum. Once exposed to desert heat, one needs a minimum of 3.8 litres (1 gallon) of water per day. to cover 30km (18.64 miles) as long as the sweating is well-controlled and the moving is done at night. During the day, it would give you 15km (9.32 miles) WHAT TO DO IF WATER IS SCARCE z284 drink as much as we reasonably can before quitting the sourceoof supply. Fill up before abandoning ship. If in dry country; drink a lot while and just before leaving the water hole . 1! water comes first. z285 We repeat that an unbelievable amount of water is exuded 1! through the skin's pores and the rate of perspiration is markedly increased both by heat and by exertion. The need for water intake can be much lessened by your keeping as quiet as possible and as comfortably cool as one can. z286 Keeping the clothing wet will help at sea in hot weather although it should be rinsed in the latter part of the afternoon to prevent collecting too much salt. Allow to dry out before evening if the nights are chilly. z287 If in desert without sufficient water stay as relaxed and cool as possible. Travel at dusk, night and dawn. If on flat shelterless desert, scoop a narrow pit to lie in while the sun is blaring down. z288 The 2! utmost shade will be obtained if this trench extends East and West. Two or 3 feet of depth can result in as much as 30 degree or more difference in temperature between its shadowy bottom and ground level. z289 leave some sign of your presence in case help passes near by. a shirt.
WHEN WATER IS REPLENISHED z290 When water has missed for a long while, you MUST NOT DRINK A GREAT DEAL AT ONCE; once you find it. It will cause nausea beside the body will not retain it, thus wasting much of it later.
MISCELLANEOUS TIPS: WATER FROM AN OLD HAND PUMP z291 Many have seen those old water hand pumps but few REMEMBER how to pump. water must be added to the upper cup at the base of the crank. The reason: The addition of a cup or two of water will create the suction needed to pump the water. If you don't you will pump air and think it dry. Every morning or after a couple days without use, this same process must be repeated in order to 1! create the vacuum. So better leave a jug nearby which contains enough water to get the machine going. -this file continues on dhu7-06b.txt,, z97 india.htm: 'The WaterMaker -tm: extracts pure water from the atmosphere and processes the water to a clear, drinkable condition.' + cell solar-power? marine.htm: Marine Dehumidifier Dryers, heat-pipe principle -is 1-6.htm wiki.htm -wikipedia def links how alt rel, for: Atmospheric water generator (AWG), WaterMaker (WM), Air to Water Harvest (A2WH) or Water Air Extraction Device (WAED) is a machine that produces pure drinking water from the humidity of the air around. An AWG operates in a manner very similar to that of a refrigerative dehumidifer: air is passed through a cooled coil, causing water to condense. The amount of water depends on the humidity, the volume of air passing through the coils, and the size of the machine. 120/500/250 litres per day -see pics! 2! z102An AWG uses refrigeration techniques optimized to condense water from air. Blower driven air is drawn into the system through an electrostatic filter. In the machine's exterior housing, a compressor circulates refrigerant through a coil array located in the path of the air providing a temperature differential between the air and coil surface, resulting in condensation. z103The condensation is funneled into a holding tank. A level switch in the holding tank controls the water making cycle. Water is pump circulated in an ozone generating UV light chamber to kill bacteria and then through high and low density charcoal filters to remove solids and oxygenates. It is finally collected back in the holding tank. The water filtration cycle is both flow and time controlled. Water is dispensed by tap valve diversion. oxygen kills germs to, -bubble the water or shake. store in terra-cotta egg-shapes and or use vortex-motion to preserve energize or funnel-siphon contaminates to center and expel out.Considerations z104 AWGs with 120/500/250 litres per day capacity, Needs no water source. Generates 20 litres to unlimited quantity in 24 hours. Is designed for maximum cost efficiency. Contains no harmful minerals or chemicals. Can be powered by solar energy. The cost effectiveness of an atmospheric water generator depends on the capacity of the machine as well as on humidity and temperature conditions. z105 models can operate on electrical power, solar power or with oil fired generators. Low humidity conditions are a challenge. The system will not produce water or may produce very less water during the day in the desert or in very hot climates due to less humidity. will produce water at night due to dew point factor. The machine will trip off when humidity goes below 35RH. z106 Water stays fresh due to continuous filtration process governed by a timer.
scarsly remember large dew-information readmr3?containg brief clip of water-in-dessert? tricksa lamp with near no-feul kept itself litby placeing it in a damp hole and setting burnerto low...somehow the night-air-moisture becamethe feul and the feul(kerosene?) acted merelyas a catalyst to aid xfer of moisture to flame..creating an extreemly absorbant (flamable) passage. for the moisture to travel in...thisis just an observance...but relate it to howa drop of water over a gas-stove will makethe flame suddenly flare-up (white) and gethotter briefly...before re-verting to what water usualy does:putting fires out, not makingthem hotter. compare this concept with all thisnon-sense talk of getting your car to run on water.. in a water-feul-mixture...and... i begin to seesome simple truths, behind the errors...thatmay be helpful knowledge to a survivalist ina post-teotwawki life-style.consider the drip-drip of oil over a brickto keep the brick 'on-fire' as a related concept.
Conducting Chlorophyll Energy over Wires - KeelyNet 03/25/02 -- by Dr. T. Galen Hieronymous -- -- From _Journal Of Borderland Research_ - Sep/Oct 1990, page 22. -- -- About 1930, I decided to try an experiment of conducting --Chlorophyll Energy over wires. I had been conducting Eloptic --Energy over long distance via wire. -- A wood platform was installed on the south side of the house --about six feet above the ground in order to get the desired --potential of energy which increases with distance above the --ground. -- --__ --Having some wooden cigar boxes available, I cut boxes apart --and cut pieces and made eight boxes that were 2" X 2" X 4" --although any size boxes will work. -- Aluminum foil was placed on the bottom of seven boxes inside --so as to be in contact with the soil. -- Similar pieces of foil were placed on the underside of the --lid of each box. -- Wires were connected to each piece of foil, the wires from --the lids were extended to the sun plates, the wires from the --bottom foils were connected to the water pipe and thus --grounded. -- See Figure #2 (on the right) for details of the box --construction. -- Refer to Figure #1 which shows a 'side' view of the --installation. -- __ -- Figure #3 shows the system of connections. -- __ -- -- Seven plates were placed on the platform so as to pick up --energy from the sun and a wire was connected to each plate and --extended down into the basement, each box having the top foil --plate connected via wire to a plate out on the platform in the --sunlight. The eighth box had no connection to the outside, it --being the 'control'. -- The plates on the platform were all different in size. The --smallest was 2" X 4", the next 4" X 8", the largest was about --8" X 10" and one plate was copper screen wire. -- Some dirt was screened and 1/2 inch of dirt placed in each --box. Oat seeds were selected, all of uniform size and planted --in two rows of 5 seeds spaced in each row, the 1/2" of dirt --was placed on top in the box. The same amount of water was --added to each box as needed from day to day. -- All of the seeds sprouted about the same time. Then we --noticed that there was no chlorophyll in the 10 plants in the --control box. All of the boxes connected to outside plates had --plants with much chlorophyll. -- We were quite surprised to note that the plants in boxes with --large outside plates seemed to look as if they had been --subjected to heat. Apparently the large outside plates were --bringing in an excess of energy compared with the effect of --the small size outside plates. -- Very soon, the plants grew too tall for the small amount of --'head room' in the boxes so each box was equipped with a --spacer to raise the top of each lid up about 3/4". -- The boxes were placed on a shelf in the end of the basement --where there was little light, with no windows at that end. --Also, the shelf was kept dark by a board placed in front and --another on top to exclude all light. The plants were dark all --of the time except when they were examined by a flashlight. -- A friend tried to duplicate the experiment, but did not --follow all instructions. Their basement was only about 3 feet --from the basement floor to the ground level outside. -- Instead of placing the outside plates above ground 6 feet, --they laid on the ground, thus they did not have the potential --differences between outside collector and inside boxes and the --experiment was a failure. Also, there was a window near that --let much light into where the boxes were placed. -- Anyone who expects to duplicate an experiment should be sure --they know all the factors and that they follow the --instructions exactly without any substitution or change. And --as to changes, if you are trying to get a special result and --are trying out several methods or ideas, one of the cardinal --points to doing good work is to make just one change at a --time. -- Then you know just what the results are. If you make two --changes and the result is a failure, you do not know but that --one of the changes and the results is a failure, you do not --know but that one of the changes may have been alright. -- __ -- -- If you found this file useful or interesting, please consider a donation --or _ a purchase_ to help keep KeelyNet online and providing free --information. Even a dollar will help though PayPal gets 33 cents of it.. --... Others sell it, we prefer to share it, thanks!
ask-6-08.txt- - - - ask! prinnt last part and live-it! -- locate whole-sale ethnic food-stores road-side stands... they wood be more willing to barter with you than a wally-mart. make those contacts 'NOW' so they can be there when wally-mart colapses and-or tryies to camera-you for other purposes.. eg.saling your personal infomation...purchases, appearances. to the highest bidders...corporations,private-buisnesses(gangs). --vitamin-c! any-form you can find it: drinks.dried-fruit.teas.take-it! salt:worth its wayt in gold...endless uses. iodine you need to recover from radiation seeds for the future! planting non-hybrid open-polinators. merging companies means they will soon be under one-controler. (so get all you can),Barley:for beer-barter alcohol-uses? and barley-straw(bundles keep bugs out of ponds) --kiefer-seeds: substitute for making cheese. soy-beans:are no-good for humans...a fermeted? soy-sauce? has enuff toxins strained-removed to be useful for eating. try (learn homemade methods) twenty-amino-acids make up life-as-we-know-it. they are like the 26-letters of the alphabet...the make all our library-books possible...origin unknown -- LYE:sodium-hydroxide..very hard to find in united-states...try homemade?b2b, H202:water with extra-oxygen, bleach(many survival-uses)(Dry Calcium Hypochlorite {sold as "pool shock" bleach) stores much better than liquid bleach but requires mixing),soap,canning-lids(priceless) all the jars and empty food cans,jars,ceramic,glass,tin,metal you can find, also scrap-metals can be traded for food. pennies=zinc nickles=nickel -- caveman chemistry by kevin m dunn. homemade?:turm-touring stove german-made. food-grade buckets from bakery throw-out and resturants, collect used oils (any type) even rancid has uses...get edible fats and oils for your diet and larder...the 'long' winter begins this-summer. have month of rice-beans-salt bullits bob-bag ready. -- google:info links craigslist aarclub opsec --grocery-list?:gospel seeds salt one-moon-beans-rice barley hops yeast flash-lights canning-lids veg-oils fats worms gun-man wine-maker cat-litter(silica-gel?clay?carbon?dessicants)nno additives ceramic-filters vit.c(any-form) bukts-bak-of-bakerys best barter items: ooi:orderd by importance: -end- things to do at lib 6-19-08: google:yuba foothills california local-links google:lactose fermentation process ...pickling vinegar? alcohol still how-to insulin amino-acids ---- warnings: watchman watch! eXpect xfrs2blkd. dont-make areas HOT by piking up noticiblz or senta-mentls...stay out of car-phone-reach. 5min = troops gangs bind-you instant prison! no-man-will-buy-you. value you freedom:watch the feed:what enters mouth, what goes out. move-like your one camera, motion detectors:lost entire montanas! spread-wisely places: A1:self knows only,A2:friends, A3:new friends, attacks:go for eyes-cover and breather. change signatures. no agreements. dont talk...its just a distraction. no vent. decoys. alibies. dont correct small things if time allows bigger things. schindlers jews:1100 relisted and bought. to survive holocaust. i cood have gotten more. just one more. ring: he who saves one life... saves a world. bunker-down NOW: bob-bag:4days supplys redy2go!.. to forewording-base:4weeks supply... stashspots? trail to master-larders:4years supply. kill horses...bury meat...1 person will eat 7...before first-4-years is realized. beware:'powers that be' may have plan to keep in position after disaster. after a total societial-colapse...(end of world as we know it:teotwawki) enuff to plan-executions ahead to graduate into this new-world-order... new-world-order:500-million souls will live. (think california times ten) no-crude?:meenz one-half the items presently in stores within 2-years. when gas-prices get to 6$ pensions disappear, bank-runs will begin. -end of warnings. now go barter top-barter items: note the locations and people during your trading, cuz your own values eg:big-sword will not save you from their values eg:davids a-sling. gospel WATER SEEDS SALT booze knives darts smokes guns medical:vet-iodine and grain-alcohol(use as barter money medical lamp-feul) bullits(money) scrap-metals(melt) lead precious-metals, pennys(zinc) nickles WORMS(protein) night-vision:eyes ears alarms animals traps wires-barbed flavors:sugars herbs spices batteries darts poisons:methanol,battery-acids,etc blood:rust foot-chains prisons canning-lids jars 'keep' a man who 'spent' time on guns + engines + feul-making (wine?) not my time nor place. if i cant shoot, atleast carry bullits for him. skills:barter your talents for sale: eg.locations, xfers, stash. i will garden, keep water and seed for you, do xfers for stash(barter items) 'make' people place-value on an object,item,ideal,or person. eg.the hunter did not value the land-boy, till word of land-boys treasures. salt oils dog-food cat-dirt(silica-gel desiccants), liquid-desiccants:gasolien? natrural-spin:?ceramics liquiid-oxidizers:?? blood iron+hypoclorite(bleach=hi-oxidizer) rust. clubs (stick-cords) small-weapons, till you get-bak2lardge weapons:rifles i will not put trust in my weapons, but the lord...shields? carry them? spritual reward: to live by the sword, is to also live in fear of it, he that kills by the sword must be killed with the sword.??? four-horseman vit.C canning-lids raw-milk(lactose fermentation process) food-grade buckest (bak of bakery\resturants) dont over-look fats+vegetable-oils + amino-acids for your larder. lard? a month of rice-beans-salt from 6-08\meno-az.txt: they cant 'hear' you anyway. they got money-games to play... meanwhile the land just sits there as if people dont exist at all. atleast the gophers know what to do. they seem to be doing...what we shood be doing...but will we? i aint waiting to find out. - eg.ask people! what wood you buy\trade me if i planted it? collect your black-market contacts. for when american-money will only be worth a bullit in the head.(stockmarket crashed on jan.2008, but as usual, 'catchers' were there to fill the ball with more fake money (from the printer) to keep the american-system running a few-secounds longer)...its called:absolute-control of you, your time. and everything you thut was important. (you shood have bin watching the birds.) its called occupation. keeping you to busy to do what you shood be doing... - as for me...i always tell son-god:''your blood is for my faults. your spirit is for my goings. the day and nite are yours. and you will help me use it.'' - - - - 6 - - spirit: - local-people need2be led to local-water and seed and the cross -NOW- ! all else drops in value(suddenly): hate, love, beleifs, money, sex. (see weeds108.txt) - when you travel, always share th-4: (watr,greens,seed,friends:gods-words),, foothill blvd,,\vortex-tubes,, ftl. always bring-home living-seeds!, get dog-food. local-made?
Defending a Retreat in a Worst Case, and the Jealous Neighbor Factor
The "Mr. and Mrs. Oscar" profile was most interesting. For a lot of us, probably the epitome of "If I had the money, my retreat would be..." On the downside, I would be concerned with:
1. The problem of defending/patrolling the property. A quarter section translates to a full mile of frontier. In a full SHTF situation, I'd want a trustworthy, commo equipped, well-armed loyal soul every 100 yards or so. If those folks put in 12 hour shifts, you'd need about 35 hands for perimeter security. That doesn't take into account the roving patrols on the interior of the compound, nor the rapid response fire team(s). 2. The "jealous neighbor" factor. Human nature being what it is, you can bet that there's a few locals who figure that when the balloon goes up, "Those rich people with that big house should have grub to spare." 3. Every fella who delivers gas, propane and diesel knows all the details of his route. People talk. 4. With all those Class 2 weapons, I'd be concerned about being a bit too high on the radar screen. 5. The problem with "Meeting others of our ilk." is widespread. I wish I had an answer. All in all, a most interesting read. - Hawgtax JWR Replies: The level of security that you describe (35 people!) would only be required if you had a retreat that was close to a city or right on a line of drift and it was an absolute worst case scenario. I think that even in the midst of TEOTWAWKI, having just one or two LP/OPs manned 24/7 and supplemented with intrusion detection sensors (such as a Dakota Alert passive IR system) and some trip flares would be provide sufficient warning to quickly man a defense. Once it is clear to the bad guys that you are on your guard and well armed.(just one burst of semi-auto high power rifle fire would probably be good clue) then looters will go find an softer and more inattentive target elsewhere. ---starvation, gunshot, etc. Any condition less than a true TEOTWAWKI will have had services restored to the level of existing with unpleasant difficulty at least within a few months. 2. Bug out just before TEOTWAWKI: If you haven't prepared a suitable place with lots of supplies stored or fleeing with a convoy of semi's filled with supplies. Then you will become either a refugee or looter. Neither status will be welcome in rural America. 3. Urban residents can prepare for limited disasters or a situation where bugging out will be for a limited time where the government will continue to function.
Semi-rural and rural families have the possibility of long term survival with adequate preparedness. 1. Everything starts with planning. The first of every year should be list of what is needed for survival. If you're just starting. Then a list for three to six months is a good starting place. After that long term projects and items are included in subsequent lists. Every year I make a list of at least twenty-five goals in the area of survival to accomplish. Every hour of actual preparedness should be directly related to an equal time in study and planning. A good survival library is a must. 2. Study and research into the field of Survival will become your second job. This is serious study and not just reading internet blogs. Several months ago I was annoyed by a lady that was asking questions on an internet site that revealed that she had only an elementary school level of knowledge of first aid and was totally clueless about nuclear fallout. Yet she had found time to post over 850 entries over the last six months, but not had bothered to do even the most basic reading. 3. Your bug out bag should be in your car and contain what is needed to get home if the roads are gridlocked and you have to walk. Your home should be your survival outpost. The last thing you should become is a fleeing refugee being herded into a government refugee camp. 4. Develop an operation plan that details what each family member is expected for them to do during the first 72 hours of a situation. Different tasks for different situations. This will keep a focus on accomplishing necessary tasks that will make the difference between a family's survival or succumbing to the disaster. 5. Prepare for those that are welcome to hunker-down with you. This is the worse part; you must give a warning in uncompromising language that others must come prepared to your gate. Recently my best friend from childhood observe red one of my many storage shelves and exclaimed, "Why should I prepare, I'm coming to stay with you if anything happens". Sadly I had to inform him if he showed at the gate with nothing but his appetite, he would be turned away. He asked if our lifelong friendship didn't mean anything. I simply replied, "Which one of my children goes hungry, so that I can feed you?" 6. Do include those that you know well that are willing to make the commitment to actively contribute and not be a burden to your family's survival. Two other families will join us in their campers and they have already stored their year's supply of dehydrated food in our basement. Besides, you will always need the additional firepower in an unpleasant situation.
Summary: Preparedness is an ongoing lifestyle. Survivors usually survive by hunkering-down in place, well prepared and mentally conditioned. The secret is to maintain a well prepared and strongly defended low profile habitat and keep your wits while other are losing their's.----Tuesday December 26 2006 Two Letters Re: Minimum Safe Distance From The Big City for Retreat Locales? paused 28goodc.txt search -no end-
my ret name is olngesher
my metro-area is california,
in north-americas.
i like northern california.
i am very fixed to this area.
but if you can talk
montana washigton idaho
or canada id like to hear
from you. im comfortable with
all those places.
if that fits you, then
but re-t-rib.
'olngesher' is the name
of a ceremony.
from the MAASAi,
a tribe in tanzania,
its th day a warrior
officialy becomes an elder.
the book is huge!,
mostly pictures,
so i can understand it...
the people live in mud-domes.
some of th customs
are so jewish
it makes me wonder...
library 967.627 card#79-19232
isbn 0-8109-1303-8
1980 harry n. abrams, inc.
printed and bound in japan
photos by carol beckwith
text by tepilit ole saitoti
July 03, 2006 7:24 PM
my ret-name is
my target-area is sydney, australia
but i have helpful info on
states nearby if you need it.
my email is:
amish\mennonite people have their own paper,
it works like the internet for them.
kinda helps you know whos where.
and whats going on.
its called 'the budget'
ph. 330 852-4634
p.o. box 249
sugarcreek, oh. 44681
one-year subscription $35.00
one-paper is $1.00 each
ask for...
local-edition: big one for ohio only
national-edition: news from all states.
btw the masai are in kenya.... I live in west africa and i have been to kenya and seen the masai people
September 01, 2006 10:44 AM
Travel to Dubai is a week away-Dec to Jan. Questions or answers to travel with must be relayed or review distant memiors.
Hymn to Isis
For I am the first and the last
I am the venerated and the despised
I am the prostitute and the saint
I am the wife and the virgin
I am the mother and the daughter
I am the arms of my mother
I am barren and my children are many
I am the married woman and the spinster
I am the woman who gives birth and she who never procreated
I am the consulation for the pain of birth
I am the wife and the husband
And it was my man who created me
I am the mother of my father
I am the sister of my husband
And he is my rejected son
Always respect me
For I am the shameful and the magnificent one
-Hymn to Isis, third or forth BC, discovered in Nag Hammadi
WWJD. Save Christ' Mass? Are you "open" on religious holidays? Wally World is. Those happy Romans really knew what they were doing when they assimilated this hol(y)day. PEACE
about me:
my name is pi_ret89 , girl and proud of it.
im beautiful, my teeth are wacky, but i can hide that, i carry blades, (incase you males want a short-cut) so yeah, highschool wasnt for nothing.
people can be differrent, they just need a change,
thats kind of one reason why im doing this.
things are going bad here, even the buss driver told me
no drugs and alcohol on board unless i shared it with him. i know people can be differrent, i believe that, i think re-tribe circles in on that.
my target area (for now) is northern areas of lousianna, there is certain other attractions that draw me to this area, but now im pretty RET in my thinking. and plenty of ret-related projects are here, old-fashion or what-ever they want to call it. i see it as somthing more, but thats my buisness.
email me: if you are ever in this area, or, al-ready are.
google the top 10 sites
visited by teens.
ok..straw-bales arnt in my reach.
but straw-bundles are,
in fact..
bundled-anything will work,
compacted into blocks,
rammed, jammed, and pasted
together with slop.
hey.. survival for now...
we do pretty-pretty later.
condensed anything... is stable..
water and weather-proof..
its home.. away from home.
dont tell me how to build
sec-RET empires.
they start with a smile...
a wicked smile.
- comment about 'edible communities' and 'G.R.U.B.'programs, start a chapter in 'your-area'. using? related helpers:flower-shops,seed-savers,garden-clubs,4-Hmembers, any creature that knows how to save seeds and water for winter. (look4such people, be-won.)
svi608pp.txt - - - - v6-23-08 economy-colapse (no-gas)
-----All the stored seed, fancy heirloom varieties in the world will not feed your people if you're not educated and experienced in gardening in your area. The spot of your refuge may have a very different microclimate than where you live now.
Use that brain; you must absolutely get "Hands on" experience growing that food in sufficient quality/quantity to do the job now, not later. Later is too late. I promise you that growing beans or tomatoes at sea level here in Olympia, Washington. Is very different than at 3,000 feet of elevation in intermountain Idaho.
Own hardcopy books on this subject stored at the retreat, the Internet will be down and memory may not serve.
Now to the "must know/must have" list for garden food:
Seed; only varieties that your family will eat, that fit your microclimate, degree days, and total growing season. Find out what these terms mean. Opt for open pollinated ["heirloom'], stay away from exotics and hybrids. Learn how to save seed.
Prep; new garden soil will rarely produce well without changing its chemistry, adding organic matter, or adding structure. Gardens need a lot of water. Figure how to gravity feed irrigate unless you can store a lot of fuel for the generator. All this must be done ahead of time before the real need arises. Put back extra Dolomite. Find and store manures and other organic materials. Store extra garden tools.
Start; Many "bug out" areas have climate challenges for gardeners; consider cold frames and other season extenders. Get these in place ahead of time, plastic row covers, fiberglass panels and the like may be hard to find later.
You must get in tune with your local growing season and this takes practice. What would happen to your family if your garden frosted out and you had planted all the seed you had stored? Always hold some seed back. Some areas frost every month so get educated and prepare a defense.
Store; Once you've grown it, defended the crop from rabbits, deer, etc. you're not done yet. Eat all you can yes, process the rest. Family food consumption lists are available or you can estimate what each person will eat per week then add it all up. Add some more for charity or refugees. This represents a lot of quart jars, rings, lids, and other supplies for just a small family for a year. What if the situation lasts longer?
Consider dehydration for some foodstuffs, pickling or salting for others and of course all this needs practice before need too. The root cellar seems to be a forgotten art but works well as does leaving root crops in the ground to be dug when needed. They must be covered to protect against freezing and rot.
Perennials need a mention here also. Berries, rhubarb, sunchokes, and fruit/nut trees can be planted and will just be waiting for you. Plant more than you can use as folk that have been eating groats for the last two months will make amazing trades for fresh fruit.
Food growing augments the bulk grains and beans you own and makes for a better all around diet than all those freeze dried packages in the closet the last 10 years. As with any food program just make sure what you grow and store is what your family will eat.
If all this seems like too much work, it is; what is the plan "B"?
P.S.: We live on the west side of Washington State and just experienced a huge storm, [which resulted in] more than a week without power for many people in the region. Attitudes went downhill fast. Any major disruption would be much worse, so this is a real wake up call. - Bill K.
----If you have any ground that is swampy from spring to fall on your property ("wetlands" in the modern politically correct parlance), consider planting domesticated wild rice in those areas. Technically "wild rice" isn't really rice at all, since it is in the grass genus (Zirzania) rather than the rice genus (Oryza.) Like other grain growing, planting wild rice will also attract waterfowl and other birds, which can be a mixed blessing. So consider a shotgun and beau coup shotgun shells to be part of your assortment grain growing essential tools.
Sprouting: To get the maximum nutrition from the grain that you raise, you should plan to sprout the majority of it. For some details on sprouting, see the article "Wheat Sprouts and Wheatgrass as Survival Foods", by SF in Hawaii. It is one the writing contest winners posted at the SurvivalBlog Writing Contest page. Lay in supplies for sprouting and practice the art of sprouting before the balloon goes up!
Practice, practice, practice!: As with any other newly acquired skill, grain raising, harvesting, storage, milling, and sprouting will take practice. Develop your expertise now, when any mistakes will be merely humorous blunders rather than potentially life-threatening disasters.
---Semi-rural and rural families have the possibility of long term survival with adequate preparedness.
1. Everything starts with planning. The first of every year should be list of what is needed for survival. If you're just starting. Then a list for three to six months is a good starting place. After that long term projects and items are included in subsequent lists. Every year I make a list of at least twenty-five goals in the area of survival to accomplish. Every hour of actual preparedness should be directly related to an equal time in study and planning. A good survival library is a must.
2. Study and research into the field of Survival will become your second job. This is serious study and not just reading internet blogs. Several months ago I was annoyed by a lady that was asking questions on an internet site that revealed that she had only an elementary school level of knowledge of first aid and was totally clueless about nuclear fallout. Yet she had found time to post over 850 entries over the last six months, but not had bothered to do even the most basic reading.
3. Your bug out bag should be in your car and contain what is needed to get home if the roads are gridlocked and you have to walk. Your home should be your survival outpost. The last thing you should become is a fleeing refugee being herded into a government refugee camp.
4. Develop an operation plan that details what each family member is expected for them to do during the first 72 hours of a situation. Different tasks for different situations. This will keep a focus on accomplishing necessary tasks that will make the difference between a family's survival or succumbing to the disaster.
5. Prepare for those that are welcome to hunker-down with you. This is the worse part; you must give a warning in uncompromising language that others must come prepared to your gate. Recently my best friend from childhood observered one of my many storage shelves and exclaimed, "Why should I prepare, I'm coming to stay with you if anything happens". Sadly I had to inform him if he showed at the gate with nothing but his appetite, he would be turned away. He asked if our lifelong friendship didn't mean anything. I simply replied, "Which one of my children goes hungry, so that I can feed you?"
6. Do include those that you know well that are willing to make the commitment to actively contribute and not be a burden to your family's survival. Two other families will join us in their campers and they have already stored their year's supply of dehydrated food in our basement. Besides, you will always need the additional firepower in an unpleasant situation.
Summary: Preparedness is an ongoing lifestyle. Survivors usually survive by hunkering-down in place, well prepared and mentally conditioned. The secret is to maintain a well prepared and strongly defended low profile habitat and keep your wits while other are losing their's.
Product Review - RAD-60 Personal Dosimeter from Finland |Main| Jim's Quote of the Day:
Thursday December 14 2006
Letter Re: Property Owning "Refugees" on Adjoining Property
JWR Replies: You are correct that most owners of vacation property have the idea kicking around in a dusty corner of their mind that they could use that property as a retreat in the event of an emergency. If we enter an era of deep drama, the legal status of "squatters" versus deeded landholders will be worlds apart: Squatters could and probably will be forced from public or private holdings by your local sheriff's department or by the BLM or US Forest Service. But for those that occupy land that they legally own--regardless of how poorly provisioned they are--there would be no recourse for the sheriff's deputies unless or until the newcomers actually started committing thefts or robberies. This is one of the reasons that I place strong emphasis on A.) Storing extra to dispense in charity, and B.) Getting to know all of your neighbors. The latter includes making the effort to introduce yourself to absentee owners that are only there seasonally. (Or, "deer seasonally"--as is the case of one of ours that that has an undeveloped parcel just three miles away. (That is considered practically "next door" )
my comment:question authority? JWR shows leen toward 'legal'. i hope it holds. but moments of 'free-for-all' happen! tho i need to heed JWR.i still plan-camps by A1:place no-won knows. A2:places for friends. A3:places for new no-location NEEDs to be 'legal' just helps if it were..its a what is..what wont...what always shood-be.
and 'be prepared'--
-no end-
Jarr-608.txt v6-24-08.8am..methods of preserving... in jars? recomends lining a 6-gal. buket with a plastic-bag...then filling it with grain...tapping the buket to settle-out the air-pockets, then seal the bag in the oxygen and moisture abosrbers on top, then sealing the bucket...this will keep for 10 years.
oxygen-absorbers:OA.:can be paper-envelopes of powdered-iron...anything that eats oxygen. moisture-absorbers:MA.:one-half--cup of silica-gel granules is enuff to keep the buket dry...OR? one-cup of very-dry dirt..anything that eats moisture. fibers...saw-dust...toilet-paper?
silica-gel is obtainable from flower-shops, cat-liter, and piano-stores.
about jarr-ring: Jarr-ring: Every Bug can Tell the importance of Jarr-ing. Bees do-it, Wasps the message? Jarr-ing:Lack of oxygen,moisture,no air,no water.
basics: any container that can be made air-tite: ceramic jars figurines...pots..pipe..mason-jars..flower-pots...plastic-containers... glass-jars go hi on the survivalist barter-list...not to portable...but... the sun wont crack them... look for 'junk' and chance are you find 'somthing' that wood make a good air-tite container
Alas! clay-deposits may-B all one has in the near-future. so stock-up.
the idea is to fill-up every-container. with anything you want kept:
food...seeds...guns...papers...favorite a fire-proof and
people-proof area...or where they wont look:in the ground.
patch the holes with if you got an air-tite are some methods to keep that its insides dry...and...low-in-oxygen:
desiccant-paks from food-venders, o2-paks remove oxygen...usualy powdered-iron in a paper-paket. h2o-paks: remove moisture: usualy silicon-gel. sources:pill-capsules, cat-liter, piano-stores have it free by the bag...flower-shops sale-it. make your own? silica-qwartz is the most abundant mineral on earth. next to alumina.m.
other examples of Jarr-ing:
----archaeology: common items found: clay, in clay, jewels, wood! buried in ash. charcoal.seeds...still sprout.----volcano-eruptions:trees blown into the water, sink into mud or oxygen..sealed.!..preserved...trees not-blown into water...surrounded by thick gas..(no oxygen) and heat...instant petrification, living-things...become stone.----fossils: creatures in tar-pits. tar=charcoal. tar=anything that was-living. now condensed.(settled-state).compost.pete. no-oxygen,gas-making----construction: fence-posts painted with tar...paint...charcoal and linseed-oil (try soy-bean-oil) makes a fine muck-paint for slaping on wood to preseve it underground....books:farm-gides...camping-manuels...homesteading.
animal. vegetable.mineral....if allowed to settle over time...condense?
under water.(no air.) becomes useful-goop! sealant.pete-clay.hi.C+H.
above water.(.air!.) becomes compost..charcoal..hi.concentrates of.C. paper. coal for feul. filters for water+air.
---no end-
other re-lated ideas:'dis-place' the air with a one scoop of dry-ice and seal the bucket. other ways:flood container with methane-gas..propane...carbonated? breeth-into a plastic milk-jug untill the air is 'spent' now have a container full of carbon-dioxide.(gas?) to flood Jarr-ring containers with..----method2:'remove' the oxygen: place grain in vaccuum-packed bags...----method3:'eat'the oxygen:light a candle oR put a mouse in the bucket and seal-it...soon all oxygen will be 'spent'.
why remove oxygen?:worms and no-see-um cant live in a no-oxygen place.
exceptions:seeds kept for planting shood HAVE air...but kept
and beans! NOT store well if too-dry. difficult to soak.
just 'dry dirt' and ash packed over seeds
in a bucket works well to!
-no end-
dhu6-08.txt from 8-06\8 found on 6-24-08 for print...from dhu7-06a.txt
z259 This still can also bring you food! Since water under the plastic will attract snakes and small games which will crawl under the still cone but can not go out. tube-straw Drink from the bottom bucket without having to remove it and stopping the recuperation.
z260 EXPERIENCE WITH A OIL LAMP -damp power? 1!
At night, dig a hole 2 feet deep, cover the bottom with very dry wood and place an oil lamp which has very little oil (just so the wick is imbibed, light it up and place it on the wood floor.
Cover up the hole with branches and wait till morning to see if your oil lamp is still burning. If so, then there is water at a certain depth. Dig and you shall find it. Why is that?
z261 Because the dampness of the under water sheet increases the air condensation furnishing more oxygen and thus, makes the oil last longer which keeps the flame to your oil lamp. If however it has died, then there is a lack of dampness. The oil alone has not sufficed for the night's duration having burned faster than the air which was too dry.
WATER FROM A LANTERN z262 If no other means, any metal container and lighted lantern may be used to obtain water. Remove one end of the container and submerge the closed end in a foot or more of salt water. Place the lighted lantern inside the container on the bottom. Cover the open top, allowing only enough air to enter to keep the lantern burning. The heat will cause moisture to form on the inside container. This can be soaked up with a rag and squeezed into a cup.
EXPERIENCE WITH A WOOL BALL z263 do as for the oil lamp but replace it by a wool ball. Put a very dry wool ball on the dry wood and cover the hole. The following morning, look at your ball and press it strongly, the quantity of water will tell you if its worth digging.
RAIN WATER z264 Always safe to drink and easy to collect with any tarp, but unfortunately there are three exceptions. A chemical, atomic or bacteriological warfare would render this water unsafe unless filtered and boiled. Man has created its own worst problems.
WATER IN COLD CLIMATE z265 Clean snow can be eaten any time one is thirsty. not to much at once. eating snow when extremely cold has the tendency to dehydrate the body and provoke chill. Let it melt slowly into your mouth in small quantity.
wilderness ice cream: milk sugar flavor such as chocolate and stir in light snow till taste and texture are.
BODY WATER PRESERVATION z281 on the other side. make what you drink last. You must not sweat. Your body exits heat either by evaporation or sweating. As soon as the body fluid volume lowers, sweating diminishes, the body temperature rises and you exhaust quickly. 6 degrees increase in your normal body temperature is of lethal consequences. Even though you seem to be less hot when you remove clothing; you also quickly lose your organic fluid that way. If you stay clothed; you will prevent the heat to penetrate and this will also slow down the evaporation.
a man spends 3,000 calories a day and suvvive on 500 calories per day without bad effects on his organism.
z283 in condition of great fatigue or cold exposure, one has to eat more to maintain his body temperature. Water is more than food. (2 cups per day minimum. Once exposed to desert heat, one needs a minimum of 3.8 litres (1 gallon) of water per day. to cover 30km (18.64 miles) as long as the sweating is well-controlled and the moving is done at night. During the day, it would give you 15km (9.32 miles)
WHAT TO DO IF WATER IS SCARCE z284 drink as much as we reasonably can before quitting the sourceoof supply. Fill up before abandoning ship. If in dry country; drink a lot while and just before leaving the water hole . 1! water comes first.
z285 We repeat that an unbelievable amount of water is exuded 1! through the skin's pores and the rate of perspiration is markedly increased both by heat and by exertion. The need for water intake can be much lessened by your keeping as quiet as possible and as comfortably cool as one can.
z286 Keeping the clothing wet will help at sea in hot weather although it should be rinsed in the latter part of the afternoon to prevent collecting too much salt. Allow to dry out before evening if the nights are chilly. z287 If in desert without sufficient water stay as relaxed and cool as possible. Travel at dusk, night and dawn. If on flat shelterless desert, scoop a narrow pit to lie in while the sun is blaring down.
z288 The 2! utmost shade will be obtained if this trench extends East and West. Two or 3 feet of depth can result in as much as 30 degree or more difference in temperature between its shadowy bottom and ground level.
z289 leave some sign of your presence in case help passes near by. a shirt.
WHEN WATER IS REPLENISHED z290 When water has missed for a long while, you MUST NOT DRINK A GREAT DEAL AT ONCE; once you find it. It will cause nausea beside the body will not retain it, thus wasting much of it later.
WATER FROM AN OLD HAND PUMP z291 Many have seen those old water hand pumps but few REMEMBER how to pump. water must be added to the upper cup at the base of the crank. The reason: The addition of a cup or two of water will create the suction needed to pump the water. If you don't you will pump air and think it dry. Every morning or after a couple days without use, this same process must be repeated in order to 1! create the vacuum. So better leave a jug nearby which contains enough water to get the machine going.
-this file continues on dhu7-06b.txt,,
z97 india.htm: 'The WaterMaker -tm: extracts pure water from the atmosphere and processes the water to a clear, drinkable condition.' + cell solar-power?
marine.htm: Marine Dehumidifier Dryers, heat-pipe principle -is 1-6.htm
wiki.htm -wikipedia def links how alt rel, for:
Atmospheric water generator (AWG), WaterMaker (WM), Air to Water Harvest (A2WH) or Water Air Extraction Device (WAED) is a machine that produces pure drinking water from the humidity of the air around. An AWG operates in a manner very similar to that of a refrigerative dehumidifer: air is passed through a cooled coil, causing water to condense. The amount of water depends on the humidity, the volume of air passing through the coils, and the size of the machine. 120/500/250 litres per day -see pics! 2!
z102An AWG uses refrigeration techniques optimized to condense water from air. Blower driven air is drawn into the system through an electrostatic filter. In the machine's exterior housing, a compressor circulates refrigerant through a coil array located in the path of the air providing a temperature differential between the air and coil surface, resulting in condensation.
z103The condensation is funneled into a holding tank. A level switch in the holding tank controls the water making cycle. Water is pump circulated in an ozone generating UV light chamber to kill bacteria and then through high and low density charcoal filters to remove solids and oxygenates. It is finally collected back in the holding tank. The water filtration cycle is both flow and time controlled. Water is dispensed by tap valve diversion. oxygen kills germs to, -bubble the water or shake. store in terra-cotta egg-shapes and or use vortex-motion to preserve energize or funnel-siphon contaminates to center and expel out.Considerations z104
AWGs with 120/500/250 litres per day capacity, Needs no water source.
Generates 20 litres to unlimited quantity in 24 hours. Is designed for maximum cost efficiency. Contains no harmful minerals or chemicals.
Can be powered by solar energy. The cost effectiveness of an atmospheric water generator depends on the capacity of the machine as well as on humidity and temperature conditions.
models can operate on electrical power, solar power or with oil fired generators. Low humidity conditions are a challenge. The system will not produce water or may produce very less water during the day in the desert or in very hot climates due to less humidity. will produce water at night due to dew point factor. The machine will trip off when humidity goes below 35RH. z106 Water stays fresh due to continuous filtration process governed by a timer.
scarsly remember large dew-information readmr3?containg brief clip of water-in-dessert? tricksa lamp with near no-feul kept itself litby placeing it in a damp hole and setting burnerto low...somehow the night-air-moisture becamethe feul and the feul(kerosene?) acted merelyas a catalyst to aid xfer of moisture to flame..creating an extreemly absorbant (flamable)
passage. for the moisture to travel in...thisis just an observance...but relate it to howa drop of water over a gas-stove will makethe flame suddenly flare-up (white) and gethotter briefly...before re-verting to what
water usualy does:putting fires out, not makingthem hotter. compare this concept with all thisnon-sense talk of getting your car to run on water..
in a water-feul-mixture...and... i begin to seesome simple truths, behind the errors...thatmay be helpful knowledge to a survivalist ina post-teotwawki life-style.consider the drip-drip of oil over a brickto keep the brick 'on-fire' as a related concept.
darklife.txt (google that word)
Conducting Chlorophyll Energy over Wires -
KeelyNet 03/25/02 -- by Dr. T. Galen Hieronymous -- -- From _Journal Of
Borderland Research_ - Sep/Oct 1990, page 22. -- -- About 1930, I decided to
try an experiment of conducting --Chlorophyll Energy over wires. I had been
conducting Eloptic --Energy over long distance via wire. -- A wood platform
was installed on the south side of the house --about six feet above the
ground in order to get the desired --potential of energy which increases
with distance above the --ground. -- --__ --Having some wooden cigar boxes
available, I cut boxes apart --and cut pieces and made eight boxes that
were 2" X 2" X 4" --although any size boxes will work. -- Aluminum foil was
placed on the bottom of seven boxes inside --so as to be in contact with
the soil. -- Similar pieces of foil were placed on the underside of the
--lid of each box. -- Wires were connected to each piece of foil, the wires
from --the lids were extended to the sun plates, the wires from the --bottom
foils were connected to the water pipe and thus --grounded. -- See Figure #2
(on the right) for details of the box --construction. -- Refer to Figure #1
which shows a 'side' view of the --installation. -- __ -- Figure #3 shows
the system of connections. -- __ -- -- Seven plates were placed on the
platform so as to pick up --energy from the sun and a wire was connected to
each plate and --extended down into the basement, each box having the top
foil --plate connected via wire to a plate out on the platform in the
--sunlight. The eighth box had no connection to the outside, it --being the
'control'. -- The plates on the platform were all different in size. The
--smallest was 2" X 4", the next 4" X 8", the largest was about --8" X 10"
and one plate was copper screen wire. -- Some dirt was screened and 1/2
inch of dirt placed in each --box. Oat seeds were selected, all of uniform
size and planted --in two rows of 5 seeds spaced in each row, the 1/2" of
dirt --was placed on top in the box. The same amount of water was --added to
each box as needed from day to day. -- All of the seeds sprouted about the
same time. Then we --noticed that there was no chlorophyll in the 10 plants
in the --control box. All of the boxes connected to outside plates had
--plants with much chlorophyll. -- We were quite surprised to note that the
plants in boxes with --large outside plates seemed to look as if they had
been --subjected to heat. Apparently the large outside plates were
--bringing in an excess of energy compared with the effect of --the small
size outside plates. -- Very soon, the plants grew too tall for the small
amount of --'head room' in the boxes so each box was equipped with a
--spacer to raise the top of each lid up about 3/4". -- The boxes were
placed on a shelf in the end of the basement --where there was little
light, with no windows at that end. --Also, the shelf was kept dark by a
board placed in front and --another on top to exclude all light. The plants
were dark all --of the time except when they were examined by a
flashlight. -- A friend tried to duplicate the experiment, but did not
--follow all instructions. Their basement was only about 3 feet --from the
basement floor to the ground level outside. -- Instead of placing the
outside plates above ground 6 feet, --they laid on the ground, thus they
did not have the potential --differences between outside collector and
inside boxes and the --experiment was a failure. Also, there was a window
near that --let much light into where the boxes were placed. -- Anyone who
expects to duplicate an experiment should be sure --they know all the
factors and that they follow the --instructions exactly without any
substitution or change. And --as to changes, if you are trying to get a
special result and --are trying out several methods or ideas, one of the
cardinal --points to doing good work is to make just one change at a
--time. -- Then you know just what the results are. If you make two --changes
and the result is a failure, you do not know but that --one of the changes
and the results is a failure, you do not --know but that one of the changes
may have been alright. -- __ -- -- If you found this file useful or interesting, please
consider a donation --or _ a purchase_ to help keep KeelyNet online and
providing free --information. Even a dollar will help though PayPal gets 33
cents of it.. --... Others sell it, we prefer to share it, thanks!
ask-6-08.txt- - - - ask! prinnt last part and live-it!
-- locate whole-sale ethnic food-stores road-side stands...
they wood be more willing to barter with you than a wally-mart.
make those contacts 'NOW' so they can be there when wally-mart
colapses and-or tryies to camera-you for other purposes..
eg.saling your personal infomation...purchases, appearances.
to the highest bidders...corporations,private-buisnesses(gangs).
--vitamin-c! any-form you can find it: drinks.dried-fruit.teas.take-it!
salt:worth its wayt in gold...endless uses. iodine you need to recover
from radiation seeds for the future! planting non-hybrid open-polinators. merging companies means they will soon be under one-controler. (so get all you can),Barley:for beer-barter alcohol-uses? and barley-straw(bundles keep bugs out of ponds)
--kiefer-seeds: substitute for making cheese. soy-beans:are no-good for humans...a fermeted? soy-sauce? has enuff toxins strained-removed to be useful for eating. try (learn homemade methods) twenty-amino-acids make up life-as-we-know-it. they are like the 26-letters of the alphabet...the make all our library-books possible...origin unknown
LYE:sodium-hydroxide..very hard to find in united-states...try homemade?b2b, H202:water with extra-oxygen, bleach(many survival-uses)(Dry Calcium Hypochlorite {sold as "pool shock" bleach) stores much better than liquid bleach but requires mixing),soap,canning-lids(priceless) all the jars and empty food cans,jars,ceramic,glass,tin,metal you can find, also scrap-metals can be traded for food. pennies=zinc nickles=nickel
caveman chemistry by kevin m dunn. homemade?:turm-touring stove german-made. food-grade buckets from bakery throw-out and resturants, collect used oils (any type) even rancid has uses...get edible fats and oils for your diet and larder...the 'long' winter begins this-summer. have month of rice-beans-salt bullits bob-bag ready.
google:info links craigslist aarclub opsec
--grocery-list?:gospel seeds salt one-moon-beans-rice barley hops yeast flash-lights canning-lids veg-oils fats worms gun-man wine-maker cat-litter(silica-gel?clay?carbon?dessicants)nno additives ceramic-filters vit.c(any-form) bukts-bak-of-bakerys
best barter items: ooi:orderd by importance:
things to do at lib 6-19-08: google:yuba foothills california local-links
google:lactose fermentation process
...pickling vinegar? alcohol still how-to insulin amino-acids
warnings: watchman watch! eXpect
xfrs2blkd. dont-make areas HOT by piking up noticiblz or
senta-mentls...stay out of car-phone-reach. 5min = troops gangs bind-you
instant prison! no-man-will-buy-you. value you freedom:watch the feed:what
enters mouth, what goes out. move-like your one camera, motion
detectors:lost entire montanas! spread-wisely places: A1:self knows
only,A2:friends, A3:new friends, attacks:go for eyes-cover and breather.
change signatures. no agreements. dont talk...its just a
distraction. no vent. decoys. alibies. dont correct small things if time
allows bigger things. schindlers jews:1100 relisted and bought. to survive
holocaust. i cood have gotten more. just one more. ring: he who saves one
life... saves a world. bunker-down NOW: bob-bag:4days supplys redy2go!..
to forewording-base:4weeks supply... stashspots? trail to
master-larders:4years supply. kill horses...bury meat...1 person will eat
7...before first-4-years is realized. beware:'powers that be' may have
plan to keep in position after disaster. after a total
societial-colapse...(end of world as we know it:teotwawki) enuff to
plan-executions ahead to graduate into this new-world-order...
new-world-order:500-million souls will live. (think california times ten)
no-crude?:meenz one-half the items presently in stores within 2-years.
when gas-prices get to 6$ pensions disappear, bank-runs will begin. -end
of warnings. now go barter top-barter items: note the locations and people
during your trading, cuz your own values eg:big-sword will not save you
from their values eg:davids a-sling. gospel WATER SEEDS SALT booze knives
darts smokes guns medical:vet-iodine and grain-alcohol(use as barter money
medical lamp-feul) bullits(money) scrap-metals(melt) lead precious-metals,
pennys(zinc) nickles WORMS(protein) night-vision:eyes ears alarms animals
traps wires-barbed flavors:sugars herbs spices batteries darts
poisons:methanol,battery-acids,etc blood:rust foot-chains prisons
canning-lids jars 'keep' a man who 'spent' time on guns + engines +
feul-making (wine?) not my time nor place. if i cant shoot, atleast carry
bullits for him. skills:barter your talents for sale: eg.locations, xfers,
stash. i will garden, keep water and seed for you, do xfers for
stash(barter items) 'make' people place-value on an object,item,ideal,or
person. eg.the hunter did not value the land-boy, till word of land-boys
treasures. salt oils dog-food cat-dirt(silica-gel desiccants),
liquid-desiccants:gasolien? natrural-spin:?ceramics liquiid-oxidizers:??
blood iron+hypoclorite(bleach=hi-oxidizer) rust. clubs (stick-cords)
small-weapons, till you get-bak2lardge weapons:rifles i will not put trust
in my weapons, but the lord...shields? carry them? spritual reward: to
live by the sword, is to also live in fear of it, he that kills by the
sword must be killed with the sword.??? four-horseman vit.C canning-lids
raw-milk(lactose fermentation process) food-grade buckest (bak of
bakery\resturants) dont over-look fats+vegetable-oils + amino-acids for
your larder. lard? a month of rice-beans-salt from 6-08\meno-az.txt: they
cant 'hear' you anyway. they got money-games to play... meanwhile the land
just sits there as if people dont exist at all. atleast the gophers know
what to do. they seem to be doing...what we shood be doing...but will we?
i aint waiting to find out. - eg.ask people! what wood you buy\trade me if
i planted it? collect your black-market contacts. for when american-money
will only be worth a bullit in the head.(stockmarket crashed on jan.2008,
but as usual, 'catchers' were there to fill the ball with more fake money
(from the printer) to keep the american-system running a few-secounds
longer)...its called:absolute-control of you, your time. and everything
you thut was important. (you shood have bin watching the birds.) its
called occupation. keeping you to busy to do what you shood be doing... -
as for me...i always tell son-god:''your blood is for my faults. your
spirit is for my goings. the day and nite are yours. and you will help me
use it.'' - - - - 6 - - spirit: - local-people need2be led to local-water
and seed and the cross -NOW- ! all else drops in value(suddenly): hate,
love, beleifs, money, sex. (see weeds108.txt) - when you travel, always
share th-4: (watr,greens,seed,friends:gods-words),, foothill blvd,,\vortex-tubes,, ftl. always bring-home living-seeds!,
get dog-food. local-made?
Defending a Retreat in a Worst Case, and the Jealous Neighbor Factor
The "Mr. and Mrs. Oscar" profile was most interesting. For a lot of us, probably the epitome of "If I had the money, my retreat would be..." On the downside, I would be concerned with:
1. The problem of defending/patrolling the property. A quarter section translates to a full mile of frontier. In a full SHTF situation, I'd want a trustworthy, commo equipped, well-armed loyal soul every 100 yards or so. If those folks put in 12 hour shifts, you'd need about 35 hands for perimeter security. That doesn't take into account the roving patrols on the interior of the compound, nor the rapid response fire team(s).
2. The "jealous neighbor" factor. Human nature being what it is, you can bet that there's a few locals who figure that when the balloon goes up, "Those rich people with that big house should have grub to spare."
3. Every fella who delivers gas, propane and diesel knows all the details of his route. People talk.
4. With all those Class 2 weapons, I'd be concerned about being a bit too high on the radar screen.
5. The problem with "Meeting others of our ilk." is widespread. I wish I had an answer.
All in all, a most interesting read. - Hawgtax
JWR Replies: The level of security that you describe (35 people!) would only be required if you had a retreat that was close to a city or right on a line of drift and it was an absolute worst case scenario. I think that even in the midst of TEOTWAWKI, having just one or two LP/OPs manned 24/7 and supplemented with intrusion detection sensors (such as a Dakota Alert passive IR system) and some trip flares would be provide sufficient warning to quickly man a defense. Once it is clear to the bad guys that you are on your guard and well armed.(just one burst of semi-auto high power rifle fire would probably be good clue) then looters will go find an softer and more inattentive target elsewhere. ---starvation, gunshot, etc. Any condition less than a true TEOTWAWKI will have had services restored to the level of existing with unpleasant difficulty at least within a few months.
2. Bug out just before TEOTWAWKI: If you haven't prepared a suitable place with lots of supplies stored or fleeing with a convoy of semi's filled with supplies. Then you will become either a refugee or looter. Neither status will be welcome in rural America.
3. Urban residents can prepare for limited disasters or a situation where bugging out will be for a limited time where the government will continue to function.
Semi-rural and rural families have the possibility of long term survival with adequate preparedness.
1. Everything starts with planning. The first of every year should be list of what is needed for survival. If you're just starting. Then a list for three to six months is a good starting place. After that long term projects and items are included in subsequent lists. Every year I make a list of at least twenty-five goals in the area of survival to accomplish. Every hour of actual preparedness should be directly related to an equal time in study and planning. A good survival library is a must.
2. Study and research into the field of Survival will become your second job. This is serious study and not just reading internet blogs. Several months ago I was annoyed by a lady that was asking questions on an internet site that revealed that she had only an elementary school level of knowledge of first aid and was totally clueless about nuclear fallout. Yet she had found time to post over 850 entries over the last six months, but not had bothered to do even the most basic reading.
3. Your bug out bag should be in your car and contain what is needed to get home if the roads are gridlocked and you have to walk. Your home should be your survival outpost. The last thing you should become is a fleeing refugee being herded into a government refugee camp.
4. Develop an operation plan that details what each family member is expected for them to do during the first 72 hours of a situation. Different tasks for different situations. This will keep a focus on accomplishing necessary tasks that will make the difference between a family's survival or succumbing to the disaster.
5. Prepare for those that are welcome to hunker-down with you. This is the worse part; you must give a warning in uncompromising language that others must come prepared to your gate. Recently my best friend from childhood observe red one of my many storage shelves and exclaimed, "Why should I prepare, I'm coming to stay with you if anything happens". Sadly I had to inform him if he showed at the gate with nothing but his appetite, he would be turned away. He asked if our lifelong friendship didn't mean anything. I simply replied, "Which one of my children goes hungry, so that I can feed you?"
6. Do include those that you know well that are willing to make the commitment to actively contribute and not be a burden to your family's survival. Two other families will join us in their campers and they have already stored their year's supply of dehydrated food in our basement. Besides, you will always need the additional firepower in an unpleasant situation.
Summary: Preparedness is an ongoing lifestyle. Survivors usually survive by hunkering-down in place, well prepared and mentally conditioned. The secret is to maintain a well prepared and strongly defended low profile habitat and keep your wits while other are losing their's.----Tuesday December 26 2006
Two Letters Re: Minimum Safe Distance From The Big City for Retreat Locales?
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