Friday, December 01, 2006

stream 7

- for unknown uses


Anonymous Anonymous said...

plant4me.txt - - - - v12-21-06 a sum of all plants\edible data into one general paper.
Plants most in reason local common general to my use. And by the spirit of:
inks catch view, listen to all, but not well, let search shape a see, 4ooi u.

ooi: alta california mission gruel and tasks:cow feed quality.
1.wheat cattail soybean corn? millit greens: clover- Trifolium prat. Melilotus
Medicago nettle=40%protein=alfalfa, Sunflower- Heli.anus.,peanuts soybeans,
source of winter-greens: Rumex crispus (forcing th root 2 go to seed. -sprouts
2.Vitamin-C: Rosa woodsii
3.Seed guards: Bay Leaves, or insecticidal: see data papers b2b pfaf etc
4.Salt + minerals: pond-mud-soup? Amaranthus retro. Portulaca oler.
5.Medical:disinfectant, sedative: Lactuca serr. bane?
6.deworm vermifuge: strong fern-tea: Pterdium aqu.,half-green blackwalnut husk tea
7.Rope twine cloth yarn ink weaving methane baskets paper:Urtica dioica Nettle
8.Waterproofs:wax pitch white-plant-goo sludge cellulose clay-mixes plastics:
watch for hairy seeds: cotton thistle wood cellulose give plant firmness,
pines poplar willow birch all edible inner-bark (life of a tree, see b2b paint
whitewash shallac plant-gum, mint Mentha
9.Roots contain more nourishmnt than greens! poison water-hemlock grows with.
gum: Trago. -salsify -puff balls u blo, white-goo plants like dandelion.
Poisons: Zigaden.vene. Death Camas -sim to onion Allium, but not smell, water-
-Hemlock Cirut.dou and Conium mac. -parsley Family Umbelliferae has many edbl
and poisonous species, appearance:Queen Anns lace, marijuana Leaves monkhood
Baneberry - Actaea Rubra, Henbane -hairy stalk -Solanaceae family -potato
tomato eggplant green part is poisonus.
Meat source: Quail
false signs: birds eat it, but you cant.
potash: plant for making glass

- - - -
Poison: ten rules for eating wild. Watch the Feed! and water: 1. Identify +!,, listen, 3.Use Sci-methd name, 4.its growth stages, 5.learn two plants
at a time, 6.Edible part, 7.Use recpies, 8.only sample 1st3days, 9.Watch for
polluted area:sprays,cattle drains barns meadows, 10.Is there a poisonous
plant that looks like this? Do not even taste what isnt very identified!,
your last words will be: I thought...

Work near likeminded spirit works or beliefs? Amish
the people are all changeable, listen to what you want, but teach everyone.
gain the peoples favor, or gods? with ink and pen like Luthers reformation.

- - - - 12-29-05
Looking over all data i can find or hear, common to all comes these in need:
1 is lo, 3 is Hi valued: Allium species Onion -all edible -all parts chives
leeks garlic all have 'that smell' -but Death Camus 1, Quercus Acorns -oaks 3,
Even green potato skin has poisonous alkaloids, destroyed by fire? or other
chemical change. not always. A mold on wheat or moldy oats can also poison.

Fruit: Amel Pyrus Frag Ribes Rubus Vaccin Prunus -chokecherry, Disporum yucca
Solomons Seal Hawthorn.

--Vitamin C A salt minerals: Taraxacum officinale Dandilion 1, Rorippa nas.
Watercress 2, Plantago.major Plantain 0, Viola adunca 0, Epilobium angust
Fireweed 0, Chenopodium album Lambs-Quarter 1, Miners lettuce 0, Rumex crispus
Curly Dock 3, Oxyria digyna -lemon taste 2, Urtica dioica 3, Stellaria media
Chickweed 2, Heracleum lanatum Cow-parsnip 0 -leaves one foot broad.

--All purpose: Agave, Asclepia spec. Milkweed, Typha. Cattail -see b2b
root eat: Bulrush Scripus acutus of Cyperaceae family -papyrus, Cirsium
vulgare Thistle 3, Camassia Lewisia red 4, Calochortus. nutt. sego-lily or
Day-lily, Bistort=Polygonum Helianthus tuber Sedge, Cork: Malva

--highest importance plants: 3.Camas 3.Bitterroot 3.Balsamroot
lewis clark diet of mushed roots and onion to aid eat ablity.

--other related notes: -other books b2b lib.581, -Biomass crops for fuel oil
sludge chemicals carbon cellulose and thermocracking peat homemade petrol,
-Clay plastics plaster paint mixes lib.698.1, -Bible paper and ink making,
-Charcoal carbon black for air water filter -chemical cells battery, -Rusty
nails for iron blood and sun protection. dried fruit preservative:sodium?sulph

Plants that hinder the body's ability to absorb calcium when eaten excessivly:
these plants contain oxalates: spinach rhubarb swisschard beet-tops, of the
wild plants: docks sorrels purslane miners'lettuce lambs-quarters. be moderate

internet: Botany plants uses

-no end-

December 23, 2006 4:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

x-food.txt - - - - v3-10-07,10am,more thoughts about what RETs should eat.

your body is 80% water,
80% of what you eat should -be- water.

what is left ?
80% of what remains,
should be greens... why?

chlorophyl... green plant-ink...
wheat-grass? juice? sprouts.

fact: plant-blood, is identical to human-blood.
only except the base is magnesium,
your-blood system hangs on iron.

after water,greens,seeds...
you need some source of iron...

none of this sounds enjoyable.
im telling you what you are...
what you need, so rets can RET-hard.

you can live. you can know what you need.
even when others would say there is
nothing to eat out here...

80% of all hospital-related cases
would-not-happen if this diet was followed.
god!... atleast on weekends... try it!

fact:average american-diet is 2% greens.
not 80%

and no one will tell you this,
cuz medical-work is the big-bucks.
They dont make people well-well or
They-d loose all their customers.

so do you make a fence to stop people
from flying over the edge.
or do you make more hospitals to
catch all the people getting hurt...?

No... you make your-own fence.,
dont... WAIT... for everybody else.

im getting reports of amazing changes
after just the first week...
but i dont believe it... why?

big problem: good-health is
somthing you can-not-see... cuz
you just dont have any problems
to notice the differnce!

its not till years-later...
your junk-food friend starts having
problems falling like dom-n-o's.
and you say hmm...

how-come-i dont got those problems?

in-fact: you never ask!
cuz the problem never touches you.
your the guy with the fence...

you-dont-know what your missing.
-that- is the -only- problem with

you need to remember this information,
go out into a field or park and look and
stair at the grass-dirt until your
senses come back...

think of where this-planet gets all
its out-side energy... from the sun.

and its useless... unless that green
stuff turns sunlight into food.
thats right... your whole world...
is hanging... on a leaf.

stay inn the park...
let the buy-my-burger-advertisements
drain out from your mind,
and endless ideas of junk-food.

you-need to remember: this information
is tribal-based. The motive: is -not- money.
school-education, movies, and advertisements...
and so they twist things for profit.

in a tribe, the only future we have...
is you.

not how much -cash- we can -squeeze-
out of your sick life-style.


people got sick-ideas about who-what
it meens to be rich and famous.

my-motive for this report: is...
to turn-you into...a very-healthy


-no end-


if you dont want a RET trying to
breath sense innto youp.
then let god: genesis 1:29 (meens no hybrid)


and now im getting emails from
kind-hearted? folks who sort-of-wish
RETS werent breething at all...


so... ye be care-ful out-there.
for yours is mine.


Who can own a Rock?
Who can own a Tree?
Only the Great Spirit.


no one will agree.
but when you think about it,
you know its true.


April 11, 2007 4:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

x-moons.txt - - - - v4-10-07, 6pm, records of moons with plant and weather information, helps you know whats coming. N.D.meens indoor-projects. you can start a diary of your own, this is just my own results...

nfo copied from green-diary moon-papers of 3-2-07, see 1-25-07 prefix?, scripture-readings for moons see moons.txt v3-5-07 , note:first seven diary-papers had more details , next two moon-papers(no 4-9) are weather-and-plant reports only. two-more moon-papers were later done 3-3-07 moons.txt for scripture-views only.

responses to man: fridge, 4-12+13,15,17,18?=10xfuel,20,23, jan.12?,4-20fema,5-23,3-29,4-1,,4-3to5,4-11:wmn,4-12,4-15,4-23,3-24

responses to god: 4-17,3-29,4-9,+16
responses to shels:4-18,2-24,3-31,4-2+7

turning-points of the year:4-16-06Easter-just after 1st.F.M. area shel-construction almost stops, for N.D.related studies, exceptions are(2006)6-7+21,7-9, try shels in new lands(see vizn-2007) to repeat good-things in other places and make N.D.time less., see 10-28-06 loose-papers and other diary-prefixs, see end of first-moon paper in green-diary, and on-fridge 'went-camping' dates. other clues?

responses of weather:
first-trys:2-20-06 L.Q.of 11th-moon
next-try(plants+weather only):4-12:F.M.1st,Rains...

3-29:N.M.1st-nisan,still rains,moles,direct-sun,tallest-greens are in shady and hi-areas,old-grasses thick in big-fields,warm,making shels,
4-27:N.M.2nd-iyar(2006),5-1:ds-pond of polly-frogs is almost dry...
5-27:N.M.3rd-sivan,5-30:cold mornings,deer return...
6-25:N.M.4th-tammuz,dozens of quail-chicks in ds-raspberry-bush.
dry,but humid,knock-out heat,no hikes,main-creeks still running..
7-25:N.M.5th-av,Ravens moved here,8-4:soybean-pods,thundered rain!,
8-23:N.M.6th-elul,deadly UV.sun,same,but felt,air-conditioning,mud-sheets
9-22:N.M.7th-tishrei,leaves everywhere,lowest-creek still holds water,
10-22:N.M.8th-cheshvan,all is wet,all is freezing,red-yellow-green leaves
11-20:N.M.9th-kislev,freez lifting dirt!,very stormy wind,dark-short days,love-lights.muddy,health,cold,but dry
1-1:N.M.10th-tevet,tree by ds-igloo had tri-shel pods on-it,
1-29:N.M.11th-shevat,moon:small-ring when full,drenching rain...
2-28:N.M.12th-adar,rain and snow,all pits full,pine-nuts sprouting,3-8:snow-clouds,blue-sky,cold-day,sun+rain,3-10:snow-flakes + Hail,3-11:snow-all-over,vitamin-c,garlic,3-12:worst-snow-yet,2in.on highest-tree,3-13:moisture mold-problems,3-14:big-rains,sick fluish-chills,no sun-shine
N.M.12th-Adar: 1995-2006-2007 dates...
2006:2-28:N.M.12th,nfo from wall-calendar:gargle salt-water,wear-
2006:2-28:N.M.12th nfo from diary papers?:3-2:earth-architecture
3-29:N.M.1st-nisan:joshua-job-hosea, and...4-16:notes,2006+7?-patterns
1st-moon calendar-nfo post separatly?

nfo for moons 4-9 is from original-7-moon-papers, shorter not found.
please do moons 4-9 the short-way (weather+plants), on paper first?

-end of pre-fix-

first of first-7? loose papers:how it will be displayed+test-views:

2-20(2006)L.Q.=11th,clay-study,N.D.(indoors),2-25:pollen-smell strong in field today,2-26:summer-time heat hit ds-oh today,house hot,small breeze,air muggy

4-12:F.M.1st,Rains, 4-13 cold clear morning, grasses on north sides of ? one foot tall,14:little yellow flowers,broad-leaf plants,16:much rain,thunder,storm-winds+sun,17:geese camping + nfo,grass+vegetation high, all is green, raspberry-leaf just coming out, 18:cold mornings+hot day=jar lids pop,19-20:L.Q.,4-22:wild-vines have small mouse-ear leaves, grass under wire-meshx growing 10xbetter,4-? N.D.dew3-06study,4-28 N.M.2nd geese flying low over trees since march? feb-mar.
start of 3-2-07 short-way, showing weather+plants only.
more 1st-moon nfo at end of this report,x-moons.txt
4-27:N.M.2nd-iyar(2006),5-1:ds-pond of polly-frogs is almost dry, cinco-de-mayo,5-6:water-tanks bitten, all is green,no dry spots,no wet, 1st-creek is dry, nearest and highest creek still runs a little,pond-paper in dried swamp, a flower:long lacy ribbons+3white trumpets + core of yellow, its everywhere. 5-6to13:F.M.2nd,airwells-study-N.D.+vizn2006 plans4retribe,5-15:all is green,5-19:L.Q.5-22:still rainy,blogging,
5-27:N.M.3rd-sivan,5-30:cold mornings,deer return,N.D.kloss herbs,methane,stone-tile,6-4:F.Q.,,6-8:orvl-trip:grass all dry,gone to seed,wild pea-pods ripe 3-2?,hills no trees, step on grass to see green-plants yet.6-12:F.M.3rd,fields strange-mix of dry-yellow+green-patches,all kind of flowers and seeds trying to finish before the dry-season hits, cool cloudy day,flowers: a little white one covers everything, a tall thistle with a blood-red flower, a pink-blossom on black-berry patches, highest-creek dry, stagnate pools, lowest-creek running well, black-pods of wild-pea. 6-16:first very-hot day of the year, dried the green grass, mosquitos bite hard after the sun cools. 6-18:L.Q.3rd,6-20:next crop of white fluff-ball plants, dragon-flys,N.D.kloss-notes herbs,6-21:solctice,6-22:streaks of green identify,showing last-creeks or places of water in the hills, heat and sun knocks you out for hours, exposed hit:only for four minutes, a moment,
6-25:N.M.4th-tammuz,dozens of quail-chicks in ds-raspberry-bush.,heat-waves are terrifing,trees in area have brown-dead leaves, or some parts,ends,where sun hit worst,blackberries ripe,grass dry, and paths dry dirt, Ants all over house,mosquitos outside only when cool enuff,snake-size lizards,vulture big-birds buzzards circle, cats sleep of parasites?, of Maasai-tribe africa,Megalithic-man,,mornings were freezing at this time last month!, anything you plant now comes up fast, eyes itch, fox-tail weeds stuck in shoe-socks.(meens summer is here)

4th-moon to 10th-moon, 2006:6-26to12-31 report was skipped here?,see moon-papers + diary.

include notes-sayings found at tops of each of the seven-papers,on backs?
papers found from all dates,a list of data 1-25-07,papers in books: RA:lang-arts,RB:blue diary,RC:coverless diary,RE:elpel book,RF:wall-calendar notes,RG:2007-diary,RH:box b4 fire-2003,RI:papers stashed in other books,RJ:other-books,RK:on computer,RL:on flopy c-d,RM:on internet,RN:on email-yahoo,RO:locations:mt,pa,RP:on-clay...details of all this on a-paper in RG. records last seen in -ur-box 4-8-07:ra,rb,rc,rd,re,rf

moon-paper p4of7,1-28-07: in failure or success, there may i thy servant be, beholding your timing, your ways. not my understanding. you are not called to win, your called to try. obedience is better than understanding. wanting gods hand,is better,than a win.better than life. follow him,not her. not re-tribe, not rets. All fails, if god wills,so rule,so pursue. overtake. trust him more.
fourth-moon:tammuz:2006:jun.25-jul.25,2007:jun.15-jul.14,1995:jun.29-jul.27, RC:1-22-07:dry,but humid,knock-out heat,no hikes,main-creeks still running,last.sun hurts eyes, \\\study books:maasai tribe,clay-mix,slip-formula+plaster,meth,vor.
RB:7-9-06 visit to grbr target-area:berry,sprayed,canal-running\\\in-car:cd-rw,tapes,$11.00,6-24:tree-cutters came,6-25:N.M.6th paths for faith 7-2:F.Q.,7-9:F.M.7-10:dead-heat at ds-oh,yellow-leaves fall,bilding-steps,10-28-06 gide:7-15:west-ds-oh area nfo explored,weather,description,v-tube#3930,$294,maker-methane,7-12:tile-making-nfo 7p.,7-17:L.Q.7-19:knock-out heat,sleep-outside sheet-only,7-8-06 new-words:weather-resistance,7-12:adhesives,grog,tile-methods,earth-ware,7-14:plasters=2p\\\megaliths,maasai-ages 7-4:tribes
RF:2006:peak methane time,dwrm,goo-sludge-sealant,blackberry,cold-mornings,pond-ds-oh has green-grass,enema,disinfect eyes,nose,ears,all gates,poly-wogs
moon paper 5of7:efforts to use what moons i have better:see 1-9-07
value your freedom,cuz when its gone, its really valued.
RC:1-22-07 -paused- (this 7-paper moons isnt to helpful,too much nfo)
7-25:(2006)N.M,8-1:F.Q.8-2:yahoo+blog 2do,feds comfort you to the gallows,pmpkns from sept.collapsed today, moisture?,8-3:Ravens moved here,8-4:soybean-pods from may?8-6:thundered rain!,8-8:F.M.dessert survival air-conditioning static generation ice-making nfo, silic = earths-crust=o.s.a. , icy-ball, no more down-loads,8-9:words:dehumidify condensation dhu806,8-10 seedless,heat-wave week, hottest in u.s.a. history, roads-violent, after-dark:who was that?,8-13:fires,copter flew over roof,8-15:extinction,bomber-plane circle seven-times,bomber sprayed-low on ds-location, fire@ds,used as pre-text to search area,8-16:L.Q.methane-bag test,8-17:air-conditioning lib:621.56,8-18:hills flooded with people and fires,8-19:copter-passed low,dont-think,just copy:water-from-air,dead-line:28th,8-20:cut-off power-supply b4 they cut-off you,8-21:odd blak-bry with 2-seeds is ripe,sim2oliv-tree,

sixth moon:elul:2006:aug-23-sept.22:2007:aug.12-sept.10:1995:aug.27-sept.24
RC:1-22-07:deadly UV.sun,same,but felt,air-conditioning,mud-sheets,6-ways to disturb a molecule,solar-air acorn,oil-sealant,bubble-domes
RB:8-23:N.M.6th-elul,block-making ends in 60days=thanksgiving.nov-23,8-26:forni-is-a-lie,to despair,eye.the-way:salvation,8-27:dew-pnt papers,8-28:the unknown:sealants,water-glass,silica-nfo,8-29:ice-making in the dessert,icyball-methods ready for paper-pnt,federal-oppression,,vortex-tube,,,grapes-ripe,black-berries yet,9-1:somthing that keeps mud-structures dry,and from my-t-area,or study water:what materials make it beed,or materials:electrostatic,acid-base,no-p.c.till dec.2,repeat this place,dewrm,shels,calcium-carbonate:soils,feather-forms+capillary,9-5:ostrich-bird egg,uv-mv,heat,morning-only,9-6:hi-def.area,mapper-plane flew over-low,twice,or to texas,big-disk on back,lib-books due,9-7:F.M.a-c-automotive,stick-dome by main-creek in low-land ds,wakes up the bees,atv's,9-9:god-loving,9-10:forsee:baffalo-orphanage,study-materials,9-12:xanga-renew,cardbord-deli overflows,9-14:L.Q.6th,9-15:dreams,faith,9-16:sab:move trust in chariots and horses,to j-sus, 9-17:visited all-4 water-barls,sealant-study week, metro:india boy:what happens after death? he asks,ds-area pod storage-spots,9-21:started daily garlic-pills,2-for1moon,

seventh moon:teshrei:2006:sept.22-oct.22:2007:sept.11-oct.11:1994:sept.6-oct.6,1995:sept.25-?
RC:1-22-07:leaves everywhere,lowest-creek still holds water,sewer?,airy damp-area shelters,search for green-spots,blog-teers,
air-condition,auto-repair papers,no-more downloads,internet,water-methane-sealant,the big-3,shapes-natural,mud-sheets bed=hard-shels,golden-rule,check-points cars stop me dead,fly-catchers:pic of bowl over bowl of water,9-22:N.M.7th-teshrei,9-23:gospel:we do not well, if we do not tell. man-verse,9-24:water-maker week,stor-shel,luke13,9-25:box4rose-bud(arsnic in dog-food products killed him?) 9-26:got new grain,9-27:dvd-due,dry-ends,mark water-digs,9-28:kiln-tile on mud-sheets,9-29:plant-wheat,9-30:F.Q.7th,10-1:rain,cloudy,sew-seed,no-pc,no-parents,no-water,sab-he is what i have,what comes is for me,and without it,not me., the worlds people:so evil,so frail,so loved,,i will be like the most hi,remov-th-christians!,10-3:pears are ripe,wild cherry-plums are all gone,. geese going south,no-sun,no-rain,making-water:the ultimate project,cuz in a few moments,nothing else will matter.,Big-fish of succes caught by Rod of study, cows fed 2x daily,ds-oh figs green,endure temptations.water-maker project ends.mattok-shield,Big-Rains in mountains,dwrm,try fasting,paused water-making till dec.2nd,10-7:F.M.7th,genocide,suction=ufo,mem of big-red meteors,sucidal-girls,blood,rape,cutters,get helpers,trust none,not even self,purify-water,10-8:carbon-making,rain-catching,10-9:seige begins,barbed-wire in america,10-11:books-due yuba-lib,10-13:dewrm,heavy-morning dews,fall-leaves everywhere,firy-red+yellow-trees,few-souls saved,10-14:L.Q.,fast,let-PH.up,eat acidic-foods? raw-flour,whole-grain,10-15:sew-seed,choose your rows before they do for you,and have back-ups,agnes-dvd,clean-heater-ds,10-17:new-well-ds-dig,hit solid-rock at 35ft,now at 100ft,10-18:stock-market crashed 2day in1987,2006 was for collecting nfo, 2007 is for building and preserving what was collected, in people. 1.collect,2.mix,3.test
eighth moon:cheshvan:2006:oct.22-nov.20:2007:oct.11-nov.9:1994:oct.6-nov.3
RC:1-22-07:all is wet,all is freezing\\\water-make study,3-06to8-06 posted,pod-ideas shelter-drawings,blogging at,7th-day bible-stuff.2006:maasai-tribe ages:1-7home-helper,7+7,12-26young+advanced-warriors,28-42:elder,42-60:elder-ancient-men,
RB:10-22:N.M.8th-cheshvan,maasai,ooi:order of importance.,10-23:creation of man oct.23,4004bc at 9am,10-24:no-place warm,why didnt you?,skunk is bedding,10-25:gen.6:5,edu+gov,everywhere:red-yellow-green leaves,10-26:to-cold!outdoors after-sunset,shelter-needs,scripture-musick,seeds-bugs,pools:cover with oil+carbon to keep bugs+sunlight out,catch souls,boys,little deer died in a water,10-27:copters=hunters,search for water:green-spots,quail,animal-paths,water yet in lowest-creek oh,thinking:is drawing,pine-cone seeds ripe,10-29:F.Q.8th,10-31:pagan new-year,all-saints day,need-shelter,,food-water shelter for joy+anger,pen mightier than the sword,cursed is the man who trusts in man,i am not a place for anger:which meens i cant even talk about it.god gives vengence,and if by what we deserve, than are we-all dead,the mercy you show,you get.its called 'position',they can turn you off,but you cant them,dont like it? move.for they too have a switch hanging over them, persons bring anger or favor...but beware both,better to say:no one can be trusted,let this gide what you bild and how.the deep-reminders why you cant build or repair ds came today,push off their paths till no mind of you, so no vent for anger they have,they cant see, man is blind,stay out of range,people are a strange offensive stink, they destroy everything and telling it helps not.nov-calnedar2006:warn:if water-tank leaks psi..water-pump will always be running 2 up psi,11-1:flu-shots:long-lines-downtown,contaminated needles,11-2:very-rainy,11-3:ripe mustard-plants,lettuce growing!now,11-6:F.M.8th,no more www,11-7:birds planting acorns,11-8:first cold-fog!,11-9:coldest night of the year:montana16'degrees,11-10:xanga,rainy,11-12:hair-frost on condensers and leaves,thick-layer of ice on water-feeders,very-cold-spell today,11-13:L.Q.rainy,gold-leaves seen on green-grass-shoots,wet-dirt smell,germ-count spores in the air is high and humid,11-16:pge came today,11-17:mushrooms back,cold seems damp,chloreen-enema,quartz-rocks in road look odd today,bloody, very bad fog that night.
ninth moon:kislev:2006:nov.20-dec.20,2007:nov.9-dec.9:1994:nov.4-dec.3
RC:1-22-07:freez lifting dirt!,very stormy wind,dark-short days,love-lights.muddy,health,cold,but dry,\\\ice-hair fields,musick,heat,edible,resonate,conspiracy-tapes+reggae,airwells,vibrations, diary2006:copy good things seen at home everywhere:warm,off-ground,fan,light,soup,window,b-ble-musick,place2poo,pets,visits with old-people60+,games,re-tribe-plans,11-20:N.M.9th-kislev,racoon,quail,deer,all under house trying to...,11-22:hard-rain,,11-23:icy,cold,igloo-pit yet empty,froze all,thanks-giving day?11-24:bite-bone cold at sunset,eat soaked grain,ruffage to clean bowels,fast2up-P.H,hot-chillipepper-dewrm,+vitamin-c.pine-needle-tea,dandelion-weed,walnut-husk-tea up your-ass,11-26:rainy,11-27:pond is filling,bad-germ-air,11-28:F.Q.9th,white-mornings,burning-cold,11-29:killer-cold,wolves now hunt quail,clay-jars,vortex-tube-nfo,\deudam d_euda e_udam + others,added comments used to join web-rings,get more viewrs,pnted pplineed.txt visited africa,australia,arabia,jordan,israel,mexico,peru,argentina, dec.calendar2006:american false-gods are yours when you use it,airwell-tests for jan.2007 make desiccant-types, 12-1:hoar-frost has tilled the ground by up-forceing freezing process,12-2:p.c.use + p.c.get( again today,sew dew3-06 papers,oct.6th,12-3:martin-luther dvd,persimmons ripe+picked,12-4:pollution-cars nfo,time of year for water-boots,indoor-shoes arnt useful,12-5:F.M.9th,12-6:frogs croak again,unclean-spirits cry,12-7:wet rocks on dry ones,time of wet,rott, and rust,cool-cold all day,dirt lifted up by frost,flu,12-8:day of preparation before the sabbath,rain,12-9:people will sale you for bread,j-su,stop desiccant-type,do condenser-type water-makers,12-10:pond-full,ds-ditch running,all is super-cold+soaked,rainy,RH=120%,12-12:L.Q.9th,,Rainy,bone-cold,paths sink,12-13:boys-dream commune,2peter3:8,re-tribe,lake-francis-grange-auction:old ladies saling xmas stuff,still raining,glad im not in it,12-14:ds-stream flowing,paths sinking,12-15:bone-cold,enema,12-16:airwells,,7th-day b-ble-ideas,tapes text,12-18:con-artists,failed-to-teach, make a void allows things to rush in and be built, just filter what trys to enter,no work needed,nature takes path of least resistance+with most effect,hydroponic plants:no dirt,growing in our pipes,storm-winds,12-19:cursed is the man that trusts in man,birds-water froze,ours almost did too,deadly-cold,xmas-play at foothil-school,
12-20:N.M.10th-tevet,no-light,6hr-only=mental-block,dark-eyes effect mind,all,keep light shining on self.12-21:rain,solctice:sun at farthest point from earth in orbit,now comes storms,12-22:fast,12-26:pnt holocaust 3x@lib,stormy,rain all night,12-27:F.Q.10th,12-29:horrible icy weather,no way out,damp frozen sickness,cyenne-chilli-peppers.,12-31:stop water-making projects., a king against whom there is no rising up:proverbs30
please do moons 4-9 the short weather+plants way here, on paper first?
4-9 above are from original 7-moon papers with calendar-nfo(RF)merged in.

2006:1-1:N.M.10th-tevet,tree by ds-igloo had tri-shel pods on-it, brown balls now shoot roots into the earth, fruit + pine seed too? 1-2:rain,cold,no-sun-days,1-3:chard,chive,violet shoot-type plants are up,1-4:lemon,grapefruit,oranges ripe,seen logging,1-5:planted wheat,1-8:F.Q.winter-wheat up,acorn-roots,turn-ups,onions up,everywhere creeks running,1-10:no dry,water-world,dewrm-nfo,1-13:heavy-rain,1-14:hail,icy,frozen-steps,steamy-morning,head-thaws,nose-runs,hot-tea,flu-feel,towel-stretches=N.D.exercises,1-15:F.M.plant seed?,1-17:hands cold-stiff,steps sink in water,1-18:deep freezes at sun-down,1-19:ice-grass=hoar-frost?grew last night,under-leaves,1-21:real-grass growing great inside window=N.D.,1-22:L.Q.hi-winds,old-year-blow-out,1-23:ds-out-house ideal temp N.D.,daytime only,2-25:rains,sink-mud everywhere,freeze lifted soil,1-27:sick-weather+some good-days!
1-29:N.M.11th-shevat,small-ring when full,drenching morning rain gushing everywhere,drizzle-day,1-31-06:plant-growth stunted short by excess rain,storage-hay wet and sprouting,2006:2-1:dripping all day,made candles,2-2:all is wet,rivers runnings,no-end,2-3:gushers left-and-right all night,why am i still dry? thank god for N.D.,2-4:froze,2-6:F.Q.11th,2-7:earth all soft,digging is easy,N.D:ended plastics study:pet,hdpe,lib,zito,cd-rw,bible-musick,fed-tapes-vhs,2-11:break mud-straw-block tests,2-12:F.M.11th,plant seed-test?,oranges ripe,plants shoot,2-13:windy,clear,geese-flying,grass-sprouting,mature in shade-areas,N.D:heat-study,2-14:trees blooming buds! in sacramento,poison-oak spell,2-15:sunny-day+killer-breeze=coldest+warmest day so far,big flux,2-18:snow!,2-19:snowed again,1in.deep,super-cold,5min.moment freezes you solid,2-20:L.Q.,2-23:containers to berg+filled water,2-24:ds-igloo has no water in it, pond is dry,days warm,nights freeze,2-26:rains came,2-27:pond over-flowing!,wind-lashing+torent-rain.
N.M.12th-Adar:1995:feb.1-mar.2,Adar2:mar.3-31,every 14 years? is a 13th-moon:Adar2,next is 2008?=5769th.year since creation,moon has lardge-ring when full?low-lands,2005:paycort-montana,pge,dentist
2006:2-28:N.M.12th,nfo from wall-calendar:gargle salt-water,wear-mask,carbon-filter for water+air,drink hot-water,3-1:warm ash-wednesday,3-2:snowed! thickest yet in trees,3-3:rain and snow,cloth under ds-trlr-home rotted,all on stones lasted, hum-bird drinks from manzanita flowers,3-5:all pits full,3-6:rained all night,3-7:F.Q.pine-nuts sprouting,3-8:snow-clouds,blue-sky,cold-day,sun+rain,3-10:snow-flakes + Hail,3-11:snow-all-over,vitamin-c,garlic,3-12:worst-snow-yet,2in.on highest-tree,3-13:moisture mold-problems,3-14:big-rains,sick fluish-chills,no sun-shine,3-15:F.M.plant seed-test?,3-16:no-sun,rain,3-17:st.patrick ruined by women my brother,3-18:much in ds-pond,main-creeks flow,3-20:spring equinox begins today,3-22:L.Q.12th,3-23:rain,moved-tanks,3-24:hard-rain all night,3-25:hard-winds and rain all morning.
2006:2-28:N.M.12th nfo from diary papers?:3-2:earth-architecture study,from-diary:3-3:cold,closest-creek runs,wolf in area,1st dry-creek is flowing much,car-road running with water,2nd creek gushing wildly,trapping-water,3-4to3-21 full-moon to last quarter has no words, no diary records?,map+shel-idea,f.e.m.a.,3-22:L.Q.12th,baby-rats,planted water-tanks,all creeks still running,pink-bell on manzanita,green-thistle star-plant appearing.3-25:swampy,flys,mud not-soupy, good dig-time,blocks,tile?,hear frogs,3-24:rainy,no-dry gnd since dec.5th=9th-moon2006,west-ds-oh=boggy,dry-leaves on rocks,3-25:wheat-sized new pine-cones,gophers,much grass,cookoo-dvd,3-26:many water-puddles meens good-clay,3-27:flower seen:yellow,undescribable peddles,white,four-pettles,blue-tip,storm came in,just before this it was hot and earth-ground was showing dry-spots for the first time this year,this made a change in plans called a change-q to shelter-ideas in cooler area places.3-28:thunder-storm,moles and lizards washed-up dead. to wet, bad-milk or heat-mold under skin of apple made me sick-sleep for a day,20hrs.
3-29:N.M.1st-nisan:joshua-job-hosea, and read 4chp.old-teastament+5chp.N.T. each saturday, or quartlerly:4x-pr-moon,still rains,moles,direct-sun,tallest-greens are in shady and hi-areas,old-grasses thick in big-fields,3-30:some rain,making shels,wet-season:new-hazard:breathing-spores,rotting-wood,mold,tree-fungus-nfo:N.D.,ground is soft for digging, but not for block-making?,3-31:no-sun,but hot when out,big-rain,creeks-flowing,tall-8in.grass under ds-garden-tree,4-1:filled water-tanks,planted-seed,many-bogs in low-land,make block now?sticks mark where water flowing over trails,to dig it later? a white-mold seen on some-rocks,green when scratched, turn clocks ahead 1hr today, 4-2:hi-land creeks flowing,mint-plants,pink fire-flower in purple-ferns.,somthing wrong with sun, i got burnt. rained all-day + night, foot-prints now last all year,paths-sinking,wear rain-coat(simple square-sheet with hole for-head),4-3:heavy-rains,card-board?,seen a rain-bow,4-4:N.D.sealant study123,i slept 10hr all-day,why?,4-5:F.Q.1st,4-6:much morning-dew,some clouds,super-wet soils,most sun,worms,insects,newt,found grey-layer of sub-soil,water-catching,sudden cloud and cold came,thunder-storm all evening.,4-10:rainy.N.D:dew3-06 study,carbon filter charcoal,4-12:F.M.plant seed-test?,still rainy,full-moon,4-13:cold-clear morning,sick on canned foods,4-14:good-friday:grass+aloe-vera plants over 1ft-tall leaves,flowers:little yellow butter-cups,green broad-leaf plants,4-16:much-rain,Easter,see 4-16note below,thunder-hard,storm-winds=unstable-rains,and sun,4-17:geese flying low at tree-level,camping, they stop at area-ponds here-to canada months ago,grass and vegetation is hi,green every-where,raspberry-leaves out,just covering branches,4-18:cold-morning +hot-day flux popped-jars,4-19:L.Q.,4-21:yellow butter-cup every-where,4-22:wild-vine leaves,size of mouse-ears. last 5 days of first-moon seem lost in fed-nfo., see wall-calendar data, or diary for related-clues.
4-16:note:from this day-on things depart noteably from shel-bilding to related-topics N.D.,2006 was 1.get-nfo year,,2007 is 2.mix use test keep nfo, due to weather? area-nfo and plans for re-tribe are noted only a few times 6-7,6-21,7-9 till 9-06:hiking again till 12-06 to 2-06 N.D.cold,out on short trips,frozen,3-06:bild,4-06:rain-bild,5-06:radiation sun-sick,few-freez-mornings,6-06:quail-chicks,no-flies,1st heat-waves,flux-change, on all day,last-month heater was still on,7-06:black-berries? ATV-visited area,knock-out-heat,very-dry,tile-study,kill-leaves,forest-fires,outside:mornings-only+late after-noon,hot-hours feel wasted, so go back to data-study,collecting ended on 9-06,now test-data only,8-06:black-berries?shelters,airwells,a.c.,water-proof studies,nothing-outside?,9-06:out hiking again,ds-north-east big-creek,mud-sheet pod bilt(fell flat by rains 1-07?,top-heavy),10-06:area-construction-plans re-started.
2006 pattern:12-2:inside cold,2-4:outside bild,4-9:study-heat,9-12:outside bild,lots of study, now no new nfo.
2007 pattern:(prediction=vizn2007.txt?)
5-9-07 vzn2007 step on:jan-feb:oh-ds shels,mar-apr:bgr shels,apr-may:raids for stuff, lessn the cost?,jun-jul:bvl+cvl, to hot!,aug:cvl,sept-nov:winter spots,dec:to cold! disrb home-county,visits only,2.this is your strawbery-land for retribe,3.find the magic-creeks and connections that make friendships grow:water,greens,seeds,,water-it,weed-it,watch-it grow,4.yet expect instant holocaust at any time, past, present,to night. this is berry berry helpful.
2006:N.M.1st-nisan:wall-calendar notes only: rb?


April 11, 2007 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

GrowSasafrass-Crocus(eatble! stamen) 178flowers=1lb
spacing-cadet?wk...o fun.o+

April 12, 2007 11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Revision:checked my facts;
Saffron via Sasafrass
178Flowers=OZ (stamenCrocuSeatable)
nobody likes that root tea anyhow but those stamen man are valuable, commoditious, and pure liquid sunshine. whoa...pretty colors.

April 14, 2007 1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

path-way.txt - - - - v4-17-07 2pm messages found along the path. a report on exploring new places, things, and people.

new area is being searched for possible RET uses. water and feed locations were found almost instantly, and one sleep spot: a hippie-wagon.

plans to do this were made last year. but how-to-do-it was made only last week, and it makes me very nervous, because i got all these papers(i made)telling me to make a move... and... right...NOW.

it turns out i only did half of what i planned, the map(i made) said to see two-places, and i only made it to the first one...

you listen to your body, not your plans, if you over-do-it... just one day... you will break or burn something, and then more days will be lost. so enjoy where you are, walk-slow, rest alot, be where you are, not where plans say.

someone is bilding a house here, very fancy, 3-story, glass-doors all around, plaster-work is fresh, tools and buckets laying everywhere. They just put in a new-well, the water made my head hurt, and i only tasted a cup-full, so... uhg, next time bring a filter... i forgot to let the water run, and tasted the first thing that came out... uhg.

i wasnt going any-further today anyway, so i made camp, just out of view from this place.

i dropped all my heavy stuff, flop, plunk, crash... uhg... it felt so good to be free, so I looked around further... and walked a far ways without it, over grassy-meadows and creeks, across two gravel-roads, into a woodsy damp dark thick-tree-place.

the change was very dramatic, and i only just crossed the streeet!...there is an ancient smell here... of pine and wood, it is the un-touched-smell, i have never found it like this anywhere else. except on a field-trip to the red-woods years ago. its almost as if the trees are saying... i am healthy, i am happy here.

none of the other trees ever said this to me, they all said... i am sick... i am dying... my heart is rot-ing... and i called it... 'normal'... and are not trees sposed to feel this way?

i went right into this dark world and waited for my eyes to adjust... what a strange place this is, i did some searching and... sure enuff... I found 5 or 6 mighty-ones, like from some fairy-story, they were so big-around i had to stop and think what ree-ality was again... ohh.. yes.. o-k.. well.. and on the floor and every where i went was endless pine-needle carpet, no rocks, no dirt, no ground!? nothing could grow around here but these big monsters.

i went up past all this and found the gypsie-waggon, it was a reel one too, someone had parked it, and a old ford truck(with rabbit-cages?), here, and left it, years ago. i dont know much about hippies but im sure we woood have bin good friends... unfortunatly. This 'waggon' is really a long bus, all changed around inside like a house... like a mobile-home.

lots of stuff inside too, a hat made of beer-cans, boxes of school-books, someone(13 years ago)is also using it to put boxes of memmories, storage? pots and pans, cups, clothes. and a small hand-print on the door, half-the size of my own, saying hello! i was in here before you... haw haw.

i circled the area to see what-where this all was, and it is truly on the edge of the dark-woods, a dirt road, and houses and cows a few yards away from here made me see... what looks front to me, is really way back, at the end of somebodys property, where they dump-leeve stuff.

i wont tell you all what i found in that hippie-bus, but i will type out one thing for you, this old-letter...(names and places changed)... it tells me what i miss by being a RET, and also how important it is to be a RET, for i am sure the things you are about to reed are happening all around you, and it was long ago...(way back in the 1990's) which meens the children(fatherless?) are all grown up now, into teens, and are probly re-peet-ing the same mistakes... all over again. The question is... will you too? no more comments... i will let this old letter found in the bus speak for itself. (ooops! i did add a few injections into his letter, and one comment at the end) see-you-all later... yours dearly luke 13:28 + proverbs 26:2

first descriptions of old letter: stained time-worn paper-envelope, writings on back:bedroom eyes, leves tears, 4ever and alway. writings on front: normal looking mail sent from:frendeca kooset(mother) p.o. box 691 shoeville. OR.93491 , stamped 1994 dec.15, 29-cent stamp , sent to: Mindla kooset(daughter? and wife) 322 room#31 shoeville. OR.93491.

in opposite corner are these words: TEARS, i love you, from:bedroomeyes

as i open the letter, two yellow papers fall out, the big one is hard to reed because it has the words I-LOVE-YOU written again and again till there is no place on the paper to write anything.

but if you look closer you will see the message. it says: TO:TEARS my truest Love. pq#1

pg#1 Well I'm sitting here with a smoke in my hand writing to you because i love you. i enclosed a envelope in this letter that is already addressed to me, so please write me back. i also baby wrote a poem called THE-TRUTH.

well anyways how are you doing? as for me not that good because i got three years in prison as you know already. well i'm glad that you came down here to see me with the kids. It really made me happy. i hope you know that i really do love you with all my heart.

And i want you to take it easy ok because you are pregnant. i hope we have a very healthy baby. i hope we have a boy this time. As soon as i get where im going i will have you and the kids put on a visiting(execution) list as well as my mom and peter and my brother as well.

i hope and pray that we become one again, that way i will have somthing to look forward to each day i do in prison. Please dont stop loving me and please try to trust in me again. i want you to know that i wood never hurt you or the kids at all.(if this person drinks he dosnt have a choice)

and it hurts me alot knowing how i feel for you and cant hold you or make love (turn paper over to back side) to you at all. All i know is i want you back AMY (o-k smarty pants, tell us how your going to do that) i will do anything i can to keep you. (yes, we know that, thats probly why your in jail, killer, its a little late to be thinking of a right way to do that)

And i wish you wood do the same for me. Amy, my deerst love, please stay with me and keep in touch and send pictures of you and the kids every time you get a chance to do so.

One more thing before i close this letter. No one will ever Love you as much as i do, Remember that, i love you so much i cant wait to be with you again. Tell the kids i said hi, and i love them too.

Love always, your Husband, Kevin, write back, really quick ok, send some pictures, always, also my love, love-your husband, eternally 4ever Kevin(heart)Amy, K+A

all up and down the sides: i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you

end of first yellow paper.

secound yellow paper: To Tears from your Husband Kevin

(the poem sucks but here it is, its the heart that count, right? a little...)

My love was yours
and you didnt believe in me.
you had no trust in me
you through all my love always
and left me broken hearted

My heart belongs to you
and it is true, i wish you
you would just believe in
me this one last time.


on the back-side is a pencil-sketch drawing of
a castle tower, one window, pointed-roof,
and another small tower, leening against one side of it.

end of letter.

i can not help it, i am tempted to add here one comment: ever notice(sometimes) when people say I-Love-You, they realy meen, i see future-plans with you, oR: i got ideas because of you, ideas that make me excited. this is why(sometimes) you hear crying later... dont you trust me? cant you believe in me one more time? this also meens, i see future-plans with you, wont you keep trying to see-plan a future with me in it too?

of corse if you are a RET and you see no sensible connections to water and greens and seeds... you know what that answer will always turn out to be. you got to make-rooms for love. and then...

you got to love the person you choose, not choose the persons you love.

because love changes as quickly as hate, thats right, the same person you love the most, you will hate the most.

but if you are dedicated to that person, it dont matter, emotions change, i am suprised how completely differnt everything looks, when you add or remove the right words, people can not help it.

use what they call 'imagination', it take you to places you never bin, without changing your camp or location at all, it may even open blind eyes to what is truly around you in your area.

but some people are so grouchy... even a beautiful place like hawaii islands would feel like hell, because they got a mouth that just paints everything you see or do... so bad, its horrible. un-bearable, i cant take it any longer!

and other people are just too-good at imagination, they get people all excited and mystified about the littlest things, i can not do that, i think on true-needs of the RET and survival-tactics, god-knows we need RETS with imagination, cuz i do not got it.

some camping-survival books talk about ways to keep up the mor-al and hopes of others in a survival-situation, each person doing there part and feeling good about it, avoiding discouraging words, following a leader to act as head. that all sounds interesting, i didnt know we needed a leader... god is good enuff, and maybe i am the one that is just to-excited.

end of long lust-ful comment.


i know that-old-letter, grrr!

i just-know...

if you see the right girl or guy...

someday...(beer,romance novels,and porn-internet helps alot)

you will start talking the same way as that poor soul in the letter, and you will be to-dumb to see what your doing to yourself. 'that' kind of love is not helpful to anyone, cuz now that girl is\was looking for a place to dump her kids,

and so... another RET gets shot down.


in another way... i needed to hear (and all RETS) this letter, not just to see what i missed, but to have the same sense for RET-people, as this person in jail has for his AMY and kids.

what is love? ...

and where will it be allowed to grow?...

in this world where it-is-not welcome,

love and truth must walk like total strangers,
without defense (for love has no fear)
protecting itself only by out-witting the hunter,
and always-on-the-run,

in a world not-worthy of love and truth,


at all.


April 19, 2007 1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

path-wy2.txt - - - - v4-19-07 3pm simple-seeryus questions started by the first path-way.txt, this report covers: a global-system, and the need to stay anony-mouse, and dum-stuff about love.

thats A.A.L. folks: a-nts, a-nony, and l-ove.

the secound moon (judges psalms joel) started while typing the first path-way.txt yesterday, a rain-bow also apeers that day, and very pretty, except one end came down on a winery, the other end came down on the post-office... and this meens what?...

anyway...night came, all is blak, and... stars! ...slept hard, no dreems, except one, but it made no sense, somthing about a blue-zone from your door-way to the street, this new-law gives police the right to shoot anyone in that zone... yes...crazy dreem... but what if...

very dark... must be near the end of the night, i know because my mind just clicked-on, this is exciting, answers are coming... the report i typed yesterday left me with some seery-us questions to play with, and now... i am reddy to give my answer, even if it is a sad one.

one of the boxes in the hippie-bus has a trail of ants coming in and out of it... oh, i should not have touch it, i pulled some material out, and ants started poring out of that box.

i went to the next box, and found some books and things, and then to the next box, and the next... but by now, the ant-box was getting worse, ants had completly covered the wall and floor where it was, and then half of the roof, falling down on me, and flooding the floor with ants, up my shoes, all over me till i was finaly pushed out the door.

my conclusion: that hippie bus was on the move! back when gas was 39-cents a gallon, and always 39-cents, gas-prices-never-changed, and that atrack-ted alot of followers... un-till the 80's, but by then, most people were hooked, so now they can up the price to what ever they want, and they know it, because you wont let go.

think about it... a system... entirely dependent on gas, where as before... no one ever needed it, it was a luxery... not a need.

so how does a luxery suddenly become a need? simple... somewhere along the line, people gave up there independence, for dependence, every new town and idea and advertisement and sit-com... and fad... was bilt... on the idea... that gas wood always be... and so it is today.

think about it... hooked on a system entirely bilt on greed and lies... the tree grows up sick... and rotten to the core. so... you know... soon... somthing... you know... is going to go... -SNAP!- , and all the ants in the box are going to go... uhh... lets not think about it.

think about holocaust past, holocaust present, holocaust future.

lets back up a little, my mind wakes up near the end of the night to deel with simple-seeryus problems, the first one was... why is this RET-person wandering around looking for stuff... is he just a consumer?... or is a man much more than that, what if man was allowed to be what he was before oil-gas took over our standards... wow!... i wood be glad to have such a stranger on my land, working the land.

but we are not allowed to see people in that way, they are only what the crude-oil system says they are... or should be, and i got hundreds of movies to proove it... they are just consumers... are they not?.

holocaust present: things are probly worse, but this is the part most-people are allowed to see: some people are having difficulty finding work-jobs... ever notice that?... call it... a disability...

but then i began to think... wait a minute... these work-jobs are NOT WORK! they are gas-dependent, you need gas to have one, and gas to get off one.

when you say work-jobs you meen... better-money-pay jobs... not real work... the kind that would make you independent... and when that -SNAP!- comes... you are really stuck...

what about this little RET-person... wandering around like he\she is mentaly-ill?... he\she is doing somthing... somthing your world has forgoten how to do... working... following basic instinct... searching for water...greens...seeds... like the ants do... ants become the teacher... when people fail to do what they were designed to do.

and when the -SNAP!- comes, that...RET... still knows what to do... where to go... but you got nothing... you were to busy... remember? you followed the money... to closely.


holocaust future: when?... im talking like... today or tommorrow... when gas-prices jump another dollar... or stop completely... but what is a -SNAP?-...whats is it like? it is happening all over the world-system... at different times... and then the greed moves to a new area...

what is a -SNAP!- sposed to look like? a loaf of bread costing $100.00 ? i had nay-bers who came from places where this happened, what about the ants covering the walls?... this may sound crazy... but

government has alreddy passed laws, plans, and bilt camps for what they-call... national-emergencyies... that is what these long beeps on the radio and television are for... you know... if this had bin an actual emergency, this warning wood be followed by news or instructions(on how to screw yourself)...we now return you to the regularly-sceduled program(brain-washing) bla... bla...bla... etc.


more ideas of what a -SNAP!- is: a three-day power-out, all your food wood go bad, there wood be looting, killing... people wood demand marshal-law... if-any law is brave-enuff to come in and stop it.

now you got police shooting you if you step outside your door... some help that was... just like my dreem...

natural-instincts wont do you any good if they wont let you out of your house. even if you escaped, you got no time to practice... what RETs have beem doing comfortably for moons now... learning, and adjusting, and hardest of all... finding out: the system wanted you dead after all.

i much rather be making my own barbed-wire hole to bunker-down in for a moon... much better than waiting for them to come and put you in one they made just for you.

and just like the ants... the first week of trouble is the thickest, lots of people everywhere, like ants, finding every thing they can... including your hide-out. you can by egg-shaped nuke-shelters on the internet, the door is tamper-proof and blast-proof... if found.

but after the first week... most of the K-os is over, and only the stronger ones are still running and killing... and after the first moon... well... you know?... wonderful world-system you got into... isnt it...

but a nuke-blast works even faster, RE-ality: most nuke-weapons are now pointing at every major city on this planet... why?... war is a business... buisness is money... and scare-city makes things more valuable...

so they shoot all the baffallo, then all the trees, then all the oil, then all the people... forget those dream vacations to the moon... we are alreddy there.

some of you think this kind of talk is real paranoid... man-kind is better than that... fine... but 2 + 2 still equals 4... lets just hope nothing... is happening, and there really is... no results coming... lets pretend the way we use this planet... will have no side-effects, 2 + 2 = unknown.

that is the end of holocaust past, present, or future... which-ever one you may now be in.

as for me... i have personaly located the concentration(prison) camps in our area... these air-force-base-type fences are all around a stone dome with small windows... a very nice place to be, probly very safe from all the rioting and shame-less acts of homeless people who turn violent, you will probly actualy-want... to be turned in to one of these places... just to get away from the madness.

maybe these strange un-marked places can really be explained... or used differntly... for a while... and i wood not tell you about this one... except that... next door to it is a masonic? RAINBOW-ORDER homestead? the sign out front. they got Rainbow girls and many other branches... but the RAINBOW-ORDER itself is very powerful... they have evil plans for you and your children. all linked to total surveilance of every citizen. you... are no exception.

they just had their annual rainbow-celebration down here where i live. the place is teeming with deception. but who is going to stop them? fake-peace has bin promised. no one will turn back now. all roads... leed... to ROME-->.

wait... they cant lock me up... i got an associates degree... i got my G.E.D... i went to med-school... what about my life-insurance... social-security... i got friends and fans all over this place... they cant just...

well guess what... all the above is man-made standards... man-made rules... meens man can change-them when-ever he wants... ANTs are fine examples... people are not... and may show less sense too. go for water and seeds... take care of them... for they... take care... of you.

you should value how-many times you planted a seed... not how many friends, degrees, and classes kept you from it.

this report has bin about A.A.L.
A.nts A.nony-mouse and L.ove


i will now move to the A.nonymous:
before all this happened i was in the woods and a Hunter stopped me... i did not see him, and walked rite passed him, he called out... hey... stop...

he said this was his land, he did not ask for any identification... nor did i ask his name... somthing crossed between us both... as if we both knew the times had changed... somthing was different... but we didnt know how to deel with it. so we parted in peace.

that night i decided... true friends dont ask for identification anymore... those days are gone. the only persons who do know your name, or want it, seek to make some profit(money) from it... what else can they do?

but just in case... avoid roads and places where people can pick you up... stay out of CAR-PHONE-TIME: that meens places where cars(or atv) can go, but also where people have a phone...

example: new street, never seen it, you pass the first house... then a lady walking her dog... five-minutes later a cop stops you... now you know... eether that-house reported you... or the lady... eether way... your screwed... but... as long as you pay attention to... TIME... you can go anywhere... it takes a while for the bees to come out and start stinging everything... unless the area was hot before you got there.


the new problem... is where you go... on the internet... there is programs? that can screw-up your cookies... even re-place with false ones to confuse the path of where you have gone with you computer. web-sites that deel with keeping you anonymous... or so they claim: and see public-library books 323.44 or 324.44 you will be horrified when you find out what they know about you... you are all computer-ized... rolled up like toy-let paper... they just push a button to find out the parts they want to use... and the computer automaticly lights-up all the places on that roll they want to see. THEN: send results to another computer to add-you to the execution list... think of it!... the computer says your gilty... not humans.

end of A.nonymous nfo of this A.A.L. report.


this report deels with A.A.L.
wich meens A.nts A.nonymous and L.ove

here i will go into L.ove...

the last report(path-way.txt) left me asking a strange question... what is... LOVE?

i have finaly decided that LOVE has many layers:

sexual(i love sex)
family(i love people,friends,etc.)
health(i love foods,excersise,sports?,etc)
groups(i love my trade,professions,club,order,church,tribe,farm,skills)

and one layer... always seems to effect the others.
some layers are neglected... some are abused.

but i am sad to say... nobody loves any of these things... you are introduced to it... you learn it... you shelter it... you feed it... you give it more time... soon... you love it... or... you get into it cuz others are in it... and it gets... stronger.

the things you choose the most, help others know what you like, what you are in-to... and gives clues where\what you will probly in-to later... because of it... the point is... you must gide your heart... tell it what to love... and keep it for those uses... think what it leeds too first... dont follow your heart... gide it... look at what happened to others who did... that is a clue...

i think the proper use of all these fantastic layers is only two things: to glorify god... keep his commandments... even when tested... and the golden rule: use these things to do unto others... what you wish others wood do for you.


every word... brings an idea, every idea brings a desire, then a habit, every habit becomes part of your character, every character, finds a role, every role... finds a story, every story... finds a destiny... and your destiny... leeves a legacy... and legacy... gides eternity... no-end.

if you want to hear how it goes... listen to this:

Tom loved Sue...
and Sue loved Jeff

Jeff married Sue...

and Tom lived




there is more about LOVE... for god... is love.
but if the solar-system has no SON at the center... than all those layers must spin around self... all you got is... self to worship... and since nothing was designed to spin around just you... all these other things get mis-used too...

which may explain why this planet and everything on it is getting tossed around and butchered for extinction... why? because mis-use... wins.

well... i see a new heaven and a new earth coming... where right things are allowed to happen. if this world has a problem with that... to bad... we love anyway... because we are still here...

-end of L.ove of A.L.L

-end of path-wy2.txt report.

-thanks for listening... i do... value... your time.
knowing what words will cost you... later.


i do want to say somthing about eating Frankenstein-foods, man-made seed-less and who-knows what-else altered foods... so then... natural foods fall into dis-use... and the world... falls into the darkest hour of strange-ness i can ever imagine. no more seeds.

human sperm-count has bin falling in some-cases 50% every generation... this meens... the last re-productive-man will be alive... in the next two-generations... this stangely agrees with a prophesy in ROME... in Vatican halls hangs the image of every POPE that ever lived... starting with saint-peter? to present.

we are down to the last two frames that have not yet bin filled-in with an image... and since the death of POPE-john-PAUL-2... there remains... only one. 666


but now im getting into information that can hardly be said usefull... to a RET... but still... facts are stranger... than any fiction...


April 19, 2007 1:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

x-shoe.txt - - - - v5-23-07 ret-gear... shoes and related.

days have other meanings... today is shuvot, omer, the dawn of a new age, pente(50)cost(days after passover), according to 3,000 year tradition. the third moon is the time of new things, the first grain, the time chosen to give the law to moses, amos - to judge, ruth - to show mercy, proverbs - to tell secrets.


i am thinking of your gear...

RETS need foot-wear...

try these key-words:

shoe Teva-style tire sandal

i cant draw so just listen.


This shoe-for-rets has two parts:

the sandal: made from a tire.

the sock: a strip of leather.


the 'sock' can be a strip of leather
wrapped around your foot, tied with cords.
sim2 a moccasin. wrap
clear up to your knee for protection.

related materials: furniture-cloth
scraps, nylon, polyester-shirts, tarp,
plastics that breath, croche-yarn,
burlap, potatoe-sacks, nit-caps,

anything you feel comfortable with.


the 'sandal' can be old tire-tread,
cut-out a paper-pattern first...

trace your foot and add five tabs,
one in the back to go up your heal,
two near the front on both sides,
and two near the back, at the ankle.

the pattern shood now look somthing like
a turtle that got splatted.

the tabs look like the head, hands and feet
of whatever animal you stepped on,

take the pattern and place it on the
in-side-side of the tire, and start
cutting the tire. truck-tires are best,
some contain metal and wont cut.

try other materials sim2 tires...wood?
baskets? braids? rag-rug? garden-hose?

a long sharp chisle works best,
using a hammer or mallet to pound-out
the pattern-shape into the tire.

the tabs need slits too.
so you can run a cord into them all, like shoe-laces.


it may take a few trys to get a shoe
with the tabs in the right place for you,
or a little cutting to make it comfy.

maybe you should just step on a cat!
all the tabs are in the
right place... you can run a cord in and
out the eyes, paws, and around,
and hope nobody comments:

my... what lovly cats your wearing.


best part of a two-part shoe:

the 'sock' is great for around-the-fort use,
and for stalking in silence.

the 'sandal' is great for water-places, and
wont wear-out.


now put the two on together
and you got the best hiking-shoe possible,


good for the first 50,000 miles,

no blisters.

-no end-

other gear is more easy, a poncho...
just a sheet of...? with a hole in the center
for your head... keep it in place
by somthing tied around your waste.

now you look... very... medievil.


post this at stream-seven

x-shel.txt - - - - v5-23-07

memory-key for shelters:

shelters 4444 L.U.T.E.
L-ocations: 4: beware 4: sun, air, hikers, hazards
U-ses: 4 uses: 1-4u + bak-up, 1-4friends + a bak-up
(many uses:
T-ypes: 4: easy to build = natural(fallen tree,ditch,etc),t-p,2t-pz,debri-wall,4walls makes a room,hogan
E-lements: of a good shelter are 4: a.s.i.f.: air-proof,shingles4rain,insulation,and fire(or heat-source)


if you just landed in a new area...

you have 4 needs: shelter, water, fire, food. (in that order)

'find' 2 sleep-spots (old cars, sheds, a pile of...)
2nd spot is-if first fails.

now: use time to 'make' sleep-spots, where people 'dont' go.
not far-away, but sayfer.

faster: use scraps of man-made-materials,
but make it small,
it is still to-near and will be found.

fold it up ? when not in use.
dont make it look new + useful.

use it to explore the area. find places where people dont go, there you can build a fine shel.

so remember when you land: two found, two made, two for guests.

sheets, tarp, and string are nice to bring.

all else will be there as you start looking around.


i hope you included some interesting people or places to see
when you are landing in a new area.

like a CSA:
community-supported-aggriculture or other attractions near-you.

if not... soo-what! whooooo-cares! , you-ARE the greatest CSA here!


collect water and seeds
be with them * who do
set tasks for boys and girls
make rooms for flocks and birds
and strangers too.


* them may not meen human...


one other related topic:

support your local-food-grower, gaiam got me to see
how important 'local' is.

we eat peanut-butter from georgia and melons from mexico.
thats thousands of miles all on one dinner-plate.

you may think its amazing... modern.

but i think its super-stupid.

the energy spent
to put that plate of food together is way...
way more than the nrg you will get out of it.


also, your local-food grower just gives-up(surrender)
no one is buying his trashy expensive vegetables.
cuz everyone is buying the commercial stuff
cuz its cheaper (in the short-term) and 'looks' better.

so the grower gives-up and gets a 'job' so he can buy
the same stuff your eating, he totaly looses any
insentive to grow anything, just like teens today.
no reason, no purpose.


but lets say gas-prices go up...(not)
are you going to... walk thousands of miles
to get that plate of food yourself?
... nope... one moment your shopping
in their stores...
next moment they shoot you. why?

they are done with you! they got all they
can get out of the customer.
party is over. now they skip town.

read my lips:
trucks will not-be-able to get food to you.

why?... new methods dont work(in the long-term)
and since you forgot all the old-ways(time-prooven methods)
and your local-grower gave-up (sustainable small-towns died in 1980's)
guess what comes next...

a time of trouble such as the world has never seen...

this-topic is a... major-thrill-kill,
no-one talks about it,
im not typing more,

it gets spooky.


they spend millions to mask the problem,
not fix it.

we do not have free-press.
controled: news,media, magick pills,
it all keeps people calm.

till wham! they absolutly must take off your head.

reasons and apologies? none.
they lie to you as hard as they can...
why wood they stop now?


how powerful are they?
the latest-greatest pain-pill,
then fill spaces with help adds.


let them have there fun.
pretend to pay attention.

be gathering your own props, your own gear, your own actors,



-no end-

- they shall all speak peace at one-table...

but U.N.der it grab every knife, nuke, and nerd they can get.

they know the smiles wont last long.

- history -


May 25, 2007 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look Up, sometimes it's the only way through.
Look Down, notice anything new?
Look All Around, the moon is red not blue.

All Roads also Lead to SPAIN

Oh, God, I would so lov.e to indentify "THEM" and stick a bar of soap in THEIR ears (cuz evrybodies got ears-some don't work so good...) Then WE can shake em down wit sum WUB and wash THEIR brains for a change.
Happy Rainbow Day - THEY willnot!!! have my rainbows too.

September 30, 2007 4:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh So Cerebral These Days.
Been following my own heart with my conscience as the guide for many sunrises now. Ahhh success! Todays' path is a little bit different. A new idea that recently has been tossing my world around like cookies...The Body gets what The Body needs. (This idea is generally in relation to physical addictions and does include mental addictions, because contrary to popular belief the brain is an important part of the body though it usually is the last to know.)
However Spiritually this idea is very sensitive.
Personally, cuz that's me...a person...I think...cuz that's something I CAN DO...I must remember, if I remember anything at All:
Many splendored things happen in life and living. If you forget about the last time your world was shaken up, or gave some curiosity, or the last time you could actually feel your heart skip a beat, or the fact of many secrets and mysteries invloved in m-i-s-s-i-s-s-i-p-p-i and l-o-v-e and gators and loving and loving gators or devils or what-have-you. If you can recognize that spark of life, or wisdom of the body beyond knowledge, that touches youhoo or scares you right into safety or into pro-creation (biologically that is what the hokey pokey IS all about. Whether you stick the right one in or put the left one out, you're gonna have to turn yourself around once in a while)
The point is (besides the one at the top of your head) I could sit all day with my knots and lists and lists of dos and whys and hows-its; when all is silent and the buzzing from the neon lights is turned off, the heart will be your only guide. If you are a skilled Bodhi You can try to teach/learn some wisdom but as long as there is life in The Body, the heart will pull you inevitably in to your tuned direction. And it will be easy, not cheap but easy. Just try it, i triple-dog dare you, use your brain to over-ride/control something close to your heart or something/anything 'heartfelt' (not the ventricles). Possibilties?? of headaches, stress, fatigue, pain, suffering, unquenchable desire, disappointment, relentless feelings of neglect and incompletion and an excuse for every way that the sun shines.???
**This is why I too must build my treasures in my heart. Everything else is a distraction or time-killer. No enforcement can ever destroy, or steal, or ?control? these things I place here. I can have what I want and keep what I need. If I love it you can never take that away from me. Even in hate there is still care.

Wanna See?
<3 Quadruple arched rainbows in the dark, faith, "the birth of a breath, the candling of an egg", generosity, empathy, loyalty, friendship, knowledge, wisdom, strength, ice cold water, dripping sweat, chocolate, beer, adrenaline...many many more...all of these things I hold in my heart. I'll always have everything I need including the faith to find more if I need it. Kind of Like riding a bicycle, just second nature and a sick sense. Knowing about love and what it should be is one thing; but to actually feeeel it, flowing in and of course out, is a whole nother ball game.
all the bombs have been blown and all the murderers have killed and all the sky has gone.
After All This, There might still be more. If you still have a heart, you'll see what I mean. I'll apologize for being a head-on type of goyl. It comes naturally.

Part 2 of Part 2:
My hands for Heaven's will.
Occupation: Occupied at will.
History can be drawn any way the damned politicians/media want to that the idea? You want me? Come and get me! That's how it is. No need to run, no need hide. There is much to fear and nothing to be afraid of. I feel it in my guts and bones. The Stand is what makes the difference. Let the cookies crumble and then we'll eat cake. Then the laws and occupation of the universe can reign as always...spared and spoiled.
I'll agree emphatically that the rat race is merely to keep people occupied! We often do it to ourselves.
Rats born and raised in captivity need to be gently RET-introduced to the WILD SIDE. How else might they feed themselves? I do purpose that we are atleast a couple hundred years into progress as opposed to non-progress of rewilding and the like.
As for The may have to wait until I am unoccupied.
You Rock, What else need I say?

October 01, 2007 6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Else: if someone has a diagnosis of NOT "crazy/insane"...
(preventative medicine-Senor B can't diagnose dillusional if Senora A already diagnosed NOT dillusional)
How does that wrk? fantastically strategical mamacita

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again that does does does not wrk.

Wor-k: occupation, slaves, theives, beezgets begets gets

Genius: every body has one or more

RETturn: giving back, investment,sustainability, creative marketing, organic revenue, original construction, delicious design,,,
>>All packaged from thin air especially for a no-mad wondering around searching for the meaning of life or some sign of life at All. thx u

October 04, 2007 12:53 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Chess with BlueTooth, amazing. I just found a blog where it says you can pay Chess with bluetooth now. Unknown to me.
Chat Place

December 10, 2007 4:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Free Energy and Free Thinking  

 Advanced Level 

The Techno-Shaman's Guide to Power 

Self Knowledge  Abundance  Love  and  Equity 


Beginner's Explanation 

A visual pictorial tour of the concepts with associated links to the supporting evidence. By scrolling rapidly through this page the reader will be able to grasp an understanding of where all of this timely information is leading and the great future it offers all of us.  After you have come to grasp the meaning and direction of this material, you can go straight to the Advanced Level. 

Intermediate Explanation

 No Politics, Economics, Religion, Mythology, History, etc.. so as not to intimidate those with emotional or philosophical crutches related to these areas of study. 

Advanced  Explanation

The holistic, integrated view of our present predicament 

  The evidence describing the Vortex nature of our curved and divided, Electric Universe of appearances, from the so-called "sub-atomic" to the super-galactic, as opposed to the curved space and time of einstein's imagination. This site details the cause of our Universe of appearances due to the optical nature of gravity controlled light, which "pushes light" into vortices of expansion or compression, thereby creating all the various conditions of matter and energy witnessed by mankind through our limited senses.  The history of suppression of knowledge and inventions by the global elite and the mechanisms and machinations by which they operate in plain view, without being noticed by the populous at large, will be thoroughly addressed in the many links found upon this page as well as the many recent findings which validate this Cosmology of Light.

I have woven together many disparate theories found in the links from this web page, which interface with one another in their central tenets. The various theorists are describing similar perceptions of the mechanics of our Universe according to different terms at times and from different levels of observation at others. The point of my work here is to show via the latest discoveries, the similarity and veracity of all these alternative and dissenting theories which are diametrically opposed to the physics as taught by corporate academia. These theories have born technologies, which will free us from the present pyramidal systems of control administered by the global elite. When the people of this planet finally understand this dissenting science, they will demand the immediate release and production of all free energy machines for the benefit of mankind as a whole..

For those new to the subject it is best to start with the beginner's explanation from the link below. Scroll quickly through the pictures to get an idea of the content and where the information is headed.  


In its rising there is no light,
In its falling there is no darkness,
A continuous thread beyond description,
Lining what can not occur;
Its form formless,
Its image nothing,
Its name silence;
Follow it, it has no back,
Meet it, it has no face."

Lâo Dze



  When one understands the concepts of  Viktor Schauberger  and Nikola Tesla, the doorways to "free energy and free thinking" will be unlocked. The lines of control which hold the unfortunate  "socially engineered" victims of academia, will be broken. The mental prison of materialistic,  scientific  reductionism, will be properly dethroned and marginalized, then the truth will finally prevail. 

From this free and enlightened vista of thinking, a world view of abundance and a lifestyle of  peace, prosperity, and freedom will produce the foundation for mankind's happiness. These virtuous aspirations transcend and oppose the dreary scientific/religious/governmental/ corporate/academic view of a world of scarcity, war and survival, financial ruin and the destruction of our personal freedoms and our environment.



    Twin opposing Vortices


In a world of abundance and neg-entropy there is no need to fight over dwindling resources. Water can be desalinated and transported great distances to arid regions without the massive energy costs. There would be no "have nots".  Everyone's basic needs would be assured.  The technological possibilities are limitless with Tesla and Schauberger's insights and inventions  relating to free energy. The Alternative Physics they believed in, is the Physics of eternal abundance. 


Standing Waves Modeled in Atomic Vortices


It is easy to imagine a world without war, because everyone would be working towards the goal of bringing  civilization back into a harmonious relationship with nature for the sake of our mutual survival.  We would see the end of the fossil/nuclear fuel age and an end to all of the cancer causing pollution of this insidious academic crime. Also, an end, by diffusion, to the pyramids of political, financial, media, academic and religious control, where wealth and power are dangerously concentrated into a hands of few jaded, impostors.



Vortex Rings


 Look around you and you will see opportunity everywhere, because of the enormous destruction caused by corporate America and it's globalist allies. All of the dams will need to be torn down and the rivers restored to their natural states. All of the academic projects built by the Army Corp of Engineers, where they built straight canals to move water, will have to be rebuilt according to natural principles. This way, we won't have anymore multi-billion dollar failures of one of their "scientifically" designed levy, canal or dam systems. 

  Vortex Ring Formation


The entire infrastructure of canals and pipes that move our water on this planet will have to be replaced if we want to reverse the present plague of Cancer.  If doing things right, were the priority,  there would be work for everyone. Just imagine the labor involved in this project alone. The reclaiming of fresh water and endless free energy from cold water conversion of deep Ocean water is also now a reality and should be exploited to it's fullest.


Vortex Ring Hydrogen Atom 


With everyone's basic needs covered we could all go to work  saving this world before we destroy it. With the vast array of new spin off technologies there would be fulfilling work for everyone. The war could shift from the phony excuses used now to the real threat we all are facing, which is the wholesale destruction of our beautiful planet and it's inhabitants.


Vortex Ring Oxygen Atom

The Case Against the Nuclear Atom


 Imagine soldiers planting billions of trees in our clear cut forests, instead of killing other unfortunate human beings, birds, plants and animals. We need to plant 100 billion new trees immediately if we want to turn the tide of our self made destruction. We would be fighting against the true "evil doers", those who wantonly destroy our small planet using deception and trickery for personal financial gain, vanity and power (The federal reserve, the corporations and media and their elected leaders ). 


Quantized Perception of  3D Existence


Imagine silent, hovering aircraft,  dropping mineralized rock dust on reclaimed forests to fertilize them, rather than extremely noisy jets and helicopters dropping napalm, daisy cutters, depleted uranium, micro nukes and other types of "destructive ordinance" on poor innocent victims, other wise known as "collateral damage". Or, these same silent craft tending to our agricultural needs by automated satellite control and managing unending fields of Cannabis and Hemp, for replacing: oil, pharmaceutical, food, clothing and timber products, to name a few.

How much of the planet's natural beauty, forests and waters have been lain waste thanks to military actions?  Just watch some war footage of bombing campaigns and you will get a glimpse of a fraction of the damage.


3D Oscillating Vortex Rings - Create Standing Waves


Imagine also, these same silent craft built into massive sand movers which could clear the sands of Saharasia and reclaim the regions which bred the present state of warlike cruelty, 6000-8000 years ago. The sand could be fused into building materials for structures of the future, with very little cost. The newly cleared lands could be irrigated with desalinated water pumped from the oceans with Schauberger technologies. Billions of trees could be planted in these reclaimed lands and vast areas could be opened for people and agriculture.

So, all you creepy people who think we need to kill off billions of other humans to make Earth a better place can go crawl back under your rocks. Overpopulation is not the problem, cramming millions of people together in cities which rely on toxic waste to fuel their endeavors  and support their presence, is!  Imagine all of our cities without pollution, they might actually be nice places to live in once people detoxify from their polluted conditions and turn down their  frantic racket.

   Fractal  Vortices 


Viktor Schauberger was the pioneering environmentalist who discovered natural solutions to all of the most pressing problems relating to our energy and pure water needs, poor health and continuing destruction of this planet through the ignorant and negligent treatment of  our Earth,  Air and Water.  

His work should be required reading in all schools, because it is a virtuous foundation for life, health and sanity in an insane world. As long as Corporate America controls our schools with "sound science," the truth will never be taught.

 I never heard a word about, Ether, Alternative Physics, Plasma Physics, Free Energy,  Over-Unity,  Zero Point Energy,  Tesla,  Schauberger,  Moray,  Townsend,  Gray , Giordano Bruno, DB Larson, or especially, Walter Russell, in any Physics class during High School, two Junior Colleges or at the University of California, where I graduated from. I wish I had attended the Institute of Unlearning, instead! 


Vortices create Symmetry Order


All of these brilliant thinkers above believed in a  different form of  Physics which has produced technologies that can free us from the centralization of energy production and aristocratic financial control. These technologies have been suppressed, because they would upset the balance of power which the wealthy aristocratic class has possessed, since the hoary times of  ancient Babylon, and Egypt, with their pyramidal systems of control.

The centralization of energy production is an extremely bad idea in relationship to terrorism, whether homemade, "false flag operations", or real imported terrorism. It is very easy to disrupt the flow of energy to millions of customers in a system like the world has presently, where energy is produced in large plants. Terrorists could, target any one of the many nuclear reactors in our country causing exponential damage and death.


Animated Vortex Implosion


If Arab terrorists really "hate our freedoms" as president shrub tells us and wanted to destroy us on 911, they could have crashed the four jets they are accused of hijacking into four Nuclear reactors in the North East, killing tens of millions of Americans and destroying the habitat for countless eons. That is, if they really did it! 

How did they wire the world trade centers with explosives for the demolition, implosions we saw on 911? And, why do they keep telling us a hijacked airliner was flown into the pentagon, when all of the evidence found, contradicts this flimsy, pathetic lie. The engines found at the scene of the crime and the false flag pentagon attack are 737 engines, not the 767 engines according to the Bush/Cheney/Rice islamic fundamentalist conspiracy propaganda hawked to us daily by the zionist media, end of story!


Walter Russell - Sphere in a Cube


Vice president, dick cheney, was at the helm of the National Reconnaissance Office, with complete control of NORAD on the morning of 911. They were running hijacking simulations for "operational cover" that infamous day. These exercises were created by a direct Presidential order bush made, during May of 2001. 

So much for the NSA's head liar, condoleeza rice and her  false claims and blatant lies about US intelligence, not being warned and not being prepared for this kind of attack. They were practicing these hijacking simulations for an entire month before and on the morning of 911. They were given "stand down orders" by "big dick" cheney, who deliberately let a plane/missile? crash into the Pentagon as part of the 911 psy-ops event according to, Secretary of Transportation, Norman Mineta in sworn testimony before the shrub administration's "Cherry picked" 911 commission, who later whitewashed the story for the sheeple of the world who believe this form of malarkey. Here's proof! 


The Cubic Wavefield Model  - Page 157


After lying about the 911 inside job in every possible manner, "condor-lizard" rice then began lying about Niger and the sale of Uranium "yellow cake" to Iraq. This was a well known fraud manufactured by rice, cheney and the WHIG propaganda group working for the bush crime family. She lied about this repeatedly and ultimately it was the reason used by dubya to illegally invade Iraq and ruin our economy and hopes for a future in the process. 

This venomous female then participated in the concerted destruction of Joseph Wilson and his wife Valerie Plame for dubya bush, by leaking the cia identity of Plame   via Scooter Libby to the media and the world, because they proved to everyone that the bush crew: rice, cheney, rumsfeld, meyers, ashcroft, powell etc... cooked the books with blatantly false info as an excuse to invade Iraq.  The spinster rice, is a pathological liar and leaker. She has been caught repeatedly in the act of lying about issues which have put the USA on a highway to hell! Our country is now almost as ugly as she is with no sight of a makeover! The fact that the Senate reconfirmed this traitorous liar who works and leaks for the globalists and the blood sucking oilers, is proof of the treasonous nature of our leaders as a whole.


Gyroscopic Planes Prolate and Oblate in Cubic Wave-fields


Imagine every home with an Implosion Motor, Rotary, Permanent Magnetic Motor , Motionless Electromagnetic Generator, or a Parallel Path Magnetic Motor, for example. Each home would produce all of it's own energy needs and the rest could be sold back to the grid for redistribution to the industrial and business sectors. These inventions are confirming and advancing our understanding of Scalar Theory, which is putting mankind back on the right theoretical path in science, the recognition of  the "eternal cycles of never ending, eternal abundance".

The implosion and  magnetic motors run 24 hours a day, so you are making money while you sleep. The whole time Corporate America is paying you for it. Lutec of Australia, has patented a ro-mag motor and is currently beginning to mass produce them for homes. Perendev of South Africa is also ready for production of it's version of a ro-mag motor, which will be made in Germany.


Sympathetic Streams entering and exiting Cubic Wavefields


Even the oil worshipping pResident of the "land of the living dead", once know proudly as the USA, has to admit:

"Roof makers will one day be able to make a solar roof that protects you from the elements and at the same time, powers your house," Bush said. "The vision is this - that technology will become so efficient that you'll become a little power generator in your home, and if you don't use the energy you generate you'll be able to feed it back into the electricity grid." (dubya's statement, Feb.-20-2006)


Sympathetic Vortex streams between Cobalt Atoms


Even though the dummy is hyping the weak solar technologies, which are exponentially less productive than implosion turbines or permanent magnetic motors as a solution,  he confirms my assertion that we can have a system like the one I have proposed above, where houses could supply industry, only with really powerful over-unity technologies which would actually create wealth for the home owners, as opposed to a trickle of solar current left over from the daily needs of the common power consumer. It would take decades to recover the high capital outlays for each homeowner to install the very weak, large, cumbersome and extremely expensive solar panel systems.



                 Atomic Vortices               Atomic Magnetic Vortices


"When the electric company says that they're selling electricity, what's going on? Simple: they're using the unscientific definition of the word "electricity." They really don't sell any electricity. Instead they sell a pumping service. Instead they're just pumping electricity back and forth inside the wires. That's what "alternating current" means. The electricity just sits in the wires and wiggles 60 times per second. The electric company sells a pumping service, and you can use their service to run motors and heaters and light bulbs. They sell energy, but they don't sell you any electrons. The electrons don't even really flow at all, they just vibrate". Bill Beaty

Hexagonal Patterns in Water Vortices Packing together


The over-unity system I have proposed using would be a just means of redistributing the wealth of this country, whose time is long overdue! For reasons of National Security all homes would by law be required to have a free energy machine and sell their excess energy to industry. Interest free government loans would be provided for all Americans to purchase these machines for this Patriotic project. Industry would not be allowed to produce it's own power and by law would have to buy  their electricity from households. Just building all of these machine would be a massive source of new work for Americans. 



Tungsten needle tip photo versus Iteration  zn+1 = zn2 modulus n


Then if bush, cheney, rumsfeld, rice, meyers, and ashcroft,or any other group of new world order stooges, blow up a power plant and blame it on arab, islamic fundamentalist, patsie/terrorists, like the wtc demolitions and pentagon false flag operations, there will be millions of other homes to maintain the flow of energy to the corporations and industries who need them. We can expect more false flags operations blamed on the arabs, because this gang of mass murderers are backed into a corner and only and handful of mindless sycophants actually believe these swine anymore, so they must commit themselves to more dramatic attacks in order to scare the population into supporting their illegal and baseless war on terrorism. A police state would serve them well and would be possible the second a "false flag", nuclear device is detonated inside our borders, or a "false flag sponsored" race war with the 12 million illegal immigrants, could work as well.



Twin Opposing Vortices + Standing Waves = Fractal Matrix


The decentralization of energy  production is one of the most "Patriotic" endeavors Americans can pursue. This is the opposite meaning of patriotic in relation to dubya's 911 fraud, which he now calls "patriots day". What is patriotic about the murder of 2600 innocent victims by traitorous government forces under a false flag operation? Especially, in light of the fact that millions of us see clearly that  bush and cheney were involved in the manufacture of this fraud used to justify pnac's,  war on terror and are doing their best to cover up their involvement and inactivity that fateful day to further the plan's of poppy bush's, new world order as dictated by his globalist handlers. 



Atomic Sphere Packing and the Geometry of Matter


 Decentralization of energy production would give our country a measure of real security, unlike the phony war on terror and it's homeland security's, color coded alert system. And, it would put an end to the big money "oilers" like the bush crime family and their devious children, turning our nation into hell, as they make skyrocketing profits, from their wars, "peak oil scam" exploiting this corporate/banking engineered,  media framed and managed fraud, bush so lovingly  calls a democracy.


Vortex Crystals and Atomic Structures


The other most patriotic thing people can do is to seek the truth and become informed, rather than having propaganda spoon fed by talking heads and remaining ignorant. In other words, turn off the boob tube and explore the internet where information is not controlled, framed, juxtaposed, edited, censored, revealed then marginalized and qualified by the agents of big brother.

The decentralization of financial power is also an essential Patriotic endeavor.  Elite, aristocratic, european bloodlines , have controlled our politics, banks, schools, churches and minds, through secret societies with secret agendas, the bible, lies and endless deception, since the founding of our country.


Atomic Sphere Packing and Cubic Wavefields


They have this control presently because of their wealth, but more importantly, because the media is completely owned by them. The media reports on a make believe world constructed by puppet masters and expects a gullible and clueless population to believe it.  Unfortunately, the mind control programs people receive from their churches, schools and parents, while being "indoctrinated" in their youths, prepares them well for this kind of hollywood styled, mental manipulation. 

 Corporations own our government, so we get no real say or protection from our so-called elected leaders. Unscrupulous corporations pay the cowards in congress to do the opposite of what we hire them to do. Their values are not the decent values which most Americans were raised with. So, they clear cut forest, destroy our air and water, fill our foods with toxins, glamorize alcoholism and tobacco addiction in their media, steal from tax payers, making our existence an expensive, sick and toxic form of sub-life. We all live like slaves, except the wealthy class. Our medical-drugging and vaccinating system is a fraud to the core.  The same can be said for politics, religion, psychology, academia, the media etc...


Atomic Vortex Trails in Cloud Chamber

  Corporate sponsored and elected leaders stand by and let the dimwitted dubya and his cohorts wage illegal wars based on blatant lies and murder our citizens in false flag operations like 911. These pathetic fools are traitors as well and should be dealt with accordingly. The lies have been proven repeatedly, yet nothing changes, because everyday we are at war is a blessing for the military industrial complex, energy theft barons and their share holders. They are raking historical profits at the expense of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis who must be murdered by these lies to justify their riches and the 100's of millions of US taxpayers they bilk to pay this massive bill with the bankers, amortized interest added of course. So, these lies will continue as long as there is a gluttonous war machine that needs to be fed for the money grubbers who have devoted their lives to parasitic greed by investing in it's production, propaganda and destructive capacity. 


Quarks and Lucky Charms for Fruit Cakes


The military industrial complex should have been dismantled at the end of the so-called cold war along with the Nuclear weapon stock piles. Imagine what those trillions of wasted dollars could have done for our infrastructure and economy. I think most people expected or hoped for this. Unfortunately, this ugly, indiscriminating beast of murder has an economic life of it's own. It is a junky with an addiction to easy money stolen from the illiterate, tax paying classes who are scared into coughing up more dough for one false flag operation after another blamed on the  corporate-government manufactured, and zionist-media framed, islamic terrorism. 


Vortex  Harp String Vibration


Our nation is charged  interest on these massive war expenditures by the federal reserve banks which are protected by the very people of this nation they are bilking as they enjoy operating within the safety of our borders. This amortized interest adds up to be trillions of dollars for all of the wars fought since the "fed" was illegally established in 1913, by an act of treason, committed by the president of the US at that time, woodrow wilson. His legacy was to destroy this nation once and for all so that the central bankers could enslave our population and dumb us down into compliance with their parasitic plans (taxes, vaccinations, medical drugging and social engineering via academic lies). They are at the apices of the pyramids controlling  the current system of political racketeering and theft, other wise know as, the monetary system.


Vortex Geometry

The Implosion Physics of Phi


Our government could have printed our own money interest free and even loaned it to our citizens interest free so as to build strength and wealth in our population making us all more secure as a nation. The wealthy bankers prefer our present corrupt system because they print the money out of thin air, loan it to our government of crooks and then the traitors in politics charge the taxpayers for the phony money and it's interest. Meanwhile, the government rakes in profits from it's investments and those profits are never used to pay it's bills, they are diverted to a second set of books which the tax payers never see. The tax payers pay the bills and "our" (we the people-it's our government and our investments) profitable investments get siphoned off into the secret bank accounts of the politicians administering this insider racket.

 For example, in World War ll the federal reserve had 50 billion dollars in assets, the US government borrowed 250 billion from them at that time to fight it's coveted war. So, where did the fed come up with the extra 200 billion dollars? They printed it up as if they owned it. With interest amortization "we" ended up owing them 1 trillion dollars after the war was over, so they netted 950 billion dollars profit from this war alone. War is the best business in the world for these bloodsuckers, they do absolutely nothing productive for society, they feed on fear, lies and darkness as they print money out of thin air. The only other place profits this large are made is in Oil and Pharmaceuticals which are owned by these very same people or their shills.


Fibonacci  Spiral Vortex


The global, aristocratic, banking, and corporate elite are the biggest, parasitic threat to the average American and the rest of the world.  The elite love their modern feudal serfdom and don't want it changed. They feel a need to be in a caste far above the masses. They still believe in the "divine right to rule" and they consider themselves divine in their own twisted minds. 

Right now their is 27.5 trillion dollars of US money held in a public Trust by Leo Wanta, which could dissolve all of our so-called debts and free us from these shysters, thereby creating an enormous amount of abundance for the legal citizens of our country. "We the people" would have 19 trillion dollars to divide between 298,401,400 legal citizens. Think about the possibilities!


Sea Shell Secrets


Their formula for controlling humanity is Problem-Reaction-Solution. That is, they create a problem like the 911 attack, and blame it on so-called islamic fundamentalists,  who are in fact just cia patsies, that were recruited in Hamburg, Germany especially for this false flag operation. People react like stupid, scared chickens and the government offers solutions like homeland security and the patriot act, which are both unconstitutional acts, created by ashcroft and company for controlling our entire population, so that no one can stop the wars that will be waged by the usa and britain for israel and the jewish/christian zionists who control us presently. Then the scared chickens can thank big brother for saving them from the evil plans of the evil doers, all the while, never having a clue to the real reasons why they are "patriotically" sending their families and friends off to die in abominable wars, based on the weakest of contrived lies.

We now know of the two Nuclear Reactors rumsfeld sold to North Korea. Our leaders are setting us up for more P-R-S. Look for more massive problems with North Korea, thanks to (aspartame), rumsfeld's lies, and greed. rumsfeld is also make a "killing" on the bird flu, thanks to his many shares in Gilead, the producer of tamiflu, and bush spent two billion dollars on this worthless vaccine. Just another coincidence, right? 

The other war monger,  cheney, also helped to cover-up Pakistan's nuclear proliferation, so US  war making firms could sell them fighter jets. Cheney while Secretary of Defense failed to report the loss of W-69 nuclear warheads from a B-52 in 1991 which ended up in Iran, this is a direct violation of international law. So, who is the real problem, these traitors who have sold their souls for a sack of gold, or the fearful, weaker countries who seek to level the playing field against the bullies who surround them? 


Spiral Periodical Table 


Our greatest founding father was Thomas Paine, because it was his ideas about freedom for the common man that are the true basis of American values and freedom. Our values and freedom are not the property of any church or tv preacher.  They are the foundation of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Paine was a Deist, not a christian, moslem or jew. He was not a "blue blood" either and was not spoiled by privilege and wealth, like most of our founding fathers or the current political manikins in power. They wanted limited freedoms for the citizens and the continuation of the wealthy class of  "aristoi", from old Europe ruling the plebeians below them, as they always have.

 Paine insisted on the universality of freedom, something never known in the USA since it's beginning. We still have a long way to go to reach the mark set for us by Paine. We have not even begun to educate the populous about the absurdity of their literal religious faiths (mythologies). So, we are still stuck in the quagmire of religious stupidity and literalism. And, the blue bloods still control us by putting millionaire illuminati members in political positions so they can practice insider trading with their cronies, in front of the whole world and nobody can stop them. They make the laws which protect them from the public they are defrauding. Politics has become legalized insider trading in the USA, thanks to the reagan/bush sr./clinton/w/bush crime family racket and a morally bankrupt political system, which has dominated our history as a nation.


Thinking outside of Squareville


Religious hypocrites, like bush, rice and ashcroft have hijacked our country. They claim they own the values and morality of our country. These mass murders, are an abomination to the memory of Paine, who professed a belief in Deism. He knew well the frauds and myths which are the foundations of  judeo-christianity and he laid the judeo-christian Myths bare in "The Age of Reason". Paine also knew well the illusion of freedom that a  democracy (mob rule) pretends to be. So, he and his friends created a Republic , which protected the rights of each and every individual. A democracy protects only the rights of the members of the dominant mob. 

The dominant mob right now is a lot of weirdo, religious dopes, who believe in fairytale mythologies as if they were real historical truths. They support the president, because he claims he has been "born again".  These self made goons, have never bothered studying comparative mythology, if they did, they would know that their judeo-christian religions are plagiarized, from myths. Paine destroyed the foundations of this lunacy over two hundred years ago with his brilliant reason, yet we still have these sickening religions dominating our culture.


Fractal Universe


The pResident and his inner circle are of a different ilk. They parade themselves as christians, but they are illuminati impostors, of the Skull and Bones (secret society) variety. They masquerade as intellectually deficient religious people, only to gain the votes of the mindless, emotional people that buy their  gooey tripe. Though baby bush is an absolute blithering moron and an "evil doer", his father is a far more evil and plotting man with an adequate intellect, dedicated to international crime, war racketeering and his  khazarian handler's vision of a new world order, administrated out of israel. He is running his son's failed presidencies, through  the fat, cruel, torturer and ugly murderer,  cheney, as anyone can plainly see.  

Poppy bush knows all about the cia's  use of,  advanced, free energy  technologies,  because he did a great deal to hide them permanently for the energy barons like himself, while he ran the crooked inner circle of the "company", as it's director.


Fractals and the Self Similar Universe


This barbaric family knows that religions are myths and that there is no baby jesus coming back to judge them, so they figure they can be as evil as they like, without fear of retribution.  What they did not count on was the boiled, 30' Hemp rope traditionally used for traitors when their treasonous deeds become known by the general population and justice by "The Rule of Law" is served to those, so very fond of saying it. 

The internet really messed up their plans. The bush crime family and their globalist allies, assumed that Americans would act like ruminating bovines and not question their authority as they "patriotically" have in the past. They counted on people trusting their idiot box to tell them the truth.  However, too many clever people saw through the 911 lies and acted like true patriots, informing the world that it was a false flag, inside job, despite the risk of being murdered by this illegal regime for calling the alarm. The shrub administration thought they had it made with their corporate media, lap dog whores, barking and catapulting propaganda, but the human spirit is too strong for this kind of fascist control and there are always those who can see beyond the lies  and sound the alarm, like Paul Revere. Besides, the plans of the fascists always fail in the end. Just remember that Busholini, your time is at hand, you are a failure in every respect.


Magnetic Vortices and Sacred Geometry


Religious myths are wielded by a controlling priesthood, as literal history, for the mental and spiritual enslavement of their "flock". The enlightening power of these stories comes from their mythological nature and their resounding effects on our spirits and our personal lives, not in the subjugation and subservience by us, to the literal/historical causes and consequences of their imagined reality which is based on countless editing and revisions.

Modern christians live their lives believing in and awaiting the destruction of our world (armageddon)  and most of it's inhabitants by the jewish tribal god, yhwh/jehovah, with the greedy hope of their own salvation, when their jewish savior  jesus, will come back to judge the world and find them innocent, so that they may ascend into the clouds and live with their savior  for all eternity. 


Cymatics: Sound and Sacred Geometry


Do we people who are educated and live beyond the limited range of these mediocre and archaic beliefs, really want our country run by these types of hollow husks? What ever happened to the separation of church and state? Why do all politicians end their speeches by saying god bless America? 

Why would any god bless the USA for it's murdering imperialism? Do people forget that we live in a stolen nation? Our history is filled with violence towards weaker nations and the enslavement of their populations by our corporations. World War III has been waged against many Third World nations since the CIA takeover of Iran in 1953 and has continued since then against a host of defenseless peoples for corporate control, theft of natural resources, economic colonialism/slavery and corporate profits.

This agenda has been greatly accelerated since the founding of the federal reserve by european bankers and their agents in 1913 and the consequent parasitic removal of our nations "Gold" wealth through "usury" interest payments, thereby creating the "Great Depression".  


DNA - Sacred Geometry and Self Similarity


All of the boom and bust cycles since are engineered events which allow these parasites to rake in trillions of dollars for doing absolutely nothing, except destroying the wealth, hopes, dreams and futures of all of humanity. These treasonous acts are completely the result of a secretly engineered economy, manufacture by these wealthy european bankers and their complicit minions here at home.

Many  vastly different gods are worshipped by extremely different groups of immigrants, indigenous peoples and the descendants of the european invaders who populate the USA. So, which god are they asking to bless us? And, what about the "democratic", equal representation of the other gods? America, otherwise known to the natives as Turtle Island, is the land of the god Wakan Tanka. I never hear their name mentioned by politicians. Why? 

Because: "As the Great Spirit and Sacred Mystery which is called the everything (or the One), took breath, it inhaled with 'implosive force' it's Chuluaqui and thus discovered it's female being. This creative receptive force became the 'Egg' (remember Schauberger's egg?) of all creation known as the WahKahn, the Universe, our sacred Grandmother.  Then, Wakan Tanka exhaled and in doing so discovered it's male side, the active conceptive force, the seed of all creation know as the SsKwan, the Galaxy, our sacred Grandfather". (page 17)


The DNA Nebula: Fractals and Birkeland Currents


These so-called "savages" understood the rhythmic balanced interchange of imploding and exploding currents underlying creation and the "Sacred Hoops" they create in eternity, far before the white man came with his silly one sided, big bang creation and  monotheistic male god fantasies, pontificated by alcohol damaged and religiously numbed minds. Both of these lies are absurd and ridiculous of course, in the eternal Universe of the Great Animating Spirit. 

 We Americans need to take away the massive financial advantage of the globalist corporate/banking elite operating within our country. Their academic agendas and policies have brought our world to the brink of destruction. We live in a world of fear, poverty, war, scarcity and sickness because of them. It's not because mankind has not been resourceful enough to solve our problems.  All of our major  problems have been solved, we just need access to the solutions, that are being hidden from us by our corporate controlled government. Their toxic chemistry can no longer be allowed to foul our planet in the name of corporate profits, or it's resulting Cancers will kill off the majority of people exposed to these deadly concoctions.


Our Solar System's Vortex


We need to demand the immediate disclosure of all free energy technologies and of the various forms of silent, fueless transportation from the cia/nsa spooks who hide or  suppress them for the sake of corporate america and their addiction to aristocratic control, war, elitism, power, money, drugs, crime, cruelty, pedophilia and  mind controlled, sex slaves. In other words, the continuation of "Saharasia" and it's ancient lineage of depraved aristocrats. This is the only way we can end our deadly oil addiction with the endless wars  and deception that will be needed to  fight for it and other, so-called, "scarce", resources. 

The wealthy elite, use the excuse of national security for not releasing free energy technologies. They know that this technology could be used to make weapons which would be very difficult to defend against. The point they are eluding is, that there would no longer be a "good and legitimate" reason to fight. Scarcity has been the motivating cause behind the vast majority of wars and conflicts  since the drying up of Saharasia, approximately 6000 years ago. 

  Solar Vortex 


The futility of all religious systems will become apparent to everyone as the lies which have enslaved us all for millennia become known by the planetary population.  When real education can be introduced regarding the mythological nature of all religions, this second major cause of wars will be eliminated as well. If the technologies were released to meet all of our world's needs and insure that everybody could contribute to the rescue of our planet, we would not have any enemies. 

The current form of national security is really about protecting the elite caste's, status and wealth at any cost through the system of mammon worship that currently dominates our world. This extravagance can not continue, because their greed has driven our world into massive environmental instability, pushing us towards global destruction. The entire industrial revolution was due to the sacrament of "satan", otherwise known as, alcohol. James Watt invented the steam engine while trying to find a cheaper way to produce whiskey. This deranged form of energy production has dominated our alcohol "dummied down" world ever since. We are fighting nature and paying for it by having the resistance squared the harder we fight it with our lame brain explosion based technologies. By doing everything backwards, we are killing ourselves financially and in every aspect of our lives. We are destroying our environment as we use up all of the limited forms of fuel for these abominable pushing, heating, exploding, wasteful, inefficient and expensive forms of academic energy production. 

For our energy demands we need to go 180 degrees in the opposite direction, using implosion, because the entire Universe operates perpetually through the rhythmic balanced interchange of imploding and radiating vortices, which is a cyclical process. The one way explosion based systems being used currently are the direct result of the service mankind has rendered to the devil in his service to the drinking of mind destroying alcohol. Had Watt been undertaken a more noble enterprise, we may have  bypassed the entire backward system of  fighting nature to produce energy. Nature gives to all freely and abundantly. There is far more energy to be had for free here on Earth than can be produced by burning, heating and exploding the limited and  "scarce", combustible resources.


Solar Magnetic Vortex


 Schauberger discovered  flowing magnetism, which we now refer to as bio-magnetism. Schauberger mentally imaged the processes found in nature, to design an implosion motor which worked with nature, not against it. He used electricity for resistance, instead of magnetism, in the form of an air or water vortex. This is the opposite of our present system, which uses magnetism for resistance in a rotating field, to create an electrical current made of waves. The academic idea of moving so-called electrons trough wires using this method of generation is just more nonsense for those who understand the wave nature of electricity.

The high energy electrical field formed by the  silent, supersonic vortex  in his implosion turbines, is created by ionization and atomic transformation. The atomic wave-fields of the air and water molecules that pass through these implosion turbines undergo extreme compression and expansion. which produces it's own self repeating rhythmic interchange between implosion and explosion simultaneously.  This creates a natural pulse of inbreathing and out breathing within the turbine that mimics the way our Universe operates in a myriad of forms. It creates the electrical resistance in a vortex which produces flowing magnetism. This is bio-magnetic energy, that spirals upward in the opposite direction of the physical, axial vortex.   


Electric Universe


This flowing bio-magnetism has an opposing and levitating effect on gravity. Schauberger's  supersonic implosion turbines defied gravity.  It appears that this property may have been an accidental discovery.  According to one account, an early prototype tore itself free from Schauberger's  work bench and crashed into the ceiling with tremendous force. It appears he was not properly prepared to witness the enormous power he had created with his ingenious motor. 

Viktor Schauberger demonstrated how our entire academic idea of energy production relies on centrifugal/explosion based technologies that destroy Earth, Air and Water and create toxic pollution. This kind of technology is met with resistance to it's speed and energy production, squared by the velocity. The result is the severe destruction of our environment and the  impoverishment and disease of humanity as a whole.  This technology is sold to us using the scam of "peak oil",  the so-called, "second law" of thermodynamics and crackpot corporate science, so we pay top dollar for "fueling" a technology which was archaic, before it's inception. 



Electric, Cometary Vortex Jets of  Hale Bopp and Hyakute


Schauberger's centripetal/implosion motors  work the opposite way, according to natural principles.  They invigorate, purify and renew through the  "Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion Cycle" of atomic transformation, the Earth,  Air and Water that pass silently,  through the supersonic vortex  created inside the implosion turbine. This kind of technology is met with little resistance to the velocity.  In fact, the resistance to speed and energy production becomes less, the faster the machine operates.  

  Alternating Current electricity, was invented by Nikola Tesla in 1880.  We use this form of energy in our homes and factories. It  is made by using magnets as the resistance in a rotating field, at great cost to our health, environment and personal wealth. Tesla realized the immense danger of AC electricity and by 1892 he had discovered a means of broadcasting safe radiant energy to any point on our planet, practically without cost. (AS2-13, AS2-15, AS2-16, AS2-17A, AS2-31)


Electric Comet Points a Finger at the end of Academic Physics and Astronomy etc.., exposes the Electric Sun and melts the dirty snowball theory


This was not electricity as commonly misstated by researchers who lacked a complete understanding of the processes involved. It has been explained by the well studied, Tesla researcher, Gerry Vassilatos, as radiant energy. This was produced by a high voltage DC current jumping with a  rapid staccato pulse from a primary coil via a spark gap to a secondary coil of equal weight and design, creating  pulsed wave vortices of usable energy.  


The Electrical Fragmentation of Comets Confirms the EUM

The Electric Universe Model


This produced an neg-entropic dipole, "a progressive reordering of a substantial and usable portion of the zero point vacuum energy which permeates our universe". Further, this reordering of vacuum energy continuously spreads in all directions from the initiation point, with a scalar distribution, faster than light. Since he was not broadcasting man made electrons, there was no resistance to matter. Tesla could broadcast energy right through the Earth and Air, with no loss of power. Just look at Wardenclyffe Tower, it has a perfectly oblate spheroid top, designed for maximum equatorial broadcasting, this is a direct testimony to it's natural scalar design which Telsa perfected.


Electric Aurora Vortices of Comet Halley?


 True to their nature, J.P. Morgan, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds etc... would not allow the World Wireless Energy Broadcasting Station, to transmit free energy to the planet, because they couldn't put a meter on it. Crude Oil was just coming into fashion and the profits they calculated for themselves were astronomical. So, they had the transmission tower and his lab destroyed, rendering him a pauper in the end as well as the rest of humanity. They have pushed  the lie of "Scarcity", ever since.

We could have bypassed the entire age of toxic pollution we have inherited, if it weren't for these sinister forces. Even Henry Ford and Rudolph Diesel had plans to use Hemp oil fuel in their engines, not petroleum. We could be getting 200 miles or more per gallon  in our crummy explosion (internal combustion) based engines, if suppressed technologies were released and fuel expenses would be ten times cheaper, equal to around 25-30 cents a gallon. The illuminati made very sure we used oil from deep within the Earth, because they were heavily invested in this technology which requires huge capital outlays and consequently receives little competition from the plebeians they exploit. If people knew that they could grow their own fuel and medicines, they would not be "scarce" and would not make the illuminati rich beyond the commoner's  wildest dream. 


Vortical Trail of a Leonid Meteor


We could have "all" been using electric cars, boats, motorcycles etc... without batteries and  piloting silent,  flying , electric craft without fuel, had Tesla not been sabotaged. 

Presently we can run all of our existing craft with Water, Hydrogen, any Carbon based waste, Hydrino power, Aqua-Fuel, Magnegas, or using Wave Energy, during the time needed to switch technological bases, from the filthy, toxic,  polluting, explosion based technologies to the natural purification and environmental renewal of implosion based systems.  

Bio-diesel is not a fix or even a good substitute as we wait, being that this hippie dippy idea is actually far more destructive than burning gasoline and qualifies as, the most Carbon-intensive fuel on Earth. I have seen clouds of white foul smelling smoke pouring from trucks rigged to burn this crap and even an advertisement on one as it was creating this toxic filth, attacking everyone who uses gas and calling them slaves. Like being a slave to bio-diesel is any better, what a joke.


Electric Stars


The alternative Physics Tesla used to mentally image his inventions was discredited in all universities and schools to protect the status quo. Some of the bizarre ideas of einstein's, plagiarizing efforts and quantum mechanics filled in, where reason left off. The "Realism" of Classical Physics was forsaken for the illogical "berkeley-copenhagen interpretation" and a pathological physics remains in our schools as a result of these "well funded misconceptions", from the illuminati coffers of money printed out of thin air, pilfered taxes and filched usury. 


The Optical " Magnetic" Lenses of "Gravity Bars" (Bar Magnets), page 76

as opposed to academic theories hyping  gravitational lensing  as pulling Light


As for einstein, it appears that his plagiarized work on relativity may have been falsified even more during the 1920's and grossly misrepresented by the Physics community since the 1960's. It has been revealed that "einstein the plagarist", for whatever it's worth, did believe in some form of dynamic ether underlying the physical universe, just not the "stationary ether", typically postulated by the 19th century theorists, regarding it. 


The Source of Square and Inverse Ratios in "Physics" page 810


Now their so-called, centers of higher education, which are really mind control centers, teach myths about a dead end physics, based on materialistic, scientific reductionism and it's strange and unnatural  theories like: the second law of thermodynamics, dark matter, the big bang, einstein's relativity , curved space and time,  solar nuclear furnaces , a limit to the speed of light , string theory, nuclear atoms,  worm holes and wimps and machos, to name just a few. As long as someone has invented some math which will model their goofy theory, they enshrine it as "scientific, academic proof".  


Academic Gravitational Lensing, Warping Space? Or, is it the Magnetic "Lensing" of Electric Star Light along the Curved Electrical Pressure Gradients of a Galaxy's Plasma Wave-field?

The Death of Gravitational Lensing


Alternative physics , kinematics, mentally imaging, geometric visualization and fractal equations are far more powerful tools for understanding the true nature and dynamics of our Universe than the failed techniques of empiricism, and reductionism.  They offer ways for us to see the Universe in a holistic interconnected manner, which is the way it actually operates. Not in the disconnected academic fashion of creating a bunch of compartmentalized boxes of reduction which they call, fields of specialization. Each field being filled with enough knowledge viruses to destroy the thinking of it's initiates permanently. These inferior models of thought are based on a corporate sponsored, one sided, big bang dominated view, of what has been proven in great detail on this web page, to be an eternally cyclical Universe, which never-ever, gets banged! 

Neither Tesla, nor Schauberger, relied on mathematics  to design their free energy technologies.  Or, should  I say, "mythematics". Math was considered by them as a servant of the investigative process, not the King.  Math is only a model. It is a simulation of reality.  "Mathematics is not the language of Nature". "Mathematics is an invention of humanity. Just as one can use the common spoken and written languages to deceive and tell lies, so one can use the language of mathematics with the same effect". 


Our Sun's Cold Electric Plasma 


Mental Images are the language of the Mind and since Nature is a product of Universal Mind, then Mental Images are the language of Nature. So, in order to "Understand Nature" one must use Mental Images which reveal the true workings of her processes, as opposed to mathematics which translates into numeric symbols the "qualities" of Nature where they are quickly lost in the drudgery of mechanical calculations and theories about numbers.

Math is best suited for the study of frequencies, waves and geometries, being that these are "constants" and require no "synthetic mathematical constants" to explain away the huge inconsistencies in many calculations. Fractal Geometry is an example of thinking that includes eternity in it's descriptions, in place of the imaginary "closed systems" of academic construction and creates natural patterns that look like the normal objects seen in our real Universe. This is the kind of Mathematical thinking which will bring mankind as a whole out of the "pit of darkness" commonly referred to by government officials as "an education".


Our Sun's Electric Vortices


From sir isaac newton's, law of universal gravitation, to einstein's  use of  a "cosmological constant", the math has been fudged many times, so much so,  that the entire foundation of the physical sciences can be proven to be filled with illogical ideas, due to the fraudulent mythematics and faulty reasoning, which defy physical observations and experimental evidence. 

The "rock and string orbit theory" and the "centripetal force equation" of newton's thought experiment establishing the "law of universal gravitation",  should be proof alone, that the foundation of academic physics is flawed.  If  the thought experiment cannot even be imagined properly,  how can "the authorities" expect us to believe the math, of their imaginings?  Because of this flawed gravity based model of the Universe we have stupid ideas like dark matter, wimps and machos, just more hasty fix jobs for academic dummies (scientists). 

Planet, Solar, Comet and Lunar orbit's are spiral and elliptical, because they are angular conic sections. Their paths are either centripetal or centrifugal spirals according to their direction towards the apex or the base of the cone which describes them, respectively. This eccentric , "multi-motion",  is something which is impossible to imitate using a piece of Hemp rope and a rock swung at it's end, for an analogy.


Planetary Orbits are Spiral and Elliptical, Page 57


The nuclear theory of the atom is based on the faulty interpretations of Rutherford's scattering experiments and failed at the time of it's conception. The fact that it still is being taught in academia as if it is something that has been proven through experiments, is laughable. My chemistry professors told me 30 years ago this model was wrong, yet it is still here like the JFK and RFK assassination  myths of a lone gunman. From the so-called sub-atomic to the super-galactic we have a system of fatally flawed foundational theories which the academicians pride themselves with as their "scientific understanding". The entire core of the physical sciences will need to be torn down and trashed, before any serious progress will be made by the scientists of the future.

Physics and many of the other so-called "disciplines" are filled with an abundance of these knowledge viruses, foundational flaws and phony science. These have crept into the thinking of humanity through well planned government/corporate/media/ based agendas using incremental disinformation and deliberate "dumbing down" methods. This has worked extremely well for them, because you can go anywhere people watch the idiot box and hear them parroting back to you the same tripe, like the big bang and black hole myths, they just watched on their favorite "education" channel, lacking completely any form of  "critical thinking," as they watch and accepting the lies as if they were written in stone by yhwh itself or,  yhwh's nutty old spokesman, einstein.  Yet, even  Al "the savant" said black holes, "were too outrageous to believe".    

Most people are totally unaware that an imperialistic and violent, corporate controlled, government funds these lies and the research backing them, so that the masses will believe we live in a violent and destructive universe. Therefore, by the extension of these false ideas, mankind must live in a violent and destructive social world, have violent and destructive gods to "worship and obey", with violent and destructive police and military types to enforce the ugly mess, violent and destructive hollywood action heroes/fighters/wrestlers to covet and emulate and violent, abusive parents to teach you how to play this sickening game. 


Electric Vortices and Sun Spots


We have spent untold billions of taxpayer dollars on trying to build  extremely violent and dangerous, hot fusion reactors. These tokamak reators are designed on the flawed theory of a nuclear Sun. Once again academic fools have wasted a fortune using an incontrovertibly failed theory, trying to build something based on a "reality" which never existed. Yet, they still receive huge salaries, pensions, lecture tours, consultation work etc... for their massively wasteful and worthless attempts. 

Now the chinese want to get in on the action too. Any sane person could have told these crackpots that this was an imbecilic idea from the beginning. Who funds these fatally flawed projects? Starts with an i and ends with an i! And, who pays for this arrogance? You know who!  The illuminati like for so-called scientists to waste their time in dark futile attempts. The longer they remain clueless, the longer the present war mongering and racketeering can continue, making them richer everyday.


Solar Electro-Magnetic Vortices, 

Adios Solar Nuclear Furnace


The dilemna presented by the fact that newton's law of gravity does not give the correct (observed) results in most cases involving galaxy rotation can only be resolved by realizing that newton's law of gravity is simply not applicable in these situations. Dark matter in all of it's bizarre forms is just another pathetic excuse for one more academic theory that looks absurd and needs fixin'. Incredible gravitational models involving invisible "black holes" have had to be invented using bizarre math in a desperate attempt to explain how the attractive force of gravity can result in matter being ejected in a narrow vortex jets at relativistic speeds, for this disturbing big banger/gravity based, model of the universe. "More recently, inter-galactic magnetic fields have been discovered which is the final straw to break the camel's back of this deficient theory. 

The cold dark black of space is the opposite manifestation of the hot incandescent Solar spheres, we see as our Sun and the Stars. The two give back and forth to each other in a rhythmic balanced interchange by way of the cubic wave-fields which hold them and the "Still Magnetic Light" which is centering them. The contraction of cold dark space into spheres via spiraling positive electrical vortices creates incandescent Suns and this process we observe as Star light. The expansion of incandescent Suns via unwinding, negative electrical vortices gives us "Space" and is the so-called vacuum not visible between stars. 

The six exterior planes of the cubic wave-fields reflect back this expansion into the Solar spheres via spiraling positive electrical vortices once again, in a manner which perpetuates itself until the vortices gyroscopically oblate their spheres and begin their decline into old age and eventually death and rebirth once again, ad infinitum. The space surrounding these events is not a vacuum as claimed by schools, rather it is full of imploding and exploding (unwinding) electrical vortex, wave streams.



Solar Electro-Magnetic Plasma Loops seen as arking Prominences

More Proof the Sun is not a Nuclear Furnace


We can only "see" the "radiation" half of the process which appears as light and the space around it, which we call radiation and vacuity, respectively. Our senses do not readily perceive the other half of the process of vortex implosion and rhythmic balanced interchange between hot Suns and cold dark Space as they teeter on the fulcrums of  Still Magnetic Light from which they issue. Modern humans have been "trained" to see the "appearance" of things using our senses and not their causes, using our "minds". Therefore, this process goes mostly unnoticed by the vast majority of people. 


Stellar Electric Furnaces (pg. 730) 


"To how many places does nature carry out PI when she makes each successive bubble in the white-cresting surf of each successive wave before nature finds out that PI can never be resolved?... And at what moment in the making of each separate bubble in the Universe does nature decide to terminate her eternally frustrated calculating and instead turn out a fake sphere? I answered myself that I don't think nature is using PI or any of the irrational fraction constants of physics." -Buckminster Fuller (Synergetics II, p. 233).


The Big Bang was at the Pinnacle of Egghead Science 


"The rotation of a spiral is the most common pattern in nature where we see grouping order being manipulated toward increased symmetry order". Gravity is not the ordering principle as newton believed. Electricity and it's resulting effect which science terms "Magnetism" are the "united force" which direct order in this Universe via contracting and expanding vortices.

 The North and the South magnetic poles are extended points of "Still Magnetic Light" which measure the "physical" distance of electrical extension attributed to any material body as the positive and negative electrical vortex currents thrust away from each other.  This pole remains motionless in rotation and acts as a fulcrum for rotating bodies. The expansion of radiation via centrifugal motion to balance the polar extensions into spherical bodies is divided by an equatorial East-West pole of rotation, which creates two hemispheres of opposition and is the physical basis for all matter. The theoretical particles with only one charge or only one magnetic pole are academic shenanigans and are an impossibility in the real Universe. 


Big Bang,  Proven Lame Since it's "Immaculate Inception" Finally Dies!


“We are taught that opposites attract, but if this was so then opposite poles of magnets (Stars, Planets and Moons)  would be at their center not their ends. When the positive pole of a magnet is brought into contact with the negative pole of another magnet, the effect that we think of as attraction is one of “voidance”. It is a cessation of opposition or power to manifest anything. Polarity utterly ceases at this point and each opposite extends to each opposite end (of the combined magnets), each getting away from and through the other, spirally, as far as they can….To say that opposites attract each other therefore is the equivalent to saying that North attracts South, inward attracts outward, wetness attracts dryness or that darkness attracts incandescence”. (Page 155)  The Secret of Light

"There are no negatively 'charged' particles in the Universe. Negative electricity discharges, while positive electricity charges...Positive electricity produces the condition of gravity by compression...Negative electricity produces the condition of radiation by expanding...It is impossible for one of the polarized conditions to be present without the other, for each opposite borns it's mate and interchanges with it until each one becomes the other." (page 58)  A New Concept of the Universe

Galaxies are not held together by gravity.  They are formed, driven, and stabilized by the dynamic, electromagnetic effects of the galaxy's master electrical vortices and a staggering multitude of electrical sub-vortices dancing within their control. The same is true, for Solar Systems, Tornadoes and Atoms, because they are also formed  by "self similar" electrical  vortices.  From the smallest to the largest we see the same patterns repeated as well as the eternal, birth-death-birth cycle of all things. Vortices span all dimensions, communicating design by their electrical motions from every wavefield reflected to all other wave-fields in "fractal like extensions" via the six exterior planes of zero curvature which surround them, thereby creating "mirrored" self similarity at all levels from wavefield within wave-field, uniting them as One. 


Galactic Vortex-Aerial View 


There is absolutely no reason for academic eggheads to create a different form of physics for the Atom (strong and weak nuclear forces) than the physics for star systems and their corporeal worlds. Because the atom is not made of parts, no nuclear "glue" is necessary to hold together the repulsion of the theorized "like charges" (protons).  

The Atom is made of positive and negative electrical vortex waves which issue forth from and return to neutral centers of "Still Magnetic Light" respectively, thereby animating the ideas of the Great Creative Spirit (The One) from infinte points of stillness, into the electrical motions of a physical Universe. The "glue" that holds the Atom together is the returning positive electrical implosion side of this process. Since the currents are returning to the centers of stillness, it is actually wrong to say "glue". The return is a reaction to it's extension and by reflection from the wavefield boundaries. This subject has been framed the opposite of it's reality, because of the non existent, theoretical protons. Theorists grope to explain how matter sticks together under these erroneous conditions, when they should be concentrating on how it stays apart.

The separation between Atoms is due to the exploding negative electrical vortices as they push against (repulsion) the wavefields of the Atoms next to them. These wave-fields are spherical more or less as they prolate and oblate gyroscopically from their centers, but they are compressed into varying cubic forms by all of the other Atoms near them, resisting their "expansion" via repulsion and compression. The Atomic centers are non compressible, but the wave-fields surrounding them are.


Extreme Oblation and Degeneration of Twin 

Opposing Stellar Vortices produces Polarized Vortex Jets 


"Cesium, for example, loses nearly two thirds of its original volume under 100,000 atm., potassium more than half. Most substances are much less compressible than these alkali metals, but if sufficient pressure is applied they behave similarly. Metals such as iron, copper, zinc, silver, cadmium, and tin have been reduced to the neighborhood of half their original volumes by pressures around 3 to 4 million atmospheres, and there is no indication that we are approaching any kind of a limit even at the extreme upper end of the experimental pressure range.


The Oblate and Prolate conditions of Stellar Vortices, Page 213


This observed compressibility pattern is very difficult to reconcile with current atomic concepts. It is completely at odds with Bohr's original ideas. The sizes of the orbits in the Bohr atom are fixed by quantum considerations and 'no intermediate orbits are permitted'. But if the atoms are in contact (cleavage planes of stillness), as assumed, then the contraction under pressure means that the orbits (at least the outer orbits, if there are several) are assuming a continuous succession of (intermediate) values. This is a direct contradiction of the basic postulates of the (quantum) theory".

We may decrease the distance between Atoms under high compression-pressure, which undermines the flawed academic idea of electron shells and consequently disproves the idea of orbiting electrons, which means that the Rutherford-Bohr Atom is kaput.

"Atoms can be expected to have size and shape. Atoms with more mass should have larger size. An iron atom with 56 atomic mass units (a.m.u.) should be larger than a potassium atom of 39 a.m.u. But according to the nuclear model, the iron atom is smaller (7.1 ml/mole for iron versus 45.3 for potassium).



Stellar Jets are Twin Opposing Electrical Vortices


Both graphite and diamond are made of carbon atoms. In diamond, the centers of the carbon atoms are separated by about 1.54 Angstroms in all three dimensions but in graphite, one of the dimensions changes to 3.4 Angstroms. The nuclear model thus implies that carbon atoms come in assorted sizes and shapes. But experience shows that for a given mass, all the atoms of a chemical element are identical. The variability is really "between atoms", instead of "within atoms", and can be altered by external influences like pressure and temperature.


The Crab Nebula's Vortex Jets, Fractals and Atomic Vortices


"My major aim in this was to find facts which would guarantee as much as possible the existence of atoms of definite finite size." Albert Einstein 
Oopsidaisy, you got it wrong again Al!

The above claim that the (so-called) nucleus is not made of parts requires some clarification. Atoms can be broken up into (so-called) protons, neutrons and electrons. Therefore, scientists reason that these are "parts" of the atom. But if I took a sledge hammer and smashed a color TV set all to pieces, have I revealed the actual "parts" which a manufacturer assembles to make a TV set, or have I shown merely how a TV set disintegrates? The "atom smashing" experiments only show how the atom breaks up, not how it is put together.......(The multitude of "sub nuclear particles" derived from atom smashing are no doubt similar to the many eddies, ripples and waves one would obtain by destroying a water whirlpool with a bullet.)


Galactic, Electro-Magnetic Vortex Jets


Atom "smashers" blasted a whole zoo of supposedly "fundamental" particles out of the atom. Yet none of these could fundamentally be particles. Supposedly, an electron and a positron are both made of some combination of fundamental particles. Yet an electron and positron can be combined to produce two gamma rays (the so-called "annihilation" reaction). Conversely, two gamma rays can be combined to produce an electron and positron ("pair production"). But by definition, a truly fundamental particle cannot change into something else. Obviously, there is a suggestion of something fundamental here, but it is neither radiation nor particles. (It is also clear that spending $15 billion on a Super Conducting Super Collider has been a complete waste of the taxpayer’s money.)" (An Atom or a Nucleus)

 "The hypotheses advanced by Bohr and those who have modified and enlarged upon his work have had the effect (to the extent that these theories are accepted) of splitting the universe into separate parts, each with its own set of laws....So far as we know, there is only one universe, a single all-embracing universe, and it is reasonable to believe that the laws applicable to any one part of this universe are applicable to all." (DB Larson).  

The fatally flawed ideas advanced by Bohr  became the foundational ideas for the students he taught in Copenhagen. "Men whose names are now famous in the history of quantum mechanics--Dirac, Pauli, Heisenberg,  Gamow,  and Oppenheimer,  to name a few--all came to study under Bohr." These folks were behind and supported the "ugly thang" called, the Copenhagen Interpretation. This twisted idea has spawned all sorts of new philosophical flakiness, whose putrid, gut wrenching ideas are mirrored constantly via the media and entertainment, indoctrination vectors. Even the zionist media idol, einstein , didn't buy this lame brain idea!

According to Bohr,  It is wrong to think that the task of physics is to find out how nature is. Physics concerns what we can say about nature" (Herbert 1985, p. 45). Therefore, Bohr maintained we can never "understand" the quantum world or assign physical meaning to the complex wave function. Furthermore, we cannot use quantum mechanics to build up the physics of the macroscopic world, since quantum theory takes the existence of classical phenomena for granted from the outset".


Galactic Vortex Electro-Magnetic Profile


 "The concept of the nuclear atom has been taken as a fixed, unalterable truth, and anything that conflicts with this concept has been given up, no matter how great the sacrifice. But no amount of manipulation, no exercise of ingenuity, no sacrifice of principle, can make a success of a theory that is based on a false premise". (DB Larson)

There is not a different set of "laws" for the Atomic and the Galactic, because Star Systems are made of Atoms, which are miniature Star like Systems, only much smaller. Fractal like,  extensions of electrical vortices transfer these designs from Atomic wave-fields to Galactic Wave-fields because vortices span all dimensions. No need to dream up non-existent forces to explain away the contradictions of the severely flawed "nuclear" atomic model. Just dump the academic model which makes no sense and accept the model which resonates with universal observation, from the smallest to the largest. 

The so-called nucleus is the "Atom", which means the death of the, "nuclear theory of the atom" and the consequent loss of employment for the academicians hawking these lies. The space between Atoms are the Atomic Wave-fields, there are not electrons orbiting there as we have been told by the establishment. These are scalar fields of positive imploding (in-winding) and negative exploding (unwinding) electrical vortex waves, whose invisible boundary planes, separate the Atoms with cleavage planes of stillness. These planes of stillness reflect all electrical motions into their surrounding Atomic Wave-fields, which then reflect them into all other wave-fields in the Universe at the so-called, "velocity of light".

Since the "still magnetic light" centering each wave-field is identical, there is no "distance" between the central "Heart" of each wave-field (from the Atomic to the Galactic), they are all the same "still magnetic light". Therefore the information of each wave-field communicates it's design to the "Hearts" of all other wave-fields in the Universe instantly, no matter how many trillions time trillions of light years which may separate them in the physical Universe. (This is the definition of the "Omniscience" (Knowledge) of the Great, Creator Spirit. The infinite points of still magnetic light represent "Omnipresence" (Feeling)  and the "Power" which is extended from stillness represents "Omnipotence" (Desire). These three attributes have been used to falsely define and glorify the "character" of the monotheistic gods of current and past religious folly.)


Exploding the Myth of the Imploding Supernova


 Academicians start with a flawed idea like "universal gravitational predominance" and when observations come back to refute this deficient, mechanistic model, the theorist scamper in the "dark" to fix the broken idea and  instead of aborting it properly, they offer up more silly ideas like: dark matter, dark energy, black holes, machos, wimps and mond, big bangs, einstein's- curved space and time. They can not explain what electricity is, so they can't even understand it's role in the implosion/explosion mechanics of perpetual motion, which manifest the eternal and infinite Star-fields and all the forms of matter found there. 

This is how academic science gets more and more bizarre and less understandable to it's devotees and the general public as well. This works quite well for the illuminati and their agenda, it is insurance that their secrets will not be discovered by the fluoridated, mercury laden, vaccinated, pharmaceutically drugged, alco"hole"d, television addicted, entertainment grubbing and  mentally vacuous masses, of their "creation" (indoctrination),  who might dare and try to comprehend this strange physics of mathematical formalisms, which defy natural observations and experience in the "real" Universe.

The attractive force of electricity is one hundred billion, thousand trillion, thousand trillion, time stronger than gravity according to Hendrick Lorentz. This should make it obvious to any sane person that gravity is not the unifying "force" of predominance in the Universe and that using electricity is the easiest means to overcome the effect called gravity!


The Electric Dust Devils of Mars


There is no hope for this world with academic, corporate sponsored physics and quantum mechanics which amount to intellectual masturbation, self gratification, and  peer ego stroking, for the mathematicians of physics. The nuclear atom, the nuclear sun theories and the second "law" of thermodynamics, have prevented us from having free energy. The "mind" less sycophants who cling to these intellectually flawed theories are one of the biggest obstacles to the immediate implementation of  currently existing,  over-unity technologies. Their massive academic egos stand between the truth and the perpetuation of a lie which benefits the energy barons enormous greed with exponential profits and gives the academicians status with the "quo", otherwise called "peer acceptance". So that they may have tenure and job security, we have endless wars, pollution, environmental destruction, pervasive chemical toxicity and massive expense for energy, which could be produced "practically without cost", as Schauberger was so very fond of saying!

"During their undergraduate studies, physicists are gradually taught to accept interpretations that appear more and more surprising (absurd). They are misled by the fact that the equations used in physics lead to predictions that are compatible with observations. Physicists are taught to believe that when an equation gives a correct prediction, it proves that the model is correct (even if the model is absurd). Furthermore, they claim that, since the working model is absurd, one must conclude that Nature is absurd." Newton Physics  

  Electric Dust Devil Vortices on Mars


The "yes men" who parrot this absurd physics, from academia, are not trained in critical thinking, rather they are trained to memorize the dictates of their superiors in subservience to the status quo system. During their undergraduate studies, they say "yes" to their professors, when they should  be saying "no" and demanding explanations which make since and match the physical observations relating to them. The people who say no, usually drop out of physics and chemistry realizing how fatally flawed and rigged these so-called disciplines are. Physics professors however, are of a different breed and are naturally self righteous, believing they have mastered their field, because they have attained a position to teach. They advance because they believe in the contrived mathematical descriptions and formulas in their field of study and are rewarded for it. For this reason, they get promoted and eventually parrot back to their students, the same absurd and contradictory ideas and theories they learned by rote and mathematical "proofs", when they were eagerly seeking to advance their personal careers. 

These so-called scientists rely on information gathered by their senses, which is based on appearances. When these appearances change, which they do constantly, then they are left high and dry with false information. This is the false illusion that academic science, education and religion are based on. This is also how the illuminati's, "new world order" keeps higher education and the so-called scientists so confused and always proving each other wrong. They are "thinking" (academic parroting) with their "senses" instead of using their "Minds" (mental images and critical thinking). 


Electric Dust Sorms of Mars


"Because there is no content to be had beyond qualities, a mechanistic science aiming to rid itself of qualities inevitably empties itself of content. We see this emptying, for example, in a physics that reduces itself almost entirely to mathematical formalisms, with little ability to speak meaningfully about the reality to which these formalisms apply". Steve Talbott

Academic scientists are using empiricism and objectivity as tools of reduction to describe compartments of thought and observation which they design to model an open Universe. The closed systems of these models are not the real Universe and only represent the referential systems of the theorist's initial impulse (big bang), unidirectional observations and the mathematical equations they devise to describe them. This excuses them from being credible, therefore, they need to be eliminated from any serious inquiry into the true dynamics of our Universe.

 A massive change in thinking is under way and must pass in order for mankind to survive. "But what is it that must change? Basically it is a question of the geometrical system so familiar to us. This is the geometry of Euclid and essentially involves the elements of the straight line, circle and point, all of which are perfect forms and therefore unchanging. Such perfection requires no further input from external factors, nor can it productively  interact with them and therefore these elements are sterile 'closed' systems.  In terms of their physical appearance, these are cylinders, spheres, wheels, straight shafts, pipes, flat surfaces etc. in common use today. As transcendental constructs, ie. belonging not to the physical world, but to the realm of mental ideation, these geometrical elements are physically 'unreal' and in their application to the physical world are therefore 'unnatural'. Consequently their use in the construction and operation of today's machines and the energies they produce are in discordance with Nature's laws.... 


Electric Vortex discharges Crater our Moon and Io


Steeped in the grandeur of Euclidean edifices over the last two millennia and the apparent appropriateness and suitability of Euclidean geometry for all purposes, we must now reappraise our unqualified acceptance of it, for it lies at the very root of our troubles....

Concurrent with unfortunate development, and aided and abetted by the direct application of such geometry, the supremacy of rational straight-line thinking increased at the expense of the intuitive, the teaching from within (self knowledge), increasingly crippling our perception of Nature's subtle workings. Because of this the rational mind began to cut out important factors that were deemed extraneous, so as to achieve the most economically effective outcomes. Thus, for instance, the bends in rivers were truncated and the gradient made steeper in order to 'improve' Nature's patterns of flow, without any account being taken of their contribution to the health and stability of the river. The result - violent discharges and inundations....

Such simplicities of line not only disturb river, they also have a disturbing effect psychologically, because the eye, that most complex of organs requires an equal visual complexity to maintain it's health, balance and stability, transferring such states to the brain and psyche of it's host. While contemplation of the rich diversity in color and form of natural undisturbed forest - an apparent chaos, but actually the highest state of order - brings us a sense of peace and inner tranquility, when we are confronted by the plantation  forest, planted out in rows of same age, same species, same height, same shape trees, we experience a certain inner discomfort. A higher state of order and complexity has been reduced to a lower one. While such a relatively small reduction produces such a reaction, what effect do more major reductions have on us psychologically?" Like cities full of box like buildings for example, complete wastelands of visual jaggedness. (Callum Coats - The Energy Evolution, pgs. ix-x)

It is a fact, that everything in the Universe is cyclical and the math of this cyclical process is not included in the mathematical meddling of the common physicist's one sided, big bang view of initial impulse. A cyclical form of Math has been invented called Fractal Geometry which produces models which look like the "real" Universe and reveals the direction of thinking needed by mankind to access the abundant eternal free energy from our eternal and infinitely abundant Universe.  


Evidence of Electric Discharge Cratering on the Moon


When mankind understands the "Law of Eternal Abundance" as postulated in this web page, we will produce legions of Teslas and Schaubergers, because people will finally see the Universe according to models that are not intentionally rigged, based on the lie of scarcity and it's concomitant problems, which benefit the purveyors of this erroneous assertion and the money men who fund it.

"Both Relativity and Quantum Mechanics postulate that intuition and common-sense (self-knowledge) cannot comprehend Natural Laws, but there exists a higher level of understanding through mathematical formalisms. Let Aethro-Kinematics illustrate here with an example why this modern approach has nothing to do with Understanding: An experimental physicist and a mathematician camp on the beach for a few years. The physicist sets up a graph where the X axis represents the time and the Y axis represents the height of the water-line on the shore. He plots his experimental data on the graph every hour of the day and for every day of the years. Connecting the points on his graph, he creates a 'experimental curve' which then represents the variation of the water-level over time. The mathematician looks over the shoulder of the physicist and a couple of years later declares that there is an interesting repetition in the data. The curve goes up and down twice a day which could be expressed by a simple mathematical formula. 

However, the curve does not exactly repeat itself daily. There is a slight difference between the maxima and minima, whose difference seems to increase and decrease not exactly monthly but rather in every 28 days period. No problem! A small adjustment on the formula can take care of that. However, the longer-term-curve could still not be reproduced exactly by the new formula because of some 'discrepancies' which show up in every six month period. Nonetheless, it is merely a question of a little mathematical ingenuity to invent the necessary factor or function or some other sophisticated formalism which most closely approximates the experimental curve, so minute discrepancies disappear into the limitations of the existing measuring devices.



 Electric Discharge Craters and Scarring on Mars too?


Our scientists are satisfied. Knowing nothing about Earth, Moon, Sun, Rotation, Gravitation and Nature, somehow this modern mathematical physics is miraculously capable of predicting the height of the water-line on the shore for every minute of the day, for every day of every month and every month of every year for a very, very long time.... -- Do they now comprehend the Nature of the Ocean Tides ? . . . (This is thinking with the senses!) This is the method used by modern physics, where mathematicians become the high priests of the Religion of "Predictivity" - the 'science' of foretelling everything and understanding nothing ". (Steve Rado,1994)  (This is thinking with the Mind)  


Jupiter's Polar Vortex  "Surprises"  NASA


The tides on Earth have nothing to do with the gravity of the Moon somehow magically pulling water from the Oceans unto itself as is taught in schools. The thing academicians so conveniently forget to mention to most of their students is, that there is a high tide at the same time on the opposite side of the planet that is not facing the Moon. This way students will never ask how gravity can be pushing the water away from the Moon on the far side of the Earth at the same time. If the Moon's gravity attracted the Oceans, they would all be piled up on the side of Earth which faces the Moon and would produce an extremely unbalanced rotation. This sadly for the hucksters of this ubiquitous error, is not the case.

The Moon is not falling like a cannon ball towards Earth and maintaining it's orbit thanks to "initial impulse" as Newton believed, because it does not have weight like a cannon ball does on Earth. The Moon is actually spiraling away from Earth and: "all planets in any solar system and all moons of all planets, and all suns, planets and moons of every nebula in the heavens are all spiraling away from their primaries" (Walter Russell). And, they are throwing off rings as they expand and spiral away, so that Galaxies create Suns, Suns create Planets and Planets create Moons.

"The Moon and Earth center their respective wave-fields surrounded by space. All wave-fields are bounded by planes of zero curvature and a zero pressure condition, which insulate each field in the Universe from every other field. The very shapes of the wave-fields of Earth and Moon are forever changing to adjust their balance as the Moon revolves around the Earth. As a result, the mutual equators of both fields must lengthen, disc-like on a plane which intersects the center of gravity of each body. Naturally the tides rise toward and away from the Moon (simultaneously)". (pg. 153-4)   Walter Russell   (This is thinking with the Mind)  


 Polar Vortex Geometry


"This electric Universe is curved (and divided) ---- motion is spiral. When motion ceases, curvature ceases. Cleavages between wave-field boundary planes of crystals, separate them into individual crystal forms. Motion can not pass through those planes, for there is nothing but stillness there. Motion is repeated in all wave-fields by reflected extension from wave-field boundary planes...Curvature of light wave axes, by contraction or expansion between planes of zero curvature is the cause of all pressures; all patterns, all of the attributes of matter, such as density, tenuity, melting point, brittleness, conductivity, and countless other effects which are voided when curvature ceases in planes of rest of wave-field boundaries, or in points of rest (still magnetic light)  around motion which rotates spirally (electrical vortices)". (page 242-5) The Secret of Light

"What is so deceptive about the state of mind of the members of a society is the 'consensual validation' of their concepts. It is naively assumed that the fact that the majority of people share certain ideas or feelings proves the validity of these ideas and feelings. Nothing is further from the truth. Consensual validation as such has no bearing whatsoever on reason or mental health. Just as there is a 'folie a deux' there is a 'folie a millions.' The fact that millions of people share the same vices does not make them virtuous (corporation promoted alcohol consumption, or standing in line for a vaccination for example), the fact that they share so many errors does not make the errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same forms of mental pathology does not make them sane."

Erich Fromm, "Escape From Freedom"



Jupiter's Polar Vortices Seen in Auroras


"Much controversy has arisen as to whether light is a particle, as Newton claimed or a wave (the same can be said of electricity). There is much evidence in favor of both theories. It is both. Light is expressed by motion. All motion is wave motion. All waves are expressed by fields of equal and opposite pressures of two way motion. The entire volume within wavefields is filled with the two opposite expressions of motion-the positive expression compresses light into solids and the negative expression expands it into space surrounding solids. All space within wavefields is curved (due to the curved pressure gradients surrounding the spherical bodies centering them). Curvature ends at planes of zero curvature which bound all wave-fields (cleavage planes of stillness). These boundary planes of omnipresent magnetic light act as mirrors to reflect all curvature into all wave-fields in the Universe and as fulcrums from which motion in one wave-field is universally repeated. Together these constitute what we call matter and space. It has been difficult to conceive of light as being purely corpuscular, for light is presumed to fill all space. Space is not empty. It is full of (electrical vortex) wave motions. Corpuscles  of matter are one half of wave cycles of light, Space is the other half.  (pg. 161-62)   The Secret of Light


Jupiter's Northern Polar Vortex as seen in this Aurora image


"Scientists today state that the Sun is a gigantic atomic nuclear furnace radiating a tremendous amount of heat to the satellite planets each second.  The temperature at its surface is said to be thousands of degrees (5800 K), and the internal temperature (and Corona) are supposedly in the millions of degrees.  However, it is unexplainable how superheated gases can act magnetically.  For it is an elementary fact of physics that a substance loses its magnetism when heated!  Since astronomers have definitely recorded magnetic effects upon the Sun, we have a direct conflict between the Sun's true nature and the suggested temperature.  This conflict only indicates that the Sun is not the superheated mass of gases that scientists think it is, but rather a cool body as Herschel said it was.....

Astronomers base their calculations on two assumptions: First, they assume the Sun is a perfect radiating body; second, and most important, they assume that the Sun is radiating heat!  This is because they believe that heat on Earth, as well as heat on other planetary bodies, comes directly from the Sun.  People feel the heat when they stand in sunlight, so they say the Sun must be a burning mass radiating that heat.  That is like saying a radio transmitter radiates sound waves because when we turn on our radios, we hear sound.  But we know that such a transmitter radiates radio waves, and that these waves are turned into sound inside the radio!" (Luis E. Prada)

So how can there be the massive Solar magnetic fields observed, in these extreme temperatures? The tragically failed, nuclear sun theory, also claims that the core of the Sun is 15,600,00o degrees K, the surface is supposedly 5,800 degrees K and the Corona is over 1 millions degrees K. By what manner of chicanery does the Sun perform this magical trick that defies all reason, probability and possibility? Or, could this just be another egghead trick based on the flawed mathematics of bush's beloved, "nukular theory of the atom"?

The age old idea that the heat  from the Sun "travels" through the immense cold of space to heat our planet is false, because once again, it is based on appearances. The condition of positive polarity is repeated on the side of the Earth which faces the Sun. The negative radiating vortices of electrical force waving from the Sun (anode), become positively imploding vortices once they wave through the atmospheric and electrical pressure gradient lenses of Earth. The wave-fields are compressed and concentrated toward the Earth's Center as they curve inward on their implosive journey through the convex, "lens like" pressure gradients, thereby producing light on the side of the Earth facing the Sun (cathode). This process produces heat here on our planet as the Actinic Force of the positively imploding currents react with the negative (grounding) physical matter of our world. A magnifying lens used to start a fire, works upon this principle of bending and compressing wave-fields. The night side of Earth is simultaneously discharging these positive Solar vortex currents through concave "lens like" pressure gradients via the negative electrical radiation of heat and light otherwise known as cold and darkness, respectively. 


This is what is currently being taught in our schools.

Stellar Temperature Tables according to Academic Astronomy


"Think about this for a moment. How can scientists know how hot a star is, if they have never visited it?  Imagine a fire. When you look at the hottest part of the flame (the part closest to the wood) the fire looks blue. As the fire gets further and further from the wood it gets cooler, and the color changes first to yellow, and then to red.  Scientists know that a blue star must be a very hot star, while a yellow star is a medium hot star, and a red star is a cool star". (Stars)

 The above statement should be stated, "scientists assume" that the stars colors are indicative of their variations in the "extreme temperature ranges" attributed to them, because they do not "know", they are guessing with their theory.  Once again, these flawed "scientific" ideas, are based entirely on "appearances" (sensory information) and not on "Knowing" (Mind). They are not even "reasoning" correctly with their flawed analogy, which demonstrates the exact opposite of their theory. The child like simplicity of this academic analogy relegates these ideas to bald headed, romper room physics 1 A.

These academicians are describing Stars as if they were made of burning wood, as it is seen in the atmosphere of our Earth. I am pretty sure we'll all agree the Stars are not made of wood anymore than the Moon is made of cheese. There appears to be no way to fit a Star into the atmosphere of one of it's solid planets so as to see it's correct "burning" color and supposed temperature in relationship to burning wood, since stars comprise 99% of the mass of their solar systems. Also, in their wood burning analogy they state: "As the fire gets further and further from the wood it gets cooler". This is the exact opposite of the academic model of a burning (wooden) Nuclear Sun, because the model says that the Corona is much hotter than the surface of the Sun, in the range of millions of degrees K instead of thousands. 


Saturn's Polar Vortices Seen In Auroras

Saturn's auroras "defy" scientists' expectations


Are we to believe that the temperature of burning wood is 30,000 degrees Kelvin at it's  "blue" surface? If so, how do firewalkers not burn their feet as they stroll through long pits of burning coals? I think we can safely say that 30,000 degrees K applied to mammalian skin will vaporize it instantly. Anyone want to try and defy me on this one? 

The color classifications attributed to Stars and their imagined temperatures are actually varying degrees of electrified conditions of the Stars according to their mixture of gases, their sizes, the variations in the electrical pressure conditions of the wave-fields they center and the the strength of the electro-magnetic Birkeland currents flowing through these wave-fields, as they interact with the wavefields surrounding them.  All of these things happen while Solar Systems are on their journey imploding towards (positive electrical vortices), or exploding away from (negative, electrical, unwinding vortices), the highly charged, electrically positive, Galactic Centers.  The extreme high temperatures associated with this theory have no basis at all in reality, they are a guess based on "black body radiation theory", which has been tagged onto "star temperature theory", much in the same way that the "theoretical electron of mathematical imagining" was tagged onto the mendeleev table, purely out of convenience, as an easy way to "explain/solve" something (obscure and bury the truth), which has no actual basis in reality.

My guess (theory) based on observing electrified gases in Argon and Neon tubes, is that the temperatures of Stars, is not a fraction of what the "theorists" have told us, they "know" them to be. The academic guess is based on the appearances of light and they do not even "know" what light is, whether particle or wave, so once again, how are we to trust them? There are spotlights which are brighter than the Sun, do they operate at  thousands or even millions of degrees because of their bright white color?  I think we can safely disregard the academic color scheme of the extreme temperatures attributed to Stars, because it is based upon the appearance of light, not it's cause. 

The same can be said for the "gravity" of a Star or Galaxy bending light from other Stars or Galaxies, according to einstein's curved space fantasy. "Magnetism is known to interact with light, as demonstrated by the Zeeman and Faraday effects  The starlight refraction has no relation to, nor interaction with, the gravitational field of the Sun, or warped space systems". Light has no mass and therefore can not be affected in this retarded, fruitcake scenario. Refraction of light waves due to a Star or Galaxy's Electro-Magnetic, "lens like",  plasma wave-field is the cause, not the imaginary text book version, hawking einstein's claim that: gravity lines of force "curve space" around heavenly bodies and drag the imaginary "photon wave trains" with them. Since space has no mass according to the "scholars" how can gravity pull on it and bend it in accordance with al's theory? The idea came from a guy who could not tie his own shoe laces, now do you get it? Space does not curve, light does. All light is curved (vortex waves), so instead of trying to explain how space curves and drags light with it, al should have been trying to explain how light curves and creates space around it through it's vortex  motions (Scalar Wave-fields)! 

Space is not a crucible holding matter as taught by universities, it is created by the electrical vortex wave motions. Space is the inversion of Matter and Matter is enfolded Space, the two give to each other endlessly via rhythmic balanced interchange of imploding and unwinding electrical vortices, which emanate from motionless centers of "still magnetic light". Space is not the unlimited source of energy as claimed by the "zero point energy" people and similar theories, it is caused by electrical vortex motions in "time" and is full of plasma and energy to be sure, but it is not the cause of energy. They are viewing just half of the process and are not correctly perceiving the cyclical nature of the rhythmic balanced interchange of electrical vortices which is taking place beyond the range of the sensory based data which they are analyzing. The "still magnetic light" or "neutral center" as Keely called it, is the heart of all manifestation. It is the cause of all energy and it's resulting masses (elements).

Astronomers do not account for the changes that light undergoes as it waves through countless pressure gradients in the stellar and galactic wave-fields, which lie between us and the scholastically purported, "edge of the universe", guess-timated to be 13.7 billion light years away, which our most powerful "computer enhanced" telescopes are eagerly groping at. Basing any stellar or galactic theories on the final appearance of light after it has  waved through a myriad of uncertain and unknown conditions is farcical, to put it kindly. Space is full of lens like mirrors of countless electro-magnetic wave-fields which refract and reflect light so that our "scientist's" observations of the Universe from Earth, can be compared to being inside a "Room Full of Mirrors". The codes written for the "enhancing" of the astronomical images observed in the computer's brain which control these "virtual reality" telescopes, are likewise based on all sorts of false foundational assumptions and theories so, the resulting images are "framed" by a physics which is provably "rigged".


Neptune, Anything Look Familiar Here?


"Light only seems to travel. It is one more of the countless illusions caused by wave motion. Waves of the Ocean seem to traverse the Seas, but they only appear to do so, for waves are pistons in the Universal engines and pistons operate up and down. Wave pistons of light, or of the Ocean, operate radially and spirally inward and outward, toward and away from gravity. Waves of light do not travel. They reproduce each other from wave-field to wave-field of space. The planes of zero curvature which bound all wave-fields act as mirrors to reflect light from one wave-field into another. This sets up an 'appearance' of light as traveling, which is pure illusion". (Page 169) 

The same may be said of the electricity (electrical charge-voltage) "traveling" in the wires  (electrical current) to our homes. "But when the electric company says that they're selling electricity, what's going on? Simple: they're using the unscientific definition of the word "electricity." They really don't sell any electricity. Instead they sell a pumping service.  They're just pumping  "electricity" back and forth inside the wires (via a rotating magnetic field). That's what "alternating current" means. The electricity just sits in the wires and wiggles (waves) 60 times per second. The electric company sells a pumping service, and you can use their service to run motors and heaters and light bulbs. They sell energy, but they don't sell you any electrons. The electrons don't even really flow (travel) at all, they just vibrate (standing waves) ".  

Energy barons are not producing electrons out of thin air in turbines and sending them out onto the grid. Every time the rotary magnets of the electric turbine pass a stationary coil (armature) they send vortex waves out over the grid by pumping this electric vortex wave energy into the "highly conductive", metallic matrix of the wiring system. This electric vortex wave energy produces  vortices with radial electrical extensions emanating from and surrounding the wires (magnetism) as the current undulates back and forth 60 time per second.  This so-called, "magnetic current",  pulls the magnets in our appliances, which turn the rotary motors inside of them to do whatever work we may need them to.


Uranus Too?


We live in a Universe of appearances, we see two train tracks converging on the horizon of a functioning rail system, yet we know this is an impossibility, because "we know" trains use them to travel far past the horizon to take passengers to distant places. If we did not know the purpose of these tracks and only based our understanding upon the appearance of the tracks, which is an optical illusion created by our "senses", we would believe they actually do intersect on the horizon. The thing that makes our "Knowing" whole and obliterates the mirage illusion, is the fact that we do not base our understanding on the optical illusion of their meeting, rather the "knowledge" of their purpose and the fact that people use trains to travel to distant places and arrive there daily.  We can mentally image the tracks remaining parallel for the entire construction far beyond the "sensory illusion" of their meeting on the horizon caused by the mirage of their reflected light, because we "Know" their purpose with our "Minds".

Present science has become lost in a myriad of illusions based on appearances of light, because mankind has trusted his "senses" to describe a Universe made of enfolded and unfolded light, which can only be understood by our Minds.  Light is invisible.  What we call "light" is the reflected appearance of light and a mechanical simulation of the idea of  the "Creator's" eternal light. The idea of light exists in eternity as "still magnetic light".  The temporal waves that undulate through space, "live and die", but the idea which causes them "to be", exists forever in the "stillness" at the heart of all manifestations of the physical Universe. When a person understands the true nature of light, the many reflected appearances will give up their true causes. When one understands the many optical illusions created by light as it curves from one pressured condition to another, one will understand the true nature of our Universe and the true causes behind all appearances.


 Planetary Vortices


The intellectual and scientific mind of today is based on left-brain thinking, utilizing analysis, rationalization, logic, objectivity. It has no perception of and no understanding of how elements can be not just associated but unified into a new whole. Our serial and linear conscious mind can only grasp mental concepts by breaking down wholes. In effect we can only do one creative thing at a time.

The unconscious, however, can operate via parallel processing. It can grasp many elements simultaneously as one whole. This is the basis of self knowledge. This is also  the reason an artist like Walter Russell could see the true nature of physics. Artists look at the whole while academic eggheads look at numerical equations representing it's parts.  Accessing multidimensional information through mental images, produces a true knowledge of the subject being studied.


 Solar and Planetary Vortices explained in 1927,  Page 175


 This is also the technique of the Shaman when experiencing shamanic ecstasy. The whole is experienced and understood consciously and instantly. Consciousness of this kind is not just a vector within the scalar field of awareness, which mankind uses in routine daily tasks, it is a diffuse and omnipresent form of consciousness, representing all possible vectors of awareness.


Earth's Planetary Vortices Animated


This is the reason I have displayed the story of the vortex in photos with links, running through the center of this text. The images are telling a parallel story to the reader's subconscious mind, of unlimited abundance which will be realized when mankind harnesses the universal power of the Vortex.  This is in contrast to the tragic tale of our social engineer's endless deceit and control which is confining us to this mental and physical pen of scarcity and poverty, known as "the corporate view" on Planet Earth. This abomination has been supercharged by the bush crime family, using hitler's name for it, "the new world order"  as dubya destroys everything we cherish in this world.  This has created a  corporation dominated way of life, called "The Wasteland" by the great Mythographer, Joseph Campbell.

Only by returning to a solid foundation in Alternative Physics, critical thinking, mental imaging  and self knowledge, will we bring sanity back into the education of  physicists of the future.


The North Pole's Vortex seen in the Earth's Plasmasphere


Tesla mentally imaged  his inventions into creation. He often worked without blueprints, giving his workers the dimensions, alloys, designs and tolerances directly from his mind's eye, to the ten thousandth of an inch.  He conceived of over 700 known patented inventions and the many others we will never know about, because of governmental/corporate suppression. 


Earth's Polar Vortices Seen in Auroras


Mental imaging, is called "day dreaming" by our teachers at school. This is a sin during their mind control sessions, called classes. As you gaze out the window and contemplate the wonders of the Universe, you are yanked back into a classroom with a teacher screaming at you to look at some white lines they are drawing on a black board. No wonder kids naturally hate school. The way most of it is taught, cramming information and testing memory, is horribly boring and filled with blatant and unbelievable lies (academic misconceptions) which are force fed so rapidly, that the students have no time to analyze their validity using critical thought. This sets up a condition of severe doubt as the students grope with faulty ideas to try and comprehend the real world. They learn quickly that they will not find the true answers to their questions in the schools of socially engineered, homogeneous conformity. In comparison to the profound knowledge available through the contemplation of mental images relating to the natural designs of our Universe, school seems like a prison sentence.


Polar Auroras are Electrical Vortices


 Mental imaging, using one's "Conscious Light of Intelligence", is the most powerful tool of creation a human has. This is the only means of discovering one's own "Self Knowledge".  The techniques required to gain a mastery over this process should be taught in schools as a priority if we wanted to make our nation strong and it's people powerful, full of knowledge and truth, prosperous, secure, free and creative, pretty much the opposite of our present system. 


Our Atmosphere's Solar-Electric Phenomena


"The senses can only record thought vibrations which are (observations) opinions, ideas and assumptions that someone else has qualified according to their own belief system and thought into Motion (academic/religious teaching). By using sense perception, we are doing our own thinking with someone else's opinions (theories-indoctrination).  In order to realize and use the 'Power of the Mind', we must transform the material desire into the language of the Mind. The Power of the Mind, can function only within the Motion of mental pictures. Therefore, the language of the Mind is Imagination-imagining mental pictures in Motion". Gene Davis

For humans mental imaging used to be as natural as a trout swimming in a stream. Academicism, corporatism, religion, the "dumbing down" education system and the mind control media are what kill our ability to think naturally and demands we operate within the deeply etched grooves of their heavily funded spin. Add vaccinations, alcohol, aspartame, doctor's drugs, and toxic, synthetic "recreational drugs" into the mix and what do you get, that's right folks, "Bovine Planet". When students begin to think correctly with their Minds and not with their senses like the programmed, compartmentalized robots of academia, we will see a new era of creativity unlike any in recorded history. 

  Earth's Electric Atmosphere


Vortex Dynamics as revealed by Russell, Schauberger, Tesla and other visionaries will change the way mankind sees everything and instead of being outside and apart,  fighting with nature, we will return to her abundant bosom to learn from her wise ways and bring mankind back into harmony with her glorious presence of eternal giving and eternal abundance.

Our mental images are a direct reflection of our physical observations and experiences in the natural world. They are far more complex and accurate as simulations, than rigid and limited mathematics or, the most advanced computer code created by mankind.  The geometry of all things as viewed "naturally" by Man, reveals the foundational fractal patterns of our universe's construction and we see that there is harmony and repetition "reflected" from the smallest to the largest in geometrical and kinematical relationships of the three-dimensional space we inhabit. If it defies common sense and the natural geometry which we can mentally image, it is false. 


Electric Atmospheric Aurora


No two vortices are the same so the math describing  vortex  movement is extremely complex due to periodicity, chaos and the fractal type structures witnessed there.  It required the genius of a man like Viktor Schauberger to mentally image these vortex motions from his natural observations and convert these images into machines which mimic Nature's endless cycles of generation and regeneration using the two way piston of positive and negative  rhythmic electrical interchange between twin opposing vortices.

  The Earth's Electric Fields


Academic physics says, a Bee should not be able to fly,  because the math needed to explain the  complex vortices, is not included in the mathematical description about the movements of the bee's wings and the vortex forces generated by them. The bee flies using vortex flow, generated by it's wings naturally, because it feels right. Just as swimming is natural to a Dolphin or a Trout. They don't think about the mathematics involved they just do what feels natural to them and the vortices are produced which impel them, according to the natural design of their anatomy and the way they use it.  See the articles in "Nature"  and "New Scientist" (11 Oct 1997) p24-27

Since producing vortices for locomotion is not a natural anatomical function of the mammals we inhabit, it has not been obvious to mankind that this is the means of our salvation.  The powerful force of the vortex must be learned from those creatures who exploit it naturally, or from observations of nature's vortices. The average Hurricane expends more energy in ten minutes than the entire nuclear arsenal of planet Earth. This ought to be a clue for humanity, that harnessing the vortex, is the solution to our many problems.

  Electric Hurricane Vortex


Complex sets of vortices roll off of the wings, fins, gills etc...because nature evolved them to exploit the naturally powerful motive force of the vortex. This is how a trout stays stationary in a fast moving stream without beating it's tail. Vortices are made by the trout manipulating it's gills with little effort. They squeeze the sides of the trout, holding it still in the onrushing water, as they exit the gills and roll down it's body. This holds the trout stationary in a fast moving stream without the trout having to expend any serious energy to do so. 

 Schauberger discovered this process in the pristine high mountain streams of Austria, because no logging had destroyed the land and it's water. He had a rare opportunity to view this magic, because of the electromagnetic purity of the water in this protected watershed. Places like the virgin forests where he studied have all but disappeared for most of humanity. Only by traveling to the most remote areas of our planet can one hope to see what Schauberger witnessed. However, most people would miss it anyway, because they would not even know what to look for in the first place.

 From the so-called Subatomic to Super Galactic Clusters, the Vortex, is the natural movement of  Plasma and Matter. The solution to many of our problems will be found by understanding the true nature and power of vortex movement. It is not an explosion in the distant past which drives the Universe and gives it  power, but implosion. Mankind has been obsessed with the explosion side of reality because it is the easiest property to observe physically, hence the internal combustion engine, steam pressured electrical turbines, jet engines and nuclear bombs. These all are concerned with only the "one way" destructive side of events and reveals the half ass perception and "understanding" of the engineers who design them. From the heart of the Atom to the core of each Galaxy, imploding vortices, radiate forth and drive our Universe through endless cycles of growth and voidance, generation and regeneration. The twin opposing vortex is the heart of creation, it is the two way pump by which all energy and matter manifest themselves in the infinite and eternal Universe of Motion.


Electric Waterspout Vortex


Machines, like Schauberger's Implosion Turbines work according to the rhythmic motions of nature. The vortex inside is like a pump that is expanding and contracting by compressing the cubic wave-fields of the atomic elements centripetally as they pass through them and simultaneously expanding them centrifugally as they exit. These motions produce energy from water or air without chemically (explosively) converting either into inferior products called toxic waste or air pollution. The air and water that pass through the implosion turbines undergo a transformation of size from their normal wave-fields to extremely compressed ones at the turbine's vortex center and back again to normal size as they exit the turbine.  This sets up an equal, but unbalanced rhythmic interchange of perpetual generation and regeneration, simulating the processes which power our Universe and give it form.

 We are told by the corporate universities and the corporate media, that our Universe is an 13.7 billion year old ball of expanding galaxies, dust and gases, due to the "big bang" of our universe from a single point, smaller than an atom,  "located" somewhere in nothingness. They base this absurd theory on the so-called redshift of light from distant stars, said to be moving away from us, in an expanding universe. Once again these "educated" (brain washed)  "people"  (parrots) judge by appearances rather than sound reason.  This is like the old flat Earth lie taught by the church, about how you would sail to the edge and fall off.  So, if you go to the edge of the big banger, egghead universe, you will fall off into nothingness. The emptiness of their brains should be apparent to everyone reading this page!


Electric Tornado Vortex


 The modern day "scientific priesthood" likes this lie (scientific misconception), because they know there are a lot of religious goobers out there, that will believe anything, even their big bang lie.  Especially, since it sounds to them like their tribal god, yhwh, created the big bang  with a word, when according to the hebrew tribe's myth (the "old" testament) he said, "let there be light". This has resulted in much intellectual darkness ever since. Also, for the more eclectic and "sophisticated egghead", the big bang could be used as a mystical reference to a new age version of the ancient Hindu myth where the universe explodes and collapses eternally, back and forth upon itself. This is the way they get the new age goobers of physics believing this goofy idea is possible too. The godless atheistic and agnostic "scientists" (sell outs) need neither of these fairytales, to make "sense" of their world, they have their own fallacies to worship in the form of numerical equations.

Giordano Bruno was put in prison for six years and then burned at the stake by the roman catholic church in the year 1600 of their lord, for having the nerve to contradict the "holy"  church's big bang styled myth, with these words written below.

"Thus the excellency of God is magnified, and the grandeur of his Empire made manifest; he is not glorified in one, but in numberless Suns, not in one Earth nor in one world, but in ten hundred thousand, of infinite globes: so that this faculty of the intellect is not vain or arbitrary, that ever will or can add space to space, quantity to quantity, unity to unity, member to member. By this science we are loosened from the chains of a most narrow dungeon, and set at liberty to rove in a most August Empire; we are removed from conceited boundaries and poverty, to the innumerable riches of an Infinite Space, of so worthy a field, and of such Beautiful Worlds: this Science does not, in a word, make a horizontal circle feigned by the eye on Earth, and imagined by the fancy in the Spacious Sky".   

A Philosophy of the Infinite Universe, by Giordano Bruno


River Vortices 


Our controllers have been at this racket for a long time and they will kill anyone who gets in their way and tries to upset the sheeple into leaving their pens of mental confinement for the open spaces of natural abundance and free thinking.

The "authorities" have telescopic equipment (an extension of their senses) which can see a so-called Quasar they claim is at a distance of 13.7  billion light years  from Earth. This so-called Quasar is said by astronomers to be the most distant object in the visible universe and they call the bubble created by the extension of this radius, our entire Universe.   Scientists believe that quasars get their fuel from super-massive black holes that eject enormous amounts of energy as they consume surrounding matter. (This is thinking with the senses and based on appearances!)  

Observe the "scholastic understanding" postulated by these folks to explain their faulty, sensory based observations and the poorly imagined theories they cough up to support them:

"The distant galaxy, dubbed J1148+5251, contains a bright quasar powered by a black hole at least a billion times more massive than the Sun. The galaxy is seen as it was only 870 million years after the Big Bang. The Universe now is 13.7 billion years old. J1148+5251 would have been among the first luminous objects in the Universe. The original atoms formed in the Universe within the first three minutes of the Big Bang were only hydrogen and helium. Carbon and oxygen -- the atoms making up carbon monoxide -- had to be made in the thermonuclear furnaces at the cores of the earliest stars". (Associated Universities, Inc.)

How many weak, non-provable and seriously flawed theories and ideas do we witness in this paragraph of academic garble above? I count at least ten. This is typical academic ooze which claims to know everything in a haughty, self righteous manner, yet proves nothing.

These "scholars" have told us that they are looking at a "quasar" (powered by a black hole a billion times more massive than our Sun),  "when the Universe was only one-sixteenth its current age, just emerging from the primeval 'dark ages' before light could 'travel freely'  through the cosmos".  Can you see how deranged "scientific" thinking can get? I guess they "think" there was a time when light did not "travel". If that was the case, then it would not be what we call light, now would it?   

How can a "black hole" have mass if it is a hole? Forget about telling me how the academic parrots "explain" it.  An extremely dense, collapsed star at it's center would not make a hole, it would be a focal point of "gravity" (implosion), not an empty area, which is what a hole is by definition. Nor would it be a sci-fi worm hole to a parallel universe, because there are none, despite what you have seen on fantasy shows, like "Sliders" or "Stargate SG-1". Think about it! Why would there need to be an infinite number of Universes if the Universe is already infinite. Would anyone accuse the Creator of being infinitely redundant? Once again I repeat for the great  martyr, Bruno, as he spoke 400 years ago: "so that this faculty of the intellect is not vain or arbitrary, that ever will or can add space to space, quantity to quantity, unity to unity, member to member". Their theory about quasars has fallen into the oblivion of big banger cosmology like most of their other sordid ideas. 

"The big bang theory (theology), is based on a misinterpretation of reds-hift. The red shift of a distant galaxy is measured in the light coming from that galaxy. Lines in the spectrum of that galaxy show a shift toward the red compared with the same lines from our Sun.  Halton Arp discovered that high and low red-shift objects are sometimes connected by a bridge or jet of matter. So red-shift cannot be a measure of distance. Most of the red-shift is intrinsic to the object. But there is more:  Arp found that the intrinsic reds-hift of a quasar or galaxy took discrete values, which decreased with distance from a central active galaxy. In Arp's new view of the cosmos, active galaxies "give birth" to high red-shift quasars and companion galaxies. Red-shift becomes a measure of the relative ages of nearby quasars and galaxies, not their distance. As a quasar or galaxy ages, the redshift decreases in discrete steps, or quanta". (Holoscience)


Vortical Flow 


These observations were made using actual telescopes and the actual light that they were capturing. A new series of telescopes (Virtual Newton Telescope, the William Herschel Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope) rely on a multitude of reflected and refracted images to create a visual image, which is a "virtual composite" created by a "computer brain". A new generation of cameras (The ROSAT Wide Field Camera and WFPC2 Planetary Camera Simulator) is coming on line which have computer generated virtual reality programs and are now bringing us preloaded images which confirm the false theories which Astronomy is founded upon. We can be assured that the "quacks" who operate them will be discovering all sorts of bizarre, unbelievable, sensational, hair raising surprises which confirm the brilliance of our dedicated scientists and validate the valiant work they are doing for humanity. (NASA's Hanky-Panky - be extra sure to completely ignore the religious rambling of this whistleblower, the points made about virtual reality images are significant however!)

 So, the "red-shift is caused mainly by an object's being young, and only secondarily because of its velocity. Quasars are not the brightest, most distant and rapidly moving things in the observed universe -  but they are among the youngest".  Therefore they are, much closer and slower than they have been claimed to be,  by the establishment's best "educated" guess, otherwise called their "scientific theory".  

Quasars have been demonstrated to be freshly born galaxies ejected out of a Mother Galaxy. Galactic Clusters reveal the trail of this process as the baby galaxies follow the same path of curvature as their Mother Galaxy and proceed through the Universe as a group producing the largest vortex structures observable to mankind.

"The currently popular view is that the galactic recession results from a gigantic explosion (big bang) in which the entire contents of the universe were thrown out (expanding universe) into space at the speeds now observed. The radially outward motion in all directions is explained as the result of velocity differentials. On this basis, the galaxies in one direction are receding because they are moving faster than the galaxy from which we are observing them. In the opposite direction, the galaxies are presumed to be slower than ours, and we are therefore moving away from them. There is no way by which this kind of a distribution of motions, if it exists, can be distinguished from motion of the type illustrated by the spots in the expanding plastic ball (or, Thomson's plum pudding atom extrapolated to Universal proportions). Regardless of its origin, motion of this kind has no inherent direction. Each identifiable point, or object, is simply moving directly away from all others. Any further characteristics that may be attributed to those motions to fit a theory or explanation of their origin are not relevant to the existing physical situation". (DB Larson) 

Academic physicists ask us to believe that the Universe is expanding like a plum puddin' cake and we are somehow, mysteriously at the center of this scalar puddin' watching the fruits of the big bang expand away from us. Please disregard my earlier comments about academicians being eggheads. Puddin' heads is actually a more appropriate metaphor in this case. The expansion of the Universe is a scalar phenomenon, requiring no reference system, like the one "scholars" have attached to it. To put the Earth in the center of this expansion as a reference point is not only myopic, but it is an extreme representation of scientific arrogance. 

  Our Vortex Heart


All points in the Universe are expanding away from each other as they implode in their given wave-fields. This establishes the rhythmic balanced interchange between wave-fields producing the perpetual motions by which the Universe operates. The variations of size and intensity of physical phenomena are due to their relationship and position within these processes. They are exploding towards and imploding away from each other, not just exploding away from "jehovah's" big blue marble, which defies statistical probability and sits securely at the very center of a one way Universe, according to the ptolemaic system and the modern day big bangers. 

The catholic church loved this system because of the enormous power it afforded them by extension and almost murdered Galileo after they burned Bruno at the stake, for questioning it's absurdity. Our so-called scientific system is about as impartial as the old roman church and employs similar tactics in squashing dissent. Since burning people at the stake is no longer consider "good fun", they must destroy them academically and financially, so they won't disturb the "sleepers". 

The 27.4 billion light year wide bubble the theorists have described as our universe, is only a drop in an infinite and eternal ocean of non physical proto-matter, containing countless physical galaxies, plasma and corporeal worlds.  This is thinking with the Mind!

The Universe is eternal and infinite, always has been and always will be. It wasn't created 13.7 billion years ago from something smaller than an atom, it is being created constantly from things smaller than atoms, right now. There is no way in hell that the infinite universe can collapse back in on itself, especially since it never exploded in the first place. Additionally, where would the center of infinity be and by what means would this evacuated center attract the  infinite universe to it, being that it would have no mass? Since mass is essential to their goofy gravity theories and there would be none, the idea of the big bang collapsing back in on itself is fanciful even according to their incontrovertibly flawed "cosmogony".  You see this academic lie is preposterous of course. The Conscious Light of Intelligence reveals this truth through the mental images anyone can visualize during contemplation on this subject. This is thinking with the Mind!


Schauberger's Wooden Water Pipe Vortices


 The Conscious Light also reveals the absurdity of the big bang's related theories and the arrogance of the academicians who talk about numbers like 10 to the -45th power in their lectures on the big bang timeline, as if they with their academically acknowledged, "superior intellects", could even begin to comprehend the enormous magnitude of these digits, describing something so infinitesimally small in time. 

The concept of  "entropy" is a massive lie to back the lie of "scarcity". It is based upon unnatural, "closed physical systems" of  thought experiments,  conjured up by the mathematicians of academic physics. This unnatural, closed system, initial impulse, mathematical view of the unidirectional universe has been proven to be lame and a fraud since the time of Tesla, by Tesla and many others with their "over unity" inventions. Yet, it is still taught as divine truth in our schools and universities and parroted to us daily in the corporate controlled media and entertainment vectors. It is obvious to see who benefits  and profits from these lies, the energy barons and their illegally placed occupants currently running and ruining the political, environmental and economic systems of the USA.

There is no hope of ever finding a natural solution to our energy needs using this unnatural physics.  That's exactly the way the social engineers who created this nightmare world we live in, want it to be. They win you lose! Bush/Cheney and their group of  "energy overlords" who serve our societal engineers, have destroyed our world and raked historical profits from the "living dead",  since the days they illegally occupied the White House. This is their reward for the evil boot licking these craven swine have dedicated their lives too, in the worship of their god mammon (the heavily rigged: religious, banking, legal and political systems), commonly referred to as "the great beast" by those who know the real score, or "the machine",  by Pink Floyd fans.


A  Nazi VRIL-7, with Military Planes, circa 1945


The nefarious forces who control the rat race we live in, have engineered our world through it's schools, media, entertainment and churches into a mass of sheeple who are easily deceived and exploited. If 50 million Americans under went a major paradigm shift in their perception of this world, from a doomed,  scarcity-entropy model of war and survival,  to an abundance/neg-entropic lifestyle of  peace, prosperity, and freedom, we would see an end to our ongoing exploitation and the endless slaughter of the innocent poor, whose resources we will need to continue stealing and exploiting,  to meet our ever growing, consumptive needs.

Only by building machines which work according to the natural design of our universe can we reverse our descent into a living hell, here on earth, fighting over diminishing resources and create eternally renewable abundance. This is the true path of "spiritual compassion": the all inclusive desire for everyone's physical well being on this planet being met with free energy. This is the opposite of the exclusivity of various religious  and humanitarian groups, who provide aid only for their own and those they are trying to convert with their associated propaganda. 


Electro-Magnetic Vortex Propulsion-Repulsion-Levitation


I guess free energy would eventually mean the end of churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, idols, socialism, communism, zionism, democracy, existentialism, behaviorism, nihilism, feminism, objectivism, corporatism, and saviors as well, some of which are many millennia overdue!

"As long as people believe in absurdities, they will continue to commit atrocities." --Voltaire


A Negentropic Dipole


I have provided many links to information on Nikola Tesla, Viktor Schauberger and a host of other free energy inventors as well, on this page. Only by returning to the sanity and common sense of Free Energy Physics as understood by these great men, can we free ourselves from the control of the inbreeding aristocrats who run this planet like a bovine slaughter yard for their decadence, power, pleasure and arrogance.   

 I encourage everyone to read about these brilliant men and see for yourself the world of abundance they saw and the limitless possibilities for prosperity it would offer to each and everyone of us...


Support the Disclosure Project to release suppressed Free Energy Technology


This type of thinking will eventually free one from the labyrinth of lies relating to Science, Drugs, Vaccines, Health, Religion, Energy, Psychology, Archeology,  Anthropology  and Evolution,  etc...if one stays on the trail of investigation into the frauds we have all been indoctrinated with since our youth in the bovine like conditions of social engineering, called academicism.


Homemade Vortex 

The True "Water of Life" 

Drink this "religiously" for Optimum Health



A closing song for the traitors to our Constitution who are working for the "globalists": bush, cheney, rumsfeld, rice, powell, meyers, ashcroft, gonzales, the duplicitous jewish neo-cons,  and all of the other craven swine who support their lying murderous abominations, state sponsored false flags operations and war profiteering schemes, none of whom would raise a hand to fight, yet they will eagerly order the poor grunts in the military to die for their twisted plans of  world domination and absolute control, otherwise known as: "the new world order".

War Pigs

Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerers of death's construction. In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind, poisoning their brainwashed minds. Oh lord, yeah! Politicians hide themselves away. They only started the war. Why should they go out to fight? They leave that role to the poor, yeah. Time will tell on their power minds, making war just for fun. Treating people just like pawns in chess, wait till their judgment day comes, yeah. Now in darkness world stops turning, ashes where the bodies burning. No more War Pigs have the power, Hand of God has struck the hour. Day of judgement, God is calling, on their knees the war pigs crawling. Begging mercies for their sins, Satan, laughing, spreads his wings. Oh lord, yeah! --Black Sabbath, War Pigs


Beware: History repeats itself

First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Communists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the trade unionists
and I did not speak out
because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.

German Pastor, Martin Niemöller




For a 25 page synopsis regarding  the dissenting Physics found in the many links located on this site, send Ten Dollars cash, or money order, no personal checks please, to:

Robert Arnett DhP

1271 Washington Ave. #124

San Leandro, Ca. 94577

Attention: Free Energy and Free Thinking

I will email you the synopsis as soon as I get the dough! Save yourself the thousands of hours of eye wrecking research on the internet and get the skinny on the real story about the true nature of our Universe. This information is for those who are on the verge of their own epiphany!


Robert Arnett DhP




The traitors are currently (8-12-05) backed into a corner like rabid animals, down at the village idiot's ranch. Georgie boy is scared to go out and talk to the  U.S. patriot, Cindy Sheehan  and explain why he is a fraud and a liar and why he ordered her son to be killed. Wanton "W" has a miserable 38% approval rating. Treasonous indictments in the Plame case have been handed down, illegal wars, destroyed economy, environmental destruction at all levels, etc... Many of us surely expect a desperate move from them like another 911 inside job, with a suitcase nuke or bio/chemical agent being delivered via a "false flag operation"  by  forces loyal to this wretched group, in order to create a state of martial law and dictatorial control, so that nobody can try and  hang them for treason. Urgent related  update(9-05-05) located  below



As I predicted according to Schauberger's work six months ago, we have had another, Army Corp of Engineers straight canal, just fail and destroy New Orleans after Level 2 Hurricane Katrina passed by. These academic schmucks blew it again. Yet these stupid fools will go ahead and reinforce the same fatally flawed design, instead of fixing it according to Nature's principles. Untold billions will be wasted again paying off all of the wrong people to do the job ass backwards again. The various governmental agencies, will whine for more money and they'll get it from our comatose politicians, none of who have ever read a word written about Viktor Schauberger, the man who warned the world incessantly about this type of engineering disaster.  The people who want to use their talents to help are not allowed to by government control freaks. Fema is next to useless for help, but great at sabotaging people's efforts to help. The repair will cost taxpayers over 100 billion dollars as the "Oilers" and government insiders like Halliburton make stratospheric profits from their latest disaster.  This government sponsored and controlled event is a nauseating scene to watch, run by incompetent insider cronies, with tragically lame photo ops for a mindless idiot some sheeple call their pResident as he goes around praising the people who are responsible for this wholesale incompetence. The New Orleans Police killed five of these unfortunate DOD workers while they were trying to go do their mismanaged job and fix the levee that broke. This is just too much to stomach! Lethal incompetence killing the incompetent. What irony and tragedy. 


(Update 9-05-05) 

I forgot to add, or using weather control to heel the population. In the wake of Katrina this issue needs to be investigated to it's core, especially due to it's convenient timing and reports that our government has scalar interferometers as well as HAARP technology to modify weather with and create hurricanes. All the pressure from Cindy Sheehan on baby bush and his illegal war and endless lies has disappeared from the media as a result of this timely event, "just a coincidence", no worries!



Qualification of Content

I have linked to many christian researchers who are exposing the evil nature of our world and it's leaders. I am thankful for their hard work and deep concern for the sad condition of our country and world under the current fascist regime! I do not share their religious beliefs as can be seen by my attitude towards religion on this page. 

I respect their hard work in uncovering the conspiracy "facts" and evidence relating to the power structures controlling life on Planet Earth, but differ radically on the direction of change which is needed to remedy our present situation. I do not respect their religious beliefs, because they have not earned my respect on this subject. I do not see the same zeal directed by these researchers, towards an inquiry into the validity of the bible or the judeo-christian history , (mythology) it purports to be. 

I do not agree with their conclusions relating to world events and framing these in the context of  their beliefs about what they think their gods, jehovah/jesus/mary/holy spirit etc..., are telling them to do, via their bible or what they call "charismatic revelation". 

I do not find a philosophical or spiritual need to pursue virtue within the social and religious bounds of an archaic, plagarized myth. I know for a fact that virtue existed long before the jesus "Christ"myth was literalized. The great works of architecture, writing and art from all the pre-existing people and cultures of this planet, are a direct testimony to it. 

The "Great Creator  Spirit", animating this universe, which we are condition to calling "God" has been replaced by the mythological gods of man's imagination and domination. The result is that the word "God" has become a baneful word associated with the cruelty, lies, and murder caused by the people who worship religious gods, who they falsely claim is the "Great Animating Spirit" or true "Creator Spirit". 

Most people would admit that the source of this animating spirit is a great mystery to all of us. When someone claims to know that infinite "non-gender", eternal spirit, then gives it a name like,  jehovah, ashtoreth, allah, the great goddess, rama, isis, zeus, quetzalcoatl, etc... it is the beginning of a heirarchicaly administrated, mind control, religion.  We have endless supplies of these so-called gods throughout recorded history and beyond, with their consequent "faiths". Their literal, non-existence and non-immortality is witnessed in the crumbling ruins of the civilizations that worshipped them in the past, while seeking their "divine" protection. 

A good resource for those ready to leave the mind control program of the christian church is There are countless first hand testimonies of people who had the strength to reject the absurdity of their programmed religious beliefs and leave the church. 

I was raised a christian and studied the bible to it's core as a young adult, both christian apologetics and comparative mythology, only to finally realize that the jesus story, was written as a myth,and it was plagarized, from older myths. Here's more proof! The supernal power of the Sun God myth and the Christos is it's ability to enlighten and transform the people who understand it. It has been changed into a literal history with hellish consequences for all of those who do not believe it.

The Christ myth was literalized into a literal historical figure called jesus by the blood thirsty, mass murderer,  and Roman Emperor, Constantine, with his infamous "canonization of the bible" (editing, embellishing and literalizing), during the Council of Nicea, in 325 A.D. The priest craft exchanged the divine symbolism and allegories relating to personal transcendence, liberation and reincarnation,  found in the Sun god myths (jesus, horus, buddha, mithras, zoraster etc...), for the "literal" enslavement of it's followers to "blind faith", "original sin", "inherited poverty"  and "self denial" etc... ad nauseum. 

These ancient allegories are not "myths," as in meaning, not real and therefore inconsequential. They are the very essence of our own Selfhood as described through Astronomical, Symbolic Representations, seen in the night skies of the  Planisphere/Uranograph, .  They reveal to us, our ever returning, eternal, multidimensional nature as gods, temporarily manifested in the flesh. The multitude of  "self similar",  repeating cycles found by mankind in our observations of nature reflect on our "physical being" from life to life and bear witness to, the eternal state of our endless incarnations and the periods between which are like the invisible expanded states of cubic wavefields that surround the bright electrical Suns which populate infinity.  

History records at least thirty of the chief figures known as Sun-gods amongst the nations about the Eastern Mediterranean, before the advent of Jesus. There were in Egypt, Osiris, Horus, Serapis, Hermes or Taht (Thoth), Khunsu, Atum (Aten, Adon, the Adonis or Phrygia), Iusa, Iu-sa, Iu-em-hetep; in Syria, Atis, Sabazius, Zagreus, Kybele (feminine); in Assyria Tammuz; in Babylonia, Marduk and Sargon; in Persia, Mithra, Ahura-Mazda and the Zoroasters; in Greece, Orpheus, Bacchus (Dionysus), Achilles, Hercules, Theseus, Perseus, Jason, Prometheus; in India, Vyasa, Krishna, Buddha; in Tibet the Boddhisattvas; besides many others elsewhere.

The church did not grow large through faith, virtue and truth, rather through mass exterminations, torture, deception, legalism and by "force of the sword," as the religion of the state of Rome. People were forced to accept this unbelievable "historically literal" doctrine or,  be put to death by the church's armies and henchmen. 

Since that time over 60 million people have been murdered in the name of jesus, by the catholic church alone.  All the strong willed people who rejected and opposed this religious fraud have been slaughtered over the past two millenia and now the weak sheeple who are left, blindly accept their so-called faith, with well bred docility. The church "culled the herd" with great success. Giardano Bruno was even burned to death by them for saying essentially what I am writing here, that the universe as we know it,  is  the opposite of what the authorities are telling us it is. 

The day we Earthlings can admit that no one knows a special hidden god, and that this secret god does not talk especially to them with special revelations of their " self proclaimed divinity" for humanity, is the day we can all pursue the great mystery of life, acting with our own virtue, for the sake of finding, our own truth and our own way to paradise. And, without the threats of hell-fire and brimstone, from the priest craft who represent the angry, vindictive, archaic and boring, tribal gods, prophets and demons which dominate the minds of the masses, inhabiting this planet, presently. 





The posting of stories, commentaries, reports, documents and links (embedded or otherwise) on this site does not in any way, shape or form, implied or otherwise, necessarily express or suggest my endorsement or support of all of such posted material or certain parts therein. I am merely offering a different point of view than the corporate controlled media, because their present view is one that leads ultimately to a New World Order, where the banking elite and their minions will rule over a microchipped world population, with a world: army, electronic currency, government, religion, legal system, police, etc... In other words, an Orwellian Hell. This is the exact opposite of the world our founding fathers fought and died for. They would truly despise us for our weakness and addiction to quiescence. "Live free or die" was their motto. "Pay the fee then die" , is ours!

Alternative Physics and New Paradigm Research involves the process of gathering multiple facts, perspectives, viewpoints, opinions, analyses, and information about the events of our times and presenting them to readers for their own consideration in a dialectical manner. I believe in the intelligence, judgment and wisdom of my readers to discern for themselves among the data which appears on this site that which is valid and worthy, or otherwise.  



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April 02, 2008 5:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i did this cuz my computer is shit...

im going back to paper...

this is in memory of... memory95

year 2004to2008:

watr108p.txt - - - - v3-30-08 7pm is 4list:water-files listed by type
minimized for print...meening one file(best?)is left to find others.
- - 4list:ur@4list: re-lists water-files for best2show:2list,
and? top ten,20,5? water-data files on computer,flops,papers,etc.
how2help 2list: try jumps to:
1computers(you are at), 2papers, 3books, 4encyclops 5flops 6cd-rw
try data at 1rtrib, 2recdw, 3relst(you are at)
pause:its -ALL- water re-lated. but save-time...? where?
- - - watr108p.txt: v3-30-08,11am all? water files(by-type) found on wread-me.txt(watr1-08:3-08) wich is win95\rtrib + rec\dwn files (by-date)
print4crash? (use2update other watr108p ? watch dates first)
- - spirit: to re-list water-data only, and many-ways.
watr108p re-lists watr1-08.txt(v3-08)
- - lib2do408?
- pnt watr1-08p.txt spirit? 3rd-pass?:add lists, narrow specifics.
your step-stone better without? pc-time? effect on rets seen?
a1:a place no-won knows,why?: you cant lust-steel what you dont know-of.
pnt+post at log-in ii2s...
simplify water-making show:options+methods 4meno+RET+farm users.
- - notes made during first-pass:
note:meth:methane production, use for ice-making device?. mostly cut-out.
eg.amana:gas-powered refrigerators, other gases:ammonia? your-body method?
note: makewater:hot-spot(moist-air), then cold-spot(condenses) de-humidifiers or filter-method or? vortex-tubes? evap:makes cool. condense:re-leses heat?
note:tar-study bio-gas meth-sludge is:material for sealant storage structures
note:solar energy for water-making:direct or electric.
note:g-gides kept, see win95 non-date-dirs:clips,moved,was!,news,game.
note:still to-much water-data! break into types? no! types
- - -
- - secound-pass: reeding threw 1rtrib+2recdw
and listed here by-subject: -jump- to one of these:
dessicant,condensing,air-conditioners,refridgerator, de-humidifiers,airwells,vortex,nrg-forms,clay-mixs,filters,
- - ??:2-05,4-05:raid+viks,2-27-06.txt,,dwn84-06?,8506-dwn
- - gides:blog-map,sew-box,3-1dir,dir1-06,was1-06,206drnfo,,master-k,
heat-nfo?,wag62606.txt(was),drz7w06.txt:with 1topics: water-w! methane-m! sealant-s! guide-g! camping-k! body-b!,7-06:read-was.txt, all-dwrz.txt:2-06to8-06, flops?,206DRNFO.TXT,blog-map:v1-15-07,
dwn95drz.txt - - g - v3-15-08 8pm(dont update this one)
rec\dwn:downloads-stored by date. are NOT x1-cab\rtrib. nor on cd-r?
did dwn12-06? rec\dwn to cd-rw? see 2do1206.doc for results?
rec\dwn\dwn2.txt-g -v6-30-06 all!!! downloads may 26th to jun 30th, 2006
- - dew-gides:ooi-t11,3-06\read-mee,dew-link.txt,read-me3,, 5-06\12dew: 7-flops!,drz7w06.txt,8-06:all-dewd.txt,watr1-08,
dhu7octa.txt:v10-31-06 8am 20p: desiccant-dehumidify water-making and this is retrib\7-06\2dhu7\ see 8-06\2du lib-pnt or?
complaints: this gide dosnt got much direct dhu-dessicant-type water-making bild-it talk, not as dew5-06\airwell.htm, but yet very great observations of water-getting worth minding in building.
10-06\links:prefered files to jump to (.see.),,10-06\re-get (8-06to11-06)
12-06\19:dew-history so-far + moving stuff to store by date, not subject
watr1206.txt + drz1206.txt,dew.txt:1-08,watr1-08:3-08,
- - dessicant:11-16-06.txt,reget11p.txt:v11-27-06,
- - condensing:5-06\12dew?,proj126a.txt:2update8-06\4th\project1.txt: proj1206.txt,dew107po,read-mr4.txt,, - - air-conditioners:907 ? evapo.png,
- - refridgeration:8506-dwn\dfr806
rec\dwn\8-06:11-bat:wiki mark icyball drink sola-tec goo electrostatic airfilter solarcool,8-06.txt:dfr806,ice?ybal,goo, india-u.n.?,distil,hilsch, sci,sola,dehy,fusion,lnk:8-06\flops\f19-7,dfr8-06.txt,8-06\25:
bat:goo distil freeze galry ice-make-india nazi-priests
85-06.txt - v8-20-06 8am is 8506-dwn.txt listdwnloads aug 4,5,6th, 2006
+marks for dfr8-06 dehumidify\refridgeration study: 1:keep 2:ok 3:sim
8506h1:ret-watr!!! make-zine home sola-roof dhu dhy
82606no.txt - v8-28-06 3pm, notes cliped from reading htm downloaded 8-26-06
- - de-humidifiers:military,,7-06,f11-10,lib-pnt,
8506-dwn\dehu,dhu7-06b:8-06bxx4,2dhu7gi.txt - ! - - v12-18-06 guide to dhu7-06 files,906-2do.txt:use dhu8-06b.txt,10-6-6.txt,re-get.txt, rec\dwn\dfr8-06.txt
- - airwells:fogfences+dew-ponds?3-06:18pics.txt,f14-1,dew5-06,airwel.txt:,,project1,notes2.txt,3-06\18:11+15th,,g2.txt,my-water.txt, study,5-06\12dew: 7-flops!,2dew5.txt 7-06\26\1-14.htm every war will be over drinkable...
2dhu7gi.txt,proj506 is best? text from 5-06 nfo for airwell.pic, the first of the 14?.,dirz.doc:1-11-07,flop1-07po,
- - vortex:2-06,f13-3:2-06\27th:ormus+vortrap+viks,f16-5:18th.txt:15-4-20,
3606viks,,,4-06\f8-2: viks scaned,vtrap06.txt,
706spec2.txt - ! get people who know ceramics to make a vortex-tube for you.
tubr4u.htm,x-tube.txt,all-vort.txt - - - - v12-6-06 12pm all known locations of vortex nfo+papers.,,\vortex-tube.htm
web-vor.txt retrib\water\3vor dir is links to water-vortex nfo all over pc.
vort1107.txt - - - - v11-14-07, 11am: pc-form of paper i bin posting at places and sending in letters, for posting at sites.
vtub-nfo.txt - - - - v11-17-07 7pm.vtube: vortex-tube nfo search
this doc closly searches text+pics chosen and listed in vtub1106.doc\2nd-pass
vtub1107.txt - - - - v11-17-07, 7pm search for hilsch-vortex tube related stuff, re-collect for construction purposes.
rec\dwn\7-06\20\vik: repulsine
- - nrg-forms:2906 18th.txt,2-27-06.txt,6-06\it-ma:
it-mak.htm: galeeb\it-makes the move, posted, natz.txt
oromus:3-06.dirz\altered-water,keplers water-jet experiment,
- - clay-mixs:6-05 clay-mix,,paint807,
rec\dwn\7-06\ extrudergravitykiln tile stoneware
- - filters:ceramics,- - 12-06\7: water-filters!
re-chme:fltwa1.txt - see also and retwatr\mix\a1,parts 1o3
- - gases+sludge:
methane:8-05,tar:9-05biogas,brown-gas:2-06 keely?,hydrogen:h202:2-06:18th.txt
- - chemical activity:heat:ice2 heet-me caws.txt\boil-water?
chem:1-06 plastics,treatment:H202+chlorene?+iodine+ultra-violet+infared?+sun! 8-06\5t:h202
- - mechanical:cark-p.txt,ram-pump,katydyne:ceramic-filters+pump,
- - wildernes-survival:11-05,2-06.txt\insul?,2-06\27th:ed-mud,rads,pics?,
- - concepts:dew-mold-grain:3-06dirz.txt,8-06:sci.txt:2-8.htm,marks.txt
- - active:project1(th14+lnks),read-mr3?,g2.txt,my-water.txt,7-06:2dew5.txt,
c-zns1-08.doc - - - - v1-8-08, 9pm, diary of 2006 + 2007 moon weather
- - demos:5-06:airomir.exe 64k demo,retrib\clips,
- - about gides\data:
- see rtrib:__if__.txt, reedme95.txt, wread-me.txt
- dir206.txt + zip - v8-22-06 7pm add details for each file (did not)
- all my data on c:\temp\*.* was copied to cd-r on 2-14-06
so all files on moms pc (msdos-7 win95) can be erased up to
- ???
- - papers: things printed: (drawn? see 3-23-08 gide2papers)
pnt.txt things printed?see zip: radiant pics + vortexr.txt
7-06:lib-pnt.txt,,?!,,,10-6-6.txt,dhu706pn.txt v10-31-06 7-06\2dhu7\ pics 2 pnt,reget3:f11-10?
watr1206.txt - ! - - v12-21-06 8am dated nfo used in undated ways?, by subject. paper-pntd at lib 12-5-06 and placed in acrylics box.drz1206,,
14p107pn.v1-10-06 4pm, proj1-07 crash-prevetion, best dew5-06 data:
printed 1-8-06 2pm and stashed in book behind drawer.
rec\dwn\82606pnt.txt - - - - v8-29-06 7am, notes cliped from reading htm downloaded 8-26-06, - pics to download at on flops f19-3? 800k? best parts re-viewed here, for 82606pnt.txt
rec\dwn\8-06\8606n: best-of 8-06? 8505 8606 dfr806 806dwn
pnt\! lnk.:rtrib\8-06\8th,all-dewd.txt v8-24-06 11am,x-vizn.txt v6-21-06 21pm
- - flops:jump to: 5flops, 6-06\f19-5: best of galeeb on flop?,
7-06:dew-flps.txt,,f18:was706,f9-5 f8-5 = al19-mea.txt:with cd-storages.,cd-r.doc v11-20-07 effort to copy 1-07\12 and 1-07 3-07,frg806:f19-7,rec\dwn\8-06\25\62506goo.txt - v8-27-06all htm used to get downloads 8-26-06 deleted from win95 pc on 1-19-06, see flop or cd-rw or goo-get use 82606.txt - g! v8-27-06 5pm 8-26-06 downloads caused by\for study: pausd at goo9\distil*.htm
rec\dwn\8-06\flops:dirs:f19-3,4,5,6,7,8 gorrie ice-making all of 8-06 files?
- - computers: win95:c:\pmail\x1-cab\rtrib\wread-me.txt, and: Pmail\x1-cab\rec\dwn\8-06 and dos5pc:c:\lap\temp,and lucys hard-drive (.compaq computers.)
- -,\airwels.htm +,,,\vortex-tubes,
blog-map906,re-get3.txt,ftl-me.txt:ret-water.blogspot,marks.txt,,, stream-1:filters ?,dew107po.doc - - - - v1-18-07 9am posting read-mr4 works,,,
lgeeb606.txt is txt of links:organic renfair
- - visions: spirit-purpose-causes for me:
5-06\leeb506x: ult!mate colection 5-27-06.b4:rcht1206.txt
my-spec3.txt 7thdaywork? - - - - v12-7-06 calling people for jesu by galeeb
vizn2006.txt ! vizn.txt - - - - v6-20-06 12pm plans for re-tribe, re-seasond.
8-8-07.txt, weeds308.txt,6-06\f19-5: best of galeeb on flop?,x-vizn,
2do107.doc: dew1-07.txt + 2dooz107.txt read-mr2.txt has odd view of vision-2006 goals, re-member for x-vizn 2007
x-Code.txt - - - - v5-30-06 3:10pm HTM-Version.What is our code,what is Re-Tribal ?What things make us somthing the other groups are not.
best2-08.txt - - - - v2-27-08 10am best-steps and versions of Re-tribe 2008
...find 11-07to2-08? txt of bvl,bngr,cvl with time+do+materials4each.
total time wasted on only girl-boy talk: two moons!
weeds308.txt:csa-vision!boy tells girl how2live how2love how2leev4rets2come.
rec\dwn\7-06\6-2: u.n.police-state.cuttingedge david wegener-nwo
- - news? 7-06spec.txt:chicks-tanzania + 5-02?
- - key-words: water-filter condenser ice-in-dessert refridgeration solar-ice-maker condensation fog-fence dew moisture dehumidifiers dessicants heat+cold vortex-hilsh-air weather hurricanes tornado wells viktor-shauberger callum-coats air-conditioners\auto-repair
survival-science\water storage,treatment electromagnetic hydrogen clay methane plants earth-architecture

- - rec\downloads by-date: (showing water-related only) merge?with above typs
8-06\4th:airwatr devices forced-distil? -pics,,8-06\5th:aqua pics
8-06\5th\5b\icyball:pics rfrg vort? crosley dirs: 8-06\5c,5d,5et\483.txt(h2o2?),sci\how2,sola\bubble
- - 8-06\6th: air ark condense mold store:iron-oxide? dirs:cell\inwall-trus,dehy:wiki chem heatr dehy oil orgo, dhu:hyper emf nano
dst:!!! desic methods: aquasorb consorb frigo,ldt:absorbants:desi-pak hdt olson
- - 10-06\oct06?:-.lnk:C:\Pmail\x1-cab\rec\dwn\8-06\5b\icybal
read-mr4.txt - - - version 5-19-06 10:14am dew-collection steps!
- - 11-06\11th:cutters+girl-talk,,,6th:topics\blog\retwat (water-study),,
- - ???,
dwn1206.txt - - dir:lnk2:ret-watr.txt,, 12-06\4th:thales:water-tunnel
rtr-lnk:rtrib\12-06, xanga-girls?,, 12-06\ - - v12-11-06 vortex-sci downloads from 1206notz.lnk:rtrib\12-06\11th,, - - v12-16-06 for: joe-cell: e-power from water.pics12-06.txt:111th\pics to keep:130, 1.3mb germano
11th\ area-events nfo,11th\xanga:pics kepts
12-06\23:12-23-06.txt: got?, xanga htm + pics. \metro\ukraine,, germano htm+pics
- - 1-07\14:ab-zo.doc -v1-15-07\
airwell.gifs - - - ?
kamen.htm - - - Dean Kamen, Segway 2devices:1,000w from cow-dung. bangladesh
rex1.txt - - - info:science inventions home-made. electric.
rex2.txt - - 1982 Robert A. Nelson info "unconventional", suppressed, dormant, or emerging sciences, technologies, inventions, theories, therapies,
miscellaneous alternatives that offer real hope of liberating humanity.
Little has changed for the beteer since then, but Freedom, Truth, Love and
Earth are more gravely wounded, while Time is accelerating/compressing --
running out -- in these latter days of this era of civilization as we knew
it. Enjoy your visit.
- - 1-07\18\aiws:airtoh2o.htm - - - AIR TO WATER - Atmospheric Water Generator, WATER RECYCLING, INFORMATION ON AIR TO H2O PTY. LTD.
- - 1-07\18\rex: + gifs?, goo1.htm search for rex + keelynet
recht-6.htm is nwo10c.doc - - - - v11-7-06 8am drugs people and water, calif.
- - 1-07\18\vort: + gifs,free_1?.htm: government vs. vortex by sim2 galeeb.blogspot,ftafe.doc: Viktor Schauberger and Nikola Tesla info:Techno-Shaman's Guide ,see also wrl-bank.txt (related)
- - 1-07\29:wrl-bank.txt - - - - v1-29-07 gov.vs.vortex-science:clips from reading 18\vort\free_thinking_and_free_energy.htm
- - rec\dwn\flop: airwell gifs + htm
14p107pn - ! - - v1-8-06 12am, proj1-07 crash-prevetion, best dew5-06 data:
printed 1-8-06 2pm and stashed in book behind drawer.
dew-link.txt - ! - - 3-06\6?,11-16 dew-study links for web-page find and print at library 3-17-2006, these are the downloads that make dew3-06, this
whole study, now 22 flops, can be totaly recovered from the internet using
the links and key-words in this file: dew-link.txt
?bagelm.txt:vepses for 4-06\wapic.txt,,?black26.txt:v12-26-06 when plans call for arresting people.,,?blog-map.txt:v11-5-06 4pm: details of each blog, updated 7-6-06 8am,,?dew-link.txt: 3-06\6?,11-16 dew-study links for web-page find and ?notes.txt 1+2+3 airwell nfo
?nwo10c.doc - - - - v11-7-06 8am drugs people and water, send-to Amish
?post-me4.txt - - - - v11-15-06 visit rings for RET.
?project1.txt - - - - v1-6-07 2pm for g1? airwell1.gif, info gathered to its construction. A branch of dew5-06\read-mr4.txt, focus of project1.txt is 5-06\g1 pics only, the four. also called proj506.txt?
?read-mee.txt - - - - b4-1-07 these were on flop already:
this flop will also hold out-door versions of dew1-07 works, best of.
read-mr4.txt + pics + ?
?read-mr4.txt - - - - v1-10-07 4pm sorting dew306 data: water-making by
?reed-me2.txt - - - - v9-1-07, 4pm,these files were found on a flop kept with a vhs'day-after'1985-nuke war movie, and copied to this directory c:\pmail\rec\dwn\flop on 9-1-07
post-me.doc - - - - v1-11-07 things did in 2006
post-me4.doc was used alot at lib and to call others to re-tribal and volunteer-gardening projects
-end of rec\dwn
-end of dwn95drz.txt gide made for files found downloaded at x1-cab\rec\dwn
-end of 4list:UWUR@4list: closest+best files re-listed for water-study,
-end of 3relst:UWUR@3relst for 1computers for 3known water-related data
-end of 1computers:WUR@1computers for 3known locations of water-related data
- or viewed in order:watr1-08\3known\1computers\3relst\3list
which meens:water1-08 study,3rd known-method,on computers,relisted,3rd way.
- paused 3-28-08 go back and merge 4list with 123list? or go-on:2papers?
- - 2papersUR@2papers for 3known locations of water-related data
-see 3-23-08 paper
-see re-call papers 8-10-07,diary for gides to papers in books
-3booksUR@3books for 3known locations of water-related data
-see re-call papers 8-10-07,diary for gides to books,win95\wread-me\files?was
-4encyclopsUR@4encyclops for 3known locations of water-related data
-see papers,prefixs, big-book ency-sets 3!
-5flopsUR@5flops for 3known locations of water-related data
-see 9-07\al19-mea.txt flop-list
-6cd-rwUR@6cd-rw for 3known locations of water-related data
- did:cd-rw all your flops up to 3-27-08.
- did:2nd-copy all cd-s (bangor-stash is lost) re-copy
results:from diary 3-27-08: total known cd-R:14, more in bird-room+spartan?
c1:half-full,c2:near-full, 2008pics+way2town,c4:is all?c1c2c3
c5:empty. was2b2nd-copy of c4..if all.

a1:2-14-06win95stuff121mb+12-28-06:107mb?,,a3:flops2006-7.300mb(old copy 1of3.2lost?),a4:oog+smn.mp3.666mb,a5:audio-piano500mb,
s1:a4+c1.full,s2:a1+a3+some.a4.full,s3:is.s2:2nd.copy,s4:a4+moms95stuff+with my 2008-flops.,, end of cd-rw nfo.
cd-rw stored at ds-trlr? and bangor\menonite
- 7n-www:UR@7n-www for 3known locations of water-related-data
7n-www attempts to list all my data, as it is available on the internet,
this includes stuff i posted.(blog-map.txt), links to original web-sites,
and key-words used during various-studies, to re-find them.
example:- - 5-06\blog:
read-me.txt - - - - all my pages on, has my
methane pics from -john fry.
has many pic (still there!) of callum-coats books ecotechnology series,vortex-science, vicktor-shauberger living-energies explained. the pictures,32? are on flops as of 5-2-06
- - 6-06\29:
2do-me.txt - - - - v6-30-06 10am trying to get it all out to internet+cd-r?
-end of 7n-www: for 3known locations of water-related-data
-end of 4list, -end of 3relst,-end of 3known
-end of watr1-08.txt new ef-forts to-ward water + purification-methods
-end of watr308p.txt:the water-data lists of watr1-08.txt for print.
-no end-

April 18, 2008 10:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

femn1207.txt - - - - v12-28-07 male fertility dreams visions written in cold.
description: 14:balling,3:Rites,2:drawings,3:lined = 25 sheets of type-paper
written from 12-18 to 12-28 , just before the suns equinox:female to male.

cause :written for mental pleasure, on a subject never good for the mind.
i was cold, idle, and full, and no one cood expose me for it. so i gave in.
i love my girls, and the way i treat them, shame on me. and who is my naybr? the one you show kindness to.

- -

preview: 3 wemen 1 man,
first tale: each meets the man = 15 papers,
- --
tale two: tribal rites using the man to establish a fertility house, and used for the 3 wemen = 3 papers,

drawings of wemen with man = 3 papers, drawings = 3 papers and one postcard (see descriptions near the end)

tale 3: sexplanations of what a man does and thinks at different stages of the act with a women.

- -
damage warnings caused by intertaing such thoughts: ???

tale one:
paper one of 15
12-18-07: my first and only sexual record of mankind and such thought that enter. The events you are about to hear happen daily, date and locations change, but stimulants dont. - -

these Events here happen in the Victorian Era, 1860's, in Nova Scoti, a sea-side town that um, feels more like a town, when your in it, the rest is ocean and wilderness. - -

The three women in this story are of sensitive variety. The oldest is a widow in her 40's. She is full of memories of a man, but now spends most of her time bending over weeds in the garden, pulling string beans. - -

It is here that her women figure becomes most descriptive, for her hair is up and covered, when out of doors, and it becomes quit memorable that her lower parts are plump and stalky, and thick bare feet, which leev a wide foot print in the damp dirt, typical of a farm-girl women. - -

i cannot call her Fat, but, Big, but not Tall. ...this dark-haired Woman has age-ed breasts, the longer-kind, (when bending over)... and very Full, but flat when she stands upright, the nipples poke sharply out of her dress, for, she still has a 3 year-old boy(nursing) and 2 girls, ages 7 and 9, all blond and brown-haired. - -

i say sharp-nippled for, after dinner, she was stroking them in her dress there, like they were sore. But then stopped, looked at me and the floor for a mooment, as if frozen in thought, and then went back to picking up the dinner-plates. - -

the girls were excused and grabed their little brother and talked him into going upstairs to take a nap. I also, decided to get up from the table, and go outside to grind the corn. - -

- - -

the next women, was a naybr, who lives on a farm across the field. She is in her late 20's, dark brown wavy hair, brown eyes, like the color of dark-wood, and tet shoe-leather, a wild, yet calming color brown. - -

she has a prime womans-figure, firm... shapely, hips that show her age, yet girly, ...and her voice and face still say so. - she has bin fucking for 4 years now, one child, so she knows now what men like, and, how to get it. - her own sexual desires are FULLy active, awakened, and always searching. - -

she prefers dreses simple, short, and tighter, than the widow, the dark-haired woman, and they convers with each other, to often, and with common inte-rest since her first child came. Topics tend to, go in to fornication, and most memorable acts. - -

It was about this time that these two wemen conspired, after several days of intense and arousing subject matter, to hold, a man up for the night, at the dark-haired widows house, and, mostly for her sake. - -

As it happens, a certain young man came into the shop almost every month. He wood talk to the widow at her door for the longest time... he wood look down and around at things, but the widow hardly took her eyes off him, he had, such, boy-ish blue eyes. - -

And somehow some-way the normal talk of the day with him shifted to parties and sleep-overs, and then, quit outright, the widow invited the young man to a Balling. - of corse the young man did not know what that Ment, at first, and gave that look like men do when they want you to Repeat somthing they did not get nor hear right.... But this time she simply said... come for supper. - -

He Agreed as tho it sounded quite common to do so, but by days end he had figured out what was ment at intended. And this startled him, for, he loved his work, and not so much as thot of wemen for years. and Suddenly his conscience bothered him and he decided he shood atleast go for the dinner, to just be, around, wemen again... somthing he had missed, and did not feel so, till now. - -

When he arrived for dinner he was further troubled that there were no other guests, just, these wemen. the widow, the children, the brown-haried girl, dressed delicatly with puffed sleeves and Hair all pimped up like a teachers. - -

Another girl was present, the third in this story. She is sixteen, carrot-red hair, bangs which made her frekles stand out even worse. but. altogether, beautiful.... and she-is Talkative, imaginitive, and always taking her Clum-sy errors a little to far by adding dramatic words and gestures to the situation. - -

She, and the brown-eyed women got along well, but the widoe, was comparatively quiet. - -

paper two of fifteen:

IT shood be now known that the red-haired girl was adopted, by the widow, kept to herself alot, and to the hills to do her dreaming and novel-reading, and to quote romantic poetry to herself, exagerating the poem with more words than was written. - -

She had bin with, the widow enuff, to indirectly L-ear-n all about sexual activities... Even when eleven she was very abusive, her freckles won her alot of fights with boys on the play-ground. ..They were smaller than her, but she cood still teach them a lesson. ..I remember one boy talking with her on the swings, ..the boy got irritated with her and told her to move away ''freckle-Face''.. - -

Well, that did it. they pushed and shoved till he was on the ground in the sand... then she took off her shoes and started stomping on him, and pounding him with her bare feet, kicking him down when he tried to get back up. - She then proceeded to do somthing very unusual for a girl her age, she grabbed the boy by both feet, a foot in each hand, and held them firmly apart, and then she began pounding away on his genitals, bare footed. - -

I am not sure what a boy of 7 or 8 wood think of this. But she seemed to know what she was doing, feeling just the right spot with her toes, and then pressing and stepping - stomping several times. .. I was amazed and did not understand it either. ..i was ten at the time and ran over to push her away, but she came at me only once, kicking me right in the nuts while i was yet standing. - for the rest of the day i sat there trying to figure. trying to understand what. i was seeing and feeling, while my best friend was still getting pounded buy the girl. - -

this went on for atlest and hour, the boy wood get up, and she wood knock him down, Hammer on his Nuts, and then Knock him down again. - while on his back, He tried covering his balls with his legs, which exposed his tummy, so, she pounded on his tummy, till he put his knees over his chest, to cover his tummy. ..this of corse left his balls wide open again, and she went back to stepping on those. - -

By now other girls had gathered to watch, one shouted Yay-Yay ''put him to sleep''. ..But in time, they all left, and i walked my friend home, he said he felt like he Pee-d his pants.- -

- - - -

Well, that same Red girl was here tonight, and hungry-eyed for action. Dressed in white and her Red Hair now Long and Beautiful from the Years, now hangs over the white silk dress like nurse colors. - she is eating a watermellon and spitting on the seeds. - -

The Brown eyed woman sits in her ruff tweed 18th-century style over-coat and is talking on and on about how to pluck a chicken bodys, and how well it greases before you stuff it, setting the mood for what is about to happen. - -

the Widow in Black antique formal-wear dress sits at the head of the table, sipping raspberry wine and watching the young man she had invited. The Evening grows as dark as she is, and the dim candles get bright, she sends the kids to bed, and then... It happens... - -

''You will be serving Me tonight'' said the Widow, and all three wemen rose from the table and led the one young man upstairs, then opened the door to the Widoes room. the place was a bit closed-in feeling. so the wiNdows were opened to let in the moonlight and gentle rain... Blowing Breezez over the lardge Lardge Bed. - -

The young one was as Nervous as he was willing, to let them do, what they wanted. This same widow woman had left shop-catalogs in his carriage quit often when he was 12, 15, 19, all full of semi-nude dressing wemen. ..And Now.. years of prep. had made this young man as curious and willing as she cood possibly make him. - -

He was already firm from getting handled on the way up the stairs, the widow led the way, the brown-coat kept him at her side, and the fire-y Red Hair girl in the white dress followed behind. - -

The Widoe slowly got onto the bed, hardly even taking off her shoes, and leaving her Black Hair pinned up. - The widow layed back with all her skirts on, and, opened her legs, revealing nothing but more black and Lace. - the brown coat woman had let down her hair and had bin stroking the young man ever since he got on the stairs. - the white dress closed the door and locked it... then moved gently to a chair in the corner and sat down... looking at the widow, and unsure of what to do. but, feeling around anyway for pins behind her head, began letting her red-hair down too. - -

The widow, gazing up, as if into the sky, started feeling her sides and trim, passing up under the breasts, as if to feel if everything was still there and wanted to work. - the widow lifted her head but once, as if to say to the brown coat ''go ahead, do it now'' , then she rested with her chin up. - -

- - -

notes: this story is obviously a mixture of memories, fantasies, movies, games, and other bad things that arnt worth reading\writing or doing, a damage to the mind in war. dont burn it, bury it. avoid these things, but dont forget they grow.

notes: red girl has fair boobs for sixteen, full of promise, like two sheep sitting in the grass. not full and mature as brown-eye, nor baggy-big like widoe. But Bobby-plump and pretty to look at.

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paper three of fifteen:

THe man was not sure He cood find his way through all that black fabric this older women was wearing. butt the brown coat was now insistant on helping, she took off her ruff-brown top-coat, showing that she wore a very white sleeved skin-tight school-blouse, but also the Firm anf Bountiful balls of Bust-ing Beauty hanging from hrr sholders. - -

It took little imagination to see what was making this simple girl-dress of hers POP-out so far... around under her chin and back around again. her breath was suddenly rapid and close, and her Brown eyes looked into his, they matched her Hair so well with dark mystifing leather-toned one-ness. ..But un-doing the pins had made it go all over the place, even flying up, like a rag-doll, or like a wipped-girl, like when they puposely fluff it out by combing and frilling it by excessive head motions. - -

there was a smell of Raspberry on her lips when she wispered to him to get on her.(the widow). ..He climbed on at the widows feet and crawled carefully up, avoiding her where possible, yet as the bed creeked and sank where he pressed, it drew her in also. .. He and the black-Laced dress were soon embracing, his face buried in the material... and then... silence. - -

no motion, just their bodies breathing, which cood be felt more than heard. And the wonderous presence of eachother, and the Lacy dresses pressed between them, as it warmed their contours. - It was a peaceful two minutes of nothing, as wonder over this moment, a womans breething, turned to acceptance, then pleasure, and finally... to Lust. - -

Brown-eyes was getting impatient at them two just resting on each other, doing nothing but emotional adjustments. and looked for somthing else she cood do. - well, as you know, Males are stimulated by touch, but also more by sight. so, she stepped over to the side of the bed where He cood see her while he lay listening to heart-beats. - -

Brown eyes began the stimulation by standing up, bending over, turning around, twisting, as if to reach or scratch certain places around her feet and neck. - THis movment of her body gets the males attention completely. ..When brown eyes saw she got him good, she paused, looked up and smiled at him, looked the other way, and let the smiles turn to girl-noises aroused by touching. and then to long slow swaying movments, her hair running over everyting, as she made long soft sounds of relief, and bending and rubbing parts of herself more intamately. licking and getting her hair in her eyes, she was a bad girl, scrathing where he cood watch her. - -

A woman in her 20's is a lovely figure to behold, its girlish a little, but very woman, and her covered Breasts are like snow-capped mountains, the thighs are big like an adults, but so.. very.. Attractive. - -

This became more obvious when she unbuttoned the V-Line skirts of her essentric Dresses, And.. ooow.. Let the Bouncers out to play awhile. - Flower Nipples and all, swelled and pulled tight, she pressed them and raised her knees up high to block the glowing view you had of them. - -

But doing this Showed you plenty more: the lower half of her, still covered in skirts, slid back when she raised her legs to her chest, doing this on a chair exposed long lovely nude legs, ending in pretty girly toes, pink, rose-y.. and twitching with excitement...making the poor male skip his Heart-Beats. Nylons had not bin invented yet, so Farm ladies had to just 'be' beautiful... for survival. - -

This was tooo much for the Male.. and his bone-Hard penis began.. searching all over in the widows black dresses.. but in vain.. He was afraid to kiss widoe on the mouth.. so the Red-Haired girl started doing that.. girls know what girls like, Red hair was straight and smooth, a child-like face of freckles, pales and lips like a cherry.. small, but well protruding, as if she pouts alot. both were enjoying the tongue, which was stimulating other parts. - -

the Man notices the Black dress Swelling around widoes chest like fresh bread-dough rising fast, startled by them, but so delighted to grab and twist them, sending wonderful feelings all over widoe. - his Horn got tight again and he started pounding it in to her, even tho it wasnt going to get anything but fabric, dick-skin grows tired of scratchy materials, dick and ball somtimes got cawt under a strap or undergarment lining. snaged painful. penis goes limp again. - -

Now widow felt it was time for more. She stopped the kissing and stroking, sat up in Bed, and took some deep breaths to get some Air. the cold rain was blowing water into the window. So, Brown-eyes got up and shut-it...Now it was quieter in the Room. - Widow got up, sliding off the Bed. And on her knees, she succesfully.. pulled off her under-garments, but with the eccntric Black 19th-century dress (see old photos) still on. - -

this Kept her Breasts together, but she pulled them up out the neck-line for the Male to enjoy, and have somthing Bare to hold on to. Red-girl was still standing by, looking at parts enjoyable to her about this, as if reading another book, and stroking her own dress around the crotch where her clit wood be. and moving her lips.

- - - -

paper four of fifteen:

Widow with all her Big Farm Woman parts was still moving slowly, graciously across the Bed.. twisting and turning with passions that had just bin opened.. ..this older Woman got on her knees after waving her breasts around for the Man to see, leaned over the bed as if to pray, knelt there a moment, wiping her face with passions into the sheets, full of memories and delights, her wide black dressed rump bent up and out toward the man, she began pulling her hair down.. it was a thick Rich Black, and a bit Wavy, and silky, like the red girl , but red girl hair is straight, at her neck, and down across the dress, and not wild and sun-weathered like browny. - -

widow pause a moment as if in prayer, took a deep breath, and then 'Flung' the ends of her skirts that were at her feet 'Uup' over her back and coood ''hammer away little man'' oow. your heart is pounding in your chest. like a fresh-fish slapping around she slaps her great cool white womanly ass a few times to let you hear and enjoy its firm cold horny contour, and then slides the skirts yet more up out of the way, enviting you to come down on her, horn and all. - -

- -
The tremendous site falls you to your knees, shaking and crawling you come up in back of her, your stiffened dick throbes more and more, then painful hard, gazing up at her beutiful bare back-sides.. There before you.. the great smell of a warm nude womanly skin, salt sented smooth and glowing bare, as if this big side never saw sun-light... a beutiful white farm-girls big-boned bosom with black skirts flung up just for you. ..your shaky hand touches the soft thighs white as milk and you run your fingers smoothly under one of the big cheeks to press on it and taste it, like the paintings you see in the nude Rennisance Art works, painted pale , lovely, of Full Faty figured women. - -

for the Man, it was breath-taking, he was excited, and she bounced and twisted that Big thing a little to pull him in, and then extending one leg backword to reach the Man, she took a playfull swipe at his ball-bag, kicking it upword with one heel, slapping it with her fatty foot-prints, and flicking it with her toes and then let her teasing cease, put her foot down again. this was her last call for you to cum to the entrance and guard it.

- -
she then swayed back and forth to move her legs out further, and arching to bring her sensetive things out for you to run your dick over. She just knelt there, waiting for the Male to Buck. she looked over her sholder, and over the the Black Beautiful Hair at him and gave him one very toothy grin, and then turned her head back and down in prayer again.. - -

But to make sure everything wood run right, Browny stepped between them and pulled the male up to his feet, and held him as if to dance, her long womanly thighs warmed him and pressed on him, her cold nose touched his and she swayed him slowly in her arms. when she calmed him and the dick was limp again, thud! she suddenly rammed her leg up into his crotch, from her thigh - -

this gave great pain to the boy, but she was gentle after, and held the boy up, for a moment to weak from shock, and began plunging her leg in and out of the boy, one two three times as he was forced to ride on it, easing the pain of the first impact by adding new pain, rolling the nuts over her leg. - -

HE kept imbracing browny in his weakness, slumped over her while she stood, he cood see down brownies back to the floor, and there also Widoes beautiful bare back-side and heels twitching and waiting, after the fifth time the Mans little member was Red from pressure, and stiffer, and feeling very humpy, like he just 'Had' to dick somthing now or Else, one more thrust of brownies leg into your crotch and pain turned to passion, and he half-pulled his balls across her leg himself the 6th time, rubbing hard up the leg like a breaking wheel rubbing to cum to a halt. stopping at brownys hips as the two embraced again, dick pinned between navels, browny stole a steamy kiss before Male cood fall to his knees before Widow again, sore amazed at the bottom beauty of bounty, itching for him to enter. - -

a Man on his knees is in a very sensitive position, for some reason the dick is hotter, it swells up bigger, (which is nice for an older women) and the feelings are deeper, because he must work while upright, putting more pressure on sensitive nerves. - -

the woman likes it cuz, bent over, the clit is further out, ridding the penis rod, and getting hit by the swelling end, constantly in endless passion. - -

but, needing to loose his seed first, he fell in love with her feet, before he cood get to her rump.

- -

paper five of twelve:
(tho they looked for space to repent with tears, no place was found for them)

And he ejected while masturbating his rod on her feet, but she saw this, and helped him by holding her big farm-girl feet in a prayer-like fold around the rod, like smelly hot-dogs in a bun, the balls enjoyed it.. it felt great.. the sting-sting-buz of going off and over the peak made the Man dizzy with surrender to the women, and he fainted into her bosom. - falling face flat into her bare bottom..Flup! till his senses cum again.

Yet, being his first time in years, only a small bit of semen dripped. Even with visual stimulants of Red and Browny stroaking themselves while he fucked on a real woman, her cool feet setting him off. it did little. but drip. - -

This done it was Widows turn for pleasure. Male did his duty and scooted up higher to receive and serve her, to go in to her, touching the female skin and hairs and folded lips with the 'tip' of his virgin male penis was awesome and emotional. - -

But the widows duch phut pussy Sucked the Rod right Up and wood not let it go..ssslurp!-thud ..Males eyes got wide, it felt... like a juicy... hand.. throbing up and down on his long member, vibrating as if great natural engines had bin started up, humming, waiting for the full hyperdrolic thrusters of the female abilitys to become unleashed. it felt like a jet engine had started. and was slowly gliding me to the runway for take off. it was a powerful feeling,, emotional and complex, i buckled myself up for the ride of eternity, as her enternal turbines roared with defening awakeness.

- - and not to soon, for the Big Female slowly bolted the doors behind the male, crossing her great legs around and behind him, and latching it with her cum and heels, heels she wood use to drive the Man in forcibly on in-thrusts. ..Her phut pulling on the Rod each time it drew out, sucking in all the pleasures it can from all sides, and giving the Rod all-round pleasure. - -

(present-tense version here?) and he almost felt like cuming again, except that he had already. the balls also were getting slapped around between her legs. for widow was reaching down with one arm, and rolling them around in her hand to give Male pleasure, and pulling on them for his surrender. - -

at first He was nervous to feel a womans fingers sliding across his ball bag, pressing it several time differently, gently at first with three cold fingers, and lightly across the skin hairs..- till she sensed where everything was, then she grabbed the whole Bag!, clutch-ing it 'tight' and roll-ing the balls inside till they squirmed in all directions threw her fingers and slapping them on the palm of her hand, like a bag of half-melted ice-cubes. - -

Poor Males neck jerked back, great pain shocked nerves in his nards which made his own feet and ankles curl up, tight as a fist, his whole legs and inword parts twitching with the shock pain. - she was almost unmerciful, and you knew she cood end your life By your bag in her hand, tis the cost you risk for surrenduring to a female. - -

'More' New leg-nerve-pains shot inside as she continued rolling balls and ball-cords around in her fist, your eyes started rolling up into your head, so you spread your legs just a little for her, in complete surrender, and held on, hoping she wood stop, your helpless cold little member squirming and twisting in her big warm hand, and you cant fight it, - -

your neck jerks back several times as bag contents are pressed hazardly between her fingers, pinching nerve cords,twisting, pressing the little eggs with her fingers to make them squirm around and around in her hand. -

- -

finaly she stops. and you start gasping for fresh air to fill your lungs. your arms and legs start to shiver as a secoundary reaction to the painful abuse.. - sigh - but atleast she stoped squeezing it, and starts rubbing under the shaft with a flat hand instead, pressing it up tight against your naval and slowly making her way along the length of it and back and forth, and then back into the ball bag - -

with the palm of her hand she flatens the bag against you and smears it up into your crotch to trap the balls at the very end, somewhere close to your buttocks on the other side, like it was cheese in a tube, pressing it to make the last bit cum out, her flat hand pressing the bag tight against you. sliding and pressing it out like fresh bacon. - -

for some reason pressing hard in this direction on the male, makes the shaft press hard in the other direction, making it grow bigger, for the female?, and she can continue this pressure right up into your butt, crushing the eggs in the end of the bag completely, but just as she was about to and the little marbles felt the end coming, pressure stopped, and womans fingers and palm glided gently over the two precious lumps. - -

this happened several times, to show mercy on you, and also to tell you who was in control from now on... but this stroaking made the dick thick and pleasant, and her hand wrapped around That instead, till it was the size and stiffness she wanted. - at the same time her feet and toes went down to yours to fumble and play together, your toes with hers, and hers running up and down the backs of yours. teasing caressing, reminding you that she was happy, happy to have a man with her, a friend.and sensual. , then they slowly went back up to love-lock you in place for bucking and thrusting you into herself.

- -

now she bigins to mooon and sway, seducing you to enter again, her female forces calling you to fornicate. and the dick is once again surounded with female juices and strange vibrating sounds and pulls upon its tip. - -

you take two thrusts into her and stop, completly awed by the romance and tingling it produces in your mind and shaft, wondering how somthing can feel so soft and womanly and good, like being in a thousand bed-sheets of silk. you stiffen and shake with delight, and give her all the bucking she wants, till your completly dizzy, and her warm bouncy body, as a mountain befoe you, becomes melting and slippery as it chills and evaporates and shivvers with erotic pulses inside her. her legs keep you going when you cant, and you enjoy just watching a girl keep your hard end pumping all by herself and masturbating on it. she is having to much fun, and you run both arms up her wet skin into her dress she had flipped up for you, and feel under the black hair and pry your hand under the dress fabric in search for the big breasts, she feels the big hands coming up, then under her fabrics, and then fingers spreading out and over each breast on her chest, ..this excites her terrably, and you feel the pressure and legg sqeezes accelerate. - -

but you hold on, resting your ear to her bare back to listen and ride her sways and jolts like you were on a large mother cow, letting her kick with her heals your hind into hers, till she is making all sorts of strange girls noises and grunts with each horny sounding, like heart-beats with human voices, like a steam-engine puffing, cycling, steady, pleasant, home-word bound. her hair and her sound, it wasnt girl-heaven for the man, but his enjoyment of this one girl was satisfying, like drinking slow tea, sipping, sucking, refreshing to mind and spirit as fresh air in lungs.- -

-this up-thrust ment that balls bag cood touch the excitement every little moment and swing back, the bag had swollen up dense and firm from cooling and hanging out in the air, this, and getting pressed into the females juices every time she pumped brought another-type of pleasant pleasure to the man, sometimes he thrusted just for that feeling of touching and soaking up more juices from female with his bag and then swinging free in the air again and cooling and swelling and slapping into females leg again, it made him horny, and his own trusting soon turned to uncontrolable wacking-off. his genitals having all the fun, made his dick want more too. - -

Man almost cummed again, and Widow almost peeked into eternal delight. but to soon. Browny girl was giving Male to much visual-pleasure by showing Male what dick was doing. she kept putting her finger in her own butt-crack to imitate dick... Man stimulated from her play, and he Bucked widow harder, deeper. - - -

Red saw what was happening and told Brown to stop it, but she kept cooing and looking into his helpless eyes, and pointing to her breasts to give man pleasure and rubbing them and clit and lips and tongue to make Male fuck. -

So stepped over to where the Banging was getting harder and Widows squeels of passion stronger, took one of her delicate socks off her foot, wiped the enside of her shoe with it, and tied it around Males Balls, tight, till they turned purple. - but This made Male pound faster cuz the pressure gave pleasures and numbness feeling when rubbing on widows big white leg like a paint-brush. - -

Red tried again, untied it, and grabbed up where all the genitals started, where all the hair is, at the base, and wrapped the sock around it twice tying it very very firm, but not tight, behind the hanging balls, in a granny-knot. - But Male loved it even more, it not only made dick errect with a big big red tip, but now, for the first time ever, Balls was erect. the tight material formed a shaft with sensitive balls at the end, it was like having two dicks! - -

Male was experiencing all sorts of new sensual feelings, his pale stiff balls swaying and touching skin and legs and getting pressed between them, sending feeling into male that made him buck the female even more, but dick also was more sensitive and big, making male sting with feelings, and female explode with sensations.. she wondering what happened. - -

So Red decided she must do it, she drove her pretty bare feet right into the action and stopped dick-movment cold.. like throwing a monkey-wrench into the gears, everything stopped. both Widow and Man kept pressing and Sucking, and kissing each other, exilirated by the sexual Teez a sudden-stop makes on their sex-drive urges. - - -

but they lusted to no avail, for when the pounding stopped, pleasure died, and begged to be waken again by a little pressing. butt Reds pretty, red, heel was in soft, and sound. ..this was good. widow cood rest her toes, and catches her breath, and to enjoy the pleasure of the chase a little longer. - -

and Dick pulled out tingled throbed steamed and cooled, and Balls cood Heal on Red girls Icy foot. ..She untied the sock and balls turned from purple to pretty pale white again, like widows icy bottom, and then slowly turned red again as semen and blood rushed in to stop the aweful cold Reds foot had brought. - - -

After a while Red 'pulled' her foot out and started stRoking the limp penis with wet fingers from her tongue. making the dick firm and the head part big and swelling red like jello. ..She gave the balls a few painful slaps to wake things up again and then stroaked and pulled balls till man started humping again lustfully. ..she then stuck dick back in-to widow and let them finish. - - -

Soon... after much cooing and balling, the older woman widow cried with extreem extacy for 20 secounds, finaly reaching peek. Male kept thumping her without ceasing now that she was to weak to control him, which made her cry with extreem exctacy again, for 30 secounds.
and so happy. - -

the site and smell of this great orgy sent all the other females into uncontrolable stroaking masturbating and extacy, each for about ten secounds, filling the room with sounds of heavy breathing, and they soon were peaking and twitching and moaning. - -

None of them wanted to let go of dick after that. and they all took turns touching it, like a new found friend or Pet, and it passed hands several times in the night, while Man slept, and Female dreamed. - -

notes: end of first night of the Balling.
2nd-night:brownys turn, out in the barn. + position down, uses tools? more and more pulese and more semen.
3rd-night: Reds turn + out in rain lake snow + position = up, seimen much, long jacks, endless pulses.
4th night:Man goes home, glad that wemen are, the expirence, ended, more important things, cuz sex... thats not love. Being what god wants me to be, thats love.

- -

paper six of fifteen

Nite of the balling, TWO!

The Male was released after experiencing the awaken-ing of females: from the point of sound slumber, and working on up to a girls regular run-of-the-day feisty public attitude of what every boy usually see's... And our Male saw it all, and was allowed to go into the fields and orchards to re-cover from the shock of experiencing wemen for the first time, in all their moods, moments, and motions. - -

It is the time of Blossoms and Ripe apples, so our male is quick forgetting the grief and gross impact of last night. - -

But because i do not write about mans sexuall activity nor bring minds into the base and this degenerating site ever. This trip into the flesh carnal, lustful and sensual side of man, must be recorded care-fully.- -

Tonight is Brown girls Night, and she has chosen the Tribal mud-hut Barn for her choice of breeding grounds. SHE has topped it off by getting wardrobe garments fit for a Ret-woman. - -

To the older widow women: a course set Irish Icelandic garments of what looks like a dark dirt ash-grey dress, with a black and violet-purple brown under-garment which accents her grey-black Hair and broadans the bounty of her broad back-sides.. .or maybe she is big-Boned ? - - -

- Anyway, with her bigh toothy-missing grin, she does play the part, and moves with humuliating smiles like a heavy woman shood, triumphantly stepping to the mud-Barn with a 'pot' of somthing under her arm. - the readers of this story cheering her on. She will be quit a grip of heart to the Man who beheld Her the nite before. - -

The Carrot-colored Hair girl is also coming out Next. ..she is dressed in contrast, thin, pale, beautiful, like a fairy-princess, clean colors, sky-blues, and whites as snow to correctly counter her horribly freckled face and fiery hair minimized by braiding it in three tight braids woven with flowers, and an ash-grey dutch peasants-veil which covers her head and hair, and she is putting it on now. and pinning it under and back. - -

Her footware is yet more primitive, Ruff grey stokkings tied in place with Leather Straps and tire-Sandal footings, very hard to do in a feminin-type fashion. - -

She does a few turns for the Readers pleasure, steps back, bends over, like as to pick up somthing from the ground, and, with rump facing the audience, (you the Reader) slaps her Rump a few times, smiles, and raises herself upright again, walking, skipping, toward the Mud-shelter barn, and pausing to spin, hands on hips to please the viewers and let her dress fly around, revealing nothing attractive but her crazy foot-gear. - -

You can see why the Male was not called yet, or he wood have jacked-off by now at this pagent to the barn, nor does he know that he must endure another night with these wemen. - Right now is to happy eating Apples and chasing flowers to sense what he has experienced. ...and its good that he forgets. - - -

And now, as Sun is setting, the light folds between clouds, coming out one more time to hit the dark Red earth and great trees with a light like from another world, brighter colors were never so seen. And out into this comes the Brown-eyed Woman, dressed to kill, and grand-High Mistress for the nite. - -

She has chosen a simple, deep, mud-mire colored blood-brown dress. and a thick twisted rope about her waste knoted and hanging long down along one leg in a priest-ess fasion. The entire thing is one pure peice, covering neck to toe, yet thin enuff to reveal all her shapely features, the un-donting breasts, they bounce firmly and full, the womanly naval and slender belly are clearly seen as she twists the skirts that wrap around her good figured hips and legs pressing threw the satin, the site makes hearts stop. - -

She has chosen a thin stringed mediterranian foot-ware sandal, like as in Bible Lands. ..her foot in it is completely bare and naked and womanly to look at, suffocating ones nose with pleasurable thoughts, suggesting she knows what the male likes, and will go for. - -

she Twists a little for the viewers but walks hurridly to the barn, as if she left somthing expectantly burning in the oven. - -

Now our Male comes in from a Long and Happy day. tired, and unwilling to sleep in the house again, we tell him he can sleep in the Barn instead. thinking he has avoided the wemen He grabs a bag of straw and bunks down in the barn for the night. - -

- -

paper seven of twelve:

the young man is given two hours of sound sleep, not knowing that the wemen have also take rest in the place also, now dark, now awake, They come in to him with lights and an evening meal. - the young man wakes, realizes what has followed, and, smelling the foods, and sensing the cheerful hearts - -

accepts it, and decides to, atleast eat, with them again. - But the Hay is Warm, and the Lights play triks on a young man who has spent-time consoling with the company of wemen, their voice, their gestures, the dim lights start hitting their figures in a mysterious way as they are moving about in it, its like having sisters, and their beutiful bodies make him forget what they are talking about. - -

After eating he has 'Fully' lost his dis-intrest in wemen, and has gone back to watching them play and sing; comforting, seductive, he closes his eyes, and begins having thoughts of what it wood be like, to touch a women, like he dreamed when he was younger. - Somehow, these thoughts mix with the voices in the Room, and his thoughts go back to last night. The big white bosom he was bucking, her loins bouncing, his crotch gets tight again as he imagines touching the warm and pale and pleasantly feminine hind-quarters of this wonderful creature. - -

Butt in this dream he touches and rubs the soft warm whiteness, pressing his cheeks and lips to it, only to wake up in the barn with the brown girl on him, pressing her lips and cheeks into his.. its quit a let-down, but soon, just as taste-full. - -

She moves her Jet leather brown silky hair..(she must have washed it) out of your face just long enuff to give you her eyes. Just as dark, Just as brown, Just as clear as Mud. ..''You must Lay with Me Tonight'' she says.. She is in her Prime for a Woman, every part of her is Earthly, Firm, and Organic.. and she is breething heavily... she wants to get pumped like she saw the widow get PUMPED! - -

she CRawls over all the scattered straw, on all fours, and on to some bundles of straw. shaky to hold herself up, she throws herself on to the pile.. she makes it half-way over, but her back-half is up towards you, the bundles sinks under the weight till she is on her knees, slumped over the straw, breathing so arythm-eticaly you wood think she was the Heat of breeding season. and waiting to get a Buck - -

she Feels with her hand to the back of her Foot and slides off the sandals.. Her feet were already Beautiful, but when she did that, ALL self-control left the boy. ..''Do It TO me'' she said... ''do it to my feeeeet!'' .. - the boy staired at her, getting dizzy with lust just by looking at this offer and made him feel more procreative than ever and watched her feet figit with the sandals till he cood stand no more. - - (you must over-cum! she says)

Just then the Widow and Fire-Hair Girl came back in from milking the cow. widow with her pot, and fire-hair with jugs? a pail of fresh milk... Poor Man just sat there stunned and starring at the girl in the earth-brown dress, showing her legs and feet and Laying over the straw bails breathing like she just Won a..RACE. - -

...the sandals Fell from her toes again and she Lifted one leg into the Sky, stretching like a cat, and putting it down, then the other likewise, each time exposing what was Fertile, and Further, up Her dress.. which fell down into place again. ..she adjusted herself, thighs planted firmly out, like a Bull getting redy to charge, lowering her hair over the bails, and panting, softly, - -

''Do It to Mee.. Do it to meee.. do it to me'' her rump went up higher jumping about, her head and hair sank lower, out of sight, over the bundles. ..she wanted it bad... and banged her feet together like two fish slapping together and two hungry jaws waiting for a bite. - you wanted Your urges to be as strong as hers, and you tried touching yourself, but you needed more - -

so both women from the milking came to you (the Male) and knelt down and prepared their things. ..Pretty pale fire-girl with the cherry lip started eyeing you herself and gave you milk to drink, she then placed a little cream on your face and creamed your Dongs with butter, erecting your Pumper so she cood Prime it with Yet More Milk, she makes funny faces while working your balls, but your to busy watching the beutiful browny female, waiting, slung over the bales, on her knees, crossing her legs, foot slapping the floor, impatient, and calling you. grabbing her foot and pulling on it, then the other, as if preparing for a run across the Hills. - -

Cherry-flavored fire-girl looked like she wanted to do more to you. For she started touching her own Titty that had risen and become painfully perky in her dress, rubbing it in a slow circular motion and gazing at the work she had done on you dick, as if in a daze. - -

but Widow women broke her out of her trance and told her to get up and go over and help the Brown Eyes.. She went over..and knelt down beside Brown Eyes, as if preparing to milk another cow, looked at You one more time, and then went to work, encouraging and carressing brown-eyes as best she cood. with that brown felt dress on... but all she said was ''Do it to my Feet'' - -

puzzled at the request, she got an idea, and started soothing Brown-eyes' Ruff skin and feet with milk, between the toes, and letting in drip into the sandals, around the ankles and up the leg, and down the other, and as far up as the brown dress let her go. - -

- -

paper eighty of twelve:

Then she went back over her legs with more cream, pressing it in where girls like it, and rubbing it into her female shapes and contours so smooth and glossy that a Males Hand wood just run over her body cool and sensual like a breeze, icy, and inviting his bite-ing. - -

...mean-while..widow was now in you face, she stayed very close to you as she worked, as tho you were a part of her, still radiating with her own body-heat, she stood right up to you, as close as your own breath, as tho you shood be kissing her neck and hair, since she kept you warmed by it, breathing it, as you gazed across the scattered straw, watching one girl dump milk all over the body of another girl with no sandals on, till the dress was wet and her long dark brown hair also, soaked and pressed against her female,- -

her body.. becoming bare and transparent through the material, you thought you were going to die at her beauty, milk running in a torent down one leg, dripping on her toes, running around to her titys and dripping off. she had her 'shower' all right, and she looked up at you wondering if her looks were going to really kill you now or not, your heart stopped beating, then started quikly, then down half-normal, you feel like someone has injected you with Love-medicine and over-dosed you. ..she re-writes the meaning of girls. your Male ego just got blown out. and you pray to god you really are of the same 'species' so you can mate with her if she is real. - -

...the shapes in that brown dress remind you, that this is-was no girl, but a very mature women-women.. despite the girl sounds coming from the straw. - -

you can feel Black Hair doing somthing down below to your long-Wand while you Gaulk on the eternal beauty of a female. She was drying it off with the dirty apron on her Old-world skirts brown-eyes had gotten for her. ..grabbing and pressing it, so as to draw the milk off your skin into the apron,,wipping it with her hair..and dusted off your dick - -

..then she reached into the pottery-pot she had under her arm and started painting your long dick with cool bag-balm used to grease cow-bags to keep them from getting chaped skin titys and sores...this made your tip grow big-big and Red from the pressure of her hands, she had you on your knees. - -

..she pressed the balm up into your genitals, which gave you a jolt, and your breething became short, you looked up at this mysterious woman with sudden fear, but her eyes upon you were only saying love, and concern, reminding you that she was Not going to hurt you, just maybe a little up-set that she cant have you again tonight. - -

..up into your genitals went more balm, pressing and greasing the Balls, feeling them, watching youR eyes, thinking about you... and last night. - she then gave your ball-bag a few painful slaps for good luck. and, with her tongue in your ear, gave that fresh Pump of yours a few good pumpings. of her own herself. reeely make that dick-Wand stick way out. - -

.. she then led you over to girl in the brown milk-soaked dress bent way over herself for loving you. and cherry freckle-face moved around to Brownys other end to do her face and neck with milk and cream also, then her ears and sholders and down her neck and dress, as far as she cood go with a dress on.- -

browny on all fours was shaking a little from expecting the Male, but now also the milk soaking her dress. cherry-girl gave browny milk to drink and then gave her that 'come on do it' look, right at browny she glared. browny looked behind past her rump at your presence near her, and then back at cherry, who was waiting patiently for browny to open her dress so she cood milk her down around the breasts. browny looked around as tho thinking and then back at you, and then opened her top a little, in such a way that you wood not see anything. - -

cherry girly reached down slowly into her dress threw the top and brought the creamyness down under one breast and smoothed as she worked it up and out of her dress again. - this was just orgasmic to have her bags touched like this, and started cooing. making all her lips and tips swell big and red-colored. - cherry-flavoured fire-girl decided to 'squeez' the breasts and milk-her like a cow while she was at it. and...she got about two cup-full back for her pail. - -

poor browny was breathing now heavily again from all the intimate excitement she was getting, and she tried in vain to close her toP back up, while fire-girl gave her more milk.. holding the pale Up to let her drink from it. - -
she was just 'to' nervous and excited to tie her top on, and since male was about to rump her, she just left them out to cool and 'bob' where male cant see them. - -

..browny calmed slightly, and looked back at you long enuff to see you had accepted her offer, and her toes, .. which she extended to you, letting her toes and you dick-tip touch, for the first time, and she watched it happen too, and you looked up to see her smile...- - there is just somthing magical about 'the first touch', its a stRange Xchange of acceptance by both members of the game... a 'birth'..butt.. then... male went back to touching, and female turned to look the other way.. back to fEEL-ing things. - -

well, Atleast... she cood not knee-trust you in the crotch this time, but widow black-Hair woman had herd the crunch lasst night, and saw the knee jammed into you, and guessed what had happened, and what she had done unto you. - ..sensing your need for a similar pleasure like that now, she reached down and put one fiNger into you bAg, separating the two balls, then the other fingers filled-in, and pulled the sack back, smearing it up and out like you do with toilet paper. - this felt good to get wiped like that, and she did it several times, slapping it like bacon and eggs, while the tip danced on Brownies tOes, gripPing her foot and rubBing your big red tip around and around in it to ting-ting yoursElf. - -

...the feet loooked sooo good!, and the wipes so-soothing, you felt now like pUMping a little, and you wanted to live forever between that girls two feet. - stroaked the heels and ancle-kNobs, Lusting in your heart at their beauty, and then.. lifted the fatty side of those feet up to your balls.. and Wrapped theM arOund your Rod like a Big felt good.. the fresh meat-feeling filled your heart with surrender. - -

..watching the rest of the browny woman while you jacked-off wood give you visual pleasure, the rump and the breasts.. covered well by a damp brown silky dress, with her long smooth brown flowing hair, and equaly dark brown eyes, watching you give your manhood seeds to a womans feet. is somthing she will Never understand.. but watches you do-it anyway. - -

..the stroaking starts and 'cherry-lips' comes back over to the other-side with her paiL to watch the fucking, she keeps an eye on the stiff shaft pumping and sliding up and down.. pressed between the womans two beutiful-rosy feet. - -

...note: when two skins dry, they begin to 'catch' on each-other, making smooth sliding turn to hard rubbing, which is both more pleasurable, and suddenly more painful. - Red girl keeps an eye on it, pouring milk over it as needed, and blowing on it to keep it cool, kissing it, blessing it, but also getting her red hair caught in the action. ...while Red plays and coos over the throbing shaft getting bigger and faster, you, are enjoing somthing Ladies cant see: - -

...the paLM of her foot.. the soft part toes can touch when they squeeze tight, is also where the balls slam to a stop. and back up. for another hit. ..It is This pressure thas sends amazing signals to the Male mind..full of pleasure and surrender. ...yes, rubbing swelled tips is filled with big pleasures too, the big male Tip.. when it gets big and red like a bloating strawberry, FuLL of pleasure from getting stroaked... finaly.. releasing flem-seeds with a ting ting zing zap-feeling that 'IS' the male going over the peak, heart-broken by pleasure and surrender to a Woman. ..this is what the ladies see, but it starts with the pounding and pleasant presses and pains of balls being rubbed bashed? with love, making the Rod strong. - -


notes: the problem is, if you excercise (time) these lusts, they grow stronger. so, stamp out this fire, before it destroys everything.

she that liveth In Pleasures, is dead while she liveth.

sex is also a mingling of spirits and souls, not just the flesh of two bodies, that become forever one. (so dont get one that smokes drinks or you will too, maybe two that never did, will, after being together.)

- -

paper nine of fifteen:

..but the pumping did not seem to get that far, tho Red hair watched and cood and cared for it like a baby, and the rod-blessed was filling...yet..the boy cood not be brought to cum. the boy PauSed to relax, let dick grow soft, cool, and widow black stoked balls and feet with more balm, this happened three or four times. - -

..dick was worn, but tight, and boy eager to pump again and again. finaly it was dis-covered that miss red-hair was not a helpful stimulent, looking at a girls face from the side and fiery braided hair was beautiful to look at, but not sexual enuff, and it 'dis-tracted' from the the feet and women Man was trying to focus on. ..- -

..but red hair had to sTay with the Rod between the feet, to wet it and keep it happy and smooth running, ..Widow looked at browney, still waiting patiently bent over the bails, and chewing on a nail and looking at it, waiting for man to get-done so she cood get a little.. - -

..Widow thought brownies dress shood be pulled! so Man can see the red-swelling lips of a happy girl, that privately is stored under the womans butt where she can wet wipe and rub, better known as a womans 'Pussy'. Widow kneeled down beside browny and slowly lifted her dress, ..and..when almost up...browny made a girly complaint grunt sound, widow paused, looked around at her, ..then continued pulling the brown skirts up slowly so male boy can 'see' more. - -

..this was stimul-ating indeed, but browny didnt like it, and squeeled in disgust, kicking poor male in the balls with her heal...WHACK! ..and THAT didnt feel good at all. ..browny just wasnt turned-On enuff to forget about her modesty, and was waiting for this part to end. ..(good thing she didnt have hi-heels on) .. but Widow re-Assured her that tHis part was needful, and so she got bacK iN-to a Humpy Position.. rump.up, legs apart , feet-up and pressed together for sliding on.. - -

.. but poor male boy thought he diE'd. he was 'seeing' stars and salty teers and wondered if he had lost a nUT... its like holding your finger in a vice-grip, and turning it...the Pain! kept cumming.. and his ears got hot. ..Red pig-tailed girl jumped on hiM and pinn-d his sholders to the flooR till the pain die-d, Rubbing his Bag with her own two fingers till he felt circulation coming back. - -

..looking up at this teenager with a carrot for a head was both amusing and calming and re-assuring.. he loved her for that. she got oFF him and they tried again. ..Widow started 'sliding' the Brown dress Up a little, while the thumping started again, ...for a better-beat she tried pulling the fabric 'tight' on browny like a mini-skirt so her fiGure wood show good for Lust-ing at. - -

..mmmh thump thump.. that feet felt paralyzing and good, ...the rump was beautiful for a woman, and helped alot, ..but not e-nuF.. and dick was worn and sore, but the boy WANTED to pump.. and emotions filled again. - desperate despair for stimulant: Widow grey lady pulled her OWN skirts up to see the white womanly wonder he enjoyed last night.. she Even pulled her Top down and under Like brownys is.. tucked it tight under Her breasts, Pressing them tight up-and-out so that they sWelled till she Looked like the Ancient Fertility Images... always carved with eXAger-ated breaSts... but here was the real-thing, ...filling the aiR with a Powerful Female Force - enchanting. commanding. and...stirring up all creatures before it with feElings of Fertility. .. - -

- -

.. THAT did it.. boys 'h-ump-ing' on the feet grew passionate, ...ball-ing her toes double-time, breathing grew rapid, He was really going to spill now, he cood see the expressions on all faces, he got dizzy and closed his eyes, feeling the poundings and the rise of an un-controlable fuck. coming to him. - -

..all those times of nearly Wacking-oFF had built up ALOT of semen in him, Red girl came to his side to protecT him, hands-out incase the-fall 'burst' or 'break' any Male part of hiM when 'peeking' makes him pass-out. ...widow stood her ground at brownys other-end.. sHowing Herself. ...filling Man with UR-jiz in his oRgans he cood not possibly control. - -

...again, red girl (that freckled teen) saw what was happening. boy cood not see straight and knew the 'blink-blink ZAP' wood soon staRt. ..Red-Girl sat quickly down indian-style in the soft Hay beside his p-ump-ing, fluffed out her dress, reached under, untied the Leather straps of her footware, pulled them off, then pulled the shoes off, then pulled off her stockings, sliding them off her very white very frekled very rosy girly legs and feet, rolled one stocking up, and placed it.. Right be-low the thump-ing, where she 'thought' the Load wood shoot...and the cum wood drip off. - -

... IT..finaly E-rupted from dEep inside.. and the boy went BLIND as it spilled oUT onto the sock. - He stopped cuz He cood not see or feel anything but ZAPS, he was in girl 'heaven'. ...but stopping the pumps wood stop the zaps, and stopping the Zaps wood stop the cum flow. - she looked up and saw this, got up, pulled her dress up to show a very half-nude girl, and placed the small foot with a sock yet on it on-to the Males pumper that had stoped and was spilling, and... pulled it out of brownie's foot-hold, sliding it instead into the sock with her own foot in it. - -

.. there poor Male was, spinning and th-robing and sp-illing into another girls sock, and her soft little foot on his steamy shaft woke him enuff to feel what was going on, ...but then.. she drew her foot out, leaving his rod to jump up and down in spilling gushing throbs, stiff and faR out with a sock on it, like a soldier wayving his flag. - -

... with her hand the braided-hair girl then PULLed the sock up higher, AKK! 'stuffing' ALL his manhood into her delicate footware, balls and All. placing it over balls and dick Tightly, as if cAtching a spider in a newspaper to Squash it. - boy passed-out..flat on the straw-strewn ground, and Red-braid girl was on him again... Holding the sock in place and stroaking the Dick HARD to keep the pumping going, this kept the Zaps cumming, and man Stayed in womenheaven... - -

- -

paper ten of fifteen:

..each stoke pumped up more come, if boy had not of Felt it.. he wood not have believed it. ..She just kept 'squeezing' those balls and Twisiting them and pumping dick IN the sock up and down till it was soaked...Even after five minutes the cum came out in spouts, then less, till each Pum-p only brought up a drop. . - -

...boy was way-gone in teen-girl heaven now, each stroke had knit his heart to that girl more than anything else can. ..The Hair BRaids bouncing on his chest was all he cood barely feel as the Zaps stopped. the girl breathing with eXCitement, rE-fused yet to Let-go, she was 'grabbing' it with her bare hands now under the sock, stoking the stiff Rod to keep it stiff, and calming it, with re-assuring blows and presses on the balls. - -

...Males eye-vision blured and cumd clear again... seeing the wonderful braided girl knealing over him, and seeing her st-Roke that fore-skin like it was a faith-ful dog that had just-fetched its master home. ..He Wondered, ''IM going to Marry this Girl'' he thought. - -

...then She just simply 'pulled' the wet sock off and rolled it up and Tucked it between her breasts like a Trophy, and continued talking to dick like a Baby that was waking up, kissing it, letting it shrink and CALM, licking the last drops of dew it cood release.. till it fell down limp beside balls.

- - - -

..No! women cood understand what had happended in those Moments, the boy was now 'sold' to That girl in his heart. and no-one cood understand it. she was a lover and a friend. ..thats all i can say. - -

... but thiis was the 'Nite' for the Brown eye-brows, and she... not understanding what had happened.. went on with 'her-side' of the story. Rolling her tongue and Body over and around in the Hay, enjoing what little she got from it, and felt from getting her feet humped. - -

When on her back her rolling paused. She placed one hand up behind her Hair, and one pressed against her dress where her clit was, just laying there, rubbing it a little, and asking impatiently ''ARE YOU ready now?'' .. - -

...she did not get much that night, she was 'hope-ing' she wood get bucked and mated-with like a Horse, as widow did. ..But the boy was worn, and crawled up to her resting Brown Beauty laying in the hay, and aroused it using her breasts hanging out above her pulled-down top, pulling off the strands of straw stuck to her soft plump full busts and strands hanging in her Hair... - -

...he did a 'little' kissing around these boobs and about her neck, which woke her Way-Up with stiML-ation. she stayed 'on her back' in the straw, Just to-filled with Passion to move around. Her brown hair was spread out all over the straw, she finaly opened her legs to the intruder and let him Thrust his Male way up in. - -

... she wasnt worried about Modesty now... the other wemen left for bedding down elsewhere, the younger was so..starry-eyed, the older was.. scratching her head.. wondering at it.. and what had happened. THe Female Now rolled-around in the Hay barn with great pleasure, tossing her Mate around over the baiLs, and fastened tightly to herself with her Legs, - -

..she finaly 'came out on Top' , the boy pinned way under her on his neck... she.. was so beutiful at that moment...looking like a great Enchanted Tree twisting and spreading its Roots around the home of a soft-haired woodsy little rabbit. . and she just sat on him.. Queen.. the absolute.ruler. - -

...boy Even 'felt' like some 'humuliated' bunny rabbit.. getting choked to death with her beutiful nudity wraped around his wiskers. ...but thumper kept thumping his fuzzy little feet till he broke free and then HE...'came out on top' again.. Male...

... he started thumping her steady and slow, she enjoyed it like the rocking Waves on the Ocean. filling herself with orgasmic SEA-breezes cool and blowing in-to her from ALL directions. ..but then, the REd-haired princess looked in one last time out of the darkness to see the bright shaft and red balls disappear in and out of a woman that cood no longer hold back her female crys of Getting pleasurized. - -

... this made Male beat faster. and female peeked five times that night, yet she did not get one drop. ...teen girl smiled, and went to sleep.

- -

end of the secound night of the balling.

- - - -

notes: i can only value these writings in that they are the only record of my or any mans fantasys...extracted fully from-and-to the damage of his own soul.

older men seem to 'like' words and touch, like wemen.. in their weakness.
- -

paper 11 of fifteen:

Third Night of the Balling:

actualy..the fiery red-haired girl choze to have her moment with the male at a much later date. ..the old city widow woman is 'contented', the mature barbaric Indian country womean is now 'happy', but now we come to the Very young, to the present time, or perhaps, no time at all.. - - a girl who has NO culture, no future, NO house, and pehaps NEEDS no place. say such a woman cannot possibly exist, and yet, they do, only for a brief time...all around us, and in us. and in our hearts. - -

...anyway, she has chosen to Hold her 'moment' in the Dead of Winter, in the wilderness... and with NO shelter!, ...brrr! the snow-banks and drifts and desolate earthscapes, deep in the apple orchards, where the male Himself goes to be happy ... to relax... to forget brutal trials. - - always, she has chosen some White and cool-colors to contrast her fiery compleXtion. The Others: she permited them to wear what they wanted, or 'nothing at all', and of course, they each picked out sOMthing they prefered. ..they are standing under one of the thousands of leafless Trees, huddled together and keeping their parts warm as possible for their proper function. - -

...Actualy they find the cold conditions very stimulating (when they are escape-able that is)... and the 'fiery one' is bare-foot up the tree and over all the branches, climbing around like girls do, trying and pressing her limits of body... courage.. and modesty.. to debate a distance to jump or stretch, and then bending.. slinking.. in and around limb to limb, making her dress slide-up and catch-her.. very ill-modest-like. - -

... but she is-'Having' fun.. and the other wemen do NOT care to look-up and see how much..nude and girl she can 'flash' as they stand down below..and mis-judging Her. - They know it is Her day, so they let her go. ...and 'GO' she does, corressing the knots and Nobs, wispering life into Dead branches with her hands, pressing them to her lips, blessing the Stonger and weaker Limbs and standing on them...shuving some of the cold members clear up between HER legs and rubbing on them, knocking the snow-fall off them with parts only a female has, and warming them in ways only a female can. and then lifting her dress so she can slide bare-Bottom down the Greater limbs back to the center again, and stepping into the trunk crack where it is warmed and she is energized to go back up and do-it again.- -

- - - -

We will NOT wait for night this time, and the male is draged out into the cold as soon as possible. ..the Two females on the ground are glaSS to see him. (OR anything Warm for that matter) and press him to their Bosoms with all the life they have left. - -

... the Red-haired one balling the Tree 'does not Like' seeing them do this at-ALL... and swings from the TREE down to the ground firmly landing on foot ...with a Thud that is defening..somthing howled in the tops of the trees and entered into her...The tree had given her its spirit!..- -

..little lights. bright-greens. like jewels. spun around her heart like fire-flys 'flashed' and vanished.. filling her with secrets of the forests... despite her teen-age attitude and feminie features, in her eyes was the wisdom peace and stability of 'the tree', without fear of man, full of upword strength and promise and praises. ...and yet sadly... like the trees, without resistance to man either. - -

... This new air to her was... unexpected.. and the other three before her gave attention to it, wondering what she wood do now. ..hands on her hips she glares at the wemen, noded to admit them, and then begins to wring her own fingers and look around, far off into the fields, even to the ends of the earth it seemed she was looking, then back to where they stood, then right up into the male, looking through him, and then, into his eyes, but only a moment, for she melted with concern for the boy, and she looked down at his feet and said softly and contently..''your mine now''. - -

...she kicks a bare spot threw the snow till she is standing on bare earth ground where the green grass stands frozen. connecting her female to the Earth Female, to make it warm enuff for her. and stands in it. ..and, begins looking constantly at the Male, she plays with her Red and white dress, to adjust it, scratching its material, puLL-ing on it, wondering at its sleeves and stiches folds laces ribbons cords and long skirts, and how-odd it must feel to Mans daugters to have to wear clothing at all. - -

...she then feels her hair, stoking it while she looks at you, pulling its long firy hairs out for you, waiting for that magical moment, 'that connection' between male and female where... looks of wonder.. turn to looks of acceptance. - -

...''what are you looking at?'' she says nervously to you. ..male is silent a moment and deep in thought, contenting with her beauty. ..then male says..''Im looking at YOU''... there is a pause...and then it happens, a big grin crawles across Males face, accepting her completly...eyes full of favour...she see's this and looks back down at the ground and justles herself...swinging her sholders like a happy nervous little girl that got embarrased, then her eyes look up, then again, then permanently as she returns the same big smiles of acceptance...she is happy now, no more waiting. - -

note: here or after 'all-fours' shood be a version with man flat on the ground with the white and freckled rump bouncing on his red ball-bag, seed-cakes, molesting each-other like touching fruits: oranges bannanas, then meats:the greasy bacon and eggs, then sweets: cream tang zaps semen thrusts drum beats... ?
- -

... she then gets on all fours, 'flips' up her white dress-laces herself, exposing a bare and red-dy rump, a creamy-looking girl, with freckles in pretty places, highlighted with wonderful rounds of a womans flab, shaped in to two sets of cheeks, better known as a highshool-girls bottom, and she's still a girl in your opinion. but when she bends for you, you are forced to see her Truth. face it.. she is.. a woman. from head to toe. - -

... she looks up at you like..''umm..arnt you going to help me ? ''..then she realizes He is NOT ready. she looks up around her hair at the other wemen, and they look at the Male. ..wanting to get this over with they coo and sweat-talk the male with every arousing and erotic word or thought they can think of, to injure his mind with new wounds for love. - -

...they open their garments to him and her to keep everyone warm and conversing. the male is sincerly trying to get excited too. just talking with them about things and hearing-feeling female things helps alot. - he starts feeling somthing cold grow stiff and slide around between his legs. the females also are happy to see a stiff three-legged male. - -

...the female see's her chance and 'gets' on all fours again. the male gets down between her parts and manages to pull the whole thing out of his pants, placing one hand on her butt cheek he tries to find out where it goes, but decides it is easier just to scoot up close and let her help, male manages to slide it in long and warm with a little 'posture and leg adjusting' from the happy female. she takes fresh cold air into her lungs in one big gulp, cuz the male had entered big and strong, sending chills down her back like some one had touched her where it counts. - -

...not a bad fit... for an adult-sized teen-ager.- -

...despite the bitter cold, the red-roosy faces, the steamy breath falling on sensitive skin settles and ices, bodys flush from the cold, filling sensitive areas with more blood to block the cold, making them yet more sensitive.. giving more sensations in all Body parts. - -

...the two other wemen stop their lewd talk and make a 'barrier' from the cold which the snow radiates all around them, a place for the two to sex...It felt wonderful despite all else.- -

... browny picked up a handfull of snow and shuved it into his crack, yikes! but it didnt stay, so she took a sock off her feet and shuvved a handfull of snow in, then packed this around his ball sack. ..this made it swell stiff and small...keeping itself (and contents) warm, it turned into a little ball bag with two bald lumps in it, cuz of the cold. - -

...then browny tied the snow sock onto the balls, she thought it wood keep red-hair from getting any seamen. ..but banging on the snow with the nuts made him more exilirated, thumping highschool girls with snow balls is sweet love-making... and this male... he is loosing control. and the humping got more romantic, slow, stronger, more passionate...

...browny made 'two' snow balls packed firm and placed them in her other sock and tied the end... ''look what i got!''she said, holding her prize up and stroaking it for Male to see, what a teez! poor Male got the message and watched it as he slammed another pleasure into the jolting female...- -

...then browny lowered the sagging sock with two snow-balls in it down between her own legs and said ''look!...mmmmh,uh,uh,oh'' sliding her hand on it like it was a big dick she was erecting and stRoaking, making 'faces of enjoy-ment' while she 'bumped' the balls around. then droping it in front of male and stepping on it, ''mmmmd,uh, uh, og oga, o god!'' rolling the snow-balls around under her feet and pretty dress and smearing them.. - -

it made male dizzy with pleasure, and he slapped his snow balls into the happy 16 year old girl. spreading his shaky legs wide and curling his spine to make his own butt tite, and raming her upword so his balls cood 'really' get hurt by the girl and pretending to be what Browny was doing...- -

...then browny kicked the snow balls around and Finaly let them 'have it' with a her heel, dealing a crushing-blow to one and flattening the other with her toes, ''oga oga ga ga ga''... pretending to be horrified, widow was turning red with laughter and covered her face, she thought that was 'so' funny and appropriate, but she 'dare' NOT make a sound nor wreck Males mood.- -

...Male didnt even sEE it, he was in La-La-land somewhere with this girl, the woman of red started enjoying the strange sensations to, and writing them all over her glowing heart. - -

... It was really Summer In the mind of these Two thumpers.

- -
notes: this is a reminder to boys, to stay away from women picture, words, etc be where you can use wemen right, lest you also start writing like this one day. you say, i will never write or become so debasing and destructive. i will become a man,,but not That much of a man. ...a:your wrong.
- -

...but they were filled with more intimate sex and passion than Summer can ever gib. ...the stimulation was 'soring'. ...the other two ladies cood only look-on and shiver as these two mated themselves into another world, a world they themselves wood never know, they cood only sTand and shiver and watch with admiration..- -

...the freckled girl lifted her head up during all the Steamy bouncing, closing her eyes, and just 'glad' to be feeling the sun on her face while the thumps kept jerking her. ... - Her peaceful rested face shined so softly, and it caught the attention of the wemen, as she rocked gracefully with each thump, swaying her head serpent-like as if seduced by strange musik, and riding in the saddle of a steady gating Horse, soaking in the sun threw closed eyelids, enjoying the balls.. and the thumping, which she kept steady with both feet around him, filling herself with everything that was Male.- -

...her heart was knit to the boy, orgy after orgy only made it harder to stop, and her juices ran down the boys shaft, into the snow. Her young boby breasts, plump in her dress were getting very wet around the tips. and browny took your crushed snow-balls and pressed them into her hot boobys, making her twitch and squeel overjoyed. ..but her little balls erect were not hot, they were lactating, she was spewing milk from them, and that made the wet spots in her dress, which now ran to her tummy, soaking threw soft and beutiful girl-filled fabrics. - -...

...the male also finaly peeked. and had to stop cuz he was blinded. ..when he came-to, he saw only the two darker wemen, standing around, sheild-ing him from the cold and frost. ..then they also started looking around. ..the Red-heird one had disappeared...- -

...the male, back up on his knees, looked up in vain at both wemen, all were mystified. ..his dick still steaming from the plunging, and dripping with girl juice, was stiff but pulsing, like it was having a stroke. and it sat there pointing up into the air, throbing with a Males heart, for the girl.- - ejected only one small drop, which fell slowly and sorrowfuly as a tear-drop, to the ground, passing threw frozen greens to light upon the the clays, the earth the red-girls foot had cleared, and the circle she-made for joining hearts, and which she-had dug with her own-heart,..- -

...there the drop fell, in a place, built without hands, a place where passion and sensual experience far exceeded anything any house Room farm Barn Hut or Shelter cood give. - -

... the seamen dissapeard into the ground, the male hollored and yelled, as grief flooded his heart. ..but then, and there, the ground warmed, and the snow all-around that Tree melted. ..the Branches that Had bin so lovingly corressed by female hairs and bare lovely body parts, when the knoted wood was so cold and cruel and ill-responding to her lovely wisspers and her assuring cuwrresses, were now warmed, and budding, and pink blossoms budded and bloomed, and white flower-pettals fell upon the three humans standing in awe...- -

... lifting there hands as if to catch the Power and blessings of the moment, and of what the tree had bin given...thus..they became givers themselves.

- - - -

...much talk between them and the Readers watching this story followed for many days. but no sign of the Redgirl was ever found, maybe cuz they did not look correctly, for where she is found, is in all, with all, and not far from you. for who is the homeless? who is the stranger? and who is your naybor? the one you treat so, and them that notice her.. can smile again. - -

- -

...the wemen went back, each to their own territory from which they came, the elder to her city and house, the mature to her RET-village and Mud-barn, to germinate on the memories they had written. ..and the male: he was sent out into another land, for fear someone wood grab him, and use him for another science-project of Sex, oR.. attempt to continue writting this story. - -

- -

Moral of all this tale: Rub her balls and lick Her, for soon she is gone. and very 'close' she does become.

- -

As for me: in my heart, she still is looking up into the sky, and with her eyes closed in orgy, is still feeling the passions that only places made without hands, can give.

- -

Is there any other secret to this story?: yes. the male went into the wilderness again, to find yet again relief in places hands cannot make. and of coarse, she soon came there also. And they Lived happily Ever after 8.

..but they liked their city and country friends too. - -
...and you arnt supposed to hear all this..for..a a

the end.

- - - -

as the Writer of this story: written for-and-by wacking off, self-pleasure and lusting. captured it was. not a word of it was changed for anyone.
yet before this: Mankind, the welfare of the Human Family, was my-buisness, not money, not man-pleasing. not wemen. the Writer of this story: i am glad that it ended, that wemen are, and that the experience of writing them down, has ended. so i can go and grow more important things, because:um.. SEX...thats not love. and tales grow out of what you FEED upon, results: just look at them who did! , a horrible harvest of heart-tares. do not follow them.
- -
but me.. I still like to see a womans rump bouncing in a dress as she walks away, giving hope to a one-sided creature like me... and feeding a carnal death-minded pagan eternal soul. god save those in CHrist, and help the have-nots.
- -
and i 'still' think a pioneer housewife leening over a cold-stove shood have her dress lifted and her womanly parts screwed to her pleasing.
right now my bedroom 'stinks' like a rabbit-cage from wacking-off so much.
and i havent eaten or slept correctly... pouring my human-all into this document.
- -

12-18-07 i forgot to mention: before the male was sent away, he was allowed to take one item, that wood meen most to him. of course he wood take a shoe from red-haired girl as a keep-sake. but she did not leeve one. so he took the Brown-Hairs Bible sandal. - -

words: must not be changed in this story, only their position on screen or paper to aid the Readers, for accent. - - also, the girl who dissappered has marvelous cider-apple scented breath...your senses smelled it ahead of time.

- - - - -

paper thirteen of 12 - -

the Lost chapter: of 2nd-Nite?..Thumping brown-eyes continues: Sweat developed across her brow and neck and her dress got wet spots on it, especially around the area where she had her five orgasms, both bodies were steamy and exhausted from - -
...She finaly let go of you, her legs held you in a love-lock for sexing, but you were free to go now. ...- -

...she laid there... still, calming, cooling, drying herself, in the Hay. ..Your Nob was still in her, and she was quiet, as if asleep... but stroking your nob inside with the muscles of her vagina... till finaly..that-also slowed, and she was fast asleep.- -

...then you slowly draw your penis out of her, your balls are cold from hanging out in the open-air so long.. and she has relaxed and closed tight on you, but the penis is also relaxed, and, after pulling on it, it stretches and pops out, the pop sound of her vagina closing so quick. did not wake her. you notice the little guy (your penis) is very shiny and dripping wet from getting polished off by a girl.- - carefully take your hand out of her hand, your other arm embraces her and can-not be moved, for it goes around her.. and.. up under her dress where you hold her ass-cheek in your hand.. poor Male, pinned to the floor by a girls bottom.- -

...pulling it out from under her bare rump you notice hay-grass marks deeply printed on the back-side of your hand. you rub it out with some of the milk and glance to one side of the paiL to see her feet again. she has such beutiful feet..or maybe its cuz its connected to the rest of her. or maybe its cuz you made love to them...- -

... you accedentaly drip milk on them, and carefully wipe it off, gliding over its contours with one finger, completely amazed that God wood even make such a thing... awomans foot.. - slowly pull down her brown dress over her beutiful body and arrange it just-so till she looks like a queen. ..sleeping in all her beauty.- -

...Looking at the PaiL you wonder where that girl with the Red braids went. you search the Barn in the dim star-light to find her.. - -

...she is laying against another pile of straw bundles, all curled up and nude under the wiNdow, her braids over her breasts, and moonlight illuminating her womanly body - - arm is her pillow, but the other is running down her tummy between her legs, and her hand is covering somthing that is half stuck-up her crotch, protecting it as if she is trying to keep it iN. ..and working it over with her vagina-muscles used for making dick happy, and tightening her but to press on it more ..And..In secret horror... you notice.. it is the seamen-soaked sock. ''wh...what happened!'' i wispered to her in dis-belief.

- -

...she breathed heavily, as if upset, and was musing...then, without opening her eyes she said...slowly..''.i...i wanted.. your seeds... IN-SIDE me...'' choking over the last two words. - -

...what she did NOT tell you was.. she had bin gazing up at the STars, like girls do, and... taking off her skirts.. but refused to part with her sock-ball trophy, pressing it to her breasts... feeling it in her young hand, she grabbed it, bit on it with her tooth as if deep in thought and then looking back up at the stars. - -

..holding it up in the Moonlight, just a giddy 16 year-old, playing with the most important thing a man cood ever posses.. looking at it from all sides, turning it. smelling it. tasting it, tossing it, catching it with her feet, pressing it gently to her titys and lips. bouncing it on her bobys, wondering over and over about her-own urges and fertility. - -

...naked she sits on her bed of straw.. still thinking, stroaking a breast in the cool night air and flicking the tip with her thumb, till finaly a big long smile of Peace and Joy grew across her freckled face, she KNEW what she wanted the most in life, atleast for now, of all things in the whole world. -

...she gave the rolled up sock a tender and genital squeeze, so as to bring the seamen out to the surface. letting some fall down into her waiting Mouth... and thinking More as it slid down. she tongued it a little and then she thought about it one-more-time. - -

...and then slowly, carefully, drew it down past her breasts in a fate-full fashion sacred and precious to the woman living inside the girl.. and she slowly and carefully... as if committing the greatest act of her Life... PRESSED the seamen soped silks into her Vagina, pressing it up inch by inch...good and tight... till it was only half sticking out, and then closed her pretty legs on it, and then rolled backward nude into the straw pile, wiggling and twisting to get all the pleasure she cood out of it. and then curled up under the wiNdow in the Moon light, and just layed still, trying to let her insides soak up all the seamen it cood from that sock. - -

... of coarse you were terrified to see such a young girl holding your Seeds. ...and decided you must stop Her... your breathing accelerating.. you approach her to Take the Sock, half hanging out of her like it was your own balls... you pulled on it carefully to draw it out, but she 'gasped' and instantly tightened her grip on it, closing her legs on it and rolling over on it face-down in the straw, doing a belly-flop on top of it, holding it in her woman and clutching it with both hands tight. - -

...''get up.'' Male said, ...''Male nEver orders'' she said firmly.. ..gulp!..your guts get tight... she is right, in a Female fertility house, they can take away your balls for this offense.. if she wAnted. ...Confused by the danger.. he heeds to cutom and lowers himself to her, giving her complete access to the balls, calling upon the female forces to forgive, and she then by custom places her toes under his balls, and.. of corse it is but just a touch.. a secound warning wood be to roll his balls around under her foot.. but she had no intention of destroying the Male, for personal reasons, and also cuz of the female forces. - -

... then she lifts her toe up into you sack, between two balls, taking the Load up, ...reminding you of her made your neck and chest quiver and tighten, you dont remember any part of this in the custom, and feel uncomfortable with her there, she then slowly lets its down, flicking her toees under it playfully, making it swing in and out and batting it to keep it swinging. - -

... you close your legs together, to stop the swinging... and she responds to this, she thrusts the ball of her foot in, wedging the bag to the leg you so foolishly moved up behind it ..this re-eely makes you shutter, gasp, gulp, take it bravely, straighting yourself stiff and tighten your butt to counter her foots pressure... your penis now rises from under her toes also, like a new-boy coming out, stiff and erect, standing straight up and tall and brave, as a soldier standing at attention to her, like you yourself are, mimicking your stand against her... - -

...female see's this and gets a kick out of watching this happen, she thinks its so funny, and says under her breath ''oh - foofy - fie!. i got two little men, trying to tell me? what to do.'', the shaft stands out like a long-arm, like a long leever in the wall of a milling factory, no matter which way she bats the little man with her foot, it swings out and around again, standing erect to defend itself, like a heavy-weighted punching ballon clown at the fair, no matter how hard you punch him, he always comes back up again... female grows weary of such defiance, and goes back to kicking the little clown in the weakest most fertile spot, the balls. ..planting her foot in there firm. ...soaring nerves and sending alarm and redness to the little clown, and paings to the man. both get red-faced, both look like they cant breeth, and she takes mental note of this, for use in her future abusive fantasyies - - she pulls out, and starts pulling down on the bag with one big toe pressed into it. - ..then pulling out she starts again, this time staring with Her big toe on the newly erected shaft, gliding down on it smoothly and adding all her pressure when she gets down into the bag.. - -

... this makes poor Male shutter un-controlably, and he closes his eyes, putting one hand on his heart and the other arm around himself like he is having a stomach-ache. ..not dare-ing to touch nor disturb what is happening down below till he is Sure the female forces are appEesd and that the girl has accepted him. - -

...the Males breathing is getting shaky, and she keeps doing it. ...and watching what -iT- is is doing to the man...she smiles to herself..showing teeth, and shooting her tongue out and over them, going over her own lips with licks and smacks of finger-thrusts into her mouth, twisting her braids around her smooth sholders and under her white-rosy bobys, extending only one slender figured leg out for the Man, stroaking him with the Big toe, Molesting him, as if she has everyting Now completly under control. - -

...Males shaking is stream-ing up into 'non-control', tho his eyes are closed, each stroke of the damsels foot Sends him, and each pRess into his bag presses his eyes also.. up iNto his head. till he can only-'Think' of masturbating on her, and kissing the foot of this teen at his nards. - -

... she suddenly stops, mercifuly, and ends it with placing intense pressure on the base with the bag, and keeping it there pressed hard. ..this of corse lowers the dick down like a charging rhino at the female, swelling it longer, bigger, and into the darker reds. till finaly it feels like a bone, he must bare it. throbing and making his ''i-got-to-pee'' muscles twist. - -

...this stop on him left silence and made pressure and internal trobbing to 'climb' in him, he cood take no more, custom is over, female force has forgiven, and girl will have to forgive him when she wills, for now his hands.. slide up her leg calve and grips them to continue thrusting her foot into himself to enjoy getting balled by her this way... - -

... 'three slow thrusts' feel like forever as his Urge return to only 'Thinking' of masturbating on her. ...the next three stokes on her feet are cold and delightful. but she has no intention of setting you off. and PuLLs her leg out of his Reach... - -

..most Female fertility Houses KEEP their male 'Erect' all the time, supposing that Female forces are strongest iN the House if kept this way. Some keep their males Constantly jizzing and spilling, i say male(s) because One does not last long this way, and they must discard them. ..but here we find more a brother-sister air in the House, where relations and Affection seem to defy Law custom and penalty.

- -
red-girl went wild in her mind, FuLL-of amazed-pride at what she did, and that her womanly-forces in her girl were strong enuff now to attract a big Male and make him Fall. ..lots of fruity-thoughts fill a girls mind when they find out what they can do...her dreams at Night expand, affections grow, fantasy's become IN-tense!, pouring in and over her, and out into her attitude, looks, and into the ways she moves and talks, pretty faces marring with A Females desire to Hunt and conquer the Male.
- -- -

...custom cleared, Male 'can' justly continue his struggle, You wait for Urges and throbs to stop and senses to return. ..She is sitting back in the straw as if enjoying her cozy Easy-chair with you at her feet, she has one leg raised and the other curled indian style, bringing that foot and heel up into her crotch area to support the sock, pressing and grinding on it like she was grinding corn, all the while watching you to see if-when you may cum too your senses again...- -

... the sock ball is 'partly' hanging out of her, like She had her own two Set of 'Balls' now, and did not Need you..yours..nor any-Male.. anymore. Pressing on it, sensualy, coooing to her self and twisting her head with her red-braids, drawing her arms tight in front of her to make her young droopy titys press-together and bulge out at you, while both hands leaned hard on the sock, putting all her weight on her sholders, and tucking the sock up with her heel into her, ''ooooh. uh....ooooooooh!.uh.uh.'', she squeels, looking up into the heavens with her eyes closed, rocking and leaning her locked arms into the center of her woman, smashing the sock with seeds and kicking it in as best she cood with her bare heel, working on the juices streaming out and working her thighs like a big mate-ing breeth-ing bumble-bee, her thin white chin and cheery lips raised hi, her womanly pale long neck and fiery ropes glistening,..- -

...then she bows her head, opens her eyes at her own work, and then looks up at you, and smiles with vicktorious dirty looks like she has 'Won' over you real good. and then pumping her thighs into the sock with grunt-sounds to tease you with her defiance, and to work her woman into the sock, soaking up every-last-bit of seeds, so her beutiful woman wood get it 'All', and you wood get... 'None'. - -

...she closes her eyes and raises her freckled nose up at you like a sNoB little girl does, swaying and rocking on the sock, thumping herself, and pressing it into her, jolting her head and shaking her braids faster and faster as if riding a pony, and pausing to smile big at you and then opens her mouth at you letting her tongue out to play. as if she is running out of WAYS that she can possibly piss-you off while showing her complete satisfaction of defeating you to your seeds. moving her lips and blowing her cheeks to make them swell like she is doing a big-one on your sock, pleasure- -rocking on it constantly, the whole way. - -

...well you suprised her good, thinking you were to paralyzed by you own Lust for her you jump up, grabbing the female by the foot.. to pull her to you, but she pulls free and returns to the straw to protect her prize and stiffens her self over it so you dont reach under and pull it out.... but you did anyway... pulling her pig-tails to make her release it. you waken her grip and then grab the part hanging out her and pull rood-ly, making a big slurping sound as you draw it out and toss it far from her, making sensations in her that made her fart... - -

but then, Walk-ing over to Pick It up proved to be a feersly BIG mistake, she came up behind you while you were bent over and... WACK!..ed you.. right in the nuts!... when she kicked.. you looked down to see her toes and half her foot fly right up into your crotch.. owee. owee. now you got an owee, now you have ree-ly done it to yourself, paaaaiiinnN!

- - you cood see stars spinning around in the barn, and wondered how they got in here, then everything started spinning, and every nerve in you legs was on fire! and you closed your legs tight on the intruder, falling to your knees with her female cawt between your legs. - -

...grasping for your penis like you had to take a pee badly, but found only her toes to grab and sank with them to the earth and straw.. breathing in short quick gasps, waiting for your manhood and feelings to return.. gasp. gasp. choke. oh-god.. -pain- just pain. - -

...your limp penis was well wedged between her big-Toe and other piggies, and then your balls slapped up under your butt cuz the girls foot more pain..

- -

paper fourteen of twelve:

...the pain was 'un-bearable' beyond words.. you sank slowly to your knees and almost to your face. ..but your other hand caught your fall to the ground. You looked down at the dirt and straw and waited for the shock and leg-nerves to stop that 'fingers-in-the-vise-grip' cranking pain feeling... shooting up your legs and crack and making the back of your neck red and ears burn... - -

...the rolled up sock fell and rolled away from you, to dizzy to watch where it went. ..It felt like two minutes, but in two secounds she pulled her foot out, and with difficulty, cuz your legs closed around her foot tite after impact. - -

...but your grip and her 'pull' sent the girls foot smearing hard over the bag of balls for a secound time, rolling you eyes hard into your head with the feelings of abuse. there was just no way your soft little ball bearings cood feel worse!, like hard-boiled eggs that cant express themselves, they cood only roll with the punches and hope their jello whites wood not break. - -

...that icy cold female foot.. plus realizing her pull-out may have 'broke' you, was To-much for your emotions, you did not want to fight the female anymore, terrified that you may Now have lost Far more than a sock! was to-much, you felt tears swell up in sympathy over the unintentional accident, it was just to much. - - (sob) - curled up like a slug hit by salt and just laid there with your face pressed to the dirt and straw, and eyes turned up in your head. - ...but this brought your ball bag way-out for her , and you quickly placed both hands over it your precious nuts, hoping as she stoood over you, that she wood not finish it off completely...oR maybe had already. - -

...but this was not her intention, she only wanted to paralyze you, and she did it well. she came over to stand with her toes in your face, and put one foot on your head, declaring playfully that she had once again prooven and gained her absolute authority.. and another vicktory over your 'Male' efforts. - -

... what cood you do?, she sang to herself ''La. LA. La. la.'' and ''La-La la-la La-laaa'' with horribly sarcastice female over-tones. rubbing your head with her foot, and popping her toes in your mouth, wiggling them around and forcing you to suck on them for air, breathing between her clay toes for even the slight-test space of 'cold air' into your lungs, she is cruel, and she knows it, going over your face again with her freshly wetted feet and drying them off on your hair and lips. ''thats a goood..BOY!'' she coood, and smearing her female sent across your eyelids. - -

... feeling your own bag you realize the eggs are still there, and intact. she stepped over you and went to pick up the sock, she is beutiful bent over like that...from down here you see two long girl legs standing and spread, a rump, and two boob-bags hanging between her knees as she picks up the sock and starts picking off the loose straw that was sticking to it, completely confident that she had 'defeated' and perhaps even de-balled you...accidently. - -

...You are still breathing 'hard' because of the pain, which Assured Her you were pretty well gone of your manhood and wood not rise, and she freted how SHE wood explain this to the other wemen. - -

... but the extra oxygen breathed new Life into you and you became 'conscious', determined again to stop her, you jumped up, throbbing-penis-and-all, and grabbed her, throwing her into a corner where much straw lay, she got half up, but then blown over completely by wacking her in the butt, spinning her off her legs. she was completely surprised, her red hair-bangs were in her eyes and much straw too, she looked up at you with fear and hard breathing, she struggled to get up, but you had her down, and kept her down, knocking her over every time... - -

note: an alternat version of what you are about to read begins below where it is so titled: alternate version - -

...finaly getting her on her back and holding her legs up, grabbing her by the ankles and holding her legs apart, like she did so many boys before, which probly added to her fear of you, she sat there breathing hard as you looked down at her breasts, tight.. rising and falling with her hard-breathing, holding her firm like that till she calmed. ..there was nothing for you to stomp on, and if she had balls, you wood, but she soon realized that and smiled... again prooving the complete superiority... of a woman. - -

...but this was no woman, she has the voice and parts of one, but it was still just a stupid girl. and she had control of you, and she knew it, your heart was broken by a teenager, and that made her feel tried to remember she was just a girl...but she began touching herself, not upset at all that you were holding her legs tightly and turning her little feet pink and red with holding them. she knew you wood cave in to her love soon and let go, forcing you with her eyes and weakening you with the play on her Breasts and Braids: stroaking them, blowing on them, kissing them, and then stabbing you with her eyes and girly ways, she knew all about pulling Male apart now, and she followed the Female powers in her, learning new moves on you every moment, you became dizzy with her beauty and had to think your way out of this before you cood not. - -

...the seamen was safe inside her..and you realized, if you were going to get it out, you wood actualy have to treat this girl... like a woman... and so she waited, looking at her pig-tail hairs and biting on them, sucking on the ends and paint-brushing them across her well tended breast to make their plumpness shine and swell... ..weary of this she droped her paintbrushes and took a deep breath, spreading her arms wide and stretching, coming back with her hands under both boobys and pulling on them to tease you, pressing them together, which is both funny and sexy for a teenager, and twitching each one at you to see which way she cood get your eyes to go, but it was her sky-blue eyes under her fiery red bangs that finaly did you in. you got dizzy and let go of her feet, and she cawt you with them and pulled you down into her with them... - - sat there face pressed to her tummy, listening to a little girl breath, you decided to wake Her up, woman or no woman. and did somthing you shood never do, crawled up and kissed her on the mouth...equivelant in sex to grabbing a Male by the balls, or rubbing her toe up and down your 'erect' like she did. - - was 'that' in-sane-ly pleasurable to her, the first kissed shocked her... and she looked at you shocked and then scared of you, like maybe Male did have Powers, not to be used in a Female Fertility Cult. she looked over your face and its contours a few times, wondering what you were doing to her, and as you drew in for another blow to her Female, she pressed herself backword into the Hay, totaly unsure if she really wanted you to do that again, and sliding her leg up and across your balls, reminding you that you were vulnerable again, but it was to late, she wanted it, closed her eyes, raised her chin, and opened her mouth slightly to let you in. - -

...the kissing and tonging went on for the longest time, flowing out of her mouth the kisses went across her cheek, to her hear and biting, then kisses down her neck and in her hair, and across a breast licking the tip till it was bone-hard, and back up again, she also was rubbing your balls with her hand at first. - -

... feeling the bag herself and finding everything was there, began playing with it and twisting it dark red and pushing the twisted member hard up into you making your dick thick, grow big quick, and stick straight out at her hard... where she learned that, you will never know. Widow must have told her how. - -

...but by the time your kissing left Her mouth Area, she was 'to far gone' to help you, her breasts were throbbing for affection, and she had spread her leggs in openess-surrender to you...because Strange unfamiliar Female-Forces were flowing threw Her, Filling her Woman.. despite the girl she yet is. ..

...her sensitive parts between her legs began to swell big and firm, filling with passion and dripping to wash-smooth the way for the penis to pump her... You were waiting for this, for she got so Hard down there that her Love-canal opened big and wide. she wanted to get fucked 'bad'. and her female body started vibrating weakly.. you had really done-it to her, and did-it good, comparing it to the moments you have had.. when learning experiencing it from being with Widoe.. - - that she was 'open' you went down and started kissing on that, feeling her motherly powers budding into her youth and letting your face become embraced and ravished by the legs of a girl who did not understand why her girly legs wanted you so bad to be down there. you bunked down and stared kissing the swelling red vagina, licking the hairy chicken like it was her eye-brows, tasting the sweetness of girl juices as she cummed and lubricated her female insided for the male naturaly...- - proped this harvest up onto your lap and started filling the canal with milk, several times to flush it out, and she resisted you not, she was past that, and cood not, and enjoyed the sensations of the milk also, making double-sure you sucked and fucked to make sure all the seeds ran out, and her own girl juices started cumming the more your thwanged her, struming and stoaking her like a musical instrament with sounds so low only a female cood hear the lovely melody, calling her to Boy-Crazy heaven, she went into orgasm several times, each time kniting her heart to you...hoplessly. You were her little boy now, and she woodnt let 'anyone' bash your balls out, 'no matter what'. hope. - -

...tired and steemy you both 'calmed'.. and Male laid beside Female, Female turned away from Male to rest on her side, Male put his arm around her, to fumble with boobys and clit a little more, and female pressed her cold butt into male, to warm his dick and cool his balls. and make him fall fast asleep... - - with her. - -

- - -

Alternate (original) version: of the above events, happening on 2nd-Nite of the Balling... - -

pinning her into a corner where there was much straw, and got her on her back, and holding her feet up in the air, a foot in each hand, the same foot that caused so much pain. ..She looked up at your un-controlled breathing, and at your black and blue little friend and started to giggle, like girls do, - -

...mindful of your buisness with her you spread them legs apart as far as they wood go, while she and her plump little breasts looked at you with blushing and perkyness that makes your heart stop. ..but you had much to do and cood not think about her that way now. - - let go of her legs and fell to her pussy, washing it out with milk and sucking on it to flush the seeds out. ..She figured out what you were doing and tired to tighten her pro-creational muscsles to resist you. but the more she did that the more her clit protruded out where you cood stomp on it, and it got rubbed to death. she like that very much.. and ...after licking the clit for several minutes she cood not 'think' of anything else but letting you in. - -

...but instead of dick, she got flushed with Milk. ..she finaly accepted your efforts, for one thing she was very tired. soo, instead of getting angry, had to let it go so she cood get some shut-eye. She soon dozed off as you finished.. - -

note:end of alternate (original) version - -

...and her face and hair and lips made you want to Fuck her in her sleep. ..But you 'Needed' to get that sock and do somthing with it... before she wakes up again. decided to give the seamen to brown-eyes. .cuz 'mature' Wemen are more careful with things like this.. - -

...but she is asleep.. so you slowly came up to brownn-eyes and unraveled the sock and slid it onto Her own feet.. 'stetching 'it for a good Tight fit on her woman, pulling it tight as it wood go and runing it smooth with your hand, and then squeezing her foot in grattitude...and straping the sandal into place. - -

...this way it wood Dry out quickly, dry the sperm, and then, in the morning, when she walks around with the sandal on, her womanly figure and tOoez wood painfuly crush the seed and get all smeared into the leather and skin, so no girl cood possibly use it. ..fertile feet? - -

...Well brown eyes understood it. dawn she was dancing around in the Barn in her sandals, smeering the seamen all-over her toes and in her foot soles, crushing the seamen so it cood not produce or get licked up by other wemeN. - -

...Browny was happy that i had thoght of it, and saved us all by Kicking and pressing the sock betweem her toes till her brown leather sandals were all white with creamy.. and smooth with dead seamen...she became the 'Keeper' of such things in the 'House', and had the best looking feet and skin because of it, the longest lasting shoes, and the best proportions of figure , which she said came from Female-Forces constantly attracted to her, because said she'' i drenched with him and rubb him into myself'' the Male is his her the stongest presence of a Male, and his most sacred substance, therfore 'ALL' the powers of the omni-Female-energies come to me. this is the ultimate position of power for a girl, for the few who can control it. she is 'goddess', and her body prooves it. bringing in to us passionate forces, but relations call her brown-eyes...cuz they say..pride wood turn her. - -

...Browny is diligent and crushes well, she then pulled the sock off her woman and wadded it up into a ball again. and stuck it down red-hairs dress while she was milking, between her boobs again. ''Here is your SocK back'' she said with an evil grin. - -

...Later that morning Widow sat me alone with her in a cow stahl were milking is usuall to be done, she layed me down, and we talked about my fantasys and she about hers, and with deeper understanding of each-others likes, began molesting each-other again. - -

... she forced me to play bone-soup. thats like a game an older woman plays with a Male when she can get one. the Male must be old or just worn out from over much Sexing. She made my sack hurt but i gave off long long jacks with her, and lots of licking and teasing. she does it to me privatly so the other girls wont learn how. the secret is sweetness. and she has got it. - -

..widow: the feeling and air of all the women of all histories, wrapped up into one great Body which i enjoy very much, i do not tell her i fantasyz about her deeply. she reminds me of what all males in all lands have favored in all generations. older is beautiful, wiser, and she knows alot of tricks the others dont, making any bouncing with her an adventure. she is also very quiet curtious and mysterious. she worries about things others do not and that i shood know about.. i will write some of it here soon.

eg.riddle:she wants it and yet, she does not want it.

- -

paper fifteen of twelve: (the last)

One Leg Up: heart began to cum, more moments with Browny...
- -
i loved her deeply, and wanted to plant deeply..
hoping she wood wash it out afterword, but i never got that far.
my mushrooms(bag)..
growing Limp, oily, nut-soup sack (soup bone)..
tho the stroking was tremendous on my tip and did not want to quit..
it kept shrinking, and finaly to limp..
i a had failed, and she knew it..
i pulled out, and rolled over on my back to catch my breath..
and get out of her hair, which made my face sweat..
after two min she fin closed her book..
and with a girlish click sound with her tongue..
began to feel sorry for me, saying''aaah. pooorah boy''..
she rolled over on top of me and rooled sweat from my brow..- -

(dont let fornic papers rull weeks on top of you, rooling the sweet of your eyes (spirit,idols,reins,preferences,final fruits,results,of the heart)
her knees on both sides of my now pinned body...

the backs of her toes went up and rested on my ball zone to cover them, as if to close them up for a while and let them rest... - -

she then wennt on to consol me with kisses.
which felt good and the bobying of her breasts
on my chest made me fall fast asleep.

- - - -

prior: chores she did in sandals, loosened on purpose to make me feel fucking-jealous to hear the aquashing seamen in her shoe with her heal back and forth . ''oooh aaah! mmmmh''she said. ''just like squashing a COCK-roach'' she said sensualy, and making a slurp-sound with her foot in the jiz-filled sandal...this she did to protect the other girls from getting useful seed. - -

...her womanly pressure on all that seamen made me think it was 'me' in her shoe. she knew it Attracted me and made me Hard, and liked doing it, so she did it daily, rubbing it up her leg with one foot, and then doing the other likewise, around her buttocks and under her breasts. she said it made them more firm.. i wood lie on the straw and just watch her walk around with those beautiful feet doing her chores. (my feet used to be beutiful, doing the chores god gave me to RET-vision, carring the good seed of the gospel...he loved my feet).
- -
...till i started doing-it to myself (masturbating), i grabbed for one of her skirts she wore often and balled it up so i cood hump it. Laying on my face i wood hold it in place with both hands and just hump it...(.pretending i was screwing her in my mind, and therefore i was ).. but this is bad for your bag and makes you steril(seedless Male). cuz you only are squashing your balls and your rod isnt sliding or doing anything. sometimes rod dosnt even get long and stiff in this position. , when it does, the skin gets torn on the fabric, (broken skin never heals on a humper) - -

...that was before i even knew i was doing it wrong.

note: the shaft shood get rubbed and the balls are Never hit or pressed...except maybe to excite seamen?

- -

danger: new white wolves Hunt Now the young Life they have financialy ruined.

- -

...while masturbating on the garment she came and stood right at my nose so i cood enjoy looking at her feet in her seamen soaked sandals, right up eye-ball close. - i coodnt stand it..i wanted to put my BALLS Under that Beautiful Heal..and let her squash it into her sandal.. but i knew it wood be suicide.. - -

...i just HAd to Try it Anyway..and she was gental and careful, letting her heel down slowly on my ball bag...till...squaSh! each ball squirmed and was pRessed to opposite sides of her foot. ..She just held it there..tightly..not moving..for fear she wood PoP somthing. ..the Emotional feelings of this eye-site and experience was sensual and full of submisSivly woNderFul plEasure. - - excited my penis so bad it began to swell red and grow and craw up her heel-foot. pointing up her dress. inflating like a ballon filling with helium, first 'growing' long up her. than stiff. then big. then red. veiny and shiny. then the tips swelled into a dark-shiny red ball. as.if being forced to hold its breath. - -

...boy was i shaking and shivering. ...she touched it to tight it must feel.. and then wisely Lifted her heal a Little so i cood breath again.

she then took me over to the pale of milk so she cood milk me and the cow at the same time.

- -

other side of paper:

(more on Browns nite out) 12-19-07 . paper 15b of 12

...well. Brown eyes 'saw' me humping myself and layed down a few feet away and in front of me to supply visual aid. ..turning to a pile of straw she sat down on it, kicked back her legs into the air, to rest them up above on the tall beam near her...threw her hair back, and rested herself on one arm to prop her head up and read a book, of corse her feet up like that made her dress slide up to her hips till she looked Very girl-sexy.. - -

...i used this heart-breaker site as she sat there like a pin-up girl to hump harder... but it was no good. i knew i wood press Past all the pleasure if i did it this way. - - i finaly gave-in (Fell) to her seduction, and crawled around behind her as she kept reading, Layed along the straw she was in with her, put my arm around her, and started pounding my rod into her. She then put her leg down that was up high on the wood beam, and this placed more pressure than ever on my shaft, sending me into much more pleasure. - -

...but i had never done a girl from the side like this before and with her laying on one side to read a book, the movments were restricted.. but i enjoyed the unusual thumping.. and she put one hand down to grab my balls in one hand while reading her book in the other... - -

...having all this activity, both on my shaft, and the ball tugging, was like having a bunch of sensual touches and kissis in many places at once...It made me Love her... and when she balls swelled up and bounced like rubber white mushrooms across her beautiful Hide. - -

i reached my arm around her to begin pressing on her naval, so i cood press my shaft on her more, placing my finger in her belly button for grip, like i was doing with the balled-up garment before she layed down to help. ..But masturbating using 'Her' instead of a 'tite ball of cloth' was much more intoxicating (poison). I just fell deeper into her with love. , this woman, and wanted(urge) to plant and probe deeper with my shaft..thrust deeper and thrust deeper... and she lifted her leg again so i wood do so. - -

...i was afraid it wood send me into girl-heaven. ..but i felt soon worn and weak, my penis grew limp, but the sensations kept rubbing, so i kept stroking, my sack felt oily, my dick limp, and i realized i needed a game of 'bone-soup' ...the penis finaly grew to limp to even send pleasure. and ceased... i had Failed. ..i rolled over and groaned. - -

...turning over to stroke the balls, on my back, and with both hands, and the girl-dress packed in and partly tied around my balls also works, but the dick sticking way up attracted the female. She had pity..and greases her foot to run it across dick, and pressing it against yourself, even without the garment packed in.. but you can yet use both Hands on the womans foot if you want..giding female back and forth across dick, and pressing the balls out with the ball of her pretty Heel. - -

..but if sliding your feet over balls makes you Humpy and start slapping the base, sounding like the back of a spoon in oatmeal, then you better just stick to stroaking your shaft with her foot. so balls will be teased without being beaten.

- - end of paper 15 of 12- -

- end of the 3-nites of the balling - -

- end of the tale - -

- - -

12-20-07: the Female Tribal Rites performed before building a Mud-Hut, to sanctify it for her uses, begins in winter... when the air is cold from rains, and the sun never shines, the earth, rich..deep..dark..damp, never able to dry, and alive with emerging foces from its clay womb softness. - -

... the sky, marbled with the gloom of storm clouds flooding senses eminent of storm and more signs of sun-less days to come, these days when no leaves grace the trees, all is bare, all is empty. - -

...this is when other longings come..and mans natural-clock is confused by short day and a dormant world...despair fills us all...hearts reach for stimulants..of such as will salve and seal its end. ..anxietys come..the equinox nearing..dark is the hours and the moment...thoghts for the first time move ..form helping ending all efforts..ending ones-self..looking personal passions that were never fed.. now fly and flutter..filling th mind with sights and sounds senses tastes that were denied for so long.. - -

...Now cry out for attend-tion and for sensual heap on itself long Lustful moments Lavish with sensual services, URges sore! as despair darkness and gloom spread across the Land...causing lonely Hearts to fill and swell with passions and a pride for gender life, spreding mental-candals all over itself in preparation for the dim lights of sex and sensual activity.

- - - -

...Now the Air blows in crisp and cold from the Mountain Tops, both refreshing to Inhale and Seductive to ILL-ness it soon brings. ..Health and Wealth is coming to an End...and these three wemen in black dreses feel it. each one is now walking slowly and barefoot down the path under the dead trees howling in the Wind. - -

...a great Rush is heard in the Sky, and all around are these three beautiful long haired gorls...reach a bare spot in the dead leaves where they have chosen the site to be.. deep in the brush. ..This big grey sky enlightens an area of the disturbed ground that beautiful feet now stand upon. - -

...The Wemen stand in a circle upon this bare ground, wind whipping hair into their eyes and all around, till the Twister is carried up and back into the main air stream again. which do sound violent today indeed. ..the weMen join hands for a moment, each know-ing in their Hearts what they must do. - -

...eyes meet eyes, ...girlish faces exchange incouragements, motivating thoughts, womenly forces, and feelings of excitement, all without words.. daughters of Earth, filling them selves with the mother-earth energy, pouring into then from the bare ground.. Earth-Forces of the ground...rising! and an un-seeable spring into the girls feet and breasts mouths and minds, hands and hair, ...the kind that give the female great do what they do next: ... - -

...In some tribes 'words' are used for stimulants like: for the male: Im going to Rub your Nuts, Let my womanly Powers calm you. for the female:strong is the Rod that will lift you, Ruff is the hand that will Rub you. - -

...but in this tribe, no words are used in the ceremony. it is to hard on the Male, to hear girlish voice bonding with him...girlish sounds are permited..if used discreetly. but the Male 'must' make sounds, to warn the feemale of feelings of discharge coming.. (ijocul spr cu jiz zing spirt seed). - -

...In this document we have three wemen representing all stages of fertility:16 20's 40's. fair and beautiful in their own way. often many more females come together to build the mud-barn for her stimulating uses. ..but here we have three, and they have chosen a male who will be set apart also, and to be used only for 'their' purposes... - -

...he will be free to roam most of the year. but he will forever be sexualy bonded to the mud-house these wemen will make by him and with him. for no man can exist without some woman...and for one moment...even wemen must hang everything they have... onto a man. - -

...the shelter itself is a female symbol, a cave-like protection where life can be protected and warmed and loved. ..this one the girls have chosen to build by hand and feet..and will be a tall double-dome breasted home with swirling orgasmic earthy shapes in the mud, pressed over the curves of doors windows outlets with feeling only a female can put into it. - -

...big and tall like two eggs standing on end. as a figure 8 when seen from above, connected with halls and correses pushed into it by desires a female cannot even say with words, but she can with sensual survival shapes in the mud... - -

... the Male is in his prime, and totaly un-willing to do this.. but his work and habits kept him around in 'Their' area... and he cood not build plans and places well enuff to escape... so the three wemen who planned his fate for themselves... where simply able to out-stand his opinion... his right to decide... lost by choices... Terra- -ing his H-ear-T out by 'looks' only girls can give guys, when they want, so that he surrendered, without any ability left him, than to accept it. and mind them. - -

...tradition demands they keep only one male, but..if he can proove that there is not enuff seed in his own seamen to be counted fer-tile, he may be re-leased by de-fault, and another Male may be s-ear-ched for. ..but this one is far from not being procreative. ..and the bulge in his pants is enuff for any female to see he is well over-due for some inffection. - -

...As he is..many girls get molesting ideas and thoughts by him.. so it is best that their woman drain him of his manhood.. as soon as possible.

note:strange how the howling storm has passed, yet i prefer a dark room to write in). a Leader: u.s.president abraham lincoln did not company with wemen. said one ginger-bread man was enuff, tho other boys ate many.
-Boy sales his c-d in the parking-lot, what can-i-do for him? street-talk no-books like i got, yet he uses what he has to make a go of it. - -

- -

paper two of three:

...the other way the male can get out of this bondage to the females is by messing up(seed-spill) during the eight-days the Rites take place...but this will not happen..the females will not 'Let' him, unless they had wanted him to. - - tradition the grounds become Women. ..the Female forces cover the Rocks and Trees and Ground in great power during the building and moving of dirt earth mud. fact..the forces of feminism are so strong, that they can be felt. ..the man..only the man set-apart for their work..may be present during these 8-days. ..but Even he is subject to the great presence of all the Earth and girls and Mud...acting as one, blessed, and overpowering force. - -

...therefore he is not permitted-allowed to spill seed, even when brought to the extreem desire to do so, such as happens during certain moments of the rights, and as must happen to attract the Female Powers, the closer he is brought to cum, the stronger the Female presence and blessing is. - - this all(days=40years?)he must suffer and do, to make the work Holy and the grounds female-blesses and the building and its daily uses. you will hear and see of these trials written. for..spilling seed on such grounds at this sacred time wood be the ultimate act of defiance againts the female powerss present. - - letting a male defile the womanly areas consecrated for them by sperm.
..yet is the man present, even as we have said ''one cannot exist without the other''. ..but at this house, and for eight days, it is obvious that..'girl-power' Rules. - -

...the penalty for tresspassing is that, the male must have his balls stomped on, by all females he was committed to. And wood take only one bare foot to end his sperm-making ability, the wemen each take turns, holding him on his back to the ground, his legs held open in the air by the woman, and wemen may help her. - - that his little member hangs out defense-less out in the open for all to see. ..With tears, if not with joy.. one foot begins the gental pounding, on his bag. balls ache. bag swells. then she changes feet... and does it again, ..balls ache, ...Rod gets big with excitement, ..and dances around with the pounding, ..swaying one direction.. than the other.. with each blow.
- -

...then the next woman comes and repeats this, and the next, and the next,

(notes: some still mix stomping with licking spiting cuming and lactating on the bag, or tying it up, this depending on the emotions cerain girls may have had for him. or degree of tresspass to The female pleasures.)

...and the next, till the member is big and Red, and the males body jumps up to meet the blows of the soft heels coming down on it, is both exciting to the man, and painful. - -

...when all wemen have had a turn, they go threw it again.. this time hitting the balls more forcefully, ...till male is reething in a confusion of pain, pleasure, and tears.

- -- -

..the wemen are not to show compassion (if possible) for his wrong, and all must partake to appease the femlle forces he defied. - - now the male is shaking and spewing sperm terribly.. yet the pounding continues. His legs pressed to his chest. butt propped up like a footstool, his little perky bag sits up like a mushroom for the woman, his butt shines smooth his bag sits their on top, puffy, swollen, waiting, watched. - -

..driping with affections and ejections from the different females, sore from them. so the balls sit. relaxing and swelling. the girls gripping him on all sides now to hold him steady, they take a womans skirt and bundle it up to prop your rump up higher, this lifts his balls and dick up higer to make the foot-pounding more pleasant and easy for the weeping girls..- - the confusion of pain and strikes and girls dresses passing over him as they take turns hitting him on his now very numb-nuts. He looks up at one of the girls holding him down, up her dress, looking for her eyes of mercy..but she refuses to look at you, she has her braids turned to look the other way.- -

...all you can see from below is her figure above you, her big lumps moving and bobbing to hold you still while you get hit. you look up at the other girl for some kind of you feel another tender foot plant itself hard between your feel you shall be trampled to death by them. - -

...but this other girl really is looking at you, with sad eyes as her hands hold yours. shes holding your hand tight against her crotch and your arm between her legs so you wont move and pining your sholder to the floor with her foot.. she has an ankle-lenght beautiful flowing dress, and tears fill her silver eyes and fall on your bare arms, till she weeps out loud and lets go..- -

...she falls on you chest, her legs spread on both sides of you which she pulls up tight on you and puts her arms and hair around you neck and weeps. ..then another girl rushes over and pulls your arm up to herself, pinning your sholder back to the ground again with her own bare feet. - -

...the girl on you gets her hair and tears on yours, as you feel the foot on your crotch pull out and start pounding again. this makes your body jump jerk up into the girls breasts sitting over you, and these jolts into her continue with the pounding. you get tired of getting pushed up into her boobys and slapped by them, you cant feel anything between your legs anymore, just alot of wetness and drippings cooling running over your tummy to the sides. - -

...the girl on you begins to wimper and breath if trying to catch her breath, she slides up you a little, her bare bottom under her dress rubbing over you till it slides and stops over your heart. so that your head is completely up under her dress and between her legs, you can see almost cleary the sky threw her fabric as you lay in your living tomb, inside walled about by her legs your face is free to feel her, bare insides smooth tender womanly smelling and beautiful, pressing them to your cheek and lips and turning your head to nose with the leg on the other side. its your only consolation. Her thighs are your shelter as you look up the hall to her genitals resting on your chest, making your breathing difficuly, she is sitting on your chest to stop your aweful jerking caused by legs and feet pushing away at your genitals. - -

...Her legs feel silky and warm against your cheeks and you can turn your face a little from side to side and nose them and touch and taste them more, and rub your tears in them. you look up the chamber to her beautiful insides, her pubic hairs resting on your chest hairs, pulling at eachother. - -

...the air in here gets steamy salty suffocating. ..One more 'THud' from somebodys foot outside and you feel somthing like a bumble-bee stinger at your numb-nuts..all your leg-nerves go ting ting as she helps you slowly loose your manhood.. bursting your balls..- -

...five minutes later the pounding stops and she is off you, the pain is still beating and trobbing like a heat-beat, and you feel much teers. wemen are walking away from the site of the mud-shelter to pick up their things and go home, till another Male can be found. - - are free to go, back to whatever you were doing. (?you can even come back after the 8 days of Rites have ended. even if no woman needs you now, and you are not a threat to female forces anymore.) - -

- - - -

you sit down on a rock, with the beeting pain still between your legs.. and watch the last woman leeve the grounds. try to adjust to this new time and change. And from behind another sound touches you. ..its the girl that weeped, standing under a tree and looking at you. you stand up to meet her, covering your bag with your hand, and putting what little clothing you have around you. - -

..she walks up to you, holds you, looks up at you with those womanly eyes, looking into you for somthing that isnt there anymore. Grabs your bag and presses her two-fingers into it, soothing it with a circular motion. - -

...after two hours of this soothing touching and her head under your chin, your lips and nose going threw her hair. You start to feel stimulation, and your penis goes out hard and long again, enjoying her touches. ..the girl pauses her rubbing and looks up at you excitedly she take a few quick breaths of surprise showing her beatiful teeth and tongue, you also are excited and confused by the girls sweetness and ability. - -

...she slowly blows on your face and slowly motions you and your lips to press on hers. her lips slide moist on her lips, sliding around for some time till her tongue goes in your mouth and up in a circular motion of pleasure for herself pressing and pulling her mouth off yours with a smak sound of puckered pleasure 'poping' with pleasant suction. - -

- - - -

...She Reaches around behind youR cloth to find your cold bag again, pressing her thumb into it and pulling on it tenderly, then grabs the hard erect shaft stiffend by her play she made and aroused with her own two fingers. She grabs the long shaft and the big-thing trys to stay in her hand, her thumb flicking on the rubber stubby end to give you a ting-ting feeling that bends your knees with each flick. looking into your eyes, into your weakness for her. giving you pleasure on that part of you that not even a womans foot cood Burst. - -

...and now it belonged to this girl. ..she pulled up her dress, up in front enuff to look down, and feel under the gathered material for that part of her that needed her two fingers the most right now. ..While she played with that she kept looking you over, thinking, watching your lips, looking over your head, and sometimes at your eyes, making her feel weak for you also. - -

..and with her other hand she kept hold of your dick, flicking it and watching. and feeling in her mind what her two fingers were doing under the dress..- -

...after five minutes she gave herself two quick-jerks with the hand up her crotch in her dress and let the fabric fall down over again, covering the beautiful legs you were enjoying while she was flicking. - -

...her flicking on your Nob had become noticable even to her, for she cood see you jump and jerk at the knees everytime her thumb went 'TWang' on it.

- -- -

...she started breathing hard suddenly an excited little girl, started twitching her feet like she was trying to stay standing on them. ..then she straightened up a little, hugged you one time with the biggist bare-hug a girl can give a man, and then lifted up her dress...- -

...throwing fabric up over one sholder so you cood get in. and get a full view of everything nude, from her toes to her belly, what a wonderful site, and then stepped up to you to grab dick again, held you tight with one arm, and with the other, began feeding the big thing slowly into yourself, watching your eyes, the little slut pressed you in further, till you were in her, helping her give off girlish coos and moans as it slowly got fed in deeper more and more. - -

...then she tied her dress and arms back down and around you, nothing cood be seen by anybody but a womans rump working, bumping, in and out up and down and around in the dress, the skirts bouncing and shaking with deep passionate tremmors, - - the upper end was the perfect stillnes of a woman embracing a man, both making lust sounds. ..the sensations were so great for her that she soon cood and cood and cood not stand it on her legs anymore, and had to climb on you, legs wrapped around you like she was going up a tree. - -

...holding her booty up she began hammering it into you, and moving your hands to the ends of her booty..helping drive her into yourself, she liked that very much, it gave her sexual surrender to your man, making her feel completly open to your punishments, like your poor balls when you lost seed. - -

...she loved the feeling, and pounded you till she tightened with peeks, letting it go each time, till finaly she had to let it peek-over, gushing girl-juice cum and letting it run all over your balls, and letting herself cum down with strobes and throbz that gave her 20 secounds of boy-heaven...- -

...this she did several times, calming down, working up her erection, pounding furiously and letting it go again. Her drive for sex was furious.
priming your pump so bad, that you started shaking to. hammering on you like a wood-peker till finaly your thruster wanted to stroke her uncontrolably, driving your horn deep into her to get that same open surrender feeling. completly mating with her, till finaly each bounce of her rump bums on your body pressed your feelings up into peeking, feeling the tingle-tingle rise from her stroking till finaly it burted up peeking-over with intense squirts of jiz and zaps that kept cuming and she slaped her rump on it over and over, totaly unaware that you had gone into girl-heaven and that her bouncing was keeping you there. - -

...she was still having orgasims while you were throbing and cuming and calming down, her playful banging made your knees weak also, till finaly you fell like a great tree, her woman finishing you off with each thump, sending zap Zap all over you, even on the groung she kept at til you were a hopless mess and she had had her fill..for now. filled with your cum. and delighted in her ability to bring you down so hard. wiping her female victoried into your face. secretly enjoying how seedless you are. vowing to take you to her room every night.

- -
paper three of three:

version two? original of the above:

tender delicate buttocks, soft round buttocks, white as paint, grabbing them like boobs in both hands.. to keep them Bouncing on your Balloon swollen red blue purple.. till she was cooing and peeking way out of control, for a girl, ..her own girl cum released in gushes and running down you bag, ...completely submerging your thumper soaked in girl-jiz. - -

...she soon stopped the THuMping, which became juicey sounding splatting as she came down out of boy-heaven... she sank motionless down on you as she entered extacy. ..One More thrust into her with your hands on her RumP sent her head Jolting back in pure pleasure. making her pink breasts push-pop out of Her dress folds for you. perky wiggly girly, two tumbly rosy jello-balls.. - -

...they were swelled up big and tight..pressed together by the Fabric. .. they pleased you well, dangled bounced bumped pressed tight to your face, buring you in them. ...sliding down she came to rest herself. Her delicate girl neck cleaved to yours as she looked down at the ground behind you and at her own beautiful legs wraped around you.. and held by girly pink-feet... and used them to give you one more squeeze.. tighter.. furthering her rump into your bag.. and pressing the juices out. - -

... the dress fell again over her rump, and your two hands were still holding them up as they got covered. (and then.. hump hump hump for hours.) was a tender and delicate sex, one that many creatures on earth enjoy. ..but there was somthing ever memorable about this Romance... and to this day.. you can still feel yourself in her dress.. the wonderful booty in your hands.- -

end of original alternate version.

- - - -

the Other way to punish a tresspass (offenses to female): the most stimulating female removes frabric from herself, eg.a sock or straps,etc. ..she takes a strip of this and..pressing her leg into the males crouch to excite it red and stiff...begins to strap him to the nearest tree. - -

...she can then take the fabric lace and tie it under and around his ball bag, ...wrapping it into a granny knot. ..the Male feels no pain and she must kiss him and the member being strangled...several times, licking and teasing to mark him as having received vengence.. praising the female forces and declaring HER authority by doing a painfuly stimulating booty-hop before the male, shaking and twisting herself to the top of the rage-music dance charts.. while the Male confesses in his heart his faults and petitions forgiveness from the female god-forces and giving sincere apologies before HER for his tresspass... - -

...this arousing of the Male by shaking herself is for apleasing the-HER by stirring up his strongets sexual desires in him.. and then slaming him by denying him any form of release.. bound and unable to stroke or touch as to bring him to tears, and render him unable to perform. - -

...the material about his balls meanwhile closed off its cirulation.. without nourshment...the balls go numb..and the bag turns purple. evening the the content of the bag has suffocated... the seeds are dead.. and the male is steril.. the female powers controling him and these sacred grounds are appeased. - -

... a few slaps or playful kicks to the male organ will give no pain, as proof that he is steril. And the material about it may be undone, and he let loose from the tree. He is commanded to forever keep that-girls cloth-material about his nuts loosely, as a sign to him and bring fear to others... not to offend nor violate the female earth-power, nor any places made Holy to wemen, nor the grounds girls walk on during the 8-days of concencration for a fertility house. - -

... the strip of her-cloth is also of senta-mental value to the male, for it was the last woaans laces to ever hug his tiny bally male energys..and was present with him.. holding him when his male eggs were choking starving.. and the feeling of his procreation powers failing and finaly...flopping. and his sperm-making ability stopped.. like a little heart-best...taken away.- -

- - - -

..But our Male has no-way intention of letting this happen. ..The wemen have conversed daily with him sufficiently to pull his heart and mind under submission to a womans power. fact..he delights in the thoughts now of serving this clay house and the females faithfully. the house...which like a woman in its own way.. will become the deep dwelling place of the Male, the womb for all female delights and activity. - -

...especially on days when the cold is penetrating, like a male. ..this weather will see just how powerful this woman, the house, is... its doors, windows..shapes..all in female alignments, so that the structure itself...reflects: 1.the bodys of the builders, 2.their personal relations with nature, 3.their own attitudes about themselves, 4.the activity that goes on it..a house bent by and for its users. - -

... the structure itself..shapely and strong as the female-powers that spiral flood fill and rooot with-in its earthen-walls, blessed as a much as a womb with child. ..the site for this structure is redy to be consecrated by the 8-day Rite of wemen...and so is the male. - -

... the wemen bring the man over to a pit of water, offering him respect and a place to sit.. for they all see in him.. somthing very special... the full presence of the female force.. blessed and blessing the grounds and SHE begins struggling with the Man. - -

...all is quiet as the females begin sniffing and corressing the male. He-then..after seveer masturbating , warns the females that he cannot take anymore sensual stimulation without spilling seed. The male has bin FuLLy provoked... Which meens earths female-forces are also..stirring within her around the trees and grounds and arosuing herself into the plants and clay and earth-persons that are present to feel her consecrations entensify. - -

...they have come to provoke her motherly forces... and she is here, streeming into everything they do and feel, as the vibrations of her power collect and increase on these grounds... she is provoked indeed.. and the wemem welcome her... calling her love into themselves. the male.. terrified at what may happen to him.. slowly endures the moments. as these wemen slowly take control of his mind and essence..using him to call and pleasure her. - -

...the site For this structure is preparing itself. the male has bin fully provoked, which meens the Her-Fem is at its greatest Stim, and HER presence with him is now strongest, drawing all female forces of creation into the area, forces of nature are sucked and drawn into this site composed of plants wemen disturbed-earth and the near-peeking male. you know..the male cannot exist without a female, nor is the female attractive without the male provoked to draw her. and so the area now sings with The forces that makes Trees grow...long..big..hard. - -

...the wemen bigin to touch him all points into the pit of water, so that the water absorbs the energy streams. ..They then themselves soak their skins and pubic areas with this water to xfer the same all-powerful Female forces into themselves, they and the earth being female also...the forces are amplified. ...- -

...these wemen become ''the-great-ones'' charged like clouds they then go about the area, to all nearby Rocks and tree-limbs.. to have orgys with them..and upon the green dew-grasses, spilling their female juices of fertility upon them and soaking up their life also, stimulated by intercorse and bewitched by beauty they make exchanges with all creation, and return to the male, blessed and blessing everything they touch. - - the process the grounds where the building is to be stamped has bin carefully carressed by their feet, connecting them to HER as power flows from them into the grounds and back up them again, moving the clay dirt earth with vibration and brightness of the provoked HER. - -

- -
paper 3b of 3:

...the male Must work among these fiysty pink fetish females, as the move the clays for the structure, and enjoy their toes, watch their fingers and figures twist in the mud and feet stamp new courses of block.. listen to their voices of orgasm and the Motherly draw of ground from layer to layer.- -

...he must also wash the females of mud in the pit of water used for courses to absorb the energy and wisdom of clay.. to become one with the substance the build with and are part of. - -

...all this, daily, for eight days, this includes fun, dances, and foods of great sensual value. licking and teasing to keep the male at extreems. ..After three days the Male begins to Break..his will..his heart..his the womans power increases in him..over him...and back into these wemen and their work. - -

...Great and Strong must the Males Temptations Be...only equaled by the female force aroused by this activity and HIS presence, his urges, and his pull on HER. - -

...His Mind is lost in worship of their bodies by the Fourth Day, ..thoughts of forcing and fornicating..the desire to Fuck All of them begins to grow. ..This of course is kept in check by the Sheer Number of females involved, to keep him from doing it.. who watch and hold him as he goes into this great internal fight with HER..the female goddess forces flooding them. - - the Seventh Day his Mind is hopelessly Eaten by Lust..his own dreams are crushed like seamen.. He no longer sees the wemen as separatly, for all the days of watching them have stirred up mental images of their Beauty into a completeness and a wholeness of the One all-compassing Female-HER. - -

...but not just Them and the House they have piled for themselves... but also with all natures powers...all is feminine, all are become one.. His Mind. ...he must now be watched as a little Lamb by one of the girls kept at his side, unable to stand nor help build, for his heart has become sold, his mind Lusting with images of his constant fellowship with him for days and nights.- -

... his hands and dick are constantly watched..the females must sleep with him on the grounds each night also, to make sure the fantasys melting together in his mind do no manifest themselves in masturbation or spilling of seed. - -

...his dick is always getting hard with these Ladies working and walking and with him on the strucuture, standing on his structure to tees him and break his heart..muddy toes and faces and dirty hair make him go erect, and they try not to notice it nor bring attention to it. butt for them it is the indicator that HER is here in all her BEauty and blessing as they work.. his eyes bouncing over their boobs in the mud...babes bending on the walls as it curves and goes up..- -

...his Long dick is a Welcome site to them...and brings Much Joy, for the Female powers are Winning..the doors and windows are completing..the chattering and Happy GIRLS take their Turns in the mud-straw pit to mix with their feet and pound it into block-shapes..and their pretty tittys show..and bounce and bob about in the Wet Muddy Fabric of their dresses. - -

...the Eighth Night is the worst, the poor male is so FULL of behOlding all this that He is hard for even three wemen to keep down...8 wood have bin perfect..but they managed with cords and other restraints to keep him, and highly sex-tensed...crazed and cross-eyed, strong and fighting blindly with the unseen FEMa till SHE breaks him.. confronting even now.. the final blessings.. and fullest power of the female-forces, limited only by this males capacity to attract HER.- -

... if he makes it without spilling...the new dwelling will HAVE, blest and excited union with all natures forces female...and so the blessings also of fruit and field, and of all activitys held within, foods, fornications, feelings, freedoms, fulness, and, like her nature, ''a place where things are growing better every day'' (are they? is your time-plate records messed with fornic?) ..- -

...but if he'd want to 'stomp' on his balls too!...the poor man sweated and struggled all the night as no other. ..But as the Break of dawn came to the eight day...sommthing in the man snaped. ..from now on he was quiet and submissive to the females and the house they had built for themselves. ..He belonged to it, but lost his soul and his will in the process...THE FEMALE...Has Won. The dwelling was consecrated. - -

...for a place.

- -

end of paper three of three.

- - - -

3 papers of drawings found:

widoe 12-22-97 kneeling over bed with dress flipped over back,
side b: close-up of her back-side: foot lifted and stroaking an erect dick.
12-20-07: two pics: male getting balls stomped for tresspass, weeping girl is over his face, pic-2:weeping girl humping male to fall down like a tree.
side b: you love these things, becuz you -GIVE- them h-ear-t them.
and the cost, is eternal...planted seed. (atleast you know now male is capabale of loving\worshiping anything,, the ones you help, stab you back.
12-20-07: 5 pics:pic1:3 females + male stand outside finished mud-hut, pic2: 3 females walk down path under tree to site to be consecrated,pic3:3girls joining hands in a circle,pic4:red-hair? curled up under window and rubbing her breast, pic5:top-view of two females holding man on back..legs spread apart. side-b:stop re-membering. time! on your plate, choose to write better plate! chooseing a1 a2 a3 people will efect you too. Romans 3:10 ...they are all damaged..and take your eyes out too. ...what drug name? anathetic used in war in anna of green gables a choice.. They come for you.
- -

by-peace (insurances) you will be free to hunt pleasures, to destroy yourself. so they wont have to come for you..peace will leed you into a cruel snare trap, know now that you shall not rise from it. chain is chain.
trap is trap. and traps are spread all across the people.and for the people.
- - - -

paper two of two: sexplanations:

more on the girl who weeped and protected you during penalty for trespass:

...she was greatly embarrased when the pounding and vibrating stopped, after the girlish groaning and panting and cooing and grunting and bucking had ceased. ..she managed to come to her senses. ..she pulled the hair out of her face and rolled off you. and pulled you dick out of her, letting all the steam rise off it to cool and dry, and the rest of you too. and hers also. - -

...she began to blush when you looked at her again, and she pulled the long hair over her face and around her neck again. ..she was so embarrased at herself for not being able to control her womanly urges and not cum all over you. ...- -

...but you cheered her with that look that men give to make girlz smile. and began rubbing fresh snow on her breasts. ..the icy water running down to her titty tips and dripping off. ..she closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling.. and placed her icy heel into your bag to let you know she LIKED you.. alot. and needed to keep her feet warm too...- -

- - - -

...she shuer new how to send you THrUsters up into girly-heaven, you had become the ultimate girl-pumper on her, and she cood not stop or slow down anymore...- -

...and she wood make the ultimate mother, but you wish you had the balls to prove it.(lost in trespass) ...but the wacking and thumping hammering of her girlish bouncy girl rump pressing to your cold ball-less sack had done its worst...- - a way..she had become your new mother, another way, she became Horny ever after that, just a stupid girl that coodnt stop screwing and humping...- - bone-soup games..your member ached for more, but was to worn to grow firm and up into shrank and went limp...Her bosom vibrating uncontrolably at the loss of pleasure, and it soon ceased inside her after the jolting and humping ceased...- - wish you had somthing to give her, a way..her pleasure-buttons were throbing with joy over you, her heart..she was sorry you had no seed to give. ..- -

...her harmonic vibrations were still vibrating and throbing up and down your long thruster when you ceased, and you let go of her boby breasts that have turned hard and firm and swelled big and round cuz of you...

...harmonic. become.mother.heart.cords.balls.tomato..she wishes you had nuts for her feet to roll on them..but i guess you cant now. - master woods-girl wacking your great tree down and pulling the roots of your heart up till you were nothing but ashes and juices for the insides of her woman to enjoy. and gushing uncontrolably up and down over your tuff manly red member.

- - - -

sexplanations paper one of two really starts here:
(half way down the page)

this is for precious readers who have lumpy touchy parts they must keep covered, but secretly want them rubbed pressed and greesed by someone or by someones somthing under theri clothes somewhere. blinded by lust, familys die. swallowing whole households into hell...- -

...sensitive sexplanations for your first impressions: i wont back up to far nor run to deep yet but..after the real touching of sensitive areas on you has begun, it is first..very rain-drops on your rubber-skin, maybe some small finger-nail scratches on your most sensitve tips.. which feels piercing..but short-lived, these little zaps get alot of attention, like thorns on a great rose. - - two at a time: dash-dash, dash-dash, scratch-scratch, but not more..moove over first, dont wear out one area, tees it by stopping till it wants more. ..same with jogging and body-building, the more you do it, the more you want it. ..but you must not give it.. not all the time.. and each time you do must be more exciting..more hard on you.. more passionate than ever before , ..this leeds to wine war drugs and alcohol use. - -

...exceeding what you did before..bursts the muscles involved. ..and 'This is GOOD', for if this is followed by a slow cool-down, 2-hours?, and a long rest, 2 days, the muscles will heal and be bigger because of it. ..redy for the next big throbing and over-doing it. - -

...but..during the time of rest and healing..come strongly the desire to do more again, to keep working, urging, aching, like adrinalin , runners dont want to stop running, running or any excersise gets addictive, and the muscles will not have time,two days, to heal, before you over-do it again. 'This is Bad'.- -

...bad is the opposite of Body-building, and not resting two-days will make you grind yourself down to a frail weak un-energetic body, where powers and urges get less. ..knowing 'when' to Hump is very important. to hump or not to hump, that is the question.- -

...the girl you are chasing 'Wants' to hump, but needs help getting into the mood, picking her up will be easy after she had bin tugged in many ways till she 'wants' to jump on you. the mind that was prepared for 8-days by constant communion with the females, he becomes hopelessly theirs...- -

...touching and little scratching leeds to rubbing and kissing and finaly, stroaking. ..when the male has his dick-nob swolen from rubbing and greasing..female shood know what he is feeling: its like having your bra tied tight around one breast, to make it swell, and then licked, sending sensations of nervous tingling, like thousands of little finger-scratches., and thousands of rubbers rubbing, bring the male mind...first to the joy of being 'accepted' by this one female, then it turns to the members being molested as he seeks to have this mistreatment continue..- - can tees him by stopping or blocking it..but if you dont twist and rub him more...he will loose the level of passion you brought him to. ..he may draw back into protection to avoid the female..but i doubt it. is healing..and hold back every few moments (pause hours or days to build up his muscle (desire:for doing it..watching it..coping it..writing it..etc.) - -

...will make him more horny for you, not less. Female side of passions cant be different ? ..- -

...if your back at stroaking him again he must be getting big and erect by now, as he focuses on pleasing that one member and getting molested by a girl, ..but then... somthing else happens: the rest of his body begins to enjoy the stroaking, the sweaty cool plump ball bag is feeling the tender touch and press of the cold object coming down on it. - -

...this object is invited by the ball bag to press harder when ever it comes by to touch it. The-Moment of the cold object touching pressing and leaving a new sensation and emotion for the male, wither the object be a hand , a ball, a bag of ice, a womans rump. (note:sensetivity of any member can be increased by choking it till it goes numb, freezing or druging it to bring nerves to the top). - -

...this new sensation + emotion is like a man feeling your dress..there are things inside that enjoy the pain and pressure and nerve twitching and nard pinching. but for a male, all these exciting things are all tied up in one little bag the size of a mushroom. - -

...when you are stroking the swollen dick-nob, surrounding it with exciting things..kissis of slick rubbing and swelling it (paper 1b-of-2 sexplanations starts here) with thrusts down upon it, you soon make it long and hard, and the thruster-hole you send it threw can now travel the full length down the shaft to the bag and slam-press into it, awakening new emotions. - - you got two places calling for affection, and for different reasons: swollen end nob, and the bag of secrets.. which also swells tight when it sore needs to. ..the best thing to to try to please both of them now.- -

...stroaking the long shaft: 1.going over the swollen cherry, covering it with sensations, 2.then tightening your grip on the rod to cram itself threw. 3.then purposely slapping-hitting the ball-bag at the end of the thrust. sending male into an emotional confusion as all these passionate things happen in one stroke, over and over again. - -

...his mind then turns from your acceptance of molesting him, to minding his bag and pleasing his Nob at the same time.. with all its feelings.. he wants to hump you. ..he is thinking of your body.. all of it, trying to find how this can best be done, cuz all parts of you are attractive at this point. - -

...his own body begins to meet your trust by jumping or jerking up right at the moment he thinks your going to hit his ball-bag. ..this is so he can get the pleasure of one moment more pressure on the ball bag, hitting it hard and exciting all its contents with pain and baggy mushroom pleasure. - -

...he can now continue thinking about your body, all of it, each part that excites him the most, and thinking of wemen in general, or a picture of one posing in the room, his mind can focus on it, and pretend he is balling her, or enjoing the one he has got with him now.. - -

...which is sometime hard to do when he cant see you (or can) cuz you are pressed up to close against him, or he fears you cant stand him starring at you like he wood a girl magazine while humping himself...if it really makes you feel uncomfortable.. the male may sense it..and become embarrased also..
and stop stimulating... - -

...but lets get back to the thrusting and bag-pounding and girl-watching, much like milking a cow..loosely go, them adding more firm pressing as you go down it: greese rubb press pound release, going back up for another run. But a firm stroke with a slam of firm pressure at ball bag does somthing else, it makes the shaft tighter, harder, and longer!, and swells the rubber cherry end bigger and darker. ..- -

...Now, wood be a good time to stand him on his feet, this sends more pressure and feeling into his now very long dick sticking way out from him, you can try to please him with strokes on your knees, but its best to go tree climbing, just jump on him and lock yourself into place with your feet and legs around him. - -

...then feed the big long rod into yourself. ..he holds you up by gripping your rump with both hands, like holding two sacks of grain, he must now pull your rump into himself, and bang it against his ball bag if he wants more, but thats all right, your leg-hip action will squeeze it more, just has his body-jerks did when he rose to meet the thrust on his ball bag.- -

...together you two make a totality of intense pleasures emotions and teases...and the male can go back to thinking about wemen, as the pumping and thrusting pleased his balls and Tip over and over again...- -

- - - -

...what is the woman getting out of all this? ..i imagine the breasts are getting tite and sweaty, but not hot, colder. ..she is busy trying to please all her parts too. so she can think of what she likes best to pretend she is doing in her mind-fantasys., while all her organs are getting stroked and played with, over and over again. ...- -

...these are the fun and romantic moments for female and male, his cold stiff bag, and her cold breasts.. this can go on for hours if proper moments of stopping and teasing are added. ..but if for to long, members grow weary worn out, and become bone-soup..a limp time when passions are strong when stroked, but nothing stays erect, passions cant build and be pleased. till rested?-

- - - -

...what happens next, with or without stops to tease, is exciting. Wither it be the Male first, or the Female. For the starts with happy thoughts of screwing his imaginary girl-girls (and most-likey the time when ideas start coming together for writing them down as tale fantasy or documentry) in his mind, as he is getting thumped by you. - -

...but sooon his movments to meet yours become more than just happy humping and dreaming.. he actualy starts to 'WANT' you.. in a bad way... his thoughts begin to focus back on you, how he can please you, and what you are doing to him, or deeper he goes with the girl in his dreams..(to later write down what happened?) - -

... the pulse quickens, the heart-cords of a man surrender completely to the woman, but his throbbing and pressing may become slower, more passionate, and the thrusting...irregular. ..he cannot stop or pull back now.. you can, but it wood be very cruel, (as when red jammed her foot between widow and male.)- -

...he wood hate you for a good way, breaking his heart and balls for you, trying to peek, but lovers can be cruel... - -

...if this is happening to the man, he will become deeply driven to pump you with ALL his mann-power, looking deeper into your woman with his soul, trying to reach the female somehow closer with every pound of his aching dick bone-hard now, and bent on thrusting you with no mercy.- -

- -

paper two of two:sexplanations 12-21-07

...but at the same time, he is getting weaker in other areas, parts that were firm are now shaking, he has a weakness for you and loves the female, your thrusts will then surrender and trembling, and if he falls to his knees because of your thumping, it is because the female powers are winning. - -

...the male is most sensitive on his knees, and the most big and pleasing to the female. ..If he wants to survive this cruel contest of love, he will be wise to lay you on your back, but this may drive the female crazy with passions..- - may be best to fall back himself and let you continue on top of him, in this position the thruster does not grow so big and sensitive, and the males nervous shaking and trembling(which the female enjoys)becomes less. ..and now the man can enjoy the girl without working for it... except for up-thrusts when he feels the female coming down. - -

...he can enjoy the Hair, the girly face, the boobs, the legs and feet, and of corse his hands on the cool bobing rump going up and down on him. - -

...but soooner or later, this submission to the female (the lack of his ability to quit) and total enjoyment of her, and thrusting her, goes into the next stage.. Somewhere along the ride, and pleasant musick of sofly thumping in Love, and unstopable interest in the female, the poor man feels it coming, a horrible dizziness, like someone who drove to fast past the 'danger - bridge out ' sign, and knows he cant go back, - -

...the mans feeling for the woman re-focus on her own heart, and who she is, his mind goes from: wanting to thrust her deeper, to:pleeding for forgiveness, He cant understand what is going on. His mind become blank as this passionate bodied girl sends him up to mans-limits, filling him with wonder and fear of the woman and her powers to do this. - -

...the balls must be flooding with seamen now, cuz as the pounding continues, it is obvious that somthing else is rising inside him. The joy of pounding becomes the joy of planting, and he can hold it no more, one or two more thrusts from the woman bursts wide open the mans poor emotions, he has left the earth and is flying threw girl-heaven. - -

...a great big zap inside his dick sends the Highest Messages of respect for girls into him that he has ever felt or known. and it also sends a great big splurt of seamen shooting and zapping and spewing seeds full of hope. - -

...but the female is totaly unaware of what is going on, she is to happy thumping and waiting for her own urges to turn uncontrolable, and then thrusting and then peeking over into orgasmic affections (highest respects for the man?) made clear by gushing girl-juice. - -

...since the female does NOT know that the male has started to zap, she keeps pounding him, which makes more zaps come, and the buzzing and zapping continues uncontrolably, bursting the mans mind with her hips flying him into girl heaven, and pouring his poor soul into a love-lock with wemen that is dangerous for a man. Each pound of your Rump into him is now weaving his heart and soul in and out of yours, spirits become kindred, joined together, forever,procreation,genitals,moving,energizing. - -

...if you are kind to the man, you will see when this is happening, and stop to let him peek and spill, finishing it himself, but if you finish him yourself by humping him longer, the zaps will keep zapping and he will belong to you forever, hopelessly, a broken man. - -

...which is why fornication is only for married people, to help them endure the results of their choices, and broken hearts are mended together. female calls him''my-man''... it is a joining of body soul and spirit, so you DO-NOT want to get involved with someone. (their lifestyle or other relations will also become apart of you) - -

...but for now it LOOKs fun, male resists female efforts to finish him, and let her female power win the struggle to press on, so she can peek to, can be an endless nightmare for a man, never escaping the woman. ...that which is flesh is flesh, if you plant these things, you will eat the fruit also, choose life in christ instead, living in the flesh, but not for the flesh(pleasures)..- -

- - - -

paper 2b of 2:sexplanations:

...seedless Males have no protection. They are vulnerable to Female attacks for sex (diseases) because their ability to spill seed is gone. - -

...if you want fornic, you must plant fornic. if you want death, you must plant sin. if you want life, you must plant christ. if you want well, you must plant marriage. if you want better, you must plant your own gender. if you want needs, you must plant water and seeds. if you want more more, you must plant less less. (things that are lesser) put value on ..move values all xfrs there is profit.. on this side of eternity, choose the ones that will leeve the greates effect in forever..when time outlawed.

- - myspace please. no more d+d character- -making adventures..we need you helping us now. find a farm i like and you like. come. we have work to do.

- - NOT go to college, or i will loose you, they want your mind, and you obviously got it. Leader . president. let the dead bury the dead. you must get away get away get away.

- -

end of paper two of two : sexplanations notes.

- - - - -

paper 1 of 3: lined-papers

this kind of dividing of data (or.chores) cood be used in any subject of household of RETS vs. CHORES
- -- -
...draw red after kick for sperm-sock (see drawings, she stand bent over breasts hanging between legs.) shows as she is after flooring you, getting kicked by her for taking the load in her sock. -

- --
...Question - Answer games: Q-A: Mark each division of the material. a division is usualy four-to-seven lines of story-line, a piece of the puzzle that cood be used in other places. all notes of nite-of-the-balling shood be devided for uses in this way. - - their separate divisions differently by letting the Reader make a decision followed by where to go, eg.what division to read.
- --
...possible goals:peek male, peek female, de-ball male, score with red brown or black girl, finish them before they finish you. peek male and female, make it to 40 moves without spilling-getting seed. or make it to 66 moves without doing any of the above possible goals.
- -- banks of re-sorted divisions simply to tell a different story. mix divisions. the reader follows your pre-scribed list of divisions in an order the YOU have written for them to be redd. can make several stories from simply resorting the devisions.
-- -
..finish the story: leeve parts out from the original for Reader to fill in.
-- -
..time-limit:reader must reach the goal in so many moves.
-- -
..ratings: eg.40moves:disinterested,30moves:aroused,20m:stud,10m:girls favort
-- -
..trap trap trap trap everywhere you go.
-- -
frequency:how many times in one night, eg.30moves,can you:
1.stud:get laid,buck a girl,2.Lamer:get kicked in the balls,find kissing,get hands on your balls,get feet on you dick
-- -
choices:must be life also, for they leed to christ or away from him.
-- -
i love to watch the pioneer house wife standing by a cold stove and leaning over it and seeing her dress bounce cuz someone has lifted up the back, bucking her with short hard jolts, screwing her blind with pleasures.
-- -
life:if you know what-where these choices are leeding to, jump ahead two spaces.(good advice for any situ) dont waste your days, sons of man.
- -- that add-or-subtract points from:turning girl on,off,boy,
-- -
humanity:mankind! your human-families, their welfare, that was your buisness, not Money-trick, now women-games, not wine-sports, people have needs, compare this with not-needs, pleasures, eternity results, matthew-chapter.25.

- -
lined-paper 1b of 3: 12-23-07: mankind WAS your buisness, not money, not women... jesu your blood for my sins, your spirit for my goings.
-- -
add to femn1207 collection lewd acts listed in the bible..see data stored at meadow-view old-order-mennonite newville pennsylvania, in the insulation.
-- -
..Happy are the merciful..(to themselves and others) for they shall obtain mercy, they who love pleasures, will taste death also, and has CHOSEN death and wickedness for their houshold, full-of,and continualy.
-- -
..salt that lost the taste of salt, is unfruitful trees.
-- -
you need both to balance both. the problem with serving mankind to seek their welfare, is that it brings you to wemen, and then to desires to serve only her.
-- - dont sew to the flesh to reep its fruits: list the-works of the flesh listed in the Bible.
-- -all that hate(avoid)me(christ)love death,serve death ARE the people and priestess and workers of SATAN.
-- -unconscious:IN-WAR:neutral,unable to seed, unable to respond(correctly) she that liveth in pleasures,is dead while she lives.
-- - add this to older-female complaints: widoe on 2nd nite:
..she wants it, and yet she does not want it. ..cant-stop yet wants not to be pregnant. add also 'wasps-nest':tied-bag twist stoaking stroaking for bone-soup problems (cant erect). broken heart mind male is same:wants it but fears may loose heart spirit vision or balls:generations of wemen are standing on it, suddenly lost by females temper moods or broken heart...-
- --
..all my tales come from thoughts spawned by wacking-off, or trying to.
-- -
..a family is protection, for right thoughts or defense for a group.
-- - see diary and heart-pad for related words of the 'time'
-- -
..not sustainable gardening: one generation cannot live this way and expect another to also. ..a way of life that is harmful to body soul spirit, pollutions,sanitation,food-sources:not local,not seeds.
-- -
..people can be talked into anything, or out of. you just have to be there when they fall, to keep them? from falling, or to make them fall,its called incouragement, but thankfully, the right people, are not always available.
-- -
..if you are wicked, praise god! for he maketh it to rain on just and unjust.
-- -
lined-paper 2of3:12-23-07: i am he that searcheth the reins and hearts. the trial and purging of the heart. its gods favorite work with man.
-- -
...ear to hear let him hear, report of deeds, to him that overcometh..
the people fell a lusting in the wilderness. NOW you know what it feels like, and god slew them, still burning!,and, thanks to someone writing records, are able to see this fault, and change. where no man can see, without records.
-- -
...therefore is fire come out from the lord, and burned up many of them, and they are still burning today!
-- -
...LEEV-Separate yourself from this evil camp which by record says you entered 12-18-07 and have not departed since.
- --
like your own blog-messages sent to people, you will not be able to receive what HE has for you also, if you ACCept (h-ear-r) wickedness(naked) in your tents.
-- -
come out, be holy, watch you, be clean, give thanks to your Maker.
if you return(rebel against lust)..HE(your god) will turn to you.
-- -
...the floods came, the winds blew.. and when they do, where will those riches pleasure lusts images be? time-spent ON them. ..destroyed, and your name-works with them.
-- -
...come jesu, come when all i want is lust and death.
..god will test you seven times, to see what you will choose: HIM or YOU.
- -
- - - -

slap-slap-slap, hey! wake up little ball bag, this girl wants to play with you. her message:call me, i want to touch you. cum to me!..
- -
..more red-girl nfo on brownys Nite - 2nd night of the balling:
holding pressure on the bag with the ball of her foot made your balls ache for her. must have closed one of your love-nerves, cuz one of your legs was twitchin, like a jack-rabbit, you did not dare look up at her for fear you wood hurt yourself on her devilish smile. - -
... your urge to get more of her wood compel you to pork smash yourself on her female-sized nut-buster, she was just being nasty to you, no other women wood do this to you, only the young can get away with it. and you stood your ground, refusing to be defeated by her youth, resisting the lust she was pressing into your mind with her feet on your balls, and waiting for the female forces to be appeased. ... - -

...she was having fun playing with a male gender, and IN this house a girl cood pursue it undisturbed, and to her satisfaction, whatever she decided 'that' shood be. ..she did not seem like a 'cruel' mistress, and wood hardly burst your balls on purpose..- -

...reasons for bursting your balls:ignorant curious jealous foolish angery moody horny hungry and-or the worst of all...unsatisfied, wanting to get a new male she must first 'crush' the present one. stepping on and removing all your seeds. - -

-- -

more nfo to add to 2nd-Nite ? you with widoe: 12-27-07:
widoe showed me another bone-soup game for males that wont erect. called the cannon-ball, she wraps her dress-material around her fist or foot, powdered with her breasts or wiped on other sensual area with spits or cums as she feels need to tees you. - -

...then she walks up to you, lifts your limp dick up with two fingers, your body-position wont matter, just so that the ball-bag genitals are in firing-range exposed , and theN rams her dress-padded fist-up into them...causing no pain whatsoever, depending on wraps she wraped it. -

... and it feels pleasant to get this THUD, and she keep ramming it into you, a few at a time.

- --

if this dont make you erect, it will make you horny, and want to press and hump yourself, which makes it go away. is better to let the cannon-ball make you horny, and then use the urges to stroke dick, pusing into the sack also to make dick go straight hard. .then you can pump the shaft without much ball contact for a real great fuck..even if you just cummed a moment before,
you will cum again. bing bing.

-- -
12-24-07: more about widoe:

she spits and cums on your dick when mastubating it with her feet, besides tying it up for soup-boning.. you and widow share dreams and feelings alot, her main fears:pregnancy , snakes, stabs,bites,grabing, dreams of being forced, dreams of loosing balls, fears of seamen, fears of male not accepting her. - -

while she talks she rubs the little white balls in wonder-awe, feeling their little round shapes, knowing that all wemen cum from these, and she cood not be here without them. And many wemen to cum depend on the little things her finger Tips are now touching, generations of girls are standing upon its little life.

- -
(put with bone-soup in 2nd-nite ? tale where male is with widoe in morning?

first impressions: a big heavy farm woman, full of toothy(missing)smiles and well aged motherly air, lover of hospitality. -
- -
sexual impressions: noteable only after she has aroused you and removed most clothing...Her size is intimidating, you cannot get yourself interested in such a big woman, but after SHE had got you can hardly see yourself with any other. -

...if she were half as big, with same features, she wood be to horny-attractive to even look i guess her size helps, she is the ultimate presence of the All-Powerful Female. -

...but is her salt-smelly bigness that sexualy scares a Male. (mixed with raspberry-wine smells is more soothing). it takes patience and carefulness each time to convince yourself that you can please somthing that size, and that she can please you, terribly, without crushing you. - -

...and that you can awake All her female and she will not harm you with it.
and that she can take your plunging and your Load, and satisfy you...just being near her gives contentment. ..she is like a mother to me.

- - - -

lined paper three of three: 12-25-07: Mind Wars with Mind Wores

...the Holidays Man choosed to re-mem-ber.
...what you plant (in time) may grow one day (eternal) you see now where these dangers are taking you? others? results? fruit? sow more lust,reap more sin...- -

...when the root has entered, the feelers can spread out, then other parts will grow. ..when the story-line has bin layed:fornic femn1207 xvizn606 evolution bible,mission statements,love-letters,sex-writings...etc.
then the feelers will spread, then other things can grow. food grows where water(people) flows. - -

... all we need is your h-ear-t time, the first great commandment.
... here are some feelers starting to grow from fornic femn1207: sex writings - five ways to use words: prayer praise eat do receive. --exodus 40.- -

...ask your Reader to: finish the story, connect the dots, get into it, apply it, publish it, add sound-effects songs, correct-spelling, as author i find adding or missing a word while preparing for paper-print stimulating, maybe a version with sensual-words left out for readers to..fill-in the space.

... emotions:what is the girl thinking, wanting, or shood want to do to you. ..what shood she say when kicking you. what did it really feel like? correspondance your answers? by mail? Answer HER questions:what did it feel like when i stepped on your balls? do you want to hump me, describe how. crab style? on the straw? can i be nude? will you let me walk naked on your penis. or sit on your lap without my clothes on? can you screw me when girls are holding my feet up? what did female want to do when male kept knocking him down?

...what color was his balls in the shoe. what shood female say when male fills her with milk:wow! you got alot of seamen...what shood browny say when bending over the strawbales for male?:give me more seamen for my shoes.

...write what you wood do to browny: in her dress: if you give this book to another male, she promises to fuck you forever...what wood you want browny to do to you: Hold red-hair still. what wood you say to her to make her horny? she has hip like a jewel..- -

...sound effect: bang splat thump sexual-sounds:oooh eee aaah, list new words for:clothing,body-parts, wanting or having sex. list most emotional moments of the Nites, most horny to reed, most painful, most romantic...Ask browny three questions:do you masturbate, are you virgin, did you ever ball a girl or steril a male? - -

...answer her questions to you:do you got sperm? do i make you horny? when? what kind of primitive dress wood you like to see me in. can you love me for me. or do you just want to fuck me, how, how can i help you do both? - -

...devotions for males: thump booobs balls feminine gentle
...devotions for females: ruff hairy masculine big.
...what shood the wemen do to the girl who tried to spare male his punishment
...widow wants to know: do you like licking my big bottom and doing it in my feet , red-girl wants to know: do your balls still hurt, do you want me to suck on it? do spend one-hour a day thinking about me, what if another girl needed you, wood you help her with me? will you promise to Fuck one girl in your nayborhood if she looks like me? humping me in you mind when you do it to her. can you find one within 30 days ? what steps wood you take to see it done.

- --
list words with their intended meenings, new words:bone-soup:a tired over-sexed body that wont erect, balling:doing it to a girl. ask reader to add or make words, connect dots, count the pots, add a body or foot, color it. see childrens coloring-books or fantasy-board-games for mental-connection ideas. tell them to draw what they imagined things in the Nite to look like.
it will then become THEIR story, and not just a story anymore..but them.
- -
answer:ask jesu to wash away your sins so his spirit can gide you. then trust him to do so.

- - -
lined paper 3b of 3: see land1207.txt rets landing eating colonizing by finding seed-catalog growers in the area. or any growers cattle workers etc.

-- -
other demensions:
1st person: he dont look at me, he just takes it like he loves the feeling.
2nd person: my poor balls got pushed up everytime she kicked me.
3rd person: as her beautiful foot thrusted in, his poor little member thrusted out, the two worked as one. the two danced like this forever.

?2nd person: your dick muscle shot straight out every time her foot went in.

-- -
total papers listed last to first: 3 lined-paper notes-ideas-additions, 2 sexplanation papers, 3 paper drawings, 3 tribal female-house consecration rite papers, 14 papers of the nites-of-the-balling. total:25.papers.
time wasted december 18 to 28 days of 2007 on 'your' time plate. do not re-mem-ber till same time next year. on this side of eternity, plant things you will want to see again. when the dead rise. what rewards will be burned? what rewards will stand.. what souls were list by not watching? how many rets will this cost? will they have enuff water and seeds to burn time on this too?
-- -
and a postcard of 3 girls dressed in ancient-greek dresses by a pool feeding fish, the painting is 19th century, this maybe a few photos of pioneer girls outside their sod-block houses...may have.. in-directly.. influenced my thinking, for, these items were standing in my room all year collecting was not till this document was finished that i noticed the pictures on the wall again, and that each contained..only 3 wemem..and each..very similar to the wemen i pre-scribed...even in some gross details...for such old felt like family... but looking in to their faces...i noticed...that time and place dosnt matter, the smiles they have in the old grey photos remind me that feelings and emotions and fantasys never change no matter where you are in history...and so..they shood NOT be shared. -- -
dislcaimer: we wood never want anyone to talk nor act out the things found in this femn1207 document, and 'WHY' i released it..i do not know...maybe small exceptions for married people. but for the rest of us...we shood treet one-another as brother and sister, however possible, for anything less, like fantasy behaviour, will destroy us ALL... if your own fantasys dont first...
-- -
sad it is that mans heart hides so much evil.
-- -
bible people dont marry till age 40
-- -
Miss-spellings found in this document are done on purpose, to make you think, and it is my style, and it is my virgin rite to do and view things differently. god may it ever be. but married people face pressures to conform that i do not need know of...
-- -
..the First snowfall Really fell Today, and when i awake it felt like i died again, cuz the whole world looked different... snow covered everything, closing up ten solid days of writing fantasy non-stop... sealing it forever.
-- -
..i can not beleev males even 'HAVE' thoughts like these...but for one moment, i will forget all restraynt warnings...and just write it out like it feels...for it will never cum threw me again...making this document:femn1207 very-very important to me...for i am a virgin...and have never touched a female in any way...nor do i got access to PoRno-writings or pORnO-anything...which meens femn1207 is very-very original...and i am glad i wrote it.-
-- - you can tell by looking at it, i must be at the 'edge', and have very-very few moments of my 'pure-ity' left...unless i choose to keep virgin-pure forever.
-- -
..for...i fear terr-ibly some girl will come along and take it all away from adulteress will hunt for a precious the coming of the first snowfall...she will cover everything...blotting out even the world i knew...just like i died...nothing will look the same again.-
-- -
..but...until then...when-ever i see packed-snow....and 'WANT' to 'Ball' Her on my Head.... earth gives the Warmest hands....Widoe....brown...and..


- -

- -


December 10, 2008 6:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

begin copy: (not htm mooshd)
4-15-08 and papers one of two:
the miracle is the words of god, spoken, and believed. not emotion, not signs, not faith, but effect: faith in gods words. john6:29
spirit of document: words that bring-to-mind the song, when all you have is this when out camping. see also strawberry-songs 3-31-08, if gods words are light than we Are in a spiritual-battle. words against words, worlds, kings.

prefix: (check for accuracy) xmat5,6?,7,xRev1,ps107,1john14,4?,deu6:4-5Heb,xRev2-4,col3:15-16.2cor4:6,xps93,gal1:3-5grace2u, th-wr.brdolif,songs 17-37:2thes2:16+17,xEz28:12-19,ps139:17-18precious are yrth,xRev6,ps5:7+8+12butas4me,xPs.82,ep.1thes2:19,3:12,4:1:ipraythatthe it not you,john3:8,xRev8:7th seal,jesu:mx?:luke6:35+36+45b(mat5:44):love enemies,xIsa29,john15:5,ep.1pet1:7trial.attrevofj,song#30:xRev9:1-12:5th trump,luke21:36counted worthy,xPs2,ps148:praise all ye,john20:17,xRev9:13-21:6th angl,luk10:41:mx:care=anxi-s,song#37:acts:show unto us the way of salvation.?,xps6:O-lor rbukme-not,songs 38-59:
ps89:15+isa3:1+10:20+30:12+48:2+ho13:13:mx:blesed rthpepl whokno thjoyfl-sond:3x,prov30:5+6,xRev10,ps74:22prv31:9:Arise an pleed,xmark13,jam1:12:blsdisthmanwho-ndrstmp,ps19:14,xRev11:1-14,samuel-ps135:5?:4iknothat..thL.lvt,x:mx:thy-shtd crucify-him,ps21:thKingshljoynthystrng, ep.:mx:?:ltus-not grwry whldngd,song#50:xRev:11:15?-19:7th angl,xpsalm22:Eli Eli Lama,ps?:(rom12:19,le19:18,lu18:3)donot say-ay i..wl repay-evil:2x.wt4thL:2x.anhewlsvu,ps27:10-13:whnmyftr,xRev12:awmn clthd,xPs23:YwYis myshprd.,Job?:ikno.whtsovrgd dth.itshlb4evr-er,ps56!:In gd! iwl,ep:col2:16+17:xm:donotltany1-judg-U..whch R-ashdo.ofthgsthtRcmn:2x..bttbdyischst,substnc,xRev13:666,songs 60-80 of 110: deut5:29(1ch4:9)mx:O-thtihd schnhrt-nme,wl children!,mbro+sis,thy+ol,ps116:15+?+mx:Hw prcs,isa38:19+ez18:31,isa38:17b,41:9ps?:th-livn-man..he shlpras-u.asidothsday:2x,xRev14:144,000, song#64:Isa13:ThDoomofBab,ps126:6+3:He thtgoth,weepeth precious seed,ps9:6-8:o-tho-en-nemy.dstrctnsRcm2nnd,xRev:15?:sevenvials,song#68:xIsa14:3-27:A-nd feller,song#69:ps18:1-4+31:mx?:i wl love thee oL!,ps130:3+4:if You O,xRev:a mystery.a womn.mystery-baby,xRev15:3b+4:(chant)manifest, song73:ps134behold!,xRev:18???..comotof her,song#75:isa63:1-6:(band)whoisths, song#76:Zech3:7b:If You wl wlk,xRev:19 correct wording:(men-sing darkly:)Allelujah! slva hnr glry b2ourgd (nar:yng-man boldly+slowly:) hehth jdgd thgrt-whor. wchdid corpt-thrthwth,right-of saints+?spirit of prophecy,song#78:ps121:5-8:ThL.isthKepr!,song#79:Rev19:11-16:re-sung,song#80:xRev20:Andisaw anaglcmdnfmhvn1000 years,songs 81-110 of 110:xEx15:1-19:Iwlsing.un2YwY.,ps51:7+john1:29:mx:purgme.wash-me,song#83:xRev21:1-8,song#84:xRev21:1-8,prov.16:18:pride cmthb4,song#86:x2thes2:1-17: aboutthcoming,xRev22:Anhe shwdmea pure river,song#88:xpsalm100:(not aggresive)Makajoyfl,prov16:3:(slowr)co-mit.roll.,song#90:prov14:26,27(in hebrew)fear.children.fountain of life,xEz31:2b-31pharo,song#92: xEz13:(live), xisa26,27,28,53,55,42,xjoel1,2,3,xjohn10,17,15:live,xmatt23,xps6,24,38,8,8,misd:2thes2:17,james1:17-20(woman-singer),xHab3(hrd-rock-music),total:110, my two songs:ho14:turn2thlo-ord!,micah7:18-20who is a god,more songs:
reggae: dont follow babylon...him always wrong. work for a living. i am a family man, i am i am. tin soldier. international panic. hello baby krishna.
other nwo notes found on paper: ???
end of paper two of two 4-15-08 scripture-songs cd-rw notes.
-end of prefix- forthtime wlcm whnthey wilnt 'end-uR'sound-words, but heap2thmselvs 'gides' via itchy(ilikethis-emotional?enchantment?)h-ears.
forthouhst glorifiedthy WORDS above-all-thy-name.

main song-list mem:, else is
mx:a mixture of scriptures, bible concepts and-or authors own words added.

- - - -

ree-mayd.txt - - - - v2-27-08 . 2pm responses
got back from mayden108.txt love-letter posted to many girls at\deuda_m ??3sp in jan-2008 BLOGC.TXT not1but liked parts misd cuz
pntd alrdy COLDH.TXT see pic DUNO.TXT not1but liked EUP.TXT not1but liked
maydnz.txt LIVIN.TXT godly answer: your fantaseez are killing you!
RUBR.TXT JESSY.txt not1but liked sass.txt no1but liked. accendently sent
her eup! strange-girls respond better if you ask them to send your
love-letter to someone they know. eg.please send 'so-and-so-name' this
message, i cant find her. (then post girls like
to reed stuff. and feel for you if they think they can get in2you.
3nd-hand. they feel they have in-site to you, a secret advantage.
blogc.txt - - - - from clipd 1-23-08 I'm sick of getting off by
myself. I need you to rub your hard cock all over my clit and make me cum.
I want to see that throbbing head slide between the lips of my pussy and
get all wet with my juices. You can slowly thrust into me just to get me
excited, and then when I'm screming your name you can start driving me as
fast and as long as you can. Feel my nails down your back and my hips
thrust up at you. And then when your on the verge I want to take that hard
dick of yours in my mouth and suck until I feel the hot cum spurt on my
tongue, tasting you and me. I'll suck and suck till every last drop is
out. And that's only the beginning...etc.. I held his dick steady and
lowered myself onto him until my ass was resting on his balls. His cock
felt swollen and huge inside me, and I could feel it jerking before I'd
even started to move. Stripping off my blouse, I unhooked my bra and
Mark rose to bury his face in my breasts, sucking and licking at them. As
I began moving up and down, I savored the attention he was giving my tits.
Then I gasped when he took a nipple between his teeth and rolled it around
with his tongue. I hugged him closer to my chest as he nipped and nibbled,
unable to do anything but moan and keep rocking on his dick. Then the
gentle fucking wasn't enough; I needed to be fucked senseless again. I
began riding him as hard as I could, slapping my cunt against his pelvic
bone and digging my fingers into his pecs. "You need it hard, don't you?"
he asked, and then lifted me off him before I had a chance to agree. He
pulled one stocking leg off my foot and then spread my legs as wide as
possible before sinking his dick back into my sopping hole. "Yes!" I
cried so loudly that it was almost a scream. I had never felt so
completely full, so animal-like in my needs and desires. Mark fucked me
relentlessly, hard and fast, and I never wanted it to stop. "I can't hold
back much longer," he warned, and I squeezed him tight with my pussy
muscles to give him the go-ahead. A second later, I felt Mark's cock
swell inside the tight confines of my cunt. Then he gripped me even harder
and gave an almighty yell as he shot his load deep inside me. I collapsed
onto the floor as his hot cream filled my body, those seductive black
pantyhose now ripped and ruined but still attached to one of my feet. Then
I sucked the traces of our sex off his softening cock until he was
completely clean. "You should dress like that more often," Mark said,
sighing deep as he stroked my mussed hair. "I intend to," I told him as
I peeled off the damp pantyhose. The next morning, I put them in Mark's
pocket so that he would find them while he was at work and be reminded of
what a kinky night we'd had together. When he called me at lunchtime, I
got him off again by describing what had happened in graphic detail.>
HYPERLINK "" 10:06
PM - >- - coldh.txt: Might I ask what your strange fascination is with
me? And I know you not, for I do not use xanga much any longer. And what
is your name? And do not hate, there is too much in the world as it is.
Learn to love, learn to appreciate, learn to live. Do not focus on the bad
things in this world for it will drag you down with it. Might I ask what I
have to do with all of this? And the use of such a long message? And pay
no heed to my previous posts, for they are not me any longer. Like I said,
I halted my updates for this site. How can you use me when you know me
not? I could be a horrendous person, you never know. And I do know a man
takes something of a woman's, but often the man leaves something behind
for the woman. It has been done. I will not be able to reply to every
question nor every subject due to lack of time. Which makes me ask how the
hell you found time to write all that? And I cannot tell you my heart, for
it is the mystery left for those willing to figure it out. Quite honestly,
I do not follow rules. Not unless I know they make sense and serve a
purpose. Did you know a lot of what you wrote contradicts itself? Once
again I ask how you can write that to me. What makes you say all that?
Posted 1/24/2008 11:42 AM by ColdHearted20456 - delete - flag Spam
Bullying Sexual - - duno.txt: feel weird inside. 9:19 PM - add eprops -
add comments - email it Thursday, January 24, 2008 im really excited i got
a new book NINETEEN MINUTES by Jodi Picoult '-->marlenes rubbing off on me
again lol 4:01 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - email it Tuesday, January 15,
2008 you know what! let whatevers supposed to happen HAPPEN no me importa
lo que pasa ya making MY dreams come true* 4:40 PM - 4 eprops - 2 comments
- email it Sunday, January 13, 2008 making my dreams come true 6:36 PM -
add eprops - add comments - email it Friday, January 11, 2008 you know...
today i realized that im stressed. ive been braking out and it only
happens when im getting my period which is not the case right now; being
stressed sucks but INT really helps :] 7:19 PM - add eprops - add comm - -
eup.txt: Thursday, January 10, 2008 People views on sex.Where can i find
my type of people? The friends i have, i don't know anymore. I don't feel
a connection with them at all. They're just there or i am just there. I
hate it. Feeling like i'm just there with no real purpose other then to
make bold statements now and then on how i view things in comparison to
them. Hitting them down so to say - i'm very sarcastic and that can be
draining, i believe what i believe. Sad to say i'm narrow minded
sometimes. Where do i find people who are like me? I can't handle them, no
they're like i don't know. Sleep with people for the heck of it. Because
its fun. FRACK!!!! It upsets me. I do believe in some traditional view
regarding sex and how far to go with someone you are dating for like a
week. I don't know. They have no logic. I can't take that. I know sex is
apart of life, how we got here in the first place but i hate how its being
abused and taken likes its really nothing serious. Is sex just the in
'thing' to do when your in highschool? Think about AIDS and other
STD's/STI's, they're not invincible, condoms don't protect you 100% - slip
ups are most likely going to occur. I worry for them. Everything is just
about sex. May be i'm just too naive and sensitive on the subject on sex
but thats me for you i have never actually been with someone, i don't know
what its like but i'm feeling the pressure to find someone - and jump
right into it with closed eyes when i'm simply not ready for sex. I'm so
terrified. My mother worked at a school for 1-6 year olds... the stories
she has told me -horrifying- 6 year olds have done more then i have and
that makes me sad yet again. When your 6 years old your suppose to do
things that don't involve sex be care free and all that. When i was 6 i
wasn't aware of what sex was and i was happy. I miss those times, i do. ha
ha ha. Today, they have to know what is happening in the real world and be
prepared to make mature decisions but thats going to hell - its all a
joke, a big fucking joke. These few weeks i have been slowly losing my
mind. Funny people in my mind are staring at me, mocking me, making me
feel like i'm an alien on this planet for not having sex when most teens
are going wild on it. What are your views on sex, would it horrify me?
lol. I'm just kidding, i accept we all are our own person. Just, you
should do what is right for you.. be considerate of others/ be careful but
who am i to preach. I wonder if "real love" is out there, somehow i doubt
it is for me being cynical sucks. I needed to get that off my chest, sorry
if it offend people but again if it does boo-hoo. i'm a loser and i'm
17(almost 18 in 3 months) and our attitude is a 'i don't care' one. What
would you do in my situation, how would you cope if you had my views? I
lecture because my parents do, i realized. Awh noes! Me is doomed.
hahahaha. -m PS: let peace be with ya. and when you find it please share!
livin.txt: - - - Hello slave, no i don't write nice either,hate me if you
please,but i meen well. i call you slave because you are one, a slave to
self, the worst kind. all your words & logic say "i do nought but that
pleases me" this is why you "do-not". i don't care if you know all this,
you don't KNOW it , so i write. what does our creator care about ,slave ?
the souls of man kind. this should be the concern of you & i, not our joys
& pursuits. our selfishness causes polution in the souls of our fellow man
& the earth. we cannot free ourselves , slave, we must have help. but yet
again, God wil not free one who will not free them self. both are true.
(this is faith.)you must obey the truth you have & the door to freedom
will open. this is HARD. you are no more evil than i. (meening you are
evil & so am i.)humans are evil, not our flehs & bone, but our soul. the
only difference betwen us is you know the truth but do not. we are damed
by what we know. i do the same thing but i will not give up, i will keep
the truth in sight & go 4 it. by this i shall be pure through he who is,
the Lord Jesus Christ. slave ,the hereafter is your choice. time ,though
valuble, is not more so than one soul. you should read my blog, to the
end. fantacy is killing you. good by slave. amber PS i'm not the only one
with my pass word, as you may have figgured. Posted 1/27/2008 8:50 PM by
living4god4ever - deletelivin.txt: - - my reply, as a general statement: i
was thinking about love letters the other day . and how much they mean,
how many smiles. and how well they go with a cup of coffee. and then i
open yours . initial reaction? . pretty surprised . questions of who, how,
why. you can't blame me for asking, right? questions of how many times our
paths have crossed in reality if at all . and looking over the faces of
the familiars . for any sign of life, or what great signs of poetry. so
moving on from curiosity to wariness . my feelings are strange even to me
. and my heart is easily given, but just as easily bruised. and taken back
for repair . and, in all honesty, i have a reserve in mind . pale eyed and
making notes that linger in the air. and my own head . and i look forward
to the walks and talks . but feelings, reciprocal? don't know . do care .
but, though my heart seems tied . it's not yet bound . so you want to
know the steps . the handbook of my game . with all its complicated rules
and tricks . and attention span . step 1: catch the eye. it's simple,
really . it can be as easy as me seeing you . really seeing you . and
knowing you're special . one look . one shy smile . i'm not big on the
initial reciprocation . because eyes and smiles are generally intense .
have you noticed that? . eyes are windows . windows show the world that
goes on for miles . and sky that's endless . is there ever any wall to the
eyes? . i think not . so there's that . simple, i know . i guess maybe
complications are kind of filled with simplicity . people are easier to
figure than you think . but the glances are important . shyness that does
not imply being shy . and eyes that glaze over with intentions . it's a
big step, so lightly entered into . without a lot of regard to
consequences . on to step two: . the little things. i know, i know . i'm
repeating myself . but compliments . fingers slipping between fingers .
little notes slipped into books . kisses stolen because you just can't
wait . but waiting is important . don't get me wrong . integral part of
the wooing process . and all . but moving on . step three: . there is no
step three . it's all different and i must say . i'm no good at this game
. i lose pretty regularly . and go directly to jail is something i hear
quite often . bankruptcy, all my pink fifties gone . this is monopoly .
not hungry hippos . definitely not candyland . which i always like because
the snow queen was so pretty . with the blue hair? . so my point . i don't
know how to win . and i guess i need a better playing partner . had some
bad ones in the past . and one of us always trips up the others . i like
to say things fast . and i'm not a novelist . not in the traditional sense
. so my only questions are as priorly stated . because there is no picture
for relation . and no id to tag thee . so i'm at a loss . i'm sorry . but
i can't fall for a blank slate . even if pretty words are gift with
purchase . do i know you? do we talk? . are those pretty words stuck in
your head when we look at each other? . all those shy smiles with no
sentences . and maybe lingering music notes? . that's the end of this
particular sonnet . and i have nothing more to word . but i'm interested
for yours . so let's hear it . let's hear the secrets . and the sonnets .
continued on page three . end. Posted 1/25/2008 2:26 PM by
rubberbands4liberty - delete - flag Spam Bullying Sexual - - jessy.txt:
Saturday, July 14, 2007 Sergei leans against the sink, watching me lower
myself into the bath. The hot soft water felt so good now against my
passion pussy. I cannot help but looked at the growing bulge in his pants
as I relaxed in the bath with hot water, and involuntarily I start to
touch my pussy, under the bubbles until I let out a low moan. Sergei
looked hard at me and I cup my hands over my wet breasts, rubbing my
thumbs over my strong nipples. I couldn't stand the excitement between my
legs any longer, and hooked one leg over the rim of the bathtub. Sergei
looked at my exposed pussy; his dick was going so hard to get out of his
pants now. So I put my hands down my body, ending between my legs. I
slipped a finger inside my wet pussy, and start to massage my clitoris, he
started moaning. Unable to take any more Sergei pulls his zipper down,
letting his hard jerking dick flip out. Stroking it his eyes never leave
me, we both were looking at each other watching what our hands were doing.
Our gaze remains locked as we continued to relax ourselves. "Oh God I am
going to feel orgasm", I moaned. In an instant, Sergei was beside me,
pulling me up to my feet. His hard dick was between my legs, I push my
body against him. The head of his thick strong dick lay against my wet
lips, pushing them apart, allowing the rest of his hard dick entry. He was
kissing me, and gripping my body hard as he started thrusting into me. I
feel goose bumps from the cold fresh air, but his body was warm and very
hard pressed against me. I cling to him, and he quickens his trust deepest
and deepest inside me. It was the feeling of nearing orgasm had returned.
I gasped as the waves of orgasm ripped through my whole relaxed body. My
pussy spasms around Sergei's dick. It was everything he needed to push him
over the edge. He shot his hot cum into me, pumping harder and harder
shooting more. 8:44 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it Saturday,
June 30, 2007 He still wanted to tease, slowly pulling it out and then
slooooowly sliding it back in. I thought I was going to go crazy!! I
reached forward and grabbed his ass with both my hands and pulled him deep
inside of me and held him there. I bit my bottom lip, closed my eyes, and
tilted my head back, enjoying the feeling of being completely filled. He
squeezed my tits with both hands and started to go in and out faster. I
groaned to show him thats what I wanted. I stuck two fingers in my mouth
and sucked on them while he pounded my pussy harder and harder. I reached
down and felt as his dick went in and out of me.. 8:19 PM - 6 eprops - 3
comments - email it Thursday, June 21, 2007 He was about come and..."Oh,
and then he squirted, honey!...He shot his juicy cum in my mouth and his
cock was twitching and just kept shooting...Somehow he got his finger back
in my cunt and pushed it in really far and then started fucking my hot,
little pussy again while his cock emptied in my mouth. I swallowed all of
his warm cum he had and figured he was done, but he wasn't honey. He was
really a young stud and after he finished coming in my mouth, his dick was
still hard...He pulled me up by the didn't really hurt, but he
laid me on my back and got on top of me." Moving over her, "he rubbed his
chest on mine and my tits were brushing across his muscular chest and then
I reached down and took his hard dick in my hand and put it against my
clit...He moved the head of his cock around, massaging my clit...Oooh, and
honey, the head of his cock was just so close to the opening of my pussy
and I couldn't stand it anymore and pulled his dick inside of me and he
just buried his cock in my pussy. Oooh, honey, he was fucking my cunt
really gooood, and he held my tit in his hand and caressed it and, well,
you know how that just drives me crazy when you do that. I wanted him to
come again....mmmm....I wanted that warm spunk of his to fill my pussy. I
didn't think he'd be able to come again so quickly, but he
did...mmmm....we came together...honey. Hmmm...and honey, I was moaning
and making a lot of noise as I came. I think he tried to quiet me down by
putting his lips over mine and drowning out the noise but I was shaking on
the bed and he just kept fucking his cock into pussy until my body tensed
up one final time...I could feel my fingernails [tear] into his back...he
pinched my nipples between his fingers and thumbs even harder and mmmm,
....he really squeezed hard. My whole body quivered and I knew he was
filling my hot pussy with his cum, honey...mmmm, it felt so good, baby, it
really did. I still wanted to fuck him some more, and then suck his
cock....wanted to taste his cum mixed with my pussy juice and just suck it
and suck it...I wanted him to come again and squirt his warm
cream onto my tongue." 4:10 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - email it Saturday,
April 21, 2007 Tonight I'm going out with my hair made up and in the
sexiest black, low cut, tight dress I have, with black heels and thigh
high stockings. I'm gonna dance and get hot. I'm gonna be so sophisticated
and fuckable. And when I get home I'm gonna get on cam with someone and
strip down to only the stockings and heels. I'll do it slow and teasing
and I'll let that someone pick the toy they want me to use and tell me
everything they want me to do, and I'll do it like a good little slut.
Will that someone be you? Please make it you. 3:18 PM - 2 eprops - 1
comment - email it Saturday, April 14, 2007 We have fun splashing each
other and swimming in the waves then you pick me up and carry me back over
to the blanket. As we lay down on the blanket I know that you are going to
take me to paradise again. You get on your knees between my legs and start
rubbing your cock over my clit. I arch my back to trying to get your cock
into my pussy. You then slide just the tip of your cock into me teasing
me. You start sliding a little more each time and you feel my pussy
tighten around your cock wanting more. I beg you please give it to me. You
slam your cock into me as I arch my back. After a few strokes you pull out
and tell me to turn over. I get my hands and knees as I look back at you
knowing that I am going to get my ass fucked. You grab the oil and squirt
some into my ass. You then rub the oil into my asshole and slowly insert a
finger into my ass. I moan oh yes that is what I want. You then rub some
oil on your hard cock getting ready to give it to me. You then slowly
start to put your cock in my ass. As the tip of your cock slides into my
ass you reach around and rub my clit. I then shove my ass back sliding
your cock into my ass, moaning yes. You start to slowly stroke in and out
of my ass going a little faster each stroke. I can feel your cock
stretching my tight ass and it feels so good. Also, I just found this
great article on Adult Online Dating, maybe it will help everyone get
happy and laid. 9:14 PM - 4 eprops - 2 comments - email it
----- <> False xanga - your site - terms - privacy - jobs - help - press -
join - Language safety - parents - law enforcement report inappropriate
content - - jess.txt: sass.txt: - - - - wow
u really spaek ur mine n let what u think is right not change by what
everyone else says!!!! im on ur side ive never had sex n my view on it is
if ur in love n if ur married than have the time of ur life with ur love
but if other wise than wiat the time will come when u will b reasy for
sex!!!! teenager arent ready to have sex they jus are hormonic n they
think they are ready but they arent.They are just in the prosses of
becomeing ready!!!! im goin to wait till i am married yes the preasure is
tough but im standing for what i think is right!!!! i think its geat u
speak ur mind n u can talk to me ne time!!!! =) your friend n a person u
can talk to ne time!!! =) Amber!!!! Posted 1/31/2008 5:25 PM by
sassy_babe_4_ever - delete - flag Spam Bullying Sexual -no end-

- - - -

Hello slave, no i don't write nice either,hate me if you please,but i meen well. i call you slave because you are one, a slave to self, the worst kind. all your words & logic say "i do nought but that pleases me" this is why you "do-not". i don't care if you know all this, you don't KNOW it , so i write. what does our creator care about ,slave ? the souls of man kind. this should be the concern of you & i, not our joys & pursuits. our selfishness causes polution in the souls of our fellow man & the earth. we cannot free ourselves , slave, we must have help. but yet again, God wil not free one who will not free them self. both are true. (this is faith.)you must obey the truth you have & the door to freedom will open. this is HARD. you are no more evil than i. (meening you are evil & so am i.)humans are evil, not our flehs & bone, but our soul. the only difference betwen us is you know the truth but do not. we are damed by what we know. i do the same thing but i will not give up, i will keep the truth in sight & go 4 it. by this i shall be pure through he who is, the Lord Jesus Christ. slave ,the hereafter is your choice. time ,though valuble, is not more so than one soul. you should read my blog, to the end. fantacy is killing you. good by slave. amber PS i'm not the only one with my pass word, as you may have figgured.
Posted 1/27/2008 8:50 PM by living4god4ever - delete

- - - -

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Sergei leans against the sink, watching me lower myself into the bath. The hot soft water felt so good now against my passion pussy. I cannot help but looked at the growing bulge in his pants as I relaxed in the bath with hot water, and involuntarily I start to touch my pussy, under the bubbles until I let out a low moan. Sergei looked hard at me and I cup my hands over my wet breasts, rubbing my thumbs over my strong nipples.
I couldn't stand the excitement between my legs any longer, and hooked one leg over the rim of the bathtub. Sergei looked at my exposed pussy; his dick was going so hard to get out of his pants now. So I put my hands down my body, ending between my legs. I slipped a finger inside my wet pussy, and start to massage my clitoris, he started moaning.
Unable to take any more Sergei pulls his zipper down, letting his hard jerking dick flip out. Stroking it his eyes never leave me, we both were looking at each other watching what our hands were doing. Our gaze remains’ locked as we continued to relax ourselves. "Oh God I am going to feel orgasm", I moaned. In an instant, Sergei was beside me, pulling me up to my feet.
His hard dick was between my legs, I push my body against him. The head of his thick strong dick lay against my wet lips, pushing them apart, allowing the rest of his hard dick entry. He was kissing me, and gripping my body hard as he started thrusting into me.
I feel goose bumps from the cold fresh air, but his body was warm and very hard pressed against me. I cling to him, and he quickens his trust deepest and deepest inside me. It was the feeling of nearing orgasm had returned. I gasped as the waves of orgasm ripped through my whole relaxed body. My pussy spasm’s around Sergei's dick. It was everything he needed to push him over the edge. He shot his hot cum into me, pumping harder and harder shooting more.

8:44 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

Saturday, June 30, 2007

He still wanted to tease, slowly pulling it out and then slooooowly sliding it back in. I thought I was going to go crazy!! I reached forward and grabbed his ass with both my hands and pulled him deep inside of me and held him there. I bit my bottom lip, closed my eyes, and tilted my head back, enjoying the feeling of being completely filled. He squeezed my tits with both hands and started to go in and out faster. I groaned to show him thats what I wanted. I stuck two fingers in my mouth and sucked on them while he pounded my pussy harder and harder. I reached down and felt as his dick went in and out of me..

8:19 PM - 6 eprops - 3 comments - email it

Thursday, June 21, 2007

He was about come and..."Oh, and then he squirted, honey!...He shot his juicy cum in my mouth and his cock was twitching and just kept shooting...Somehow he got his finger back in my cunt and pushed it in really far and then started fucking my hot, little pussy again while his cock emptied in my mouth. I swallowed all of his warm cum he had and figured he was done, but he wasn't honey. He was really a young stud and after he finished coming in my mouth, his dick was still hard...He pulled me up by the didn't really hurt, but he laid me on my back and got on top of me."

Moving over her, "he rubbed his chest on mine and my tits were brushing across his muscular chest and then I reached down and took his hard dick in my hand and put it against my clit...He moved the head of his cock around, massaging my clit...Oooh, and honey, the head of his cock was just so close to the opening of my pussy and I couldn't stand it anymore and pulled his dick inside of me and he just buried his cock in my pussy. Oooh, honey, he was fucking my cunt really gooood, and he held my tit in his hand and caressed it and, well, you know how that just drives me crazy when you do that. I wanted him to come again....mmmm....I wanted that warm spunk of his to fill my pussy. I didn't think he'd be able to come again so quickly, but he did...mmmm....we came together...honey. Hmmm...and honey, I was moaning and making a lot of noise as I came. I think he tried to quiet me down by putting his lips over mine and drowning out the noise but I was shaking on the bed and he just kept fucking his cock into pussy until my body tensed up one final time...I could feel my fingernails [tear] into his back...he pinched my nipples between his fingers and thumbs even harder and mmmm, ....he really squeezed hard. My whole body quivered and I knew he was filling my hot pussy with his cum, honey...mmmm, it felt so good, baby, it really did. I still wanted to fuck him some more, and then suck his cock....wanted to taste his cum mixed with my pussy juice and just suck it and suck it...I wanted him to come again and squirt his warm cream onto my tongue."

4:10 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - email it

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Tonight I'm going out with my hair made up and in the sexiest black, low cut, tight dress I have, with black heels and thigh high stockings. I'm gonna dance and get hot. I'm gonna be so sophisticated and fuckable. And when I get home I'm gonna get on cam with someone and strip down to only the stockings and heels. I'll do it slow and teasing and I'll let that someone pick the toy they want me to use and tell me everything they want me to do, and I'll do it like a good little slut. Will that someone be you? Please make it you.

3:18 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - email it

Saturday, April 14, 2007

We have fun splashing each other and swimming in the waves then you pick me up and carry me back over to the blanket. As we lay down on the blanket I know that you are going to take me to paradise again. You get on your knees between my legs and start rubbing your cock over my clit. I arch my back to trying to get your cock into my pussy. You then slide just the tip of your cock into me teasing me. You start sliding a little more each time and you feel my pussy tighten around your cock wanting more. I beg you please give it to me. You slam your cock into me as I arch my back. After a few strokes you pull out and tell me to turn over. I get my hands and knees as I look back at you knowing that I am going to get my ass fucked. You grab the oil and squirt some into my ass.
You then rub the oil into my asshole and slowly insert a finger into my ass. I moan oh yes that is what I want. You then rub some oil on your hard cock getting ready to give it to me. You then slowly start to put your cock in my ass. As the tip of your cock slides into my ass you reach around and rub my clit. I then shove my ass back sliding your cock into my ass, moaning yes. You start to slowly stroke in and out of my ass going a little faster each stroke. I can feel your cock stretching my tight ass and it feels so good.

Also, I just found this great article on Adult Online Dating, maybe it will help everyone get happy and laid.

9:14 PM - 4 eprops - 2 comments - email it

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False xanga - your site - terms - privacy - jobs - help - press - join - Language
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feel weird inside.

9:19 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

Thursday, January 24, 2008
im really excited
i got a new book

'-->marlenes rubbing off on me again lol

4:01 PM - 2 eprops - 1 comment - email it

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
you know what!
let whatevers supposed to happen HAPPEN
no me importa lo que pasa ya

making MY dreams come true*

4:40 PM - 4 eprops - 2 comments - email it

Sunday, January 13, 2008
making my dreams come true

6:36 PM - add eprops - add comments - email it

Friday, January 11, 2008
you know...
today i realized that im stressed.

ive been braking out and it only happens when im getting my period which is not the case right now; being stressed sucks but INT really helps :]

7:19 PM - add eprops - add comm
- - - -

blogc.txt - - - - from clipd 1-23-08

I'm sick of getting off by myself. I need you to rub your hard cock all over my clit and make me cum. I want to see that throbbing head slide between the lips of my pussy and get all wet with my juices. You can slowly thrust into me just to get me excited, and then when I'm screming your name you can start driving me as fast and as long as you can. Feel my nails down your back and my hips thrust up at you. And then when your on the verge I want to take that hard dick of yours in my mouth and suck until I feel the hot cum spurt on my tongue, tasting you and me. I'll suck and suck till every last drop is out. And that's only the beginning. Let's cam and see if you can keep up.  HYPERLINK "" \t "_new" I'm always wet and willing right here. HYPERLINK "" 3:12 PM -  HYPERLINK "" 2 eprops -  HYPERLINK "" 1 comment -  HYPERLINK "" email it
Monday, January 21, 2008
I went shopping the next day and bought the sheerest black pantyhose I could find. The next morning, I put them on under a skirt without panties, marveling at how silky they felt as I peeled them up my legs. My lack of panties meant that I felt the nylon against my flesh all day, and that got me really wet, as did knowing that my juices were soaking right through the flimsy material. I got so aroused knowing that the sheer fabric would be redolent with my musky scent, and I wondered what Mark would think when he got between my thighs. Would he be as turned on as I was? The answer was "yes." His eyes grew wide when he saw my nylon-encased legs, and he just stared as I walked into the living room, sat down opposite him and crossed them so my skirt rode up. "Come over here," I said. "On your knees." When Mark had complied, I slowly uncrossed my legs and opened them wide. He moaned as I pressed my nylon-encased toes to his nose, then grabbed my foot. He began licking my toes, his stubble prickling my sensitive flesh and rasping against the delicate mesh of my stocking. Then, breathing in deeply through his nose, he brushed his lips across my toes before taking them in his mouth and sucking. "Your feet are so beautiful," he told me when he finally stopped. "Worship them," I commanded. "Show me how beautiful you think they are by licking every inch." When I pushed my other foot into his face he switched to that one, licking and sucking until the nylon was slick and shiny. It felt tickly, almost unbearable, as he French-kissed my foot, forcing his tongue between my toes. Then he licked along my arch and laid kisses on my soles. It turned me on to see him there on his knees-I felt like a goddess before him as he lavished his affection upon me. He caressed and massaged my feet as he kissed his way up my calves, and I raised my legs so he could get closer to my pussy. Next, he licked the backs of my knees through the stockings, working his mouth up my thighs until he found the point where my juices had penetrated furthest. "I can taste you, Tina," he moaned. "Take out your cock," I commanded, and he did. It was already hard, harder than I'd seen it in years, and I hadn't even touched it yet. I put my damp, nylon-covered toes on Mark's shaft and he groaned loudly. "Why have you stopped licking my pantyhose?" I asked, increasing the pressure of my foot on his cock. He returned to lapping my juices from my thighs but by that point, I was starting to get impatient. Grabbing the back of his head, I planted his mouth firmly on my cunt. Mark began sucking on the nylon that stood between my pussy and his probing tongue. "You like that, don't you?" I said. Mark's response was muffled. "Do you want to fuck me now?" "Oh, yes, please," he moaned, trying to stand up, but I stopped him and said, "Not so fast. Get undressed and lie down. You haven't finished eating me." I positioned myself over my husband's face and soon felt his tongue poking through the pantyhose in a desperate effort to reach my cunt. He sucked me through the nylon, and I sighed when he caught my clit between his teeth. Encasing Mark's bulging cock between my stockinged arches, I started giving him a foot job. I pumped his shaft up and down with the insides of my feet and pressed against his balls with my toes. I had never done that before, and the sight of his cock between my feet was so sexy, as were the noises he was making. He was going crazy-the fine mesh of the pantyhose must have felt like nothing he'd ever experienced before. Working my feet over his shaft, I curled my toes and flexed my arches to press at his flesh. His dick looked so good against the black nylon, and soon his balls tightened as he shot a huge load all over my brand-new pantyhose. Mark wasn't the only one getting excited. All that licking had made me hotter than hell, and seeing him get off drove me over the edge. I came then, too, drenching my pantyhose with more of my fragrant juice. I was stunned at how turned on we both were; it was crazy how sexual those sheer black pantyhose had made me feel. And our evening was far from over. Mark was hard again almost immediately. Climbing on top of me, he pulled my pantyhose down to my knees, thrust his cock into my cunt and began pumping. Being fucked like that by my husband felt so good that I moaned in disappointment when he suddenly pulled out. However, all he did was switch positions. He put my legs up over his shoulders so that he could feel my nylon-clad legs against his skin, and I squeezed my inner muscles to grip him even harder. I don't know when I started to come, but I just couldn't stop. I bucked up to meet Mark's thrusts and it was as if we were moving as one. He massaged my stockinged calf with one hand and cupped my fleshy asscheek with the other, squeezing hard. Then, using some of the moisture from my cunt as lubrication, he wormed his finger into my asshole, soon slipping it in up to his knuckle. I yelled for him to fuck me harder, so he pulled out, flipped me over and told me to get on my knees. I did and pushed my ass toward him, desperate to get his thick cock back inside me. "Fuck me," I begged, and Mark slid his prick back into my cunt. He began slamming into me, gripping my hips and squeezing hard. As he moved in and out of my clutching hole, I pushed back at him so that he could thrust in as deep as was physically possible. It felt so good as my husband impaled me with his dick, his hands grasping at my hips as I clawed helplessly at the floor. When he pulled out I knew that he was trying to make it last as long as possible, so I pushed him onto his back and sat on his face. He licked my pussy until I came, and then I leaned over, took his cock between my lips and sucked off my salty juices. I deep-throated Mark for a while, then it was time to be fucked again. Turning around to face him, I held his dick steady and lowered myself onto him until my ass was resting on his balls. His cock felt swollen and huge inside me, and I could feel it jerking before I'd even started to move. Stripping off my blouse, I unhooked my bra and Mark rose to bury his face in my breasts, sucking and licking at them. As I began moving up and down, I savored the attention he was giving my tits. Then I gasped when he took a nipple between his teeth and rolled it around with his tongue. I hugged him closer to my chest as he nipped and nibbled, unable to do anything but moan and keep rocking on his dick. Then the gentle fucking wasn't enough; I needed to be fucked senseless again. I began riding him as hard as I could, slapping my cunt against his pelvic bone and digging my fingers into his pecs. "You need it hard, don't you?" he asked, and then lifted me off him before I had a chance to agree. He pulled one stocking leg off my foot and then spread my legs as wide as possible before sinking his dick back into my sopping hole. "Yes!" I cried so loudly that it was almost a scream. I had never felt so completely full, so animal-like in my needs and desires. Mark fucked me relentlessly, hard and fast, and I never wanted it to stop. "I can't hold back much longer," he warned, and I squeezed him tight with my pussy muscles to give him the go-ahead. A second later, I felt Mark's cock swell inside the tight confines of my cunt. Then he gripped me even harder and gave an almighty yell as he shot his load deep inside me. I collapsed onto the floor as his hot cream filled my body, those seductive black pantyhose now ripped and ruined but still attached to one of my feet. Then I sucked the traces of our sex off his softening cock until he was completely clean. "You should dress like that more often," Mark said, sighing deep as he stroked my mussed hair. "I intend to," I told him as I peeled off the damp pantyhose. The next morning, I put them in Mark's pocket so that he would find them while he was at work and be reminded of what a kinky night we'd had together. When he called me at lunchtime, I got him off again by describing what had happened in graphic detail.HYPERLINK ""

December 17, 2008 4:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my reply, as a general statement:

i was thinking about love letters the other day
and how much they mean, how many smiles
and how well they go with a cup of coffee

and then i open yours
initial reaction?
pretty surprised

questions of who, how, why
you can't blame me for asking, right?
questions of how many times our paths have crossed in reality
if at all
and looking over the faces of the familiars
for any sign of life, or what great signs of poetry

so moving on from curiosity to wariness
my feelings are strange even to me
and my heart is easily given, but just as easily bruised
and taken back for repair

and, in all honesty, i have a reserve in mind
pale eyed and making notes that linger in the air
and my own head
and i look forward to the walks and talks

but feelings, reciprocal?
don't know
do care
but, though my heart seems tied
it's not yet bound

so you want to know the steps
the handbook of my game
with all its complicated rules and tricks
and attention span

step 1: catch the eye
it's simple, really
it can be as easy as me seeing you
really seeing you
and knowing you're special
one look
one shy smile
i'm not big on the initial reciprocation
because eyes and smiles are generally intense

have you noticed that?
eyes are windows
windows show the world that goes on for miles
and sky that's endless
is there ever any wall to the eyes?
i think not

so there's that
simple, i know
i guess maybe complications are kind of filled with simplicity
people are easier to figure than you think

but the glances are important
shyness that does not imply being shy
and eyes that glaze over with intentions
it's a big step, so lightly entered into
without a lot of regard to consequences

on to step two:
the little things
i know, i know
i'm repeating myself

but compliments
fingers slipping between fingers
little notes slipped into books
kisses stolen because you just can't wait

but waiting is important
don't get me wrong
integral part of the wooing process
and all

but moving on
step three:
there is no step three
it's all different and i must say
i'm no good at this game

i lose pretty regularly
and go directly to jail is something i hear quite often
bankruptcy, all my pink fifties gone
this is monopoly
not hungry hippos
definitely not candyland
which i always like because the snow queen was so pretty
with the blue hair?

so my point
i don't know how to win
and i guess i need a better playing partner
had some bad ones in the past
and one of us always trips up the others

i like to say things fast
and i'm not a novelist
not in the traditional sense

so my only questions are as priorly stated
because there is no picture for relation
and no id to tag thee
so i'm at a loss

i'm sorry
but i can't fall for a blank slate
even if pretty words are gift with purchase
do i know you? do we talk?
are those pretty words stuck in your head when we look at each other?
all those shy smiles with no sentences
and maybe lingering music notes?

that's the end of this particular sonnet
and i have nothing more to word
but i'm interested for yours
so let's hear it
let's hear the secrets
and the sonnets
continued on page three

Posted 1/25/2008 2:26 PM by rubberbands4liberty - delete - flag Spam

Thursday, January 10, 2008
People&my views on sex.Where can i find my type of people? The friends i have, i don't know anymore. I don't feel a connection with them at all. They're just there or i am just there. I hate it. Feeling like i'm just there with no real purpose other then to make bold statements now and then on how i view things in comparison to them. Hitting them down so to say - i'm very sarcastic and that can be draining, i believe what i believe. Sad to say i'm narrow minded sometimes. Where do i find people who are like me? I can't handle them, no they're like i don't know. Sleep with people for the heck of it. Because its fun. FRACK!!!! It upsets me. I do believe in some traditional view regarding sex and how far to go with someone you are dating for like a week. I don't know. They have no logic. I can't take that. I know sex is apart of life, how we got here in the first place but i hate how its being abused and taken likes its really nothing serious. Is sex just the in 'thing' to do when your in highschool? Think about AIDS and other STD's/STI's, they're not invincible, condoms don't protect you 100% - slip ups are most likely going to occur. I worry for them. Everything is just about sex. May be i'm just too naive and sensitive on the subject on sex but thats me for you i have never actually been with someone, i don't know what its like but i'm feeling the pressure to find someone - and jump right into it with closed eyes when i'm simply not ready for sex. I'm so terrified. My mother worked at a school for 1-6 year olds... the stories she has told me -horrifying- 6 year olds have done more then i have and that makes me sad yet again. When your 6 years old your suppose to do things that don't involve sex be care free and all that. When i was 6 i wasn't aware of what sex was and i was happy. I miss those times, i do. ha ha ha. Today, they have to know what is happening in the real world and be prepared to make mature decisions but thats going to hell - its all a joke, a big fucking joke. These few weeks i have been slowly losing my mind. Funny people in my mind are staring at me, mocking me, making me feel like i'm an alien on this planet for not having sex when most teens are going wild on it. What are your views on sex, would it horrify me? lol. I'm just kidding, i accept we all are our own person. Just, you should do what is right for you.. be considerate of others/ be careful but who am i to preach. I wonder if "real love" is out there, somehow i doubt it is for me being cynical sucks.

I needed to get that off my chest, sorry if it offend people but again if it does boo-hoo. i'm a loser and i'm 17(almost 18 in 3 months) and our attitude is a 'i don't care' one. What would you do in my situation, how would you cope if you had my views? I lecture because my parents do, i realized. Awh noes! Me is doomed. hahahaha.

PS: let peace be with ya. and when you find it please share!

December 17, 2008 4:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

libb1208.txt - - - - v12-29-08

things do at library:

print and post:

send her menu:

put these on cd+stk

included post-me and print-me versions


here are the things
posted in december 2008

love1208.txt -did - -v12-9-08 mental-flashes of maydn.
lovd1208.txt -print -v12-17-08 'loving' not.'in-love'with her.
hip1108p.txt - - - - v12-23-08 collection of hipgnostic for print
king1208.txt - - - - v12-23-08 eye like it...but what does 'she' see?
lion1208.txt - - - - v12-21-08.txt ah! th-lions heart-part for maydn.
mydn1208.txt - - - - v12-26-08 9am ..package from maydn. sent17,came-24th
youb1208.txt - - - - v12-27-08 girl-boy phone-call thots
dfun1208.txt - - - - v12-27-08 fun-dream.
sole1208.txt - - - - v12-29-08 out of new girl-input grew new-dreams.

each is full of love.
and longings.
to love you more.

by the heart-keeper.

we both come from our fathers Hearts.
yet we both must out-do them!


only moments of 2008 left
and im still pouring-out
love-letters to the most
powerful queen on Earth!

-no end-


- so forgive if they got
...a little...viscious!



December 31, 2008 12:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

love1208.txt - - - - v12-9-08 mental-flashes
of maydn. (.next comment.) (.too-dazed later:) hmm.? --> here is the start
of a... love-letter: eye have never put words in your mouth before? but
the parts 'she' says about 'me' true. she says to him: come here!
be-you-tah-ful goose! eye accept you. eye favour you. may my deeds. tell
you. over and over. eye love you. (.burp.) -- For i have noted... The More
Yor Heart Trembles With Passion At my beauty... the more 'Romantic' Your
ex-pressions dew-becum. -- (.sigh.) sending-me. heart-Throbeeeings. so
in-tense. my =beauty= grows. on you... making it even more difficult for
yor Trembles and passions to cease. ...causing you new pain! well?
bad..! ...squeel little gofer. ...squeeel for all your worth. shreeek!
like a gofer trapped in a gofer-trap! ...eye have cawt you! no more cold.
no more self-ish nites alone. only warm moments with me at home. doomed
to cuddles and kissis and living short of breath in passions for the
smelly gofer .you mated with... all these eye will do to you. you
have done them! ... to me. (.end of tale.) (.end of putting words in your
...mouth..) (.many kissis.) thankyou. (.one more kiss.) (.to make you
tingle.) please note: this 'tale' came from thots at night. very
hard to catch! of-when you lovingly spoke of your mans funny-fobia with
gofers. -- (.next.) (.simialar scribbles:) (.sigh.) after opening my
package she was very emotional. you must never get-like that befor calling
me...! between the snifflez. and the'sob's. she said words eye now wear
with pride: ::::you meen alot to me, just know that.:::: (.sigh.) those
words of hers have kept me from trouble.. ..........alot!. -- eye too!
want to say: ::::you meen alot to me, just know that.:::: (.sigh.)
(.emo-poem.) gofer-girl berry-girl garden-girl ........... sister and
mate? friend and mother? queen and bride. ........... How? can One little
'MISSY.' meen so much to me? bee so beautiful to me? inn 'so' many ways!
the loveR-ly creature who comes to me in my night. steps on my nut. and
says: squeel little heart. squeel just for me! -- (.more.) what are the
results? a heart that loves her. thinks every way to pleez her. 'flick'
her nerves. meet her 'needs'. do it with passion! -- ideas.methods: use
questions.not accusations. keep it simple so she can add. reverse gender
if it fits. make it more 'graphic' (.small-thots need big-words.) - -
capture a romantic-thot by its 'parts' before getting-up. say words that
help you remember the 'parts' else when the light comes on. eye forget
what eye dreamed.! -- dear maydn. its nice to 'have' you. and these
feelings for you. eye-treasure-them. and eye post them. it almost seems
like a command that a woman shood be loved ...'by' her man. but i do it
cuz you make my heart go '-BOOM-'. ...nothing less. and it help guys know
what to look for. when eye go '-BOOM-' and eye get to paint it! cuz i
know all about it every time your lovey squishy mooshy letters come.
(.major ouch-eey.) '-BOOM-BOOM-' -heart out of order- -Road closed for
repairs- -no u-turns- (sigh.) (.end of comment.) (.day two.) strange thots
are 'ringing' on to paper. off the paper on screen. off screen. on much love. by 'keeping it simple' the reader is free to add
detail and gender as fits. At Last! eye can write somthing meaningful to
my mate... listen to her! x-amples of what 'beautiful' is..! this has always haunted me. eye write somthing gorgeous.
but wonder... wood this be her?? Maydn sees my struggle and my
tears. she likez me4me. but also when eye try to pleez-her. her-way. she
wants a 'relation=ship' to sail and find out what... a ship a
woman. ...hmm? ?? me and you in a... ship=stick-ing=lifestyle. depends
'how' and where you get your .water and seeds. (.think think think!.)
creation needs creator. picture needs painter. (.end of that thot.) - - -
- (.next thots.) Lust? dreamee? a-Crush-? Fond-Of-You? Can your-Male
'please' take pictures of what is flashing in his mind when he thinks of
Me? what does it Look like? What does he See? what is He trying to catch?
the secrets of his own-heart. on paper. Why does he do it just for me?
(reversing gender and reading this message to myself is shocking!) What
''Thots of Me''cood possibly be..swoosh-ing! around when HE whrites the
words 'Boing' and 'Burp'..and 'Beautiful'. (.Next.) When Eye deudam sleep
and think of her, the first thing i seem to see:is her smile-ing! face.
...i feel 'acceptance'. (.the deep kind.) ...with that gate passed... I go
on to her Body... eye see a Woman in a pretty dress! (.blinds-me.) ...with
that gate passed... i either go to lusting and King-Lion thots...Or eye
go to (.next paper.) No matter what thots it is..
always a 'throbbing' question is humming inside: ::What can i do to please
her:: ::What can i do to please her:: ::What can i do to please her::
(.she twists and turns for me!) If eye 'Let' her she turns my attention to
talents help-full to making a House...a Home. be practicle. - - but inside
me...the words ::What can i do to please her:: Turn Very dufferent
Turns.! like this: - - eye keep seeing a beautiful girl playing OR doing
some.. things in the Garden. she bends she twitches... she makes my heart
throb-just-one-thot: ::What can i do to please her:: - - know
what? it must take a stead-dee and a beautiful Heart-Beat for Her to be
'Able' to RUN and 'Jump' and climb.and plant. and throw her Hair like
that. - - How...can eye 'Give-Her' a steady and a beautiful...
Heart-Beat.. -?- - - possibilities: Tell Her eye Love Her. eye Favor HER.
Make Sure she has water. so her pretty-parts can grow and so her pettals
and colors dont fall OFF! -v- Make sure She has Seeds to make her Heart
Strong. - - Give Her a Relation-ship (gifts and treasures come from the
Maker.) I think she listed fun things to do to her... which included
everything! under the sun!. (.yikes!.) - - i Try to remember She is
sister.mate.and.brat. but Most of the Time eye get stuk with the Huge job
of 'appeasing' Her as Queen. (.fffff.) - - THis includes sending messages
of what eye think,what eye like, what eye do,until she has a good idea of
what this guy is made of. - - eye love reporting to her... she holds MUCH
wayt in all my decisions... for she is NEXT in command. - - the words...
::What can i do to please her:: sometimes leeds me to places eye never
dreamed of, nor knew. existed! songs.sites.prayers.praises.
eats!.skills.talents.loves. scriptures.dreams.duties. all has meening...
when love opens hearts. and minds. - - (.end of thots.) (.next commet.) A
New day dawns new thots! of... ::What can i do to please her:: Right now:
capturing my Most intimate 'what eye think of her' on-to my
only goal. - - (.next paper.) She says ''I want you to myself alone''
''not to 'Own', but for myself...alone.'' and..'Will You Be Mine'
(.sigh.) i must have bin dreaming! Only a queen.can speak and get what she
wants. meeening: He fell to His knees instantly and gave her what she
wanted. - - Sometimes eye think its... Not Her...but God. 'using her' to
get what he wanted...done. somthing very important. done. - - Example:
certain words she says...after she has spoken them..are never hearrt obeys and never goes back. - - Write Down even to
my imaginations...i obey her words. Even when i want to Lust! it must be
HER body...and Hers Only. (.i hope that changes.) but so far her word has
bin eM-passible. Im stuck in a 'One-woman-fantasy'. Her words
reely-do-work on a queen... and it hurts... cant she re-verse
it? or say somthing to un-do it? can you still talk me out of loving you?
(.grrr...) You are... One-Meen-Queen. Her beauty is 'captivating' Her
word is 'binding' i wish she 'wood' be more care-full with her lips... BUT
SHE HAS!..she only does what she needs too... in the name of love. - - so
im stuck.(prison) in a 'One-Woman-relation' waiting for mercy. splurting
and gushing and hurting with passions for her and her only. seems
whatever me and her do in Real Life. my sex-life also wants to
imitate...the 'joy' of just 'Having' HER....(.sigh.) and it makes me
way-too 'Fur-tile.' Bed-time seems more like a wonder-land....eye must go
outside and work... just to get away from all the excitement. ugh!...she
woo'z and win'z - - th-boys face is turning... BEAT-REd.... ..i better
stop this.. ...I want to be a father.. not a Husband. .hmmm...Me and
th-boy are alred-ee planning our next escape-route to get-away from Her. -
- But Love Is Nice. our fellowship together peels my heart-open like
petals on a Rose. hmm...hmm..nice... cuz she then puts her noze in it and
adds the sweet fragrance that everyone-knowz-iz-a-roze sssnif! fffff!
ahhh! - - The Queen is 'Awed' by what She has done. and bends Her beauty
over the new flower. to press her 'Lips'. the rose. - - 'GiM-Mie
That!' shreeks th-boy. and snatches the rose from her hand before she can
kiss and seal its fate. - - He Runs off with it heading for the
protection of the Leafy=Woods. He pauses only for a moment to catch his
breath and to look afar away back at the Queen waiting patiently for her
Lover to Return to her. 'He will be back' she wispers. 'eye kissed him'.
she smiles. no matter how far He flys for me...he will always... fly back
soon. to warm his 'feathers' in my hand. For eye have his Heart. eye hold
it like a little-bird. and keep it warm and safe. under my skirts. pressed
against my own. - - and i keep my cold foot is on his warm nut. and
nothing can 'break' the attraction 'that' holds on my mate. - - THO We BE
Lands Apart... we can still be One Heart. - -no end- out of order? im
learning from... that... 'Any' form of
affection that... canot-b-shared with parents and family and friends... is
a form that only belongs within the marriage circle. iAm... to save my
body and emotions for ONE only. so forgive me but it is 'so'
late-in-life for me.. eye must begin...xox pouring-out my
emotions to-YOU. and bee (.'responsive to your affections'.) even tho it
is...forbidden. this is 'my' choice. a real treasure. and i choose to lay
it. down for love. seeking 'YOUR' affections too. if the old lion
can still surround you with his purring. and please you with his RoaRrr!.
-- trusting god to use it. cuz no one knows 'How' 'late in life' it
relly is... for any of us. --?- wood you? will eye ever...? ::::Remember a
day:::: that i began giving. my emotions. to someone special. i want
that! streem-8 shows me... who she is. who to obey. who to give 'deep'
emotions2. (.the Reader wood too!) she is 'very' beautiful! (.see her
writings.) she wants a strong man... she makes one!. she ties her-heart
around him. maybe not understanding why. except that... it makes him
stronger. it gives him a fuller life. it makes a better picture. it adds
more story. it adds a wife. -- out of order? -- -- (.sigh.) things i
done2you... you have done2Me. -no end- - (.next comment.) (.Day-Three.)
rag-sun: th-father and th-boy have proposed for you a-test: take rags and
knot them into a pleasnt gown. basic-ly a sheet 2X8 feet with a hole at
center for head. and kept in place with a belt. you are to wear this for
three days. friday-night until sunday-night. as a silent protest and
'declaration of independence' from non-local materials name-brands
store-bowt-goods. or at leest... freedom from the 'Norm'. ... for
indoor-use only. public-use if your skill has surprised you. and has
stayed within modesty. ... after the inital emotions of silly-ness. the
truth will begin to take effect. eye myself will do=so and i hope you
will hold me to-it! ... no pictures will be sent. there are plenty of
sites and ree-enactors that wood love the feeed. in this time of need. ? ... (.next comment.) Im getting old. i cannot keep
up! body needs help! purging daily-toxins. ive decided to commit to a
body-cleansing treatment at every solctice:dec21+jun21. this is basic-ly
a two-week fast on fruit-juice + greens. 8oz + 8oz per meal. for ten days
folloed by four that re-turn you to 'Norm' slowly. water is always
welcome. chewing-gum between meels helps clean the insides faster. give
your body a rest. ... (.next comment.) the birds your hear at story-time:
the yellow Male is always singing to the quiet white Girl. rite now He is
kissing her toes... and im getting very embarrased at all the things eye
see about myself when i watch him. -- (.sigh.) i want to say:good-night.
good-night my-love. with warm feathers around your heart.(scars) and gofer
licks on your toes. and deer-lick-eez on your nose. and gentle combing of
your hair.(words) and berry-juice kisses every-where. ........
sWeet-Dreemz to a very Very lovely friend and princess. xoxo LNLN his
heart trusts her. his eyes adore her. his mouth praises her. his hands
hold her. i think...he loves her. - -

December 31, 2008 12:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lovd1208.txt - - - - v12-17-08
'loving' not.'in-love'with her. this topic was 'so' important. to
add to Streem-8\gxnealmxnds Wednesday, December 03, 2008 you
found me. lost and insecure. I think I've quoted early from the-dance many
times, and i'm going to again. I read in early from the-dance, a brilliant
book, about the differences of being in love, and simply 'loving.' It said
you can love someone, and not be in love with them. But still can bank of
falling in love with them. It talked a lot about a girl who was beautiful,
popular, and smart. She had a tough guy boyfriend until another guy tried
to win her over. my comment: i think eye get-it now. eye con-fuzed
'loving' someone. with being 'in-love'.? ' the difference.? do you feel
it?..! 'LOVING' not. 'IN-LOVE'with someone. example: 'loving'
someone SEEKs only whats best for that person. it allows his\her
free-will. but when 'in-love' you are self-seeking.soul-mating. ::here are
clues:: it wants to touch and kiss. it says your 'Mine' only. it says 'eye
will Kill you Or Myself if you leave me.' i see my wrong eye was mixing
the two without knowing it.! it made friendships hard. it made me afraid.
it made me alone. everyone else is getting 'hit' by it too.! by
books.songs.movies emotion.lust.pride. confusion...for-profit. ... but a
heart-keeper wants to Build a fortress where hearts can get-away from
these 'bombs' and have a shelter where emotions and love can
better-known as a 'HOME'. ... once home is made-safe. being 'in-love' has
a better purpose. and perfect-love casts-out fear! but out-side the
home... Lust can quickly destroy hearts and lives. to build-up? to
break-down? what person and story will 'YoU' bee? this year. (.end of
comment.) you know? some guys try to 'win' a girl just cuz they
are bored? then they 'drop' her the moment they get 'bored' again. WTF?
are we just 'kids' playing with valuables.? these-hearts are here! for a
'higher' purpose. (.more.) Emotions must... not be followed. but
questioned. not expressed.. but corrected. not trusted. but gided.
why?...cuz they are always...changing!... not good for building
home-nor-heart upon. your heart and soul is your: mind(reason)
will(spirit) emotions(feelings) th-Mind MUST be fed gods-words (Bible) or
it is lost without its Design-neer. th-Will soon follows. (.a heart to
obey.) emotions can too! and be comforted but often run way-off. its best
to be hiding around where families meet. it offers emotional-support. its
a safety that 'lover'and'friend' can-not.give. i wood not want you
emotionaly-dependent. on any-one person. thats hard cuz... something in
me...WANTs to be 'in-love'...Or REmember-a-day eye was. ...nobody was
hurt? maydn was 'hurt'... 'love' made it heal. she smiled again. when
all-else fails... God is Good!... Trials make us better. ASK:whats god
telling me? someone is lost and needs to know-you better. you are using my
problems to open the way! Jesu clean and gide me! iz what matters. jesu
makes Day brite. and nite rite. - - (.next comment.) boyfriend-girlfriend
dosnt work. its giving body and emotions to someone who may not be 'the
One' your are tampering with your soul(one) and sex. a heart-keeper wood
shreek! at-this..cuz.of the cost it carries. actually...
divorce-practice. foolish-wasted-efforts. solution: think like a child:
draw a setting you-yourself wood like to grow-up in. then go adopt a mate.
i wood 'not' want my parents 'throwing' out their body and emotions to
anybody! ...without first having a place ready... for me...and
themselves... and any un-expected kids who mite drop in... i meen:i want
to say: we prepared a loving place for you. You wrnt just a-sort-of
'ooops' we had. note: SEX..'IS'..marriage. - - theres nothing wrong with
being-inmature, un-ready. pre-pair-ing each-other and Waiting for a
better-time is much better than wrong-ing each-other. wrong-ing lives for
all-time. cuz being 'in-love' 'marks' you permanently. so-be-prepared. or
drop-it. your 'better' without it! you gobbled-up your time. ruined your
spirit. changed your character. lost your mind-will-emotions. lost your
drive for beauty. the 'inner-beauty' childhood had. - - will a girl get
pregnant just cuz her happy-friend did? ...the smile is 'fake' ask her! a
single-parent life-style. is a living-Hell. - - (.more.) one in five
people have herpes-disease. no-cure. only a burning-itch that is passed-on
to all who touch you... - - (.next comment.) rite-around christmas.
mother-child-father concepts come back. re-mind-ing ME...? to re-set real
values back! re-member what 'family'is. what? shood direct me ALL year.
(.more.) to capture what i was thinking. i needed to spend-time with
people who live-different. Read a book or 'Go' to them.\people the library had audio-books. eye got 'the
Handmaid and the Carpenter' By Elizabeth Berg. it reely touched my
situation as a man. what to live for. and how to die. i wanted it to be my
focus for the rest of my life! it pictured love and duty in a way i cood
live it myself. (.more.) also... eye got 'Mary of Nazareth' By Marek
Halter. it was adventurous... it questioned violence.. it mis-used
'education' ...many in-sites. the mary-gospel was clever eye sensed no
evil till the part where they said Jesu died-not. but was druged. - - How
can two Authors take the same MARY-story and have totaly differnt
intentions...? the first gave me a focus. how to treat-others i adore. the
secound almost made me loose faith-in-christ... the only one that cood
save my soul. both were from: 1-800-733-3000
or Write: Books On TApe. 400 Hahn Road Westminster,MD.21157 - - (.next
comment.) of years end- please notice this: Aztec.chinese..And gregorian
calendars ALL.'End'on december 21.2012! but of the kingdom of our
Lord:A.d. there shall end. - - A.fter.D.eath how ready are you?
do you remember-a-day you trusted christ as YOUR save-er? trusting him
alone? not more.? do you live and invest in things that matter.
A.fter.D.eath? think ahead. one-day a week when no-one keeps-you-busy! i
meen 'no-one' to-busy-to-think! (.most people are.) is very foolish. if
this-life is just an xfer-point..(.time.) than what matters.??
...pleasure? ...peace with god.? choose wise-ly. (.next
comment.) war always follows a-depressions. spending money.(paper) with
no-value. solution: start your-own 'bank.' backed by items food? each
paper backed by not Air! (.Today.) Boom!
colapse.blood.violence. is that home? Banks plan it that way. 'deepens'
new-world-orders. does 'Your' garden grow? if you 'Hear-me-nothing.'
at-leest pledge this year: to... ::::Local-ize Every-thing:::: LOCALIZE!
(let that be your motto) Listen! you wont be sorry. nor anyone who copies
you. find local-made foods? local-made materials? copy it.! copy it!.
(.next comment.) (.other topic.) for those who think the universe explodes
from a black-hole,then returns. you may be-rite. but where did it come
from? you meen it always was it made itself? you worship the creation. not
the creatOR. time-space-matter. 'cant' evolve. has offered
$250,000 for 10 years to anyone with 'proof' of evolution...and... no one
has answered! that is...freeky... someone is fooling alot of people... and
getting paid. is evolution important? YES! teaches kids that
there-is-no-right-and-wrong. ask your-self...if evol is true. if there is
no do you tell rite from wrong? its a simple question. but now
no one can answer. ...making us all animals. 2.It also teaches you can
Kill millions of people cuz of 'inferior' races. Darwins book 'orgin of
species' was very racial. was Adolf Hitlers relegion. Communists
teach it to kids cuz it helps democracy become a dictatorship. communism
wood not work... without the theory of evolution. removes god! people
have rites from government only. they are no longer 'endowed' with rites
from their creator. no longer 'created'equal. 5.we now pledge alegance to
the democ. not the republic for which truth stood. big-problems. (.next
comment.) what if time switches off? and soon! A.D. 2012. You were created
to give HIM glory... thats your heiritage. like it or not. and later will
be to-late. for once upon a time... there was a time... when there was no
time.. and time shall be no more. the chance to escape debts. will end. -
- do you know god 'hates' divorce? i found lots of stuff god
'hates'...and (.Listen.) you dont want to WEAR... any of it... do you...
want me..? wear somthing you hate? what if eye NEVER took it off.?
wood you still love me4me? ..or just what i Wear? Hate is nothing till
you yourself hold it. suddenly you dont want to wear any-thing that causes
one you HATE... and especially if it causes ONE who loves Hate. divorce... dont 'drop' girls... dont 'win'
boys... cuz you Will Wear-it! till time ends. - - win a friend...not a
mate. love them. do-not hurt the soul. nor break the heart... nor dis-ease
their body. nor touch them in a way that awakes...passions. .passions for
sex...songs and foods and writings... that wood leed to harm. but instead
'do-awake' passions for friendship... a friend loveth... at all times...
lust.greed.divorce. pride.'experiments'..and 'practice' with mating. will
Harm you and the one you loved...(.scars.) a 'friend' loveth at ALL
times...and leeds to the 'Re-lationship' maydn has bin dreaming-about.
your heart and soul needs it!... do-not say: 'friendship' is for loo-zers
who cant get intimate. (.Popular-music.) why do they say that? ...NO!
'friendship' is itself 'beautiful' and costly. and everything god wanted
man to be and live and love. ...marriage on the other-hand... is a
love'im-learning'to keep... for marriage... ?? how2 'identify' and 'Avoid'
such affections... if you dont know them:??? find:heart-keeepers..
(.masters.of.true-love.) persons who got hurt? Thank-you maydn for
helping me find-out these things... (.heart-hurting.) you keep 'topics'
way-Alive! eye hope its 'healing' for both you and me. passions that
'Awoke' the study. Namely..Your beauty, and words. - - (.more.) i want you
to know i lived a wonder-FuLL life without T.V. Radio. Tapes.
computers...2006+7 visions. you need not wait for an Amish MAN to tell you
how rich and 'helpful' it is. eye tell you Now. eye dont trust 'Gypsies'
but eye get the idea... (.more.) i want more of 6+7 but 'YOU' made 2008
GREAT. an experience eye lacked. and you were there to provide! eye got me 'my' education from a beautiful maiden...
and eye will always hold it. 'hide' it. treasure it. in all eye
do...thinking of you. you won the boys heart... and i guess thats all that
mattered. do not let emotion.tradition. or even Reason. keep you from
doing what gods word says. all my heart all my soul... Your friend?
...deudam. (.note.) everything here is coverd in Snow!... everything
becomes... Purrtee! if we are patient enuff.. to remember. (.note.)
ONE-LOOK at somthing sexy can make you 'FaLL'... Protect your-mind with
Bible-verses and promises. the mind and emotions ARE very important to a
Keeper. The one you feed the most.. is the one... strongest the most... so
feed youR mind and emotions good things... BEE-AWARE! working somewhere
were the music is 'giding' you... if it feeds your.. sex-drive...than..
::::LEEVE THE AREA:::: your heart is of more worth than whatever you were
getting paid. protect YouR emo+heart. if others want to trash themselves
with junk... thats their heart. not yours. inner-beauty is very important
to me...keep your thots nice inside you. for me.for god. for the temple
you and god must live in.. together.... that is...i meen...your body.
beautiful. - - (.more.) th-father heart-part got a chance to type\speak.
ummm...sometimes? it seems so cuz this post had very little lion-shit
onit. im so sorry maydn. eye dont want to loose-you for somthhing eye
said! forgive my notty-kitty letters. forgive my-heart-parts. eye know you
do!... that makes me smile.. relax...leeve heart-parts... wide open for
you. you wont hurt them. you dont laff at them. you cover them... add
touches to them... so eye feel... .loved... .as eye-do-you! .your smiles
say eye do. .your words...tho few. .yellow-bird sings alot!. .white-girl
chirps just few.. she is more 'action' than words. she keeps HIM happy.
...and.. if ever eye wood cover maydns heart-parts eye..wood cover them
with feathers and soft-sweet-chirps of:
::::Maydn?mm.Im.inLOVE.With.YOU.:::: (.fffff.) eye.hold those chirps. .for
you. let it Snow!. - - (.next comment.) (.next topic.) Cannot post
your comments? cut-and-paste them. try old methods: To copy HighLited Text
to Mem: press:ctrl+insert To paste Text in Mem: press:shift+insert To
Highlite a Text: hold down:shift. move crsr up-down left-right page-up
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hi-lited. To copy HighLited Text to Mem: press:ctrl+insert To paste Text
in Mem: press:shift+insert To reset computer: press:ctrl.alt.del - -
(.next comment.) (.Day.Two.) dont want my advice.?? eye dont want it
too!. eye want kinky-music and emo-pictures...but. i do-nut belong to me.
i belong to the things you want 'ME' to be a heart-part
of.. ..BOOM! Lust.Looks. sounds.temptations. i want it
ALL! but 'less is more.' cuz its 'you' eye give my heart to. (.xfer
paused.) lost in the mail? .(.thanks for trying to give me your heart
threw the Mail..! it got to me wither i found the 'token-of-affection' or
NOT!..). thank-you maiden for sending me your heart. - - (.sob.) eye hold
its life in my hands. and eye do so-so-do!-so. love it
dear-ly.(.lip-kiss.) as you see always! deepest-passions for it... i send
your-heart down to parts where steem-ee woo-rds come from: the heart eye
have for you! where both will join.. .safely.and in-love. (.forbidden love
for you.) (.xfer continued.) ...the noise of war.! who-what will 'win' my
attention-span. ..BOOM! the loud-crys call me. eye lust for all their
offers... and the cry gets louder. the more eye say 'NO'. but better is
the sorrow NOW. than bitterness of 'giving-in' when temptations have won.! Have Peace with God! no matter what you think of yourself. ... the
things 'He' wants Running threw you. - - (.more.) a friend is one you can
'pour' your heart out to. and she will keep the best and blow the rest
(gently) away. also note:those are sheaves? shuks?.shafts? of
wheat.grain. you can peel back the sheeves and play with the balls...
(.yikes!.um..imeen kernels.. umm? oh 'nuts.') !?? (.skippy it.) um.o.k! so
eye love fur-tile! (.the ability to pleasurize.) i cant help it! and eye
got maydn. forget old-folks.shamefull-looks. just you
promised. let it go...youth soon passes. (.end of lion-complaints.) eye
have noted: you can study and be very-good at 'keeping' the mind (.where
real battle is.) but your body has passions no matter
who-you-are...seduce..misgide..lust. the results can be horrible. god
promises a new-body. old will change. suddenly! like wheat. out of the
ground. what died and was buried. will be some thing...
totaly-new...eternal.(no.die.) this too can be horrible..if your
not-red-ee. - - My most valued deepest treasure is a simple Prayer! Jesu
clean me. so you are free to gide me. to the very-things you-want me to
PAY attention to...NOW. and buzz-bee-a-part-of. someone needs help
with... rite-standing. (peace with god) and rite-stepping. (local-food) it be me. The prayer i hold deer is: jesu! clean! and
gide. - - cuz you made me...for yourself. to be ready. -no end- - - (.next
comment.) (.Day Three.) Snow lepords!... they mark their territory. to
keep peace with other males...but the same marks attract
females..(.boing!.) .... a hopeful note to all males: that if they stay
with what-ever interest them.. and make room for themselves. in that field
buisness.xfrs. ... the correct female will come. you see? she comes with
the territory...! you do-NOT go 'Looking' for a Mate!... the rite one
comes as you follow your own interests... if your always 'looking'
mate-hunting.? it will soon be clear you have no meenz. cuz your eyes are
on Her. when she needs your eyes... on the meenz...not her.. ... (.more.)
eye do get home-sick (.meening-unknown.) for dont know
what that meenz so..eye try not to think about it. (.to ( always is restful 'on-me')
some times eye feel like calling-her... but its not eye ignore
hurt.. maybe read HER-works... to find re-leef.and a nice big
heart-'.boing.' (.she is good at that.) i want to say...'grief'.. but
not-having her wood be much worse...a-part of me i wood miss and not be
able to express. your my helper maydn... any affections directed to
local-girls wood have a hazardous effect. im not ready for that...
.eye..just need your emotional heart-tugs... eye doubt she knows what to
do...she just bee's her-self and it make me so-happy.(.sigh.) (.smile.)
(.flower.) (.kiss on cheek.) i like her lots...(.boing.)
anyway....good-night girl. good-night girl of my dreems.
my-dreems..eye-dreem cuz they make and then you enter them..
(.boing.) and add touch. (.boing.boing.) and then dreems come true. but thats o.k....eye like dreems that come with you!
part-of me dosnst like it. but eye watch the birds... and know whats
true...eye wood just look without you. and eye do!
(.boo-hoo.) eye do. ....(.burp.) i think eye will just stik my foot in my
beak and not worry about it... maybe 'pek' at the pretty bird in the
mirror till eye loose my chirp... (.burp.) ::singing my favorite
'tweets':: things eye learned from spending-times with You. filling the
trees with... silly-songs that still say.. ::::.maydn.I.Love.YOU.::::
chirp.chirp.burp. -no end-

December 31, 2008 12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

king1208.txt - - - - v12-23-08

eye like it...
but what does 'she' see?

a trouble-some thot!
eye use words that
touch my heart...
but not a girls heart.

- -

i say 'queen' and 'maydn'
cuz it meens
'MUCH' to me:




guys only see what they
want to see.

- -

eye shood say she-za

'grime-ee peasant-girl'

it wood make her feel

i know cuz i dont like
'prince' and 'king'

those words fill me with
eye can never give her. then eye..dispair.


eye dont want her
to dispair when
eye say...'queen'

- -

you see??

here i am trying
every-little way
to make myself
more pleas-ant to her.

- -

i want to...
i want to
love her as deeply
as eye can.xxox

...and that includes
choosing words that
deeply with her.

- -

...i myself wood like

cuz it feels...leaf-ee
ruff and wood-see..
to me.

...yes...'maydn' does
bring to mind a dirty
grimee peasant girl.

( on very rare misty days.)

- -

guys in-love.(.this guy.)
do not see faults.

they just get dizzy.
and when she smiles...
they see a 'Queen'...

someone way above 'my'
ability to please.

like when a govenor
or an important-leader
visits the people.

its a rare-moment.

the feeling of being
near-to greatness.
but a fear of getting.
to close.

- - - -

she meenz alot to me...

just know that.

- -

i like to think
i learned what makes
girls so mysterious.

the joy of knowing
what can-be known.


but then eye am very
amused at what-eye-like.
and what it is that
makes me-me... instead.


-no end-


December 31, 2008 12:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lion1208.txt - - - - v12-21-08.txt ah!
th-lions heart-part for maydn. note: paper 8-19-08... be-fore my
heart-knew the difference between... 'loving'someone (charity), and being
'in-love' (soul-mating) (self-centered) - - - (:typed-in.on
solstice-Eve:) (paper starts HERE:) - send acts and facts
8-19-08...another early morning Rooster-call for love. ... The Night Was
dark and cool. and in the dim candle-lit chamber... the Queen lay with her
beast upon her. ... the Lion was squeezing the Life out of
her!...fffff... and she was..'catching' her breath between tugs.
(.thump.hump.hump.) - - one long..last breath.. cross-ez his wiskers
before falling on her exausted.bury-ing his nose under her Arm.
(.Throb.Throb.Throb.) His Heart still Racing. she knew this Throb. it was
caused by Her! sweet footnotes! words she had entered-in just for
'his'fantasies. ... making him terribly love-sick for the maydn.
(.boom.boom.) his beutiful tiger-eyes. his brite orange tennis-balls. were
mad-leey in-love. ... (.note.) heart-changes and growth is painful for any
creature. but the passions and sensations were just beggining to over-cum
him... ...??? out of order? He 'PRESSEd' and PRessed all over.Her. ???
sHe had learned to deeply love-him....'wiskers and all' he searched her to
find places where Her heart was closest. spots to Make Her faster and faster. He twitched on her... as if
waiting for a mouse to jump out. ...he loved her. - - - ??? the Beast cood
Now Hear the 'breath-taking' Heart He had fallen-in-love with. He began to
squeeze and tug on many 'parts' of her... trying to find what makes her
heart 'pop-out'... fast-est. He was... watching for it greedily. searching
for his Prey... looking into heR eyes. - - (.boing.) ...uh..ooh!...He
found it. Maydn was in a Real 'Pinch' now!. Her Mate had cawt a very
sensitive spot. her pulse was race-ing wild-lee!... cold-Licks sent shocks
and sensations all over her. His wide sand-paper tongue showed no
mercy...!.. massive arms and fur kept 'gripping' Her. Hot fresh pop-corn
was flying Every-where. (.yum.yum.) she rode threw all the 'stings' and
'tingles' until... ...boom.boom... the Buttery-Salt-Licking paused
rite-over the spot where Maydns heart was. His cold nose and breath teezd
her titty! wonderful man-lee lips bobb-ing her breasts... sand-ee wet and
warm. the wiskers became more vigerous.feeling. lips went under-neath...
for.. HeRrr heart. pitter-patter. pitter-patter. ...(.woweee.) it was
Thumping wild-lee! The-Lion was now desperate to 'have' it. - - - The
Queen kept Her Arms around him...gripping him. pressing hard on him. to
bring it 'OUT' to him. better.faster. So.He cood sprink-L it with
Cold.kissis.and.feelings. (.Throb.Throb.showers!) she was weak-nd by
explosive Earth-shaking orgasms...followed by endless heart-pounding
trem-mers all threw her. she finally let go. her hands fell from his.
wild-wire-ee-main and beard. heart chill-ed and yet warm. (.more.) Royal
persuits: distracting him from these Hot coals of passion... The Queen
began to grab for the Lions 'sensitive' items. ...(.marble.madness.)...
full of sunshine it was a 'cute' neon-orange.ball. (.of brite fuzzy-felt-)
packed with jewels and firm as a rubber-ball. bobbing about his tale. and
hi-lee vulnerable. ... she wished to show him circus-tricks and make
animal-shapes from long balloons. (.screech.ppp.screech.)
stretching-twisting and making 'anoing'sounds with HIS ball-oons till they
were big.Hard.and 'Pulse'ating for her. driving his nuts till he went
'crazy-cross-eyed' (.boing!.) then with her feet... she ran
circle-drawings all around his tennis-balls, making him go 'bonkers'
(.bzzzzz.bzzzz.) his fuzzy-ears went up. in a'stunned'gaze. as he sat
looking at the moon. and getting his mind blown-out by her touches.
(.bzz.brzz.boing!) (.bzz.ber-ez.boing!...) the queen waved her hand. to
shake him out of it. you-hoo? her soft voice... are you still present? she
'batt-erd' his balls with her toes... (.boing.boing.) he 'came-too'...and
began to cuddle her...purrrring. much more passionately. and terribly
Excit-ed! She opened up softly. her sweet inviting sounds ... she knew she
was gooing to get 'thumped'. hard.hard.hard. - - -
then.the.horrible?sounds of big-Bags of walnuts... 'Banging'threw the
Trees.. went on for Hours..... - - - the 'oooh' sounds of the Satisfied twill nut be knoted here. just say... that
Maydn is very 'fantastic'. to be with...x.o..xx... sand-paper tongue
sliding over you. (.lipping is o.k.too:) Favors for Favorites. Her fun
made this Beast King for one-tonight. (.with a gift that keeps
giving.every-nite: .a.nice.itchy.virus.) -bad-end- -end of tale- (.about
story:) written.when eye was 'bad-boy' not-much of a...
::::HEART-KEEPER:::: but.. still yours! eye held on...
for..heart-changes... ...for.. your love. (.more.) this story is my
thank-you for a lucious 3-woman tale maydn had posted 7-22 after
femn1207. (.warning-note.) epiphany! step-stone! what will men know? leev
the very-best. looking for love.8x no more time-wasters! - do it for god.
-no end- - (.next comment.) (.bonus feature.) Her first xan-message to me
ever! is here: cmts7.txt Sent 3/12/2008 8:06 PM deuda_m block delete Daize
later...I finally made it. Better late than never, that's what I always
say. Through floods and snow storms and piles of dishes, I finally mayd NOW...cum over here and help me with these buttons. The ones
in the middle of my back are so Hard to reach. Hurry please, I've been
waiting quite some time to take these stockings off and wrap my bare legs
around your waist. Do you think these pumps go better with or without
clothes? Posted 3/11/2008 10:45 PM hip_gnostic block delete (.note.) the
lions-eyes just went....Boing!!! see also 4-28 3-08.hyp1bb:7-22 - - -
(.next comment.) scratchy-papers. .thots of her.yet paper 8-19 was clear.
less choppy. this being..a frozen solctice 12-19... eye was tempted to
type the lion1208 tale of a 'Hot-August-fantasy'... and give my best to
fanta-sizing her!!! (.sigh.) love you maydn..(sigh) its a cold winter. but
its 'having' you. -no end- - (.next comment.) (.new day.) new year. new
life. no more 'marital'acts. no lust. no more cock and
ball-bursting torture. ...i want...i want to write somthing better... - i
want to 'local-ize' meenz no-more support from automobiles. none. yes. im
going to... become a holy 'none.' just like people in all history. except
OUR time. step by step. a time-limit. and results. this includes cutting
off power-supplies. driving them off the land. get them to fite
eachother. take what remains. simple simple strategy. do or die. cuz doing
nothing. is why things ARE as ..your chance to inffect the fate
of humans is a gift. and its now. so use it. = you see? christmas is
a-year! make this a christmas to remember. christmas is a-day. so
'make' all your christmasses...WHITE. find out how... and do-it.., you
like a good story? fit it into your time. and live it. thank god for a
girl who tawt me how to read and write!... beautiful visions. maydn made
2008... GReaT!. (.next.) heart-keeping: you see...if eye was a
friends wood be very different! cuz christmas isnt a day...its a way. its
not great feelings. nor good-intentions. nor massive visions. if you
listen to trees. christmas is a lifestyle. always giving. never moving.
never complaining. non-resistance. patients...not anger. learn to
re-tree-t? cuz one-step-back allows two-steps later. but never sign
papers. nor stay where man can bag-you. cuz you wont be back... if that
happens. economic colapse meenz... everyone will murder... so give them
tasks that dont endanger you. or YOU 'wont' stay useful to anyone.
(.note.) sites of water and grain must be hidden well. and
gardens...garded. if naybors live to close. blow them away. if they got no
water...they will SOON leeve the area... even if they 'own' it. people
blame people. give them SOMEone to blame. make it look like an accident.
the economic system is in full-colapse. people will be hurded into wagons
and buried at transit stations. you can join THEM. or defend a turff.
your-choice? (.expect turff-wars.) you can do it in wayz as gives no
suspecion. un-used property... but only in appearance. ... as things get
tite... people stay 'busy' no check-ups... including their-own property.
giving you access to post-colapse materials. to transition slowly to
living without them. things 'not-local' will soom fall into dis-use... not
accessible!..not stuff others can copy. (.note.) i believe in
private-property. but you can only OWN what you can protect. indians did
not sighn-away their body 'owns' land. it owns us! when they
'sighned' it over. it only gave permission to drive them off it! people
take life and property. paper or no paper. legal isnt right. but it
works. cuz you made the agreement. you sighned your murder... by-standing
where you can: YOU cant have
'part' in a murder?...what is car-exhaust? blood for blood. shoo them
off. dont be a murderer. ..anger blinds. -no end- -(.next comment.) (.last
day.) I love you Maydn... but only when im honest.
open..warning.reeching. and teeching you... to keep you pure. and
loveable. and true. yes..but.Lion loves you too! (.burp.) examples are: I
love you Maydn. you are so beautiful. i hope you will 'KEEP' this later-
version of my early-morning fantasies for when you need it most. (.better
by practice.) if your-male has any senses?...he will start giving you
attention and respect you deserve... wishes granted too. kissis on your
toe-zes. on your no-zes..and where you say it go-zes. you are So-adorable.
a real heart-breaker. for a man who wants to adorate YOU. shower you with
flowers. hum. Live-with your silly hic-cups. move you to passions. whe
suns wont shine. when strong Storm-Clouds are moving. the scent of
dreams. before the Rain. (.other.) Thankyou for sending that Seed-Keeper
chain-box. with strong scent of a womans-musk. You sure know how to excite
your male. and i hope eye have hurt my female with lust and with love.
maybe show me how to do-it soon. Breaking Her Hearrt so eye can 'Have'
MORE of Her. making bed very exciting to be in. Full of Love. painful
kisses.L.icks and N.ibbles....xoxo..LNLN. (.more.) Oh! what am i going to
do when my body burns for you?! being a-part like this, allows woo-ing and
Romance. a 'gap' allows 'sparks' but.. being 'together' may be another
story... for brothers and sisters. .to enjoy. and not for-mating. -end-
(.next comment.) notes i wrote to myself: she will strap-you to herself
titer than her own skirts. and turn you into a husband. if you get any
closer! see? she has 'maternal' instincts. this may seem cruel for her to
do but when two hearts are... 'Melting' together it... becomes necessary.
(.nope.) Parents that use drugs. have kids that use drugs. so no woman
for me please. (.herbal remedies?.) 2007 to 2017 is for boys a1a2a3me
camp-garden sites. you almost gave all-2008 to mayden...dont do that.! no
'marital' acts... none. be a 'none' ??? uuh..ummmmh....? .except with
mayden.? no!...none ...means.. none. its your life-story. write somthing
boys can use...instantly.!!! loving them. no intimate other... you had
HER. you had 2008. now think straight. keep your days... white as snow. no
more 'mate-ing' with her. - Li-Lo meens 2007-2017 meens YOU. - its love
too. the kind you. have chozen. to write. so write it. never go back. -no
end- (.next comment.) (.day three.) calls interupted! xfer blocked. how
embarrasing.! did-not expect... mood: failure! problem: mine. anger.and a
TeeeR. what happened? failed attempts to please her...are Here. (.sniff.)
Yet! her smile says: '..Try.Again.Soon!...' ahhhh! (.refreshed.) it heals
my heart,=+= (.sniff.) why are we like that/.? to each-other? (.sob.) look
at us! parts fall-off. pretty-things are missing. we get all ready for
each-other...and then... what happens? ::we pause for repairs:: 'She' has
to pull-up his 'handsome-ness'... (.cuz it fell down.) 'He' fixes her
stitches and adds heart-tugs. (.cuz it blew off.) 'BOTH' look very silly
before 'and' after repairs. but... you cant talk sense into love-birds...
they do all there OWN-grooming. and see only what they WANT to-sea.
song-poem? says: let me be your sweet-heart. let me know its true. let me
be your sweet-heart. so-in-love-with-you. ... (.more.) but thanks
Maydn...for.. telling me 'Now' wood not be a good time... eye wood.hurt to
pour my heart out when you are way-not in the mood... (.exceptions
permited.) (.next comment.) (.day Four.) Here-Now Eye Have a game and a
poem for you. The GAmE: take the 12-1-08 drawing and spread it out...
touch different parts of it like a map... let your finger run down the
creek. under bridge, to the pond. touch the fruit trees. the garden. the
swing. the root-cellar. your tree-house and... then my honey-house. then
back to Us! - - - Now your Ready: Eye wull tell you things about the
drawing... and everytime eye pause.. You say: SO-Did-Eye! ...are you
Ready? Here it goes: Eye Made a Tree-house in a Tree.. (.so did-eye!.) Eye
made a mud-home just for Me.. (.so.did.eye!.) Eye made somthing in the
garden grow. (.so.did.!.) And the Gofer fell-down a gofer-hole.
(.so.dd.e!.) The Gofer Screemed! (.so.d.!.) Poo-Bear Ran Home. (.so.d.i.)
The Birds Began to Sing. (.so.d.i.) The Goosey cawt Lions attention.
(.so.d.i.) Eye held hands with the-one eye love. (.so.d.i.) The Creek
Began To Glitter. (.so.d.i.) The Butterflys Began to Kiss. (.so.d.i.) The
Moon Began to Glow. (.so.d.i.) The Fish Began to Spawn! (.so.d.i.) The
squirrls went looking for Nuts. (.so.d.i.) The garden had sharp sweet
berries. (.so.d.i.) The Lion Roarred! (.so.d.i.) Gofer-guy had
gofer-dreems all night. (.so.d.i.) (.pause.) ...Maydn? are you still
reeding? i want to Reed it to YOU every-nite. but eye guess...the three
hearts on the Bridge... says it all. i want to Reed more to YOU and take
you to streem-8 when you need to get wet. my notes'Here'say to
blow-you-a-kiss when i call. its my way to say... Thanks for: the 3-girl
fantasy 7-22-08 (.eye was reeding it in the tree-house...i didnt take
anything else..(.gulp.) Thanks for: helping me feel what
'in-love'(.soul-mating.).you. and also.'loving'.you.(charity) is all
about...(.boing!.) (.eye will always be 'Having' both with you.) Thanks
for: Making my Heart-Parts come out! th-lion th-boy th-brother th-father
(.didnt know i had it in me.) Thanks for: Building such a love-lea
Tree-House...your site is so secret and so pretty eye wish you wood make
MORE!. And.copy.copy.copy... for other maiden-hearts. to know-have-sea.
and Thanks for: ..Story-Times with you.. 33-33-33-33-33! - - - - - (.next
comment.) eye promised a game and a Here Is The Po-em: Write
these five words: :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: (.scribble.scribble.)
Now...Listen. I am going to say a Poem. if i ask a question. you say...
(.the five words.) Are you Ready.?? Here it goes: fffff (.calm.) (.for
night time-reading only.) Why is your Tree-House so High, way-up were the
birds do fly??? :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: Why do the Rivers and
Pools look like Jewels??? :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: Why do the
flowers smell so sweet! and why are the berries such a treat!??
:::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: Why do eye have to say...'good-night...
..good-night My..Love.'.?? :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-Queen.::: Eye KNOW that!
but...why do eye have to kiss your toes???
:::BE-cuz....Iam..'YOUR'queen.::: Why can-not eye just 'BLOW' my nose???
(.blow.) :::...becuz//im..your queen.::: Mayden.?...why do eye have such
sweet dreams..? :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: (.pause.) (.silence.)
(.pause.) Ok! stop!...your making me stiff! ... do you know why you make
me so stiff? :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: (yikes) make
my life so beautiful... do you know why. ? (.pause.) (.silence.)
(.pause.) (.end of game and poem.) (.thanks not good at
expressing my fantasies. but you helped me live that one.) - - - - -
(.next comment.) (.day five.) you can say 'Yes' or 'No' to the following
questions: (.pause.) Can eye always Call and Write You? ... Can eye
love-you as long as eye live... can you forgive me when im bad... can you
love me when im sad... will you always make me glad?... (.pause.) eye love
you maydn will you marry me... -?- if 'Yes' than write: ::Home Sweet
Home:: on the picture under in the tree..and the date. and next years
date. and the next. and the next. and the... unto Epiphany -no end- - - -
(.next comment.) are we married! ?? um...i meen... just for the
picture...cuz you got us holding-hands. (.marital acts.) ...(.paper notes
ended here.) - (.next comment.) (.day Six.) Today is Solctice 12-21 the
world ends at noon. on this day in a.d.2012 (.maybe sooner for me.) and my
fasting begins. nothing but fruits and greens for...ten days. to rest my
body. this boy-girl study... is now one-year old! and eye want to close
it. with boy-girl thots... cuz 'Relationships' ARE difficult.!!! most
people marry a fantasy game-world cuz it gives them what they cood not
find in other people...hours of pleasure without fuss.fights.back-chat.
but i say No! KEEP trying hearts.! people were designed to be
beautiful...find those hidden talents. ...dont give up... i hate people
too...but streem-8 dares faith. and faith pleases god. (.my last
efforts.) two books: (best parts) ten-keys2ahappy marriage. life after
divorce. - - commitment! meens 'leeving' that person is not an option.
chasing-money meens no time to be human. in problems... commitment
demands any solution 'other-than' being-kept-apart from that person. - -
love is commitment. even when the person says 'i dont love you anymore'
your spouse is the enemy. - - commited-love is not based on
status.failures.change. its a rock-solid choice to love that person..
regardless if they ever love in return. its a gift from God. - - a woman
wants 'Empathy' eye want you to 'relate' to my sorrow or joy. she wants
someone to say 'i feel your pain' 'you must be hurting.' 'you must be
glad.' note:she-is-not looking for a way out of it. 'do not give advice
to fix her problem...she will think your being cold..insensitive. be where
her emotions want to be. but a man wants 'answers' sex.and to be admired.
he will believe what 'you' say about him. in most cases...a mans 8xstronger than a womans...they like what they see... a
mans 'apperance' is not so attractive to a woman. - - - about family and
people: i think you shood know that YOU-DO-NOT-KNOW. whats reely going
on. thats the happy-part. we shood be content. yet inquisitive too. cuz
You do-not-know! thats the sure-part. - - - - A man thot his son was
dead!... 20 years! later he finds out his other sons had... faked his
death. and sold him for pay. Ooooops! 20 years of Lies.
.you.just.dont.know. so love and deal and play your part as sincerely
commited as you can... as one who must give account for what you 'did'
know your level of truth. rite.good.worth. and you stayd at it. that boy
was sold for pay cuz he was hated. but god used it to save many people.
remember god has parts he is writing and wants done!...things happen.
choose to stick to your commit. no exceptions. That whole 20 years the
slave boy kept one hope: my brothers ment to do me evil... ::::but God
ment it for good.:::: i think 'that' will be the thot where this boy-girl
study ends... i wanted to 'know' how the opposite-sex thinks but now eye
just want to see it 'my-way.' and that spells 'disaster.' -- - - -- so
people got problems.!! but God meens good. HE wants-you to look for the
place He has for you in this Mess... the mess we call 'living'. and keep
hoping that... the designer-knows what he's doing...and he's got an
unusual place in it for me...a part to play in His-Story. jesu clean and
gide me! -no end- - (.next comment.) (.next attempt.) I want to Rip into
this boy-girl Topic one more time with both claws and screem! knowing my change comes. 'dating' is what
people do cuz they are not willing to live-rite nor do-rite in the
first-place. even marriage is acceptable so-long as 'divorce' is an
option. in otherwords..they are not willing to start a home and face the
terrors of ree-ality. they want room for 'self'..and if 'self' wont die. a
new life cant begin for you. your just looking for the good-parts and want
to get-away when things get ruff....sorry...thats not life...nor living. i
never dated and feel eye missed eye will run the full spectrum
in just a few words: the divorced lady and child tried many dates to
matchmaking. all the men wanted sex. somtimes demanding it. her friend
said she wood feel bad if a guy did not 'try' (.do you see the harmful
selfish playing she wants?.) one guy was her dream! blue-eyes perfect
build but his appearance was all that it was...he had no heart.nor
character. no safe-loving for such a fine fantasy-guy. all were so
'willing' to give their viginity to Her. it was amusing...and false.
except 'one' who truly loved her and did not want sex till after
marriage. finnaly the error was on her part...for she broke the engagement
simply cuz she did not 'love' him.... a horrible reason! you marry 'for'
love. not cuz you 'feel' love. cuz your feelings change! now eye saw 'why'
her mate-searching was worthless. she only wanted to go so-far
herself...she wood only build her home 'for' love as long as
love-feelings lasted and did not 'shift' to someone else. how pathetic. no
foundations. a house on sinking sand. most people dont want more. its our
culture..its violence. its wickedness.. and we love it! cuz.. it matches
the spirit of whats popular Today. attitude. behaviour. fits what we
want. but the story itself is sick!....when finished. - - - make sure you
know what 'terms' make up your commitment. together...your rules you both
will play by. eye myself wood not sign anything so...what does that make
me? -no end- - - - - (.next.topic.) Maydn cover
your eyes... is it all dark now? cuz i need to tell you somthing: -
::::.I.Love.You.::::: i shood have told you when you called. you were
tired-out and wanted to re-schedule. When Reelee I feeel it was the moment
you needed me most... please tell me the secret. somthing 'my dream guy'
wood say or do to me... too make mee forget a ruff-week.....instantly!
(.boom.!) ..(.Throb.) somthing to make you smile. even if eye was no-good
at it. maybe 'that' wood make you smile too..see ---> (3 (.look at it
sideways.) (.look at your ruff-week.. sideways too.) maybe you did rite.
maybe re-scedule was best. maybe you were burnt-out. and just wanted
big-kitty to stay away awhile. love has 'seasons' Maydn cover your eyes! i
still want to talk intimate to sometimes you forget
your 'caller' has a deep heart. (.throbbing for you.) He want your moods.
touches.talents. to beat passionatly. a never-ending quest to know who
you are.inside. streeming himself.(.eight.) to find-out what pleases HER!
(.you.maydn.) that 'beautiful girl' who gets to-busy to notice.herself.
Maydn where are you? eye cant talk... my heart throbs for you. eye cant
walk... ANY-wher without these 'crazy-books-about-love' stick-ing to my
fingers and clothes... eye attract them like a magnet. eye run out the
door... yelling and screeming. with books and paper-trails following
me... full-of suggestions.positions... if i stand-still
to long paper. of 'one' i MUST type: about 'Empathy':say:
how does that feel? women want me to 'relate' get-down to where there
emotions presently ARE. always shifting.never coming to a conclusion
always going over-it and adding details...they live for the emotion and
want you to join in. (.be in it together.) it never dawns on girls that
they cood be 'doing' somthing else. they just want to 'recieve' the praise
and sympathy and little-shows of affection for doing somthing well. a man
does not get pleasure that way. he's not wired so. emotion is on HIS
list... but its not on the top. so when somthing happens. he is the last
to re-act. women 'Are' emotional... and for good design-reasons. easy to
take advantage of. easy to persuade. guys are goal-fate-task minded and
want results. but a beautiful on the top of His List... making
it easy to persuade him that way. (.ask me if eye need help.) note: im
just typing thots. im not sure i agree. i just want to see it on the
screen. and its the solstice. i told myself...forget all this 'effort' to
understand Her.! (.sigh.) she has made you full of questions cuz she is
beautiful you have typed much and looked deep.and.long. eye know girls
'pretend' to like 'out-door' stuff. then quit when married cuz she now
'has' what she wanted.. greatly dissappointing the man...with emptiness.
likewise the man...ceases to do anything romantic..cuz he now
'has' what he wanted... he returns to his old habits. - - - (.more.) never
'date'...cuz they dont show themselves as they live. only the bait. never
'commit' to a person with the thot that he will change a habit afterword.
Noo! what you see is what you get. dont expect change. dont even 'hope'
that your love will make a difference. if that person has a bad-habit or
fault or failure in one area. -YOU- can expect to carry it to the end of
time. 'marital'acts without commitment takes you threw this world as
page-one of a disaster story. never making the story worth (.more.) fantasy and multiple-mate relations.and
dates may seem 'normal' now...but the fruitless years will make a
sick-tree. not safe for a tree-house. choose your weapons well. paint a
landscape for heart-keepers. make sure they follow somthing lovely...
somthing you wood want 'me' to read to you. somthing you wood want to be a
heart-part of too. find people who 'do'. (.conclusion.) at story-time
choose carefully what eye read to you.. those books are ways to say 'I
love you'. and eye maydn... love you true. -no end- -(cheek-kiss)-
-(toe-kiss)- -(eye-kiss-you)- - - (.next comment.) (.more bad thots.)
-(burp)- - no more 'marital'acts. no lust. no words to
miss-excite. wait!!!...??? how am eye ever going to be a heart-part of
that? when i look at maydn-beautiful...eye.. will always remember the
number-eight. but not say a word about it anymore... she had deeply
satisfied. a hungry-hungry heart. and gave him the joys and dangers of
love. so he cood write a better story... called '2009' thank-you Maydn...
for your heart-tugs. -x-xx-oh! - LN.L.L.N-x -sigh- - (.day seven.) book:
TRUE LOVE. how to make Your relationships sweeter deeper and more
passionate. i miss my boy-hood. i like life the way it was just moments
before eye met maydn. this heart-searching stuff is exhausting! 2008 was
long enuff. mayden is rite... some people are their 'Own' best company.
alone-ness is NOT 'loneliness' and can be down-rite 'Lucious.' this
'love-stuff' has bin a new-Road for me. like all strange paths in the
woods...eye can only fallow it so far. year? before turning back.
Her lucious-ness kept me going...but now... i feel be-wild-ered. i miss
familiar sites. i miss 2006.2007. i miss my dreems. if eye dont follow my can anyone follow me? was this just a... heart-check-up.??
will maydn let me loose now? i want to get away. fly free and far.
..(yikes!).. maydn please!!! you keep placing kissis on my heart. making
it hard... to fly-anyware far. and hard... to forget where love grows.
(.sob.) - - - my heart is still throbbing for her... so eye will tap-a-few
more words...those words that all lovers 'need' to keep a flame... in the
water.burning. cuz true-love ALways wants to go deeper.! not just meet
status-quo. Here is words to do it: love has seasons. cherish your
beloved! add compliments... (.why you fell for her.) praise-her.for
small-things! just for 'ordinary' things. eg.thanks for cleaning the.. do
somthing 'ordinary' but together. criticize-each-other only when alone
together. do the un-expected. - - - behave yourself in Public! the union
of TWO people is a worthy and beautiful thing. let others around
see-it-so. meening:no public agruments no fites.slanders.flirting. keep
your honey comfortable. have the outside world stand in honor (.or in
awe.) of the person you have chosen. and the Relations-ship YOU created. -
- - shower with kisses. the kissis that say you are:
chosen.desireable.powerful. beautiful.sensual.joyful.happy.
carefree.invincible....loved. - - - Speak the Love-Words: we need to be
'Told' often: 'i love you.' 'your my darling.' 'i want you.' call your
beloved by a special name. - - - Say 'Please.' it will deepen your
own-love for her. - - - give small gifts of her-like. - - - offer her your
help: verbal.chores.or emotional by listening to her woes. - - - Ask often
the Questions! they lead to heart-parts you only 'thot' you knew. 'what
are you thinking' 'whats your favorite color' 'were you a happy kid' 'why
do you love me' 'do you like your work' 'what elder wood you like to
become like at that age.' 'whats your secret dream' 'what do you need to
do before you die' 'what do you like about me' '...when you fantasize'
'what turns you on?' 'what do you like about your body' cuz 'knowing'
another person in all their specific thots.traits.
feelings.intentions.dissapointments inadequts.hopes.prayers.sorrows... is
love. - - - (.my thot.) how then can you say 'i dont love him anymore' you
meen... you dont 'know' him anymore? - - - when you listen... listen with
your heart. the words she dosnt say. the twitching fingers the
heavy-breathing. the tear-clouded eye. ask a very tender question: honey
dear: you say your happy, but your voice and eyes say sorrow. wood you
like to tell me about it?'... then the two of you can move to a deeper
level of knowing. the knowing that comes not with words...but from
listening to the unspoken... - - - a common pitfall is when he-she becomes
a dart-board for all your problems. :::walk a mile in your sweet-hearts
shoes::: long enuff..(a year?) to be able to comfort. and not
'blame'..anymore. Imagine you are Him\her and bring to mind the stresses,
insults,assults,dissapointments, dissasters,mini and gigantic, that are
besetting his\her life. take a miniute to consider what traumas your
partener is going threw right now. no assumptions! see in your-need...
your need to be loved and understood, that we are all one. all are
hurting. - - -- saying 'Thank-you' does internal good.. in so many
ways..and opens doors! -no end- contents of book:TRUE LOVE preface.intro.
:::conditions of love::: love is a journey.not a place. everyone needs
more. everyone is wounded. everyone has circumstances. your sweetheart
is-not you. she isnt phycic. assumptions are dangerous to your love life.
communication matters,reveals and is not a-contest. relationships have
seasons. - :::the practice of love::: nourishing your loving. love self
enuff to deserve more. say what you feel. ASK what you need. be emotionaly
Brave. Reveal what makes you 'feel' loved. Expose your secret
love-scenerio. Go easy on yourself. - :::cherishing your mate::: celebrate
the exceptional. praise the ordinary. do the extraordinary. keep your word
at every cost. criticize only in private. do the unexpected. behave
yourself in public. shower eachother with kissis. speak the love words.
say please. give more gifts. ask if you can help. ask the obvious.
questions. listen for the unspoken. walk in your sweethearts sted. say
thank-you. - :::treasuring your relationship::: put your love on a
billboard.(blog) communicate with oneanother. negotiate the
not-so-needed. Acknowledge the hardships your circumstances create!!! keep
in touch. take intimate time. kindle the romance. watch your tongue.
Depart and Re-Unite with loving gestures..(good-nite wish.) (.hello: God
Greet You Mayden.) (.good-bye: keep my heart until eye return.) (.hello:
theres my gofer-girl!.) (.good-bye: so long stinky.) Fight the good
fight. leave the kitchen sink. (.dont take it all.) Remember the
Early-Days of your love.(.you-r know.) Be willing to make the Generous
Gesture. Accent the Positive. Fluff up the ego of love. Tie up emotional
loose ends. Apologize,Apologize,Apologize. (.without using the word.) Play
with one another. celebrate with ceremonies. Reveal your Fears. Share your
dreams. be generous with your Body. Trust One Another. Do it again. and
again. - :::changes caused by LOVE::: comfort one another. forgive one
another. show how words change everything. sanctify your relationship.
concecrate your relationship. Bow to the Mystery of Love. (end) A
relationship: two people coming together to live to work to play to die to
grieve to rejoice. to make love. but love much more. let me
type-here the cover-info: TRUE-LOVE: How To Make Your Relationship
Sweeter, Deeper And More Passionate. back-cover: In each of us there is a
tremendous longing for love. The love we desire is not only the eUphoric
feelings of a new romance, but also the ineffable consolation of being
deeply known, recieved, and cared for, the profound security of spirit
that comes from being deeply connected to another human being. "But
sustaining true love is difficult. All to often the loves we fall into
disappoint us.... We want to enhance and deepen the bonds between us but
we dont know how." A course for encouraging the skills of loving.
book:TRUE-LOVE offers more than 60 inspiring and illuminating suggestions
to help you expand the psychological, emotional, and spiritual possib-
ilities of your own True Love. -by Conari Press. isbn 0-943233-13-5 note:
eUphoric eye like that word... it meens the victim is 'convinced' things
are improving. when reely its getting worse. - - -no end- - .(.last
comment.). reeding all of the above late at nite gave me wild-dreams of
maydn in the morning. my 'soul' completly...mated. (.knit.) .with hers. -
- in the woods. Her smile.form.voice. heart-beats strong. every-nite go
back for nourishment. she is lovely. - - sHe pulls on him deeply. He pulls
on her!...deeper. He presses his ear against her heart...the pull is
over-whelming. this is my 'darling'!! just a heart-part of her. and she a
mooshy part of him. entoxicating. he cant breath without her. each
breath she takes each sound she makes gives him hope. joy.spirit.and
peace. - - - i write these things cuz boys see pretty girls... and need to
stay away. yet boys remain facinated by a dew-ee eyed creature that
sparkles like water and fire and can show him his own heart... i want to
tell those boys now to stay away... the snake and the bite was never ment
to kill you. as for me... i can-not get this 'eight' off my hands... she
has given me a pemanent birth-mark. .(.born into her self.) - - -
(.conclusion.) do not play with 'marital' words.acts.and thots. If you
want a 'pet-lamb' make a place for it. dont fall 'in-love' with somthing
you cant take care of. a zoo.(dating) may seem good to you. but not the
one barred by it. the hurt you cawsed and marks you make will find
you....hunt you. (.more.) as for the beautiful mayden, in the
woods... she told the boy everything he ever cood 'know' of women.
'pounding' it into his heart. he was excited by all she did to him... but
in-doing so... the boy became 'hers.' leaving the mark of ownership... on
his heart. - - - to no-end. -x- o.x.L..L.N.....-o- -

December 31, 2008 12:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mydn1208.txt - - - - v12-26-08 9am ..package
from maydn. sent17,came-24th paused at paused men want to feel the
end-of-a-thing. they want to feel... 'completion' and ...steps...and..
'accomplishment' and biger is better. - - men do not see the joy of the
journey along the way. - - so maydn keeps tugging at my heart-parts to
slow-down... look-around... joys are here.! and more to cum.! - - - but
inside-me. iam 'trying' to tie-it all closed. the-end-of-the-year
th-end-of-the-study... (th.boy-girl-study.) which never ends. but eye want
it to... believe that... eye like 'points' not 'circles' - - - i want to
tell maydn how difficult it is for her male.and men. and.. me... ...eye
cannot just approach a woman and ask her how she feels-inside...
sure most girls wood like that approach. but somthing happens during 'the
approach'. He forgets his boy-ish curiosity and gets turned-on
purely-by-her-appearance. he may say some words...but soon he is
goo-goo-brained. and not-thinking anymore. this can be covered-up with
practice...adding charm. but inside he is... ...sinking 'in-love' (.which
is not-love... nor controlable.) - - - - (.more.) eye want to thank-maydn
for leaving my boy-ish curee-osity...'open' filled with questions. eye
was a-mazed by a creature who did not see earth like eye do. ask an older
woman? embarassing things.?.. cant ask a younger... (.men have an ego.)
but the child-maidens... WERE trying to tell me somthing...
somthing...wonderful... just by being-themselves. but 'why'..why did they
re-act and view the world in 'pink' it just... puzzeled me more.. .more
questions... wood eye ever know? atlest give to me some 'reasons'! yes...
eye like-girls the way they ARE...but why god! why are girls made that
way?...what wood leed them to talk-like. think-like.desire-like do...? eye was to-busy re-tribing to 'know' or hope i
wood-know. till one day... eye was finishing my galeeb-calls to get
kids more-into things boys like... SHE APPEARED! there were no
pictures... there were no 'feminine' 'distractions' no sexy-images to
throw me off the tract. only the beautiful voice of one saying 'come'
'come know what a woman is like...on the in-side.' eye wanted to
love-her... just for 'letting' me get (.sigh.) eye wanted to
know... everything! her words kept me 'wanting' to understand... (.it was
very beautiful.) she kept me searching the endless mysterys of our
'differences' - - after one-year eye feel eye can 'let-go' the topic.
now.. i do desperatly want to go 'back'.to what eye was before... but with
the strange 'eight' on my hands. as 'proof' that eye at-leest 'tried' to
see things...her way. ...and 'how' to please her... and not just
please-her 'my' way. - - note: before mayden came... there was no
'choice'. - (.next comment.) Your package came! i wanted to capture and
recored my... first re-actions: (.hard to catch.) ahhh! she placed
forbidden-marks on it! the flower... the-smile.. a secret sign of
'acceptance'. somthing a knight wood die-for from the hand of a
fair-maydn. her smile... her flowers. her favor...her hand. - - - - my
re-actions to package-content starts here: the child-book 'pop'd out
first: it reeds... ::GOD BLESS THOSE I LOVE:: i sensed some of it had
meenings for me!
th-friend.(learning.) th-pet.(knotty!) th-town...(tribal) and others...
::thanks maydn.:: and two fine white feathers from a goose-brain who
no-doubt worrys for me. ::(.thanks maydn.):: - (.next comment.) next
'pop's out nine-papers full of 'love' and 'sexy'. lover-lee stuff. eye
will type-them here..!. out of 'sheer-love' for this girl.(.magical.) eye
can give no-greater gift...than to 'copy' (finger-tip-tap-type) the
passion someone has hand-written (.tears.) for me...!...i feel 'special.'
(sniff) and everyone shood know this... feeling. -sob- - - - - note: eye
will try to 'add' my-comments in... places. (.'add'.) HER work starts
here: incomplete...sent on-time for holiday Mail. Return: 1.bery + maydn
(tape) = reaction + action --> (need2finish) 2.sivia.8-leaves --> (snow
leves melt) 3.tea: berry+mint 4.five + five (dvd) (return next letr)
add:you let others use them. 5.8-88 xoxo (add:LnLN) 6.pony express
(authentic-original) 7.gofer express (humor-roo) 8.five sexy ideas 9.three
loving thots.(more) 10.pat-paper (learn'challenge'to crochet'knit)
11.poo-paper (earthy architecture - pooh stories) - - - extras: * thankyou
for strawberry color page (color) * pictures/photos/images of real-life *
dreams * Hoe,and soe,and pull each weed. - Sweet Prince. * yarn (twisted
fiber) ---> learning ?twisted fibers/need fibers * Cards for my very-own
Mom's Jar of Goodies * Knit a pair of socks (or just one for fun)-->
Needs: * 8-qualities for 2009 <3 gardening (add:prayer: god give her these
things) * Permission.Strength - - - (.paper 1 of 9 . back-side:) she
begins: (love one) * At this point in my life... " i'd like to live as if
only love mattered, as if redemption was in sight, As if the search to
live honestly is all that anyone needs, No matter if you find it." 007:
I've been practicing 'natural' but neglecting 'dicipline'. I want to
practice both with you Sir B****. (EX.)less expectations; more reverence
for existing qualities/ideas/character means:self-dicipline to stop
expecting more and start accepting now. Practice living in God's
moment/word NOW ?-expect the best;plan for the worst? nope. plan for the
best;prepare for the worst. (ie.)I plan to live in the Lord's guidance
(reading.learning.practicing.) I prepare for times of judgement and
strife..(sin) 008:RE:Absolutes. NOT death, NOT taxes (both are
conditional..temporary.) God's love/Jesus sacrifice
(.unconditional...permanent.) - - - paper two of nine: 1st Flight: The
Goosy Good Girl (love two)...Wait for her...for the your
eyes to her. ...when it is true/righteous. - - or somthing like that - -
end quote. Never wood i want to turn/distract you from God. I know that
His-Will is most important. ::i.My hands for His Will!:: I have been
confused as to my part of a man-woman union under God. :::add:i know!?
me-too! chooze-well.::: she continues: I know that when I know, I'll
know. ... Yet,how can I not hold that man with less than the highest
respect? (My highest Respect going only to God) 'She worshipped the ground
He walked on! I know that so. - 1st Fight:The Missionary Position. Many
do-it with no action, only screaming and yelling and preaching, hoping
someone else might feel what is moving them so. I suppose... if i have to
say it. (out loud) I prefer to Missionary without talking about it.
Actions and movements make more sense. To me. add:yes maydn, my queen has
decreed it! she continues: I wood Rather build the Mission than convince
others to. (.paper-two:back-side.) 2nd night: (love three) she continues:
Your letters are like awards to me. Each one Rewarding. I look forward to
looking at them over and over. again feeling Rewarded. I look forward to
being with you, again, If even for a few moments at night before I tuck
myself in for bed. I can be with you now. Without the buzzing and glare of
a monitor and tower. I can draw you pictures of <3 heart's and quirl my
Q's just for Y.O.U. add:..4me?WOW!.(burp).thanks-you. she continues: - -
Second Sight: (LOVE FOUR) The mommy-of-me Reads: wonderful, gorgeous girl.
Curl your Q's and Deerest, you wood not (.cood not.) harm me. you Keep me
safe (too) and..warm. Although you leed me on to many wild paths; you do
best at KEEPING-ME on the one to Heaven. I love You Very BERRY Much.
THANKYOU --******A L**** add:I need heart-paths....with-you. (.paper
three:back side.) she continues: Streem 8 on:absolutes: death meenz
no-body, taxes meen no-money Gods promises meen: no-body needs no-money.
.see reply on (LOVE ONE) --> i do (NOT) aim to (OUT) do you. AIm = woman's
touch. (.that is me = woman by touch.) in-cursive:forgive me. i like your
style too. --> Operational Definitions of Character Qualities. paper from from list of Qualities:p1 to p7 E7 and g3 because
always needing 'more' can make me BLind to what i have. (hopefully you
kept a copy of this. if not then i will send it to you) add:answer: i
did!:p1 to p7 is: truthfulness.obedience.sincerity.
virtue.boldness.forgiveness. persuasivness. (meenings unknown) E7: is
enthusiasm.vs.Apathy g3: is contentment.vs.coveting. .end of add. she
continues: --> Brick homes with better sustainability: the pointed-roof:
(.good for snow-melt.) the dome-roof: (.stronges architectural
structure.) makes me 'heart?' You lots. ???? (.paper four:) (sexy-one) she
continues: drawing: fertility-shapes of female and male.(circle-square)
note: geometry can be fun ! --> I try to write to you /speak to you/
etc.etctra. in ways that i would hope you might understand. 'That' is the
KEY to positive communication, -If Im taLking and no-one is understanding,
then I am not commun-icating, I am just talking. I want for you to
understand me/ my-words/ my-body. It could be fun...for both of us. -->
Sometimes mayb you might not believe ALL we have In Common. --> When you
say you want to hear my ideas on... ::::sex and relationships:::: and
communication (from a girls view) I want-to-begin telling you all about
me. The unique me. 'Not' the one with 'great' breasts and 'amazing' lips
and hips. add:.thud.thud.thud. maydn stop! yor arousing-me! she
continues: I couldn't imagine that you would 'begin' to take-me seriously
if I told you how i get 'TURNED-ON' by nature-and-dirt, or that i would
much Rather build a... (.paper four:back side.) continued: ...House than
'clean' it, OR that I-Too think about RAW-SEX - ALOT!! I think I dont
start telling you these things on my own because I'm not sure if you'd
believe me. Or accept me. OR understand me. add:pleez write on my heart. i
do understand-you. thing-eye-do eye-do only cuz my-flowers bloom. its 2008 has-bin a deep-time. a wonderful eight-time. of
finding out how beautiful maydn-is...and pleasing-her. she continues: -->
I feel sorry for you that you should have to learn about a woman's depth
from me... cuz. I Run in and down and through and over and up and out and
back in again, creating a MIRaculous Natural WOnder...(thats me.) add: you
meen like an-eight? god gave me a heart-teacher.. maydn is a my-heart-teacher. match-maker. !
she continues: and eye love thinking and talking, (.above line scratched
out.) and eye love sex too !!! (iHsex2) (insert:) I have dreams of
a-future; with you. Yes,many of them involve being naked..(skin)...This
skin is not a 'prison' or a bad place to be...for me. Another gift..for
me..for you. add:..yes you are 'very' beautiful ...mood:...?..(.hurting.)
she continues: * 2009 Good's Grace. --> a clear path built with clear
intention. in cursive: :::My HANds FOr His Will.::: Spiritual-values to
give to my daughter-s and sons. add:...and! to their 'nuts'... .(.sigh.)
My heart beats rapidly for her. as eye finish typing paper-four. ugh.!
this gets 'hard' for me. end of add. (paper five:) 12-12-08 she
continues: phone-call = fantastic (as usual) I look forward, all week, to
my night with you. All your loving words and condemnation. ( I enjoy being
punished by you? (smile:)) Then, because I 'lusted' for more - of you - I
opened your letter. IT was so Big! Oh Lover, (sexy-two) I forgot how
amazing being naked (in mind) with you was. So busy being 'behaved' and
"modest", I had forgotten. (.how cood I ever..really?) Please don't ever
forget who-made-you and be sure to always do right by that. add:yikes!
maydn.! eye-will..try. she continues: But for God's chosen union in time
let 'us' be naked together for-as-long as He might allow. add:you have
spoken it,(.throb.throb!) add:....but im going to faint! add:feeling
strongly-for-you,(shaking) she continues: -- So...when and where did you
exactly get old? And how do you Really know that I am not Old-ER than you?
MAyB i cood 'die' soon and MayB I should 'Release' you....Release-you to
the moon and stars and... add:maydn pleez! stop! throbbing. ...cant
catch breath....fffff AMi going to 'die' (.mate.) with you...? that'will
'ruin' everything...sob fffff...eye cant hold it!
...uuh..uh...u!...fffff!!! (boing!) (.brave-boy just 'mated' with... her
lovelioness..and lost his seeds' uuh!gh.) two-hours later: but i (.burp.) eye spilled seeds! everythings all
goo-ey. i didnt stay-calm. trying.... honest im trying...(sniff)...
heart-keeping! secound add: but you-ment 'release' as-in 'permission'...i
love that! i love 'being'-yours so much i-MUST cum to you for things..for
favors.. for letters...for 'o.k.'s on 'who' i feels so
sexy! O.K. lets...continue: (paper five:back-side)
...she.continues.writing: ...Release you to the moon and stars
and...Heaven above. (what?) To another fe-male, that might fit your fancy?
Not while Im alive! (.smile-face:) Unless you need two, and then... I
will Cry and find you two more. add:--> hump-bump-bump? no-way mistress!
(my-heart-keeper) you appease me :::grr-eight-lee::: your sex is 8-to-one!
you teez and pleez me with 'that-much' viger-ness!... your pretty eyes !
your heart-pounding-smile teers-me-apart...watching your lovely-hands
send me into trem-'amor'z until the-flowers-of-favor all fall at your
feet... for you are worthy. of all my love. she continues: I wish you
could know that much of what was written in 'the Early days' were not for
(YOU) but for-a-man in my heart that i had longed-for from my soul. A
mate to match minds with and mayb share in this life.
true-sister!' eye too called you 'HER' until.hearts wood open. add:...eye
wrote a fantasy related to soul-mating... its here! your-here!... (you are
my far-end.) she continues: Only with the Lord's praise and permission
might there have been a connection like the one i am speaking of...with
(YOU). add:..deer brat-sister, pleeze! we 'connected' by-heart... cuz of
no pictures...? we had no-thing to offer... just our inner-thots. like
blind-people do. (.from the heart.) she continues: .if God didnt know
me... neither wood you. If I didnt Trust Him I would not 'TRUST' you.
add:mood:...maydn.!...? .'pleez' do-not say that...! do not
say...'TRUST.'.. '(.tears....anger.)...(sob) but she continues: ''
when I say 'I LOVE YOU' (.however 'choked' ...and... sshakey.. I might
sseem.) Add:..eye//..cant breeth...hhh...hhhh... maydn continues: I have
never been more sincere to a I am with you. (.end of
paper-five.) Add:cant breeth...hhh...hhhh...
...maydn...(sob)...eye..'like' you. you see-past my faults... eye TRY...
to see-PAST giggles. ...into your dreams. (.tho a man needs
girlish-giggles.) i 'do' WANT to hear about the-man your soul dreams
about.(ALOT) these-things you do makes me 'so.HAPPY.' cuz i wann-ted to
know! i wan-ted to know what women 'long-for'..'heart-cry.for'.. somthing
eye-cant-hide from. cuz it comes from the heart-muscles. (.more.) before
you start 'gushing' more... i want to tell:of weather here: it is
'Howling' bad.rain. midnight 12-24-08 (.more.) (.mood: i want my maydn
cautious. i want maydn 2c-'in-love'is a sensitive and dangerous-issue.
'sparking' begins a future-family. but some kids play with that 'spark'
and dont want the 'results' so they date-someone-else to enjoy that
'spark'...again. (home-wrekers.) can me and you someday 'love' without all
this marital 'in-love'? (.sex-sparks and feathers-flying.) (.old-age
garantees it.) heart-keepers who murder?: got
blogging ...knew what young-girls long-for.. .played the-part of a
young-man.. .and then...for-fun...'broke-up' with the young-girl with such
words.. that she commited suicide... ...??? and i guess the-law decided
the lady ought to be...punished. note: people tend to be more 'open'on
blogs.(before web-cam) so this can-not be new... someone is just using
the-story via-news to get some new-laws passed... (.for reasons eye have
no comments.) (.end of my long.add.) (paper-six:) she continues to write:
12/14/08 (sexy-five) ( (eye-ball) wood
like to +Add+ a short-sextion to story-time. four-minutes is total. we
cood call it four-play. one-min=question for me.. one-min=answer from
me... one-min=question for you. one-min=answer from you. A way to
Add-'ourselves' into story-time. - - Time to work on a loverly loving
Relation-ship. "many people spend more time walking their dog than they do
trying to develope and MANE-TAME healthy-positive relations in the
world\home." ?these things shood just happen on their own? NOPE. no-wonder
so many homes... relationships...crumble. People,animals, plants,
relationships...(.all are living.growing,learning.) it is important to
keep-up and make-time. (EX) want to know: likes\dislikes. (EX) what is
your favorite food? (.fresh hot whole-grain bread.) (EX) what is your
favorite color? (.green.) Yes...I know, it may 'seem' trivial but
'Friends' shood keep interested in a person's personal ideas and...
preferences. add:maydn.?.i see a RElationship! but i see in the above
lines a girl who is try-ing to open me up... but only cuz she is full of
love. you are a very-passonate-maiden. a grimee-peasant-girl with the
heart of a royal-princess. your just trying to 'hurt papa with love' cuz
of his eyes... somthing in the woodsy-man adores you. as a daughter...a
lover...a pet-gofer... ...a sister...a bride.. eye am 'afeared' of
you...cuz of four-play...guys need it!..those 'talks' ...your simple ways
and questions seem ...simple...but are full of love. and that
hurts...un.till your-man can surrender to it...and becomes your closest those simple talks. eye said(.explored,) enuff of this at
lion1208.txt book:TRUE-LOVE. id cuzyour heart is trying to tell-me majestic as the trees. :end of long-add. (.paper
six:back-side.) maydn continues: (EX) what does a woman think about SEX.?.
She thinks.. (1) will it 'feel' good (right-now) will my 'body' respond
to... stimulation.? note: if it is swollen or injured or in pain "regular"
stimulation like grabbing breasts or pinching /chewing/sucking nipples OR
a smack on the ass may not feel good at all even though for most of the
time that stuff cood very well send-her through the Roof oR atleast keep
her 'begging'for some more. add:.hh!.ugh.(boing)bzz.maydn stop! maydn
continues: (2) will there be time for me to reach 'my' climax.? (.like
mountain climbing.) --> what is true for me is not necessarily true for my
sister. -->I like to enjoy "mountain climbing".each rock,each bush, every
spring and 'stream.' I could spend months/years at a-time, Slowly going
about in delightful curiosity of the Lord's creation. Maybe my sister wood
Rather just get to the top, take a picture, plant a flag, and then Ret-urn
home to get warm with a good-book. (3) will I need to take care of
something oR someone now, soon, or later? (4) will I be able to do this
well.? add:..yum.yum. tell me more! (.paper-seven:) add:this paper got me
'pointed' before i cood finish! she continues to feed Lion: I-KNOW: You
want to hear bouncy, jiggly, giggly, girl stuff. Like: when I
take-your-Reigns I will 'squeeze' my thighs -tight- around your torso so
as not to get thrown or 'BucKed' off!... add:my heart-is-skipping
terribly for this add:note deer-lion how
she-likes this 'position' as much as you-like typing 'foot-on-balls.' she
continues: ANd: your hands must hold my 'tiT-T's' in place -fiRmly-
that nothing gets hurt.(too much.) Now. the most 'common' occurance of my
'foot'-in-your nut-sack will be... at the dining-room table!. add:..ooch!
my heart is throbbing. can eye keep typing this? kiss her toes? she
continues: Of course, in recognition of taste, no-one else can get
suspition shood not use their 'feet' at the table. I make this
exception 'for -YOU- only' cause I -know- that later... we will 'feast' on
the milk and 'honey' that this... afffff..ection surely brings.
add:...Yikes! ...Boooing!! .uh..uh..i want to 'cum'4U. maydn? help
me!....im2jizzy.uhhh. mood: 2hump-ee she continues: Too naughty for
you.?..mmmh...mabe later. ::::i can do-it better.:::: (sexy-four)...(whole
page crossed-out) (paper-seven:back-side) add:this side is blank!
...Yikes! eye kissed the paper... (.without-thinking.) (.smack!.) how
imbarrassing... (.i must have...? liked it..) (paper-eight:)
(.majic.number.) this-paper is 'TO'-HARd on me... i will just type-without
adds. mmh...mmh...mmmmhu! ...then cum-quietly in bed. ..thinking of the...
lovely maydn! who 'hand' did-this for me! thump.throb.thump.uhuhuh.
(.gush.) she writes: (sexy-three) Now. with All that on paper and said...
::::LET-Us.'MATE':::: !!! Like old friends that 'always'-wanted-to!
but... never-could --> (see backside) because they ARE too far? apart.
...and too behaved. add:(sigh)! she continues: The 'balls'
are in my hand..(court) and I am 'bent' on making this good.! Watch-out for your scaly-neck. because i am going to 'lick'
and... nibble-bite..(.nicely.) and Kiss!.. until you breeathe 'fire.' OH!
my WOrd! ..I can nearly 'FEEL' you in my hands...uhuhuh.. Now I know why I
have such a 'HARd' time writing this...-stuff-... ..It be-cums very Real
for me... and my body 'Aches' for it... --> for Your Hot Breath! ..uhuh! I
might end up in a... 'seXual-crazE' and become a target for a hunter
on-the-prowL. Note:Men seem to sense, almost by instinct 'when' a Woman is
aroused. oR menstrating....They become 'much' 'More Aggressive' than
usual. (.hint.hint.) Lucky for you...I am locked into my house, all Warm
and Alone - - Reading YOur prO-vocative bedtime stories...
(.paper-eight!:back-side:) ..MY 'nipples' are 'point'ed and CHew-able...My
sweater is a... twisted-mess and my 'Panties' should-be Re-moo-ved.
(snap) ..What I Have is 'WARM'.(very warm) and...wet for you.. I have
'flutterbys' in my stomach and if you were to 'thrust' into-me right -now-
and be 'done-with-it'.. then you wood be doing-yourself.. a disservice.! we feel same?-things! my love-words speak of the
'moving-feelings' in my tummy for you...but you say 'flutter-bys!' many teeeeers!...(.snif.) ...teers of hold you.!
thhhank--youu mmaydn! for these... hump-'moments'...eye feel
...a King...(.tender-hearted.) treat-me with... 'Royal'
::( yet all eye can 'do' is RooaRrr. and put my paws around
you...hhh.hhu. she continues: ooh yess! do it... 'My' butterflys would be
relieved and I wood continue to 'stroke' you...(.Mane.and.Tale.) until
you R-ready to pleasure me some (.MORE.) add: oh! honey-bunny...yes!..
mood: surprised! im glad my-heart call-d you 'honey' 'missd'
that-word. but forgive the 'bunny'... (.im just bunny-happy rite-NOW.)
(.boing.boing.boing.) (...lions like this stuff.) she continues: (sigh)
This cood go on ALL night! and day- ...unless you get sick and 'Knead' me
to 'NURSE' you. This wood Make things hard, too. (throb.throb)
..mmh..'I-AM'-TElling you!...we 'need' a looong...
honey-bare.(.bear.)-moon. because we-wont be 'Able' to get anything 'ELSE'
done. (.thump.bump.bump.) ...until we 'work-this-out'. And then I hope to
'KEEP' you close. in my (bosom) breast to show you... ..i ...looove and will 'take' -care of(with) you...Always. add: ?.mmh!
too! misstress 'my-WiLL' has! when you said 'KEEP'...and
i-will do my 2009-best to 'find' places for hearts. add: mood:.'very'
self-conscious: why did i 'mate' with her...? if eye
do-not-love-her-now... 'i-will'-love-her-soon. and must pre-pare for
that. make a safe-place...a home.. for when my-heart (.or-hers.) does
'go-crazy' 'in-love' and then falls-off again... see? a-home is a
catch-net. as-well-as a place for 'marital'acts and problems. mayden? do
you want to start a home...? (.my posts this-moon are full of maternal
acts..notty-kitty.) do-it-for-maydn. who impowers me.with herself. takes
my ...i will do-all she says. she is-a-'darling'
inside my heart-beats..they pitr-patr-4-her.! my-love-is-kept 'with' she SAYS lovely-lusty things to-her fuzzy-gofer-guy...
and...(.kiss the gofer.)... he sings back to her! this is why
'marital'things must be 'kept-in-bed'...private. your the -soul-....allowing dreams to form. . . .
choices for the new-year... choices of a HOmE,! (.paper-nine.) she
continues: So=that leads to a need-for RElaxation, 4-play, stamina, and
sensitivity/understanding. --> is any of this making sense? Hopefully I
Have you Terrificly 'aroused' Right -now-. THAT is how i wood prefer to
'keep' my MAn...satisfied!. I'd Rather have him Run-from-me.. than run-to
someone else. (sexually) add: you have spoken your i will
keep my sex-with-you. cuz you feed Him 'good-healthy-kitty-food.' he is
'safer' giving-him to you. i am 'giving' his LION-needs to you. to always
be yours. I will 'ASK' if i need more. I will always Ask for your-O-K.
..umm..o.k.? i will 'depend' on your blogs to keep-me
sexually-secure..happy. .your-young-buck-banging. satisfied! .you have bin
my-single source of ...sexual-pleasure since berry3-08. ..cuz eye-bin
to-busy (RET) and to-HAPPY with-you to want to dream more! maiden may i
ever dream-more... ..but always'WITH'you. polygamy...not even for... must-be you! you-are NOT 'prison'...maydn you are
Liberty! a mans dream. cuz you-dont-know! how pleasurable you-'ALL'
(your-all) is to me. ....or do you? . (.Boing!.)! just hope it wont make you so jiggly.humpy-jumpy you 'bang'
my balls off. out of existence! ...(.shivers.) ...Lions are known to give
maidens strong over-stimulation..'sensations.' crazy-cozy wild
fluffy-haired Beasts... with brow-nee Arms and kinky-tales... eye paw-zzed
here: a fierce-irri-sistable lover in-dangers 'bursting' his balls if she
gets to-happy.squeezy. playful.on him. .(.uncontrolable..!.) ...o well..
atleest he will looze nuts happy. thump.thump....'bump.' but if she 'is'
His Heart-keeper... she will be Extra-Extra-careful ...with Him. Even when
'careful' is-not on his furr-ee fur-tile mind. uhh...whats it like? what
duz-it 'feel' like to have balls? ...throw sand in your-eyes...its
painful. but lower. and harder. and you must walk-different. but its
better than being a girl...sure it is... she continues: --> Though I will
admit... that mental-stimulation..for a woman... is great....not
necessary...but great... I think men enjoy mental-connections just as much
as physical...too. 'Emotional' connections may be...
where-these-TWO-meet. (.end of maydens nine papers.) more responses to her
wonderful 'hand-job' ( ..of her nine-papers
continues after 'package-contents' ends. - - (.next comment.) next to
pop-out the package was: -paused- (my comment:) this next long-part is
specical-love eye have for the-nine papers... mostly first-re-actions. to
what you ink-papered for me! special-love stars here: add: oh! maydn! it
hurts! burns! i want to go-to-bed with you so-'Bad!'. .(.heart-boing!.)
this is... 'def-E-nate-lee' ::Marital:: eye WANT to 'bed-with-you' only
forever. soul-bonding! feels wonderful...with-YoU. and good-for-me...cuz i
'mated'. it will keep me only-yours. a-looong-loong-time. mated-to- you.
and bedding-you. in my thots. what a beautiful way to end 2008! cleaving
to you as my-love-for-life my-one-love-for-sex. im-sorry-i-found
no-other... but the beauty-of-it. is flowers for my heart. when
i-think-of-you. eye have her.. a beutiful maiden... to love and to
lust-at. ...and 2008-tells how eye 'mated-to-you.' no-one can take that
smile from me. for eye loved her. with all my heart. and found
contentment. in her endless-lee love-lee words... written all over-me for
one-year solid to re-mind me... this is 'The ONE' you must cleave-to
whenever you need sex. and soul-mating. talk your-heart-out to her. she
will protect it. and you-will love her. endless-lee! and complete-lee and
be only-hers...and stangest of feelings: ::::CONTENT:::: with her beauty.
with her words. with her tugs. with her sounds. with her love. with her
smile. with her flowers. with her body? with her soul. with her
acceptance. with her gentleness. with her kiss. with that-flower
and-+smile+ she tells me my heart. Says im loved... and found favour with
her... forever. i will always love this woman! she is my helper. my
company. my very deerest. she is my dream'friend'... and 'friend' is a
word eye thot...eye knew. (.hands and hearts. twisted-together.)
::::.maydn.I.Heart.YOU.:::: you wrote that you 'TRUST' and eye
hated-it. but now...its my turn to let-my-heart Trust-You forever...too.
...(.sigh.) God greet you this New Year. with infinite love and mercy. so
much like you gave to me! (.kiss.kiss.) (.and a papa-bear-Hug.) (.for
you.) Thanks for 'letting' me mate.and kiss. and question. and giggle.and
dream.and give my heart to your skirts where i always feel warm.
welcome.and....yours. Thanks much for your
provocative letters... I feel so sexy..(.wanted.) I feel so
loved..(needed) i feel so you..(.mated.) i feel so proud of maydn and mate-ing with my girl. note: i feel so
you..(.mated.) is true..but also error. after-mating men tend to say 'we'
and forget she is a 'she' intitled to her own conciounce. not to be
dis-regarded. a common error we men make: that all hers is his... that
what-ever eye-think.. she-thinks. this is wrong. (.more.) love is a
'daily'thing. the LOVE-BOOK demands 30 minuites-talk..each day for a
'relation' to work. eye hope 'we' have pre-pair'd much for some
take-you. your-love kept me collecting all eye cood. with lucious-options
of True-Love for him to keep-you company with. example:cards.emotions.
jars.story-times. and many-ways to love and cherish his bride. eye have
prepaired with all of my heart. for eye have wanted to please my mate with
all of my help men see: Love is 'grown' Love is 'watered' not
'grabbed'... by someone who wants to 'smell' it but will-not care for it.
and 'throws' it out when the 'feelings-of-love' has wilted. the
heart-waster says: .why-are for love? if eye dont love-him anymore.. and
dont water-him when he is 'down' (.wilting.) the heart-waster says: there
are 'plenty' of flowers out there still nice-looking to 'pick' (.more.)
note:eye see now... how this kind-of-talk leeds to 'relationship' see.?
maydn is 'trying to help and warn' ...that the-pretty-parts do! fall-off.
and will? i have the 'guts' to put it back-on? 'make' the relationship
work.? ..a place where love can come.? ..or atleast to wait- ...till love
returns! (.for that one-and-only-mate.) (.love is a feeling.) .staying
with her... is a commitment... a relationship... a place for hearts...
dumping one mate for a new NOT... a place for hearts. but a place
of heart -less-ness. follows love and lust and feelings.. for a
person only as long as the 'emotion' lasts.... no 'heart-keeping' is
required. dump one, go get a new one... why do they do that? cuz no
'heart-keeper' is present. only a... home-wrecker... emptiness.lonliness. what their gardens grow.. jesu said seek me! i am come that
they may have LIFE!... Life to the FULL! i am the bread of life.
be-'HAving' ME...jesu said..he who 'has' me 'has' the light of life.
life-to-the-FULL. (things only god ment for you to be a-part of.) a - - - heart-Keeper Maydn.! ? do you still look-at the
things eye send you';'?'Full'. with hearts. - -no end- - - -
- (.next comments.) next below are thots eye was 'thinking' :::while
typing-out her letters::: not while 'reading' her letters. (.see above.)
eye type my feelings all over the screen hard and fast cuz the year is
ending and eye have but one-memmory of a maiden. and eye want to give my
all to her. she is all eye got. maydn-2008 the above'lines' are thots eye
had 'while-reading'...note-that.please. below are thots eye
had 'while-typing'...out her letters. here it starts: wow! this is
like..touching her-heart...its all 'her' words. they must PASS threw
me... to get to the screen...what... is she 'doing' to me? this is
like...mate-ing.. (.more.) mistress it will be an 'Hono-UR' to do this to
myself. the pleasure of hitting words that 'appeal' to her...
every...single...time... cuz they are her-own efforts. to communicate... heart is pounding. (later thots:) maydn i live a nomadic... a yearly-cycle for work and turff-setting. i
cannot possibly give the 'talks' and 'relationships' women crave. i
understand many 'migrate' for work and they are Near. if i understood it
better eye wood call you to be here. instantly! just to... 'green.'
yet... thanks for 'holding' my heart in-your-lap.. despite these
problems...and your promise to keep it there. 'as long as eye live' - -
maydn your love is... ...breath-taking! - - - - - - (.more.) yes those
sexual-parts were also 'breath-taking.' eye had to run for the woods to
walk-off 'arousal' (guys need to do that) im so thankful to you... for
touching my soul. (.standing-on-a-nut.) the love'tugs' NOW are-so deep!
...' nothing REM-AIN.s..! but to 'pull'-me-in- 'strongly'...
scorch-ing-me-with-love. (.to Hot!.pleez stop!.) - - - - Im not trying to
'get-rid' of you...Im admitting your 'worth' as a BRIDE. IAm admitting
your NEED of 'little rewards' and things eye cant do. you know.--> ??
:::things a wife deserves.::: and so eye 'Release' you in-the-name-of-love
to a 'suitable' suiter! only doing MY-BEST. for 'my-girl'.in her
'he-art'. knowing you WILL continue to love-me where you can. (.for my own
good.) and god will but if god wants me with you. you wont
get-away. (.giggle.) i believe that... i dont know how my parents 'stuck'
with me this long... (.more.) photo of mother with child: the mother-child
photo in the card. was very fun. cuz i kinda-knew what to look-for in my
mate... having never seen-her-before eye had 'peesd' the truth. together.
and it was amu-sing to see how accurate my thots of her are. - - photo:
but to 'see' the two-deers deer-est to my heart was an amazing moment...
(darlings!) my chest got tite... it felt strange... total 'awe'... someone
eye never met, yet 'understood' so deeply. her-every screem. her
every-passion. her joys. her-love.(.sob.) and it was all mine!..
secret...i cood have died.!..cuz she had put her 'heart' in my hands... i
wanted to pass-out... her words gave strength. what? why be shy? eye can
be free with her. she knows me deep. even my inner-thots. (stuff none are
to know) she understands. she protects... she wants to cover. and eye want
to 'cover'her. in-return she only asks to be allowed to un-cover ...for herself. (.....) will eye ever know a person so
completly as this? :::none::: ...the world is to busy. i am to
busy.(2009). but now eye know MAN better. and 'love' them despite so many
faults! eye know they have a 'heart.' cuz maydn-pulled-mine-OUT.
and forced me (for all 2008) to look into her eyes... to see my
heart-parts.. to see the liquid of love. to feel everything inside me
becoming hard...and hers. and her beauty...mine. hmm.ffffff! eye pulled
away from her... xfers-were-completed. our lips un-locked after the
'meenings' of love... wer-known(head) and FELT.(heart)... and
done.(hands) and kept.(health.) (.the.four.H's.) and... how-to be 'loving'
and what 'in-love' is. and to avoid it for the 'proper' time.and uses.
(marital-acts) - - - she also let-go of my 'balls' when she saw. love must
be 'free'... the man must-cum-to-her by 'choice'. and 'released'
in-the-name-of-love to go... to stay... to be here. there. (.if god is in
it.) - - - (.next comment.) marital-acts... why...? why does this 'pull'
for 'intense'.petting and sex. pull at my very roots..? cuz it works a
tite-bond. to make wedded-life 'bare'able 2keep us-together. knit. for the
duration+struggle ahead. of raising brats.( and a beautiful
transition.. as SEX looz-ez 'pull' and being 'a family' begins to
pull-harder. the 'sex-drive' ceases. marital-problems.turn to family...
(problems.)..and old-age. not exactly what god-intended. but very
fitting. (.only the 'eight' remains.) - - - (.next comment.) my
last-moments with her... seem to speak strong of 'commit-ment' and a
'relation-ship' which began as soon as the 'Queen' 'spoke' the word. i
became fasci-nated at the meenings and 'moments' of surrender and joy
that are-waiting in-those words. maydn had already started on the
'questions' for our four-min four-play... and for the first time eye
understood how deeply important these little moments are to her... having
wanted to 'truly' know and understand a woman (.not just for great sex.)
but also for the great-sex it wood give 'HER' cuz women 'love' that
emotional connection of 'conversation' with their mate. (.more.) she was
getting into... 'the questions' type-stuff. woooo! (scary) (reelee-scary)
...but 'special' cuz i had just finished... Lion1208.txt which...
REEeeeeely ! got into the-art of 'questions' and other... 'Love-words'
that women loooove! (.guys can to.) ...feelings maydn may never have seen
on paper. (.book:TRUE-LOVE in three parts.) our first four-minute
four-play! is that why you didnt ask? anything? mayden...? knew
this-part was important...but didnt know why.?? nor why guys hate it...?
nor why you ask? if reely you dont want a 'solution' but a 'conversation'
did you ever hear a guy talk-type like this? curiosity scares
me-too. but eye know its ending and you will have to fite-with-it
yourself..cuz eye like being-boy.guy. man of hello??
still there? poor maydn... im still listening to her heart....(sob) on the
telephone. love-words she felt...but cood not ASK for...cuz no 'TERMs'
existed for... the his\her heart... note:thats what streem-8
is ALL about! our 'differences'...-explained. why do eye even try? ...cuz
her-love! her smile.says 'please try to help me' love me.understand!' but was 'my-time' to 'face' such gooey-stuff..
including gooey-books. (.hated.) for one-moment in my life.. eye was
picking them up... for the rite-reasons... (.a-one-time-event.)
heart-pounding desires to understand maydn so-deeeply. was the thing that
kept me reeding...her smile. --x--oo--(: (.flower.) till finaly i began
to understand how she thinks... (.more close-lee.) and how true-lee
beautiful! she is..(a glimpse) before eye return to man-hood.
is my 'only' view-POINT.of the world. and shood be! ...yes.? ...hence the
term... 'its a mans world.' ...the masculine mindset! .how HARD eye tried
to make 2008 break-it-up...alas! or atleast 'expose' some helpful
'differences' stuff even the most BRUT-ish guy..(a mans-man) can use to
please his mate with. (.eye hope eye typed enuff.) - - - (.next comment.)
Maydn-please! i never 'planned' on loving-you..? falling 'in-love'
:::to-you.::: By doing so eye-learned! and will now one-day be a VERY
passionate man... cuz eye 'listen' and even dare to 'ask' what 'listen' a woman... if TIME wood allow it. maybe god-knows my end. and
'lets-me' go deeper. with you...then most ever do...with themselves. cuz
god is up-to-somthing... somthing... out-of-this-world. - - - maydn
you-are going-into 'relationship' training with me...i will fite-it and
screem all the way. cuz eye dont 'WANT' to know a girl as deeply as eye
now-do. eye dont want a wife. eye want my sons to be adopted...not my
seed. my heart screems for them cuz they ARE! and they EAT out of the
trash in some city 'tonight'... cuz i do-not teach them how to 'localize'
their in-take. hec! some of them are probly older-than me! you see? eye
dont WANT to study YOU anymore... eye just did it cuz... a Man NEEDs a
MAte... its in our designs.. but th-boy is right. you are turning-me into
a goose-brain. - - (.next comment.) maydn-2008 is a 'fine' jewel to have
in my heart....very-unusual. if god wants...he will
bring-me-to-your-knees again...HE is 'VERY' good at it. especialy if eye
keep my eyes on the prize: a heart 'willing' to obey...even if my
character wood NEVER go 'toward' a woman... god may use 'THAT' to bring me
to you... even faster... -no end- - silence is golden... - (.next
comment.) - However.... Eye Will Type this Out (.your own letters.) as one
who is truely bonded to you. as one who is with you. and enjoys you... ..
. . ....Forever. . .. . for your passions. for pleasing you. for looking
at you. and all over-you... . . .those parts of you... that need my
constant.. tending...and care. . . .. ...those heart-parts... that beg for
my kisses.. .i give them tonight. .for the night is dark .cold.and
xmas-ee.. .. . ..and your letters speak .of deep needs... .long-talks.
.long-walks.. ..and long-moments... ..just for holding you.. ...'having'
you.. .. your hairs... a man who has found
...un-speakable treasure... ..gently out-lining... your beautiful eyes
and lips with kind..and timid finger and thumb. . .brushing the
sweetness.. ...and pulling your hair. ..back behind your ear.. look
more warm-lee ...into your eyes.. ..enjoy your company... ...and your
'anoing' questions. ..that women want when romanced. he says every-night:
(.awed by her beauty.) where did you come from? and every-nite she give a
different romantic-answer: 1.eye come from the moon! 2.eye come from the
depth of the seas! 3.eye come from your fantasies. im realy not here at
all! (.embarrased.) ...but always giving her ..a handsome answer..
one who was permited speak to a queen ..and who was
tutored.(not-tortured) ...under her own breasts... ..'what to say'..and
how to behave. ... ....and then sliding his arms warmly around her...a
hand glides up behind her head, the other secures itself around her waste
to hold her firmly. .. ... .and then looking deeply into her eyes and
heart... as one who 'holds the lady'... . . . the lady that made him a
handsome HEart-KEEper. patient.wise.and 'VERY' careful. with her love...
and... ..with.her.heart. - -no end- - (.next day up-bubbled) (.next
tale.) (add-this to previous?) He layd her back gently and she cozied and
contented her self to sit-up in bed for read a book. as she read
love-stories he began to gently kiss every-part of Happy to Have
All of her to Himself... after chapter two maydn cood see he was very
'hard'...she moved to keep him that way...for it ment he was thinking of
her. dreaming of her... his heart was rapid. but she was-not aroused.
(.sigh.) O.k. said she. you may kiss all-over me. again...but this time
you may start licking. chapter four his heart was beating much
faster...she cood see it in his eyes... he wanted her bad... she loved his
affection. and now he was burning. yet he wood not dare make his attempt
to 'get-off' for fear of getting a big-toe pushed into his
nut-sack...(shivers) maydn..(the queen) did not want to hurt his heart any
longer... (sigh) o.k. you may cum at my feet... but be-quick about it. eye
have no time for your male-problems nor 'go-crazy' fantasies. - - he
kissed each of her toes with the deepest of affection and she 'cupped' her
cold feet about his hot shaft to give him an easy-slide. He loved her to
pieces. and her broke his heart on her pretty toes... 'Make sure you cum
them well' she said... Your seeds keep my feet feeling-great! fresh and
smooth-skinned...just the sort of pretty-ness that will break your heart
over and over...every time you look at them and kiss them...(sigh) - - - -
Maydn was to tired at night to do what she liked. and let her man play.
but by morning she was rubbed so fresh and ready. she just had to have
her way... and now plenty aroused. for performing her-own fantasies with
him. which (.bla.bla.bla.) included alot of talking... which... her man
began to understand...and do for her. out of 'the-purest-love.' the kind
that made her smile.back at him. (.more.) 2009....maydn my intent is to
end ALL 'marital' relation with you...and you may aim to do the
opposite... i hope you win...who knows? but eye 'long' to write 2009
differently. nothing will be like 2008 (.more.) I want you to know you
have 'deeply' satisfied me. we all wish...(at the end) that we had bin
more 'open' more curious. more playful. less cautious... i want you to
know eye have never loved so deeply.! bin so open. nor so close. to
another YOU. My 'open' ness with you has bin delicious. i
won't bother-you with what love and pure-ness i yet... hold for
you..(.so-shy.) Nor what your heart-tugs allowed me to do...(.so-long)
words...books...joys... maydn? what have you done to me? as you said at
the beggining of 1-08 so now eye say to you: i am 'afeared' of you for
your are loved...a princess eye have grown to know.
love.honour.not-hide-from (.secret-thots.) ..i!!!
hurt.with.. deeply.. telling ALL. as a friend you wood not cross me. but
you took me for your own! my heart-keeper. so eye look at 'eight' and say
for always... 8-8-maydn is great. 8-8-she loved me true. 8-8-my queen. 8-8
my princes. 8-8 hearts need you. 8-8 love is true. 8-8 mayd i love you.
8-8 gofer-girls are 'now' understood. (.somewhat better.) cuz she helped
me. opened my passions. tawt me to listen. tawt me to gush. tawt me to
be... a master heart-keeper. - - and never go back. (.commitment.) -no
end- - (.next comment.) eye know eye wrote all year to you like you were
very-important. ...maybe you dont know. 'How' important. maybe thats
good! if eye had to write an Epiphany (stepstone) about you from my
heart. in the fewest words... it wood probly say: ::::Eye 'constantly'
felt free to Hide-Nothing from Her ...eye never want to meet someone like
that again.:::: (.meaning unknown.) - - (.more.)
I.L.ove.Y.ou...M.iss.tress. eye failed to 'court' you.
good-enuff..and...yet... any heart-part that makes=it safely to you... is
a treasure for me.! you so-deeply satisfy me. What-ever it takes to show
submission to you... eye wood do...and still do. eye guess bad-things
happen when we are pre-teens... eye wood hide-nothing... but you kind-of
know.... eye just want to-report... (.keep it hush.) a-vivid mem-mory of
'wanting' to lick?kiss a semi-nude middle-aged woman... it bothers me
knot... except that eye was... the time... wow! bad books?
yep. ability to Mate?... i guess so!...fully 'in-to-it' (.more.) eye
almost got kissed once. (.age.sixteen.) (.other time.) eye kinda 'sent
messages' to a girl once. cuz.eye'wanted'to love. she never sent word
back. eye didnt want responses. eye just wanted to 'love' ...she
dissapeared. eye made no attempt for to-busy. to-many
worlds to test. (.more.) in 2006 the 'possibility' of knowing all about
girls came into my reach..(blogs) in 2008 it happened. eye 'wanted' to
know.feed. on their thots and 'have' emotion and all the-other goo-eey
stuff of love. where were the limits? lines? and 'why'...eye have-become
so-rich.with heart-standing-experiences explored..felt..lusted. desired
and thankful for our boy-girl differences. every emotion. every tug. 2008
was great. but eye want to life eye had before 2008.
(.curiosity killed the kitty.) Im exhasuted with the-emotion! much-time
goes into sex-talk. and eye dont write it! femn1207 was my first EveR!
I-heart<3when maydn 'words' gets.HOT! heart-parts of me
only maydn knows. and lion-proud to leave it with her... eye share it.cuz
of her. I'm 'aware' of it.cuz of her. I-love-it..cuz of her. a lion-heart
to cuddle-teez. will eye have 'Time' to study heart-parts again?
...Ever?.. - - lets just forget 'what-if' and enjoy 'what-is' while this
day lasts... while everything points to loving-maydn endless-lee and
deeply...and touch her. (.sniff.) cuz sensitive-sex scenes. slide silently
out of sea-scapes surelee sooner. so sliding softly somewhere sons and
sisters seem so sure shall simmer somthing someday sadlee settled. and
never seen again. so 'seez' somthing-sexy... ..soon. just for maydn. and
the feelings she forbids to forbid. so long as you-be-hers. - - (.next
comment.) ooow! The Queen has permited 'balls-punching' which includes...
BIG-TOE presses into the nut-sack. (.i red her letter. of decree.written
in Royal-ink with her eye -know- im in deep-trouble..)
in-other-words... for total pleasurizing... the Queen has declared..
''Open Season'' for buck-hunting... no-male in her kingdom shall be safe.
till this 'drive' ends. - - - and dont say... -no end- -

December 31, 2008 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

youb1208.txt - - - - v12-27-08 girl-boy
phone-call thots .your sweet night-calls. .condense all-night!. .and becum
morning-dew. ....these are my efforts as a paint...
picture..and post... .things i see...cuz-of-YOU. - - the dream had...
::::.story-parts. ::::.bed-hearts. ::::.nut-kicks. - - - and here they
are: ::::story-parts.:::: 12-26-08 maydn's story-time no-doubt had
hidden-meenings. and eye was tired. so-tired. eye rested my head in her
lap while she sat gently runing her fingers over him and reeding a
story-book. she had much to tell to the boys heart.. .squeezing into his
nuts some very-valuable information... parts of herself. parts about her
he... wood need to be strong and keep him going for all of 2009. maybe for
all of his life. the man in her lap was handsome. and his heart was
open-to-her. without knowing-it she wood write inside of him all of her
screems...passions...dreams. and then close his heart up. before he cood
awake. - - - this she wood do with all of her sons and daughter... filling
their little nuts with reflections of her own heart. till their hearts
wood glow. - - kids are just shells. without the love and dreams planted
in them. eye did not know how empty and useless my own nut-sack was
hanging there all alone every-night without purpose. without her. until
sweet maydn filled it with sparkles..and sunshine. and packed it with
power and love. and a furtile future world. until it was tite like a
ball. - - ::::.bed-hearts.:::: her tale was 'Im Terriffic'' a little bear
who learned he didnt need to do-somthing to be-special to his mother. my
story was 'george carver' the childhood of famous men. the part that
hurt-me was... if you start petting a hunting-dog. he wont work. he will
hunt awhile but then come home to be petted. it can ruin a good race-horse
too. as eye lay there looking at maydn very fair 'filly' horse. eye
began to weep...i know these days and moments will soon end. cuz petting
is not good for the man who will run a new-colony. he is a work-horse. not
a pet. (.more.) there was many-many more struggles going-on in the hearts
of both maydn and me as the stories from our lips came to life. but they
were not expressed. love was telling us to listen. smile.say things that
will 'cheer' us both up..for whatever lay ahead. - - - so...eye dropped
all my anger and dissappointments to tell Maydn i still love-her..and
love-her-her. a child... began typing all the heart-changes
her-love was still doing to-me tonight! hoping to slowly-form the
gorgeous man she deserves! ...and dreams. (.next comment.) im so thankful
i didnt get-angry. cuz anger blinds...i wood have missed some
care-full-heart-tugs maydn cood-have placed on me. It was when she
turned-off the phone and climbed into bed that eye noticed it...for the
first time. her back-side bent-over...waiting for her mate to 'ride'her...
so-sooo pretty...and slapping that cool-Rump of hers into my warm-lap
wood...for a extasy. but somthing happend as eye was 'stare-ing'
at her figure. ...i thot... ...i thot eye heard... ..inside of me...
...her own heart saying..'you fool... ...i dont 'just' want your 'Thrust'
...i want to feel your 'Trust' ..when you go in and out of me... ..eye
want to know im getting your heart with it. i want to feel a boys
heart...coming in to me to be mine.. ..completly..and entering the story
with me...with my heart forever. she continues: sex is just a 'picture' of
what is happening to two-hearts... and eye do-it to you so that your heart
will 'open' next time i want to water-it. and make it grow. guys got no
emotion! no feelings! she continues: .I am here to plant in
'spring' you will gush with love for-me. and by'harvest' (.oh!-Boy!.) all
that emotion eye gave-you (.at great cost to her.) will come back to me!
ten-times what eye planted! no! ...more yet.! maybe 100x-times. maybe a
million!..and eye want to feel-it in bed. THAT is why girls 'talk' That is
why they 'BAnK' up all week...charging-things-up. cuz when they do-it in
bed they are 'soaking' up all the 'emotion' and love-notes and
'conversation' and trust and 'feelings' of being understood.loved.needed.
and their man. thats what turns-them-on. thats what makes her
thrust-harder. what she is 'feasting' upon when she gets-wild in
bed. and 'how' she has and provides...great-sex. for you...and
herself. - - - (.more.) And 'maydn' provided me with that input...she has
bin much! her voice.her words. example: she said: i do-NOT have
meening-less sex and shallow relationships... note: boy-thinks:what? what
does she meeen? she has a standard...but its not a boys! note:NONE of her
words made sense. to was only skin-deep. if you are pretty...i
get hard.. if eye did good. if eye had those 'amazing'
feelings just-before did good. there was no more. guys can
provide 'muscle' but not 'emotion'. so i gave her all the 'muscle' i had.
i even sent so she cood 'have' toys with
'muscle' to vibrate those-two parts of her that get-sensations...
the-clit-area and the g-spot deep inside...which i didnt even 'know-about'
till eye was 'wanting' to please maydn. In Ret-urn...maydn has provided
'emotion' a sense of 'belonging' to a deep-way. after our
phone-call last night. eye felt even deeper! eye enjoyed her
'emotional-sex' in bed and it 'deepened' my being. eye was learning to
'have' emotional-sex with women have with men... men have it
too... and do not seem to be aware of. what it 'can' do....emotion is
alway way below.on their list. .and 'lust' for a good-looking'way'up.the list. (.guys are missing alot.!) but then...girls
cant possibly enjoy what guys see...let me tell you is
wow-wow. Why? cuz their 'design' ? is to off-set the-emotional. by
providing great 'musclular-sex' they are experts of 'those feelings' in
the nerves. in pysical-lusts... they are 8-x-stronger than their female
mate. but in maydn...i begin to sense... the 'emotional-sex' of pleasure.
we reely are the same! needs. but my need to be 'wanted' is
lower-on-the-list. and so its not 'fed' as it shood be.(except4U) my
'want' to have a great-girl-body is always near top-of-list. thats why i
told maydn guys are always stronger at th-lion part of their heart...than
these other parts you (maydn) have bin feeding inside of me. i didnt even
know eye 'had' heart-parts till eye looked into your eyes maydn...'THAT'
is how blind guys are to 'meening-ful-sex' and 'shallow' relation-ships.
im just begginig to see this... and maydn cant find the words to
help-me...she dosnt 'word' her feelings like men-do...and has told me at
the-beggining that she is imbarrased at her natural need to 'have' a
man...i make it somewhat clear of my same-feelings for her at the end of
this post. .(.my needs to 'belong' to you.) maydn? i hope eye have
hh-elped you understand guys alittle better. if not...eye have greatly
understood myself better. (.and will forget cuz im a male.) but... by
NOT-looking at my 'SELF' and just looking at your letters. you have given
me a heart for god. for people. and my nut-sack swells! sparkles and
shines with the-full purpose god had entended for it. filling me with the
deep-passions of true intamate so inriching... where-as
before it was ...what is she talking about? a was only
skin-deep. you maydn naturaly balance this 'bias' which a man 'natural'
has. and eye trust you will continue to help me in that...(uuh..area.) - -
- i like hearing you your mountain-peak...guys love girl-giggles
and girl-squeels. eye feel heavenly when eye can 'pleasurize' you with a
great body... but now the match-making is complete with intense
new-beauty ...when eye begin to realize... hey..wait..! she is squeezing
me even titer cuz.. she enjoys his heart.spirit. and. soul...and wants
that mans heart..native-earthy-living sliping into her too! not just his
fine thrusting-knobs of great size and throbbing-texture. but why dosnt he
'identify' with my 'emotions' nor show 'emotion'?? you made it clear women
like those nobb-ee parts as-much as the men. shood that be all men
sex-with? want those great week-long build-up of compassionate
awards.appreciations.affections from a handsome guy...splurting out of
your heart all-at-once when in bed...thats what she feels for. ...he can
too..?? ...yes.! thats why the books keep saying to provide little tokens
of praise and thanks and love-letters to her. small. size-less...and very
frequent. and unusual 'surprizing'... like the TRUE-LOVE book said. it
builds things up for emotional-sex in ways a boy just 'cant' believe. nor
understand...why a girl wood want all that. noR did eye know! but now eye
heart-know.. .cuz of you maydn THANKS...sooooo so so so so much, (.next
comments.) ::::.nut kick.:::: all these words were amazing!... the woman
was amazed. he wanted to 'know' these things? from me? maydn almost
fainted. the mans heart... ...was trying to word things...??
thinking-much... and...yes to-much... he was focus-ed on 'his-words.'
...and not 'listening'- to --> HER. so...she kicked him in the nuts.
...(.ouch.) to snap him 'out-of-it' focus on-her... get-emotional... less
word-ee. ... and he did! he forgot all about beautiful words. cuz he felt
pain. he felt her nudity suddenly striking him under his tum-ee. - - the
cold-skin of her toes hit hard... on his balls... and then rested. - - -
she looked into his fear-full eyes. she wanted him to know she cood give
him pain and pleasure all at once! and that she wood be care-full with
both. and with his nuts both. she just wanted his body...and his heart...
back. her toes 'flipd' his nuts. sliding them hard across her foot... up
her leg all the way to her kneee... it sent shivers threw him. his nuts
got dragged hard all the way...up her leg to her knee-cap... screeching
like breaks they rubbed and vibrated all the way up. then she
pulled-out... and his big-rubber-balls went over the edge again rubbing
and breaking down her leg. slowing the decent and slamming painfully to a
stop at her foot again. sliding back under her toes...were she flick and
played on them till he went cross-eyed. - - - by this time the boy thot he
was going to die...his thruster had grown big and firm and it was
screeming. shooting pre-cum in all the excitement. which dripped. no doubt
from a pre-vious adventure with her. - - - (.end of my fantasy.) as for
maydn... .eye have dreemed of working her to her peek. there are ways to
get her there faster but iam short-of-breath... during her departure to
the moon...eye tell her plain-lee that eye will take-her heart when she
goes and plant kissis on it so she cant calm-down again. and this talk
excites her even more. and eye pinch-it between my lips and torture it
with my toungue... making her blast-off ten-times harder to the moon than
expected. hehehe.(.giggles.) than while she is still throbbing with extacy
eye will lock my lips on hers. and our tounges will touch and ticcle....
which will blow her so far off the moon to wherever planet is closest...
hopefully to earth again. where eye will steal her heart and pull at her
tit-T's till she is shivering with the pleasures of being a woman. ...if
she makes it back be-sure to protect your nuts cuz she will be seeking
revenge. warn him: if you looze your balls you wont-have those wonderful
tingle-tingle zap-zap thrust-thrust gush feelings. after loozing a nut im
not sure a woman wood even be visualy-attractive to him. somthing down
there 'wants'her. but mayb lust is in the mind... but passions are in the
nuts. (.similar to breasts.?.) im-sad to-report that i knew nothing of
a-mans-thruster. till i met maydn..i had no idea what that big-long thing
was for! ...i wish i cood warn boys...not to touch their nuts for
stimulation. it was the-only thing i knew.! but now eye see its as
'sterilizing.' that maybe why i never saw them do anything with nuts in
any porno-magazines that happened my way..( i donot go looking for those
mags ) so now i try only-to stimulate the long-part...rubbing it... and
leeve the nuts alone... well..o.k..i do like to 'flick' them. cuz it
stings where the nerves are..,,and eye do enjoy maydns use of the word
'knead' ... i just wish...i had done better. oR-if-eye had known...the
things eye type in mid-life. or with end-of-life.
or is this start of a-new-life...? i dont know...maybe we will
rescue-each-other. and make-it-happen. someday soon..(.i need steps.) i
like it when maydn crosses my path and makes things... difficult for a male. as a friend...i lover her for that. even tho eye dont want
it. i need her...she knows that. but eye just run-away...with tears. cuz
eye dont understand... eye dont want to. afraid to be with
her... but eye... want?-her.? (.yes.) (.burp.) i was going to say.... eye
want her.... eye... dont understand me. but eye can still .smile. and bite
what-ever she gives. until eye am bold-enuff to take more. - - -
i-love-her... it dosnt matter if she can-or-cant give more... like that
story she red book: I'M TERRIFFIC. she dosnt need to do anything... eye
just love-her....forever. Always... non-stop. with heart-throbbing
kissis. - - - (.more.) i think she likes the life-style eye paint at
galeeb. and the pictures we draw together.... after a week of that-kind of
affection and charging-up my love-batteries with visions of green-living
and heirloom seed-saving and earth-clay-mud architecture... i too wood
blow-my mind and gush over a handsome-guy who made me feel all those
perma-culture tribal feelings...beside the wonderful goose-bumps of the
big-knobby physical-battery-charging. eye was a girl. eye
kind-of see why they want some...connection with a lifestyle. when they
are thrusting-hard on their mate...the 'emotions' of being connected with
a romantic a romantic-man, plus endless love-notes from
him, plus the phicical-feelings which he can relate a way. all
that together wood make me so charged-for-sex i wood be thrusting on my
mate all night. eye can see more of maydns view of sex..eye like it...its
more all-inclusive...adding traits and feelings that probly shood be apart
of the-sex for the production of better-seeds. the afraid...has
no interest in the sex but the physical contacts.(.eye-candy.) i hope you
can 'widen' his view 'point' so he can have rich-sex. my dreams are
'romantic' and that does helps alittle. i include a certain dress some
emotions (few) some culture. maydn is helping me cuz im not getting that deeplee. without her female-vision and soul-dreems for a mate. i
am lost..and incomplete. (.more.) eye also want maydn to know that my
desire to 'stimulate' her has 'limits'... no chemicals. no drugs. no
pills. no alcohol. no stimulants .(-toys are ok.) .(.vibrators.)
.(.cod-pieces.) warning: alcohol eats living-cells. if it kills germs than
it kills cells. brain-cells. ..and that meens you. it also eats
oxygen...great for preserving foods. but guess what alcohol does to your
blood! it 'takes' the oxygen. what part of 'you' needs oxygen-rich blood!
your brain... so you die...slowly. it also remove defenses so you
get-sick easy. so my bride is dying. and theres nothing eye can do. - - -
but eye am a heart-keeper. eye will do my gofer-best to keep her healthy
so she can-have wild-sex. and keep-hearts too. eye love my bride. eye wish
she knew that... - .(.burp.) - -no end- fffff yes..eye wish she knew..
-x-o-o-L-N---(.that.) -

December 31, 2008 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dfun1208.txt - - - - v12-27-08 fun-dream. i
like recording these. morning-thots of maydn. very strong. i want to
capture them. d-fun-dreams. mem-words: cleve.(we-foots)
touch.(what-parts) next(blow-level) always.(soul-kiss) seed.(die-new)
start: :::cleve.(we-foots) i dreamed of the secure-feeling of maydens-foot
resting in the curvitaure of my-own foot. what a restful thot it is.
two-together. :::touch.(what-parts) we have 'known' eachother long-enuff
to know what-parts stimulate our mate the fastest. eye just touch them...
:::next(blow-level) when i reeely got her going... and mountain-peek is
neering. she lets me know she is about to explode! so eye kiss her on the
lips and rubb even harder. while she is as at-the-top...
(.throbbing-like-crazy.) eye keep looking into her eyes while she gives me
her heart. and then when she feels helpless and shivers and orgasms cover
her eye kiss her to catch the beautiful spirit she is giving-up during her
pass-down-the-mountain. (.i love her.) :::always.(soul-kiss) ...always.? i
forget this part of the dream. eye look into maydn's eyes and...
every-time eye think-of-her. i hear the soft pleasant sounds.. ...of
'always.' :::Always::: eye will always love this girl. eye will always
lust for her. always adore her words. always want her affection. always
keep her heart. always give her my acceptance. always love my
silly-filly. always my gorgeous gofer-girl. always make peace with you.
:::seed.(die-new) i almost forget this part of the dream too. somthing
about commitment. when a seed 'die's in the ground. it sprouts and begins
a new-life. they say it died...cuz if you pull it-out of the ground.
put-it back in the box...and re-plant it next week... it wont do
anything...cuz its not-a-seed anymore. thats why 'dating' dosnt work. you
cant 'plant' a life with one-girl, then pull-it-out, go looking for a
week...and then plant your heart with another girl...thats not life. you
mite live...but your heart wont work nor grow a happy home. i want maydn
to stay with me... cuz the-leaves are coming-out. we have 'dormant'
seasons... but!.. and...with!
hearts that are 'ready' to do heart-keeping.... not
heart-hurting.divorcing. destroying. i guess i shood-have typed this dream
the-day it came... but eye-did-my-best for the-queen of hearts ...i say
'Queen' cuz she will be re-flecting gods-love into little-hearts.and
nuts.and into every-little-stitch. like a big 'Leaf-eey' Tree. maydns
leaves and roots will give beautiful comforts to every creature in the
woods. this is maydn... and this is my bride. and to be-kind to her... for
when we water-a-plant we are actually watering ourselves. so the
tribal-leader died... like-a-king in the Bible. full of
days,wealth.riches. and honour. Because He had Mayden.! and did not let
her go. -x-x-o- - -no end- - ..(.next comment.) (.Day-two.) time to show
her eye listen. .position.topic.2gthr. start: ..i know: we both prefer
sex-positons related to our-own experience... there is so much more! but
you like 'missionary' and eye like 'foots-eez' in = heart. we enjoy it. in
- realness. we woodnt. wood we..? (.more.) ..i know: topics grow more
intimate and less tribal. please-understand but-you-are-a-part-of-me i
have wanted to 'know' for-so-long... eye cant treat-you like a-ret. cuz
you pet-me to much. and eye woodnt let you stop anyway. 2008. (.more.) ..i
know: you want me to come to you and take you home...for good. we-want
eachother. thats enuff. (.more.) ..i know: you like
angry-abusive guys. but i have never fot-with my-sister...we-did quarrel
one-time...when we were tiny. eye had her pinned-to a corner. and she
let-out a pitiful-cry eye never-forgot...we were friends ever-after... we
never talked harshlee again. brother-and-sister...were quiet.
together.forever. (.more.) with all this input of your-own likes and
dis-likes eye can begin to type you a proper-short dream. but excuse
my-own weaknesses and preferences that re-show often. (.more.) thanks for
the 'package' yes eye-like questions...i want to please you. you wont
anger me. i will choke for an answer...but i still feel you want more
than the want 2'converse' a girl reaches for somthing
neither eye nor she has words for... so just do it bold... be'have'ing me. to play with. im so sorry guys dont 'relate' you
want them to feel for you... and enjoy you...and the goal gets scrambled
by mixed-signals... just love maydn!...teach your boy to
respond-back...when you stumble on somthing good..(.101ways to have fun.)
tell him it pleases you and he will keep doing it even if he dosnt see
the 'point' and you cant explain-it yourself... (.more.) here are some
thots eye have 'heard' but cant-find words for yet: note:assumptions are
dangerous.! girls especialy 'suppose' things. without finding-out if its
true. we use the same 'words' but for completly different reasons... he
can say he 'likes' her...but she did not what way... girls need
to 'ask'..and not 'suppose'. i think gender108.txt notes this. (.more.)
..i know: i have bin 'gushing' long love-words to you since 1-08 now its
12-08...and your heart says '.more. honey. more.'...oh! brother! (.more.)
Thanks so-much for your love-lee letters. .eye like the
'hold your breasts firm-lee'part... i dont WANT to 'like' it.. .i meen as
a man... eye keep-going back to those words for comfort.. your-bosom warms
me... somthing in me is naturaly-pulled (.goat-milk.)
(.sigh.) your man can lay-down at night and get-cozy with your
affections and love letters. to make my heart-lights burn brite. and iam
so happy to fall into deep-emotional-sex-love with a grime-ee
peasant-girl. cuz her muddy-smile re-minds me that eye have fallen mad-lee
in-love with a woman who has a beautiful and gental touch. ...more royal
in her breast and more queen in her heart than many-a-lady of any kings
courts. - - - she is a kings treasure. cuz she is beautiful where most
women are her heart. (.next comment.) O.k...i promised a
passionate story based on what eye now-know of maydn and this whole
girl-boy problem. It goes like this: i bin 'typing'
all night! you said 'how was your holiday' i said 'good' but now you know
the was full of -YOU- and you 'deserved' it...all eye cood
possibly strive to find and keep of you...for you. (.see im going-mad
thinking of you.) im not red-ee for this 'mating' stuff but i circled like
a shark so well eye hope eye-sore some things you love berry berry much.
...i still got this pretty-picture of you in my mind...very-pleasant...
very-nice...trying to make-love... but not knowing where to grab nor how
to hold we just... giggled all our frustrations out. so happy to
just be'having' eachother. mayden you are my 2008 endless joy. - (.more.)
eye must finish typing what eye found in your package over at
mydn1208.txt did you notice love1208.txt is -NOT- lovd1208.txt ??? your
phone call has started a new post: youb1208.txt and this is the end of
dfun1208.txt so im doing 3-letters to you at a time. cuz your me!. eye want to hold you. and tell you eye adore my
goose. eye love her for all that she is and she does me...o wow! i just
want to faint when i think of love. and how badlee it needs a place. for
it to 2009-grow. maydn eye love you so. -end- ..p.s. your supposed to feel
for certain muscles in the bag when you milk the goat..and then 'straddle'
it till mayden is shimmering and shaking and going-cross-eyed with the
intimate pleasures of being fur-tile...nourishing... and gofer-gorgeous.
uhh...but eye wont ask questions till she gives me my nuts back. -love- -
sorry maydn...i tried to add anger and ruff-stuff... eye cant... i feel
more like a TREE. so-in-love with-you. -

December 31, 2008 12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

- - sole1208.txt - - - - v12-29-08 out of new
girl-input grew new-dreams. paw-zd at 'paused' deerest maydn! you dont
know how nerve-shocking... it is to be typing embarassing fantasies of
-YOU- and then have you phone... at the same time! ...uuh.. its emotional... (.droma---atic.) (.romanci-tizing.) (.kissis.)
begin: foot.srjry.rspct.rgrt.sole. Silent Night! - - HOly Night. - ...all
is calm...all is brite. - Her man lays beside her... tell-ing all his
dreams. soak-ing-up! her soul-wishes. the xfers of man and woman. are done
in silent tonight. For He us fast-asleep. He us curled-up around her like
a cat protecting All 'his' kittens. Mayden hurself is curled-up under
his-arm.. proping hurself up on one elbow to=gaze at stars and moon in
sweet honey-house windows. - - Hur eyes and heart ret-urn to her mate...he
makes soft and 'anoing' pur-pur-pur sounds. ..His fingers are
laced-tite-lee to hur toes on one foot. ..even in sleep..he re-fuzes to
let-go-of Her 'pRrr-ritty-niss' (.more.) His breath is cool-moist on
her-breasts...and steem-eey. His tale is constantly-Erect... and
throbbing. :::She likes him kept that way::: it meens he is 'wanting'
her. die-ing for Her... hurting inside for her... He-is-full of
handsome-ness and handsome-dreams..(.eyes.) (.wonder.) this may cum from
his balls. ...from an ancient hi-story. (.where else do? passions.begin)
it tells him to stay-Erect for her. .stay-dreaming.stay-writing.
.stay-with this mayden-girl. ...and he does!..writing-down what
'.hump-y-ness.' says to him. but 'where' does it cum from? how-old 'are'
these feelings? why is it -Strong- now? Always writing. type-ing them to
her. when it is time to 'awake-passions.' ... is this 'love' or 'in-love'
...???... - - - (.next comment.) :::RELATIONSHIPS::: A Male Must 'safely'
Pass 'intenSive' heart-surge-ery. to get 'this-close' to a woman. Hours
and Hours of bleeding to death for her...and gushing. followed by
'Exposure' of His heart-parts after the 'cutting' - - LAter...a-better
understanding of what-a-woman-wants.develops. (!.what.a.woman.)
(.more.) As Her-Mate pur+pur+purs into her bosom...she...starts to wonder
how his 'operation' is coming... She takes his Big-Hand and 'laces' his
fingers with hers. then she kisses them all... and holds them to her
heart so He can feel the-bee-ts and so she can enjoy his pulse. .yes.. he
is-asleep... and she knows it.. ...but all this data inside her will xfer
to his heart and nut-sack.better -NOW-... than when he's awake. (.cuz guys
got thick heads.?) its best to'converse'men when they are not logical
in-mood. see gndr108.txt for-how-cum: they will listen and relate. .no fixes.just empathy. do-not 'teach'.them...if you do.. use
questions...not accusations. (.more:next.) She Wonders..will th-Boy inside
him 'Survive' all heart-changes.? if so..will he 'chooz' to be
'bitter'...or bee 'HAppier'? (.more.) She has nothing but th-Hi-est
'Respect'(.like-a-king.) for this man. who is willing to: ..'curb' his
fantasies. ..change his hopes. ..looze his life. ..set new-goals. just to
'BEE' with her.(.knit.) ::::Commitment:::: all re-grets.. and
'expectations' must be silenced. peaceful-is Our-agreement.
(.to'Stay-Together.) :::no-matter-what.::: - (.next comment.) Now she
holds his Hand even 'tite-r' as she ponders all his heart-problems. In
total-Awe of His willing-ness to stay-with-her. even at its
'liver-Worst.' Thank-Ful-to-Tears for this man. ...Her tear-drops Fall on
his fingers-pressed to her heart. they quickly absorbed and go into
his-body and nut-sack... becuming a-Real-part of.him and of-a-story they
'BOTH' are write-ing for children! ...their'nuts'.
(.wow.zerz!) All-she-wants now is to Soul-Mate. with this Man. She tries
to do-it Every-way she great-sex.. love-lea books..long-walks.. Each Event re-nudes the bond.... Each
time she 'smiles'..types..and touches-him...a new part of the story is
written...untill his heart-tugs for her become... so his
'soul'begins to 'search' for woo-z for his Maker. His
'Soul' (.mind.will.emotions.) begins to 'Reach'-to-Her. :::for'who'she
is.???::: (.More.) Maydn ponders all this...(.sigh.). as Her mate
continues... to Put-Put-putrr at her are moving
deeply for him...uh...uh...hhhu... she moans...she 'coos'like a dove...
she wants to 'Have' emotional-Sex with him..(.and she is.) her heart.
and she wants it with his soul. note: change the genders around..?
(.giggle.) if you re-verse gender and put the girl to sleep...'HE' wood
want emotional-Sex...with her 'S.O.L.E.' (.please excuse the funny-ness of
that. this story is-way-2-serious.romantic.) its just a another
view-point. (.message continues:) (.more.) The moon-light is deep...her
passions are 'Steep'...cold-nite air makes 'parts' chill and her
heart-beat 'WARms' with strong-lusts for him... she wants his heart... and
she 'begs' to have it... she Reaches for his testicles... her Heart just
'Swarming' with lusts. bzzz zzz zzzzzz.! (.sting.sting.) (.burp.)
(.more.) But things get Bigger! when its dark. she feels round-him till
she cawt... somthing like a bag.. cant
be true.?. she feels round-him to find.if.. it!..and
not her Steed...its true..and his shaft is a
horse. (.yum.yum.) can she Hand-L this. ?! (.more.) mayden seems to know a
way of 'pumping-his-member' to such an ALARM-ing-size that not-even-she is
able to 'contain it'...uh, but we wont get into that... she slides across
his tummy to play with his 'Nuggets' while he is asleep. feel-ing and
feed-ing his soul with her fingers and adding her
tender-touches...without worry-of him biting-her. gazing at the
family-jewels. wondering what heart-aykz it must 'bee' to carry-those
always and un-protected. trying her best to add her own feelings and
dreams to the 'family-treasures'... her-own worth and happiness to the
'inheritance of dreams' he keeps 'Garded' below his loins and between his
sexy thighs. they are just hang-ing there like christmas ornaments on a
tree. they seem to magick-le-ey absorb everything about her. and
everything she does. as if they are...for a moment. compleet-ly-hers.!.
she makes them glitter.shine. twitch and slide between her hands and toes.
feeling like... ::.Finger-Jello.::: they jiggle and 'bob' and she
'flicks' them around. and gazes at them...they seem... filled with the
'mysterious-taints' of his-elders long-ago...yet able to hold
her-own-passions and past. and plant them into the nuts of her future
children and grandchildren. muh! what a strange and
wonderful thing a nut-sack is...she cant believe He likes-her-enuff to
let-Her flick-and-kick-his balls around.all the time. but such-is
love...deep-love. and good fabulous-sex with a girl-mate who refuses to
be shallow with him... puLLing him into his destiny. and mating-with-him
to join his future. - - - she kisses him on the-chest so 'scented' as a
sandy-sea. so 'needy-dry-he-is' for her love that his heart 'absorbes' the
kisses of the maydn-lea. (.more.) The Hand laced with her-own and pressed
to her heart she-moves-now affectionatly down to her thighs...sliding and
gliding his ruff-hands across her smooth skin... to a part of her with
many folds of skin. as if his touch wood teach-him to 'hear' things words
cannot say... this area between her legs became soooh!-aroused and warm
and wet... that she had to move-him to another part. ..under her breast.
pausing as she let her new... instructions silently enter his
heart... she was a marvalous 'Tutor' for him... telling his hands and
heart what to feel for...what to do...and then... letting the records seep
permanently into part of his...story.. (.more.) she frequently
planted kissis which seep into his heart, absorbed by him as tho by the
thirsty-dry-ground. ahhh...she wood coo to herself... he had a wonderful
earth-ee clay smell. spicy...salty...and ruff as sand-dunes. she knew each
touch of her tougue and her beautiful lips-kiss. tingled-him and
charged-him-up... ...and wood one-day burst-him... breaking his heart with
new... Lion-Like passions for her... for she was planting love today... to
enjoy the'passions'of her man tommorrow... ...But alas! ...the brushing
and touching of her Cold-Breast to His Hot-Body woke him... and her loving
tender time of quiet instructions-...vanished. He was awake and as
'Bull-headed' as ever!...muttering somthing about dead-trees and
wild-goats... (.burp.) he paused... to diegest and enjoy the wonderful
feelings maydn had planted in his ..heart... (.more.) WHEN convinced he
had found :::a New sURGE!::: he passionately reached for his fair...fine
'Filly'. (.his.sweet-heart.darling.). He began 'Ride-ing' Her with deep
and strong desires... lusts...excitements... She wood need to grip the
bed tite-lee for fear of being 'Buck-ed'off or 'Thrown' from the sheets.!
She 'Fully' understood 'why' he may-NOW-be in a 'very' play-ful Mood...
..(.giggle.giggle.) ...uh...oof!....uh!..maybe...uh! maybe..a-little 'TOO'
playful..? .(.boing!...boing.!..BUMP!.) she didnt want to be-the-one with
the 'bruises'...and maydn knew just how to 'kick' him in the nuts to calm
him down a little. it always worked well.for her. time
she kicked him a little-bit...'to-HARD'... and Her-Lion let out a
horrible rrh-ROoarrrRh! and he was wimpering soarish like a little-puppy
with a 'broken' leg all next morning. It also made him go-cross-eyed for a
while and He wood-nut go -'Near'- all(.no-way!.) Maydn had to him. throw her hair...and contort her body to draw-him again
and win his 'confidences' back. 'woo'ing him and 'attrac-ting' (.more.) In only a week... they were
truly-intemate again. her-Lover in Her Lap 'Bosom'... Purrring Loud-lee
Like a Big-Cat ...happy and content once-more. (.sigh.) She promised with
'special' looks in her eyes that she wood be more care=full. And
Mr.Wiskers 'Loved' her deeeeply...ever after. (.dispite her
giddy-giggles.) And won Her Heart...over and over with
long-walks..long-talks... cool-nights...out in the fields.. deep in the
woods...trips to town. adventures under the oaks.(sheets) and Hikes across
the mountain.(peeks) singing gods happy songs... wispering sweet-words...
and letting the flowers and birds... send their special-greetings... ..
. my-Lion and Me.:::: .(burp). -end of tail- - arrrgh! Im very
'cross' and the tail was 'short' cuz Her hanging Cold-Breasts woke him.
(.more.) - here is a hymn eye found in a church hymn-book: O Love, How
Deep, How Broad Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471) Benjamin Webb
(1820-1885) alt. O love, how deep, how broad, how high, Beyond all thot
and fantasy, that God the son of God shood take our mortal form for
mortals sake. For us baptized, for us He bore His holy-fast and hungered
sore. For us Temptation sharp he knew. For us the tempter Overthrew. ...
deer maydn! many..many things were 'ending' the day eye found that hymn.
the world eye knew wood be no more. the last words of a wise man to
survivors left-behind was this: in Christ..above All. lift
him all-about him.. what the scriptures say of him. share him
'each-day' with people. read-him sing-him learn-him find-him. who he first him... and all else will make sense. in these
troubled-times he spoke of. and plant what makes you happy. in other it can grow. no more 2008.! what we planted then will come up
now. b-b4-1-08 - - - - (.next comments.) (.day two.) - - - out of
order??? note: the man did not talk-much in your fantasy.... girls like-it
when the man is tal-king 'and' having-sex... eg.your-beutiful. eg.eye-like
it here with you. eg.flatter-her with a phraze after the peek ends. it may
help maydn to 'get-off' if you remind her that 'HER'man is talking! he is
the 'one' who typed this lucious tale. .but maybe that-part dont excite
her...(sigh) for somthing to please-her... and maybe my
searching is..what turns-her-on...more-than... ANYTHING.else.!..uh..i
meen... 'his-love'...and 'his-words'. - - - (.next comments.)
here are clips of things going on between-us at the-time this post was
typed... sorry-you didnt like the Tape.
there was a possibility you wood not like it. Everything we do.say.think.
is being re-corded! if you were upset at the tape. what-will-you-say when
your life.? is re-viewed.. ( people
can-not'see'any danger... untill they hear-them-selves on tape...and by
then..its to late. (.so eye sent that to you.) just as when eye
fall-in-love with you. eye see my upsets me. ...cuz eye
can see myself. in-heart.\'this was your life'...
so.Rule-number-one: #1: .think before deceasing.! (.maybe you wont...)
not-much 'keeps' us alive. one-breath. one heart-beat.. that-tape reminds
me that all-life is recorded. and there is a possiblility nations
will-not-like what they hear... Nor the God who will judge them. -end-
(.next comment.) my need to love and be loved. atleeest you liked the
little pocket-book: TRUE LOVE. by Daphne Rose Kingma.
catagory:psychology/Self Help note: 'pshyco' is a word-disguise. we use it
to sale 'acceptance'. (.it.adds authority-value.) to her book. where-else
wood you catagory? a mooshy-gooshy book about love.
catagory:veternarians/cat-care? its content is far from 'pshyco' let me
type-here the cover-info: TRUE-LOVE: How To Make Your Relationship
Sweeter, Deeper And More Passionate. back-cover: In each of us there is a
tremendous longing for love. The love we desire is not only the eUphoric
feelings of a new romance, but also the ineffable consolation of being
deeply known, recieved, and cared for, the profound security of spirit
that comes from being deeply connected to another human being. "But
sustaining true love is difficult. All to often the loves we fall into
disappoint us.... We want to enhance and deepen the bonds between us but
we dont know how." A course for encouraging the skills of loving.
book:TRUE-LOVE offers more than 60 inspiring and illuminating suggestions
to help you expand the psychological, emotional, and spiritual possib-
ilities of your own True Love. -by Conari Press. isbn 0-943233-13-5 note:
eUphoric eye like that word... it meens the victim is 'convinced' things
are improving. when reely its getting worse. -end- (.next comment.)
(.other topic..story-time.) Im glad george-washington-carver got
his-own-pet-horse...for keeps. but another wave-of bandits came and... -
(.sounds familiar.) (.next comment.) phone-call 12-28-08.(.sigh.) That was
our-first 'daylight' conversing-sensation. Ever! im just 'so' in-love rite
now it hurts to 'type'... the giggles of my fine-fillys. (.more.) the
honey-house is a different place at mid-day... and sounds of clutter tell
me its time for scrubbing and cleaning. (.burp.) I think the buzz-word of
2009 will be.. ::::Localize::::: and the word
'patience' heirloom seed-saver catalogs (.more.) ::::our
talks together:::: ...(.sigh.) eye thank-you 'for.that.time.' and at dawn
'parts' we 'spoke' sink-inside me and excite-me so terribly eye cant
control-it. the emotions...the dreams! eye shood start a book of things
eye but wood never 'ask' for... super-personal thots: eye
like 'the-words' eye use to get-myself-off in bed... to-bad my fantasies
are limited to the-range of my-own feelers. maydn cood add soooh-much
more. ..why?... cuz her 'feelers' cover experiences.emotions.and words..
eye may not strongly. (.its not being fed.) we help each-other
'deeply'. example: her letter.says: * At this point in my life... " i'd
like to live as if only love mattered, as if redemption was in sight, As
if the search to live honestly is all that anyone needs, No matter if you
find it." my response: eye did not'plan' to read book:TRUE-LOVE. it just
'happened' so we helpd each-other 'deeply'. there was over sixty-parts.
and by blind-chance she 'picked' the part eye wanted to read-to her: Love
Has Seasons. (.more.) Later eye tried to get-her to play the game and
poem eye had typed for her picture. see:::lion1208.txt:::!::: and... :::BE-cuz....I-AM-your-queen.::: ...she did not
do it. ...she did better than 'eye' wood have. ...and....eye love her for
that. she has no 'feelings' for a queen. cuz she is one.!. she dosnt
'need' one. so she cant 'imagine' the pains a boys-heart must have for
one. its very earth-shattering. but if my queen wishes... (.and if she is
reeding this.) she can change the word 'Queen' to another 'WORD' that
meens her. and then we can 'try' the poem again.
...passions grow when watered. .and.lovers can customize-things to fit a
'lust' or a 'need'. (.his..or,...hers.) (.burp.) And by night-time eye was
going absolute-lee 'Bokers' for this girl. to get-myself to 'peek' eye
think words that do-it for me. short thots cum to me: she.(.fantasy girl.)
says to me: When gofers are bad... i bag them and bonk them on the head.
but when you are bad. eye will bag your balls in my socks and tie them
tite to your shaft with my panties...(.boing.!.) and bonk them on the
head till your eyes are dripping and cumming wild-lee. we will have a
pin-yatah party with your balls... striking them... till the candy falls
out. -end- .woof!...strange things guys like. the 'words' are
correct...but.. wood they want that for REAL-ee? ...such words just get
them excited.. (.terribly excited.) im glad girls dont 'have' that
problem. ...but get cawt with guys who do... and want it.bad. (.more.)
personaly eye have enjoyed what mayden is doing to me... yes i know.the
True-Love book says 'Your Sweet Heart is not YOU' (.see chapters at
lion1208.) and eye try to 'feel' for maydn! step into her emotions with
her. (.which is my duty.) having re-gret that maybe she is getting
very-little out of me. but a guy...i am having the ride of
my life! it has bin heart-breaking and completely rich and satisfying. she
has no idea how intimate eye have becum with her... watching my soul sink
into the passions of her own heart. and melt. letting her mate-with me by
the words she uses... and then having. ::deep and unprotected::
'emotional-sex'.(.one-word.) with her... a bonding with 'the-other'
gender. that eye will never forget. allowing her to flood me with her-own
feelings and emotions. and twisting my heart in and out of her own until
they are 'knit' and using my sex-drives as needed. to get her
soul-longings..messages that she has always had...into me. so
time begins to close-off my sexual-passions. eye will be left with a
heart filled with what-ever maydn was able to breath-into me... do you
understand my fate? eye invision... an older-male... 40-45...past his
prime..not nearlee as handsome as he was...nor anymore 'consumed'with
'fire!full'passions. (.and typing endlesslee to a girl.) but still able-to
please a woman of the-same-age. but with less feeling on... 'his-parts.'
(.burp.) But eye do for-see a 'happy' older man. ::::with a 'Big'
Heart.:::: :::RICH and FULL::: Rich from a 2008 boy-girl study... and FULL
of deep Love-building blocks that couples must search-for. but few your mate. eye told you earlier maydn
have done things to me.. that will one day make me... a deeply
'passionate' man... and you maydn? cawt my goods at the appointed
time...when eye so wanted to mate with somthing eye did not have words have words for. Thank-You Maydn.(heart-throbbing.) for giving me
the words to read... and then making-me feel-it in Bed... so that eye
understand 'completly' what you have tawt me ---> love. packed in so much
my heart got Big!... packed for the future.of..hard-times. when things
will get confusing... why shood my secret-passions be confuzing too? not
anymore! your heart-tugs give meening! to words...meenings eye can feel.
and remember you by...forever. example: this part of your letter: (.read
it at mydn1208.txt.) Watch-out for your scaly-neck. because i am going to
'lick' and... nibble-bite..(.nicely.) and Kiss!.. until you breeathe
'fire.' OH! my WOrd! ..I can nearly 'FEEL' you in my hands...uhuhuh.. -end
of quote- Thank-you maydn for giving me that 'Fire'...feelings for you. in
a way that it wood not kill me. nor indanger you. but make me better. a
dragon with a kind-heart. tender and a beautiful maydn. Even
as an Old-man. in those days when 'th-father' heart-part will be
stronger...eye can read at night-time the magical words of mayden 2008.
and enjoy that :::'Fire'.::: cuz eye survived it. with her in my heart.
(.more.) note this: words allowed today. pre-pair (.im-pare?.) tommorrow.
and Today is the result of words allowed yesterday. - - - 2009 will be
the Results of passions planted 2008. and 2008 was permitted to be so
heart-throbbing. cuz of soul-longings we had when we were kids. - - -
maybe thats why eye love maydn most of all... she is my heart-throb. -no
end- - -

December 31, 2008 12:54 PM  

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